falling for you episode 24

šŸ’˜ Falling For You šŸ’˜
šŸ“ Episode 24
ā¤ Jason POV ā¤
I couldn’t believe what the doctor just said and I immediately stood up in shock

So Patricia is truly pregnant for me and she didn’t lie to me about it

I didn’t say a word to the doctor as I ponder on what to do next

I mean am totally speechless here

For I don’t really know what to say

“Are you sure about this doctor?”Shane spoke on my behalf

“Yes! Am definitely sure!
The test result c@mĀ£ out positive
Here it is!”The doctor reply handing him the test result and he collected it from her looking into it

He gaze back at me and am very sure it only means that the doctor was right

“Hope you believe me now Jason?
I told you that I wasn’t lying to you and now that it is confirm
So what do you think we should do now?”Patricia ask but I gave her no reply as I walk out of the doctor office

“Jason!!!”I heard her screaming my name as I got out of the hospital heading straight to my car

I just nee-d some more times to think about this and I really can’t say anything now until I decide on what next to do cos what am feeling now is too heavy for me to bear

This is not the way I imagine my life

No! It can’t be

“Where are you going to Jason?”I heard Shane voice and I turn to see him walking toward me along with Patricia

“Am going home Shane!
I nee-d a little privacy to think about this first
Before I decide on what to do next”

“What are you saying Jason?
Don’t tell me you are going to abandon me and your unborn baby
I do not take you for that Jason
So plea-se don’t do this to me
Am begging you!”Patricia say to me with tears in her eyes and I felt so pity for her

What kind of person will I be if I abandon my own child?

No,am not that kind of person and am not even thinking of doing that

“Am so sorry Patricia!
But I didn’t say that I will abandon you and the baby
I just nee-d some more time to think to about it OK”

“You don’t get me,do you Jason?
You don’t know how this feel like
To get pregnant for a man that is not yet my husband”

“So what are you trying to say Patricia?”Shane ask her

“I don’t have time for this Patricia
Like I said….
Am going home”I say out and got into my car

How about I come with you?”

“Don’t you have your own car?
I prefer you go home alone plea-se”I say and I start the ignition before driving off

ā¤ Shane POV ā¤
I stood there with Patricia watching Jason as he drove off speedily

I felt so sorry for him cos I do know what he is going throu-gh now

If I were in his place,I would have been totally confuse cos I won’t know which steps to take

But I do hope for one thing though

I hope he overcome all of this

I want you to talk to Jason plea-se
For you and I both know that he will listen to you”Patricia say out drawing me back from my own thought

“About what?
Are you even really sure that Jason is the father of your unborn child Patricia?”I turn to her and she stare at me cleaning the tears in her eyes

“So are you indirectly calling me a slut then?
I know you don’t like me Shane and you even prefer Angela to be with Jason instead
But I don’t give a damn about what you think
What matter to me is Jason opinion
Hope you get that?”She say to me before getting into her car while I watch her leave

I wonder what Jason plan to do next

Hope he isn’t going to get marry to her then

Cos even I can’t stand her and I know that something is not right about this

ā¤ Angela POV ā¤
I got to the company where I work and I walk straight to my dressing room putting my head down on the table to sleep cos I feel so dizzy

“Angela!”Alexa rush in calling my name and I wonder how she knew that am alre-ady here

“Good that I find you here Angela
I got something to show you”She say giving me her phone

“For what?”I ask and she in-sert her ear piece to my ear

“Listen to the song carefully!”She say out and I listen to the song sang by Jason

The title were falling for you and the song are pretty amazing

Tears flow freely from my eyes as I listen to it cos de-ep down I know that he sang this song for me so I immediately got up on my feet giving Alexa back her phone and I walk out of there without even telling her that am leaving

Where are you going to?
Am so sorry for asking you to listened to the song even when I know that you two have alre-ady broken up”She say following me behind and then I stĀ©p turning back to her

“Am not mad at you Alexa OK”I say to her smiling and she smile back at me

Just then I felt like throwing up so I quic-kly run from where I stood to the bathroom and I lock myself up

I heard Alexa knocking on the door as I begin to throw up

“Are you OK Angela?
plea-se open the door!
Am so worry!”She say hitting the door and I immediately open the door after I have finished throwing up

“Don’t tell me you are sick Angela?”She ask placing her palm on my forehead

“No! Am fine Alexa!
It just stress and there is nothing more to that”

“But why are you throwing up then?”

“I don’t know!
I have been doing that for quite some times now
And sometimes I feel so dizzy
Anyway there is no reason for you to worry about me
Cos am fine”I say out and she stare at me in de-ep thought

“What Alexa?
What are you thinking of?”

“What if you are pregnant Angela?
What if you are pregnant for Jason
And you didn’t know about it”

“No! Am not pregnant!
Am very sure of it”

“But why then are you throwing up?”

“I have told you that it is nothing serious Alexa”

“Yes! I know!
But what about Jason?”

“plea-se I do not want you to mention his name Alexa
It is only best if we don’t talk about him”

“I know you are mad at him Angela
But it is really not his fault
Theo caused it and even Patricia”

“Can you not talk about them plea-se”I half yell

“So you are mad at Theo too?”

“I told you not to talk about him
Or don’t you get what am saying?”I yell out and this time louder while she stare at me surprisedly

“Am so sorry Alexa
For yelling at you ok
Anyway I should get going now
I have to see Mr Harry before anything else”I say to her and I leave to Mr Harry office

I knock on the door as soon as I got there and he urge me to come in

So I walk in and I saw him talking to a woman

“Angela! This is Mrs Adamson”he introduce the woman to me

“Am so plea-se to meet you ma”I say smiling and the woman immediately got up on her feet

“She is the country tĀ©p model,isn’t she?”she ask Mr Harry and he nodded in agreement

“OK! Then we nee-d someone like her in my company
I want a model such as her enlisted in my company ad
So what do you think Mr Harry?”

“You are free to take her Ma
But the main decision lie on Angela
She is the one who have to decide on it”he say and she turn back to me

“I prefer to be call Mrs Adams
So what do you think about my offer Miss Angela?”

“I nee-d some more time to think about it
But if Mr Harry have alre-ady agreed to it
Then I have no reason to object it Ma”I say and she brou-ght out a smile

“You are so s-en-sitive Angela
And I like a girl like you for my son”She say while I stare at her thinking of she meant by that

“No! Don’t get me wrong Angela
Am not asking you to marry my son
But I know that when you get to meet him
You will like him my dear
Anyway let go back to business
Here is my home address
Make sure you come there tomorrow plea-se
I will be waiting”She say smiling as she hand me her card and I took it from her looking into it

“We will talk more on it when we meet again
So bye for now”

“Thank you Ma!”I say out smiling as I watch her leave and then I turn back to Mr Harry

“Sir! What about Carlos?
My c@mĀ£ra man?”I immediately ask

“So you don’t know that he was fired”

“What do you mean sir?”

“Jade asked me to fire him so I did
He said he don’t trust him anywhere around you”

“Really?”I asked surprisedly and also it is because I want him fire too

After what he did to me,I really don’t want to work with him again

“Yes Angela!
Ehh…..Alexa told me that you are not feeling fine that why you didn’t show up for work for the past two weeks
So how are you feeling now?”

“Am fine Sir!
Thank you!”I say out

ā¤ David POV ā¤
I got to school and every one in school kept asking how I am but I only smile at them all before walking straight to my clas-s

Just then Ethan and Aric got into the clas-s and they walk straight to my seat

“How have you been David?
You look OK and now it seem like you didn’t even got into an accident at all”Ethan say to me and I immediately got up from my seat

“Oh yes Ethan!
All thanks to Vivian
Cos she have been taking good care of me”I say out and that got him so angry

“You might have taken Vivian from me
But you won’t dare ru-b it in my face David
Or else I will take you back to the hospital again”

“You see Ethan
That is the difference between you and I”

“What are you getting at David?”Aric ask me

“You will soon get to know about it Aric
You know
If I were you,I will be very careful
Cos one word from me can get you both lock up”

“I can make your life so miserable Ethan
And when I do
You will regret the day you ever met me
So watch your back
If you value yourself”I say tapping him on his shoulder

“Hope you get that?”I say out and sit down back on my seat while they stare at me feeling so scare

Then I brou-ght out a smile as I watch them leave

Anyway I have to think of a way to ask Vivian to be my girlfriend

Idea! Idea! Idea!

“Yes! Got one!”

ā¤ Patricia POV ā¤
I finally got home but I didn’t see Jason there

I thought he said he is going home but why isn’t he here yet

I immediately brou-ght out my phone putting a call throu-gh to his dad

šŸ“±”Hello Patricia!
How are you doing?
I hope Jason is treating you very well there”

šŸ“±”Yes,he is!
Anyway that is not the reason why I call you
I want to let you know that am pregnant for your son”

šŸ“±”Oh! Really?”


šŸ“±”That’s good news then!
You are very special Patricia
Cos you are carrying the heir to the Dante empire
I am very plea-se to know that I choose the right girl for my son to marry”

šŸ“± “But am also scare Mr Dante
What if Jason do not accept me into his life?
And abandon the baby”

šŸ“±”I know Jason
He won’t do that
Especially not to his own blood
For he do have a kind heart
And he won’t dare abandon you
Nor his unborn child”

ā¤ Vivian POV ā¤
I walk straight to my locker and I open it

Then a card fell from it so I immediately bend down to pick it

šŸ“”Meet me at the Lobby now”

I re-ad it and I wonder who sĀ£nt this to me so I quic-kly close my locker running straight to the lobby cos my hunch kept telling me that it is David for it seem like his handwriting

I got to the lobby and I saw some student staring at me there with a smile on their faces

“What is going on?”I ask no one in p@rticular

“Look Up Vivian!”One of them say to me and I immediately look up

There is a banner on the wall there and in that banner

There is some words written boldly on it which said

‘Will You Be My Girlfriend Vivian?’

šŸ’‹ Isn’t that ro-mantic?
šŸ’‹Wow! She is so lucky

I heard the students whispering among themselves and I smile to myself looking at the handwriting on the banner

Yeah! It is the same as the one on my card which only means one thing

It is the same person

“Vivian!”I heard David voice and I turn to see him holding a rose flower as he walk closer to me

“What’s all this David?”I ask

“I know am asking for too much Vivian
But I promise that I won’t ever hurt you
So plea-se accept my heart”he say giving me the rose and I collected it from him

“My answer is yes David
I will be your girlfriend “I say out and he brou-ght out a smile

“Thank you Vivian!
You really don’t know how happy I am”he say tou-ching my chin softly and he pu-ll me so close to him

“I love you Vivian”

“And I love you too David”I say to him smiling and he place a k!sson myl-ip

So I immediately put my hands around his shoulder giving him a de-ep k!ss

While the students presĀ£nt there begin to cl@p for us

Cheering for us as David hvg me so ti-ghtly

ā¤ Jason POV ā¤
I got to Angela house and I stood there looking around

I saw her got down from the taxi and she stĀ©p as soon as she saw me there

“Angela!”I say out walking closer to her while she move back

“What are you doing here Jason?”

“I c@mĀ£ here to see you Angela
I want us to talk plea-se”

“We have nothing to talk about Jason
plea-se leave!”She say and walk pas-s me but I immediately gr-ab her hand

“Am going to say it any way”

“I know you are mad at me Angela
And I want you to know that I regret what I did
I know it was a mistake but I really can’t stĀ©p blaming myself for it”I say and she turn her face away

“You don’t have to worry
For I didn’t c@mĀ£ to ask for your forgiveness Angela
Cos I don’t deserve it
I really don’t deserve you and I never do”

” I couldn’t stĀ©p to think that maybe the reason why we have to split way
Is because we are not meant to be
And It hurt me so much to think that”I added and she stare at me with tears in her eyes

“But I still want you to know that I love you
I still and will always love you Angela
No matter what!”I say cleaning the tears in her eyes

“I want you to be happy without me in your life
And you are free to love another
For I won’t border you from now on
I got my own life to deal with and a lot of responsibilities too
Hope you do un-derstand what I just said?”

“Yes,I get it Jason!
And there is no nee-d for you to tell me those things
I wish you a happy life”She say and turn to leave but stĀ©p tou-ching her forehead

“Are you OK Angela?”I ask and she close her eyes almost falling down but I quic-kly caught her pu-lling her so close to me

Then she open her eyes staring at me and I place my palm on her cheek staring straight into her eyes

“Are you sick?”I ask

“No! Am OK!”She say pu-lling away from me and I watch her run into the house closing the door behind

“plea-se don’t get sick Angela”I say out and I got into my car driving off from there
I got into the bar and I sat down there alone drinking

“I know I will find you here Jason”I heard Shane voice and he immediately sat down beside me

“You know what Shane!
I have always wish that the woman that I love will bear my child
But it isn’t happening right now
Is it?”I say out and I took a glas-s of wine gulping it down to my throat

“I know how that feel like Jason
But we really can’t do anything about it”

“I don’t even know what it feel like to be a father
And I have never even thought about it yet
All I want is to get marry to Angela and then we can talk about having children
What more could I wish for?
For things aren’t going the way I have planned it”

“So what is your plan now?”

“I don’t have a good family Shane
I have a mom that abandoned me and a dad that doesn’t care about my own happiness
I really don’t want that to happen to my own child
I want him or her to feel love at least from me
So if it means choosing between the woman that I love and the mother of my unborn child”

“I have made my decision Shane
Am going to get marry to Patricia and I know Angela will un-derstand that”

“That’s a ha-rd decision you make my friend”

Episode 25