Fated To The Masked Alpha prince 2 episode 17 & 18

🌺🌹 Fated To The Masked Alpha Prince 🌺🌹

👹His Deadly Return 👹

✍️ Iyanuoluwa Akinniyi ✍️

#season 2




She followed the guards into the room and met the Priest sitting uncomfortably on the chair and she scoffed.

” I’m here ” she mumbled and folded her arms, The Priest turned to her and smiled.

” And you don’t know how to respect elders or you’re not taught how to do that? ”

” What respect does a man who ruined my marriage life deserved from me?, You deserved nothing but dea.th and you’re going to face it, Just wait till my husband comes back ”

” If not for the likeness I have for you Yeona, You would have been dealt with severely by no because I don’t take insults from young girls like you, Grow up ”

” I grew up alre-ady and that’s why I’m trying to keep my cool about what you guys are ma-king me face in the palace,I’m not going to talk but If you f0rç£ me to talk, I’m going to ” She threatened and the Man smiled evilly.

” I c@m£ here for something different tho, Why did you have to hurt Duri up to that extent?,Have you lost it? ”

” You should ask that bas.tard that called himself Duri what happened before coming to me because I’m not going to explain anything to you tho so it’s better you st©p stressing me ”

” Will you listen to whatever I have to say?, Lisa! ” He screamed and Yeona turned to him sharply.

That’s her second name and people don’t call her that, How did he know that she goes by that name?

” Wait, what did you just call me? ” She asked trying not to believe her ears and The Priest sighed.

” Let’s forget about it okay, it sli-pped out of my mouth and I’m sor….. “.

” And you should st©p whatever you’re saying sorry to now and listen to whatever I have to say, It seems you’re out of your s-en-ses or you just feel that it’s time for you to gibber nons-en-se just like the way you did when you killed my husband? ” Yeona insulted and the Priest almost fell on the chair back in shock.

” You should watch the way you talk to me young lady, I’m old enough to be your father”He yelled and Yeona let out a dry laugh.

” And a murderer will never be my father ”

” Watch your mouth ” He warned again and Yeona scoffed and watch him with total hat.red.

She hated him so much, For killing her husband, The first man who made her feel loved.

He killed him.

” And why did you have to be so brutal towards Duri, What has he done to you that made him deserve that attack?, Huh? ”

” He should be the one to explain because I don’t want to talk about it, Can you plea-se st©p talking about it and met me rest?, plea-se ” She mumbled and the Priest scoffed.

” You should tell me the truth or else I’ll call the cops to come arrest you ” He threatened and Yeona was f0rç£d to look at him again.

” Seriously?, Did you think I did this intentionally or maybe out of ignorance because I didn’t know the penalty?, Why can’t you call the cops to come arrest me so I can tell the whole word that you kil.led my husband, Did you think that I was stupid or dumb enough not to go to the government and report to them that my husband was brutally killed?, Did you think I’m comfortable with it?” She yelled and tears drip down her face.

” Go to your room, Go take a rest ” He mumbled without looking at her and Yeona fell on the chair and bur-st into tears.



Duri bit hisl-ips in pains as the Doctors administered drugs and injections to him as well, He looks so dejected and his mom stood beside him as well watching her son in pity.

” I hope he’s responding to treatment doctor?, Or is there any other thing you nee-d so you can carry on with the treatment? ” His mom asked and the Doctor let out a smile.

” Actually, He’s getting better, He started responding to treatment three hours ago and we have been trying to make his stables so the pain can become lesser ”

” Oh, Thanks a lot, I just hopes that he gets better soon, I’m not re-ady to lose my only child ” She mumbled in tears and the Doctor stared at her in pity.

” He will be fine, Hopefully ” He as-sured again and walk out of the ward with the rest of the nurses and the woman dragged a chair, She sat beside her and Duri took a glance at her before facing the ceiling again.

” Hey, You can talk to me, I’m always here to help you plea-se ”

” What did you want me to talk about than how you should know how to punish Yeona and make her suffer for what she did, What did you expect me to say? ” He mumbled almost in tears and his mom ru-bbe-d his head.

” Hey, It will be fine, Take a de-ep breath and as-sure yourself that you will be fine, Trust me ”

” St©p telling me to trust you until you prove it to me, Cam we st©p talking about this plea-se, I nee-d to rest my head and think straight ”

” Sure, I’ll be going home soon, Yeona should be re-ady for whatever comes her way, I’ll surely be the dea.th of her ” She swore with herl-ips trembling.


*🌺🌹Fated To The Masked Alpha Prince 🌺🌹

👹His Deadly Return 👹

✍️Iyanuoluwa Akinniyi ✍️

#season 2




” mom, Don’t cause trouble and add to my wounds again, Don’t cause trouble for Yeona, By the time I’m back, I’ll try to look for what I can do but try to know that I didn’t s£nd you work to haras-s her, I don’t want any problems, You know how the priest can be brutal ”

” Really?, You’re going to let things slide because of that Priest, Who is he? ” She yelled and Duri t©uçhed his forehead.

How’s he going to tell this woman to st©p ma-king noise and let Yeona be?

” Mom, I don’t want your opinions or any help here, It’s my b©dy, I’m going to be fine, The doctor as-sured me that so you should calm your nerves, I’ll be fine soon ”

” Whatever, I’m going home to solve somethings, I’ll be back soon ” she mumbled and Duri only nodded.

” Before you leave, Get me my phone plea-se,, I nee-d to make some calls ”

” Sure, I’ll get it for you but don’t stress yourself too much ”

” I won’t ” she replied tiredly and she walk to where the phone is, She handed it to him and watched him for a while before leaving the room .

” I hope you don’t cause trouble for yourself because I won’t be there to help you and I’m not concerned ” He mumbled loudly and dial Draco’s number.

Duri mother got to the mansion and marched angrily to the room, He got there and met the Priest and Yeona crying on the chair while the Priest watched her keenly.

Swiftly, She rushed to where she is and drag her clothes, Yeona stood up to her and she seethed angrily.

” You b!tch, How dare you as-sault my son like that? ”

” And I’m not going to say anything until you re-lease my clothe because I can hear whatever you’re saying without you tou-ching me, I’m not deaf ” she mumbled rudely and Duri mother re-leased her clothes r0ûghly almost ma-king her fall.

The priest watched them without saying anything and Yeona scoffed.

” You should know who you talk to rudely, I’m not your mate, I am old enough to be your mother ” She yelled at her almost ma-king her spit t©uçh Yeona’s face and she moved back quic-kly.

” Can you st©p spitting sh!ts or whatever that’s coming out from your mouth?, It stinks ” She mumbled closing her nose and Duri mother was about to sl@p her when the Priest held her hands.

She collected her hands immediately and stare at Yeona in rage.

God knows how much she ha.te her and her guts.

Dae Hyun mother c@m£ to the scene immediately and she g@sp, She quic-kly rushed to them and tried tou-ching Duri mother but she yanked her hands away.

” You filthy thing, You should warn your daughter-in-law to know the way she talk to me because I’m not her mate, I’m old enough to be her mother ”

” And thank God you are not my mother because a shame.less woman like you can never be my mother ”

” Yeona ” Dae Hyun mom screamed and she t©uçhed her forehead.

” Why did you have to deal with my son brutally like that?, Don’t you have any human feelings? ”

” And you’re so shame.less to come here and start telling me why I have to deal with Duri like that because he deserved something more brut.al than death ”

” I don’t know what Dae Hyun gave you before he di.ed but I’m as-suring you that I’m the one that will ru.in whatever he gave you ”

” And I’m going to use that so called thing he gave me to ki.ll you and who do ever had a hand in my Husband’s death, I’m going to use it to ki.ll you ” She threatened and was about to sl@p her again when The Priest held her hand ti-ghtly and she was about to yank her hands away when he held her again.

” You should let me teach this thing a lesson, what gave he r the audacity to talk to me the way she’s talking to me like this? ”

” And I must say that you’re very du.mb to start gibbering such non.s-en-se in my pres£nce, I don’t really know what c@m£ over you or whatever c0ckand bull stories your son used to feed you but I’m going to tell you that this position you are today is because I helped you, And you can’t even greet when you c@m£ here and the next thing for you is to start embarras-sing her, are you out of your s-en-ses or what c@m£ over you?, Huh?, Why are you so dumb? ” He rasped again and she seethed angrily.

” Now, You should go to your room, It’s either you lock yourself up or I order the guards to do so but you mustn’t come out of your room for the rest of the day or else I’ll ki.ll you the way I did to Dae Hyun ” He threatened and Duri mother quic-kly yanked her hands before rushing upstairs leaving Dae Hyun mother and Yeona in shock.

” You should…… ”

” Oh, plea-se ” she cut him off and gr-ab Dae Hyun mom hands before leading her out of the room leaving the priest in shock.



Drey collected the same water and a white napkin from Granny, He placed it on a long table beside the be-d where Dae Hyun is and di-p the napkin into the warm water, He soa-ked it evenly and squee-ze out some water from it before using it to start ru-bbing his b©dy.

” How’s he now? ”

” You can see the his breathing bec@m£ normal alre-ady so he’s fine now, Just for him to wake up, I hope he won’t wake up at the wrong time ”

” Yeah, ,I hope so as well, I don’t want to…… ”

Suddenly, The be-d started ma-king some creaky sound and everywhere bec@m£ warm, Drey quic-kly move back from him and gr-ab his Granny hands as well, They stood at the door and watched the be-d keenly.

Suddenly, The be-d started burning and his muscle started stretching, Burning flames on his hands and he gr-ab the be-d sheets, within a twi-nkle of an eye, He rose up from the be-d and they screamed in horror.

” Dae Hyun!”

