Finding mr perfect Episode 3

Episode 3
✨Ken Miller✨
“I said make sure you find her”
“Search the whole city,bring her out”
“How dare she”
“And i want this club closed” i yelled angrily
I walked about the whole place fuming
“How dare that good for nothing bit-ch hit me”
Dont she know who i am
No one messes with me and go away freely
“Boss” one of boys called and i turned arround to answer him
“What”i asked sternly
“She isnt a who-re ,,she was in the ladies room when he ordered everyone out”He said
“I dont care ,dont she know who i am” i fired
“i want her ”
“she must pay for whatever she did to me”
Sorry i didnt introduce myself properly
My name is ken Miller,I’am considered as one of the most riche-st and handsome bachelor in NY
I’m not br@gging but thats just the truth
I’m what they call typical pla-yboy 😉
I change pu-ssy like my bo-xers,,ladies love money and hvge di-ck
And i have it all so what more
I mean i dont believe in d@t!ng,falling inlove and being with one girl
What is there in eating only one food everyday when you can have different variety
If you know what i mean
And then yesterday when i was re-ady to have fun and explore different new bit-ches
A crazy looking lady hit my di-ck and ran way
she is soo dead when i l@ymy hands on her
💅Jennifer 💅
After closing from work i decided to st©p by the mall and get a few things.
I entered the mall picked all i nee-ded ,paided for them and carried them to my car
I was about to open my car when i felt something strong on my nose and i pas-sed out.
I opened my eyes gently and noticed i was in an unfamiliar room
“finally i thought you were dead”i heard a voice said and i flin-ched
I remember him
I quic-kly ran to the door and find a way to excape but the door was locked
I starred at him angrily and he laughed
“save your strength tigress”he said and win-ked at me
“why am i here,why did you kidnap me”i fired
“My tigress you owe my for hiting my di-ck”he replied
“Were is my phone,you better let me go or i will call the cops or do something nas-ty”
I know all this am saying all am saying is pointless
After the whole scene last night,i got to find out that his “KEN MILLER”
i wonder why i didnt even recognize him at first
“Ohhh like what”he asked
“I am going to hold you n£¢k ti-ghly with my two hand and raise you up to the air ,,you will be dangling as you take your last breath and beg me for mercy and after killing you i will cut your b©dy into pieces and throw them in the trash”
i explained using my hand to demostrate while he starred at me in shock