Falling for my biology teacher Episode 7 & 8

*dangerous* *r0m@nç£*
👹high school r0m@nç£💙
I walked home by myself.I’m just happy that everything went well.as for Tinashe she didn’t even dare to come close to me,today is like it was meant for me.
I being k!$$£d by my Biology teacher I’m just happy on cloud 9 that’s how I feel.the whole world revolves around me.
As soon as the gate s-en-sed my pres£nce it cli-cked open and I walked in.as always everywhere was busy maids upside down.
“My lady.” Jackson my personal maid.
Did I forget to tell you that I’m half Royal,well my mom she’s a daughter of late KING Alberto Banderas,she is a princess but now his brother Tim Banderas rule the whole Britain.cool right.
Sometimes that’s what makes me think why mom doesn’t care about anyone.but why did she fight her whole family if she never cared.
“Uncle plea-se don’t call me that.” I smiled faintly.
And ran to my room.I did the actual routine.after I was done wearing my clothes.
I walked downstairs but faint voices st©pped me.I know where they’re coming from.I ti-ptoe to my parents be-droom.I peeked on the door.
“Marisa you can’t go to that trip.” I heard my dad’s voice.
“Why can’t i go,Anderson you can’t tell me what to do.” She fired.
“Yes i can and you’re not going,have you ever spent time with your daughter and have a mother and daughter bond a relationsh!p.” I could feel a hint of pain in his voice.
Tears gathered on my eyes,daddy plea-se let her go.
“Don’t give me that she is 17 she doesn’t nee-d a babysitter,I can’t babysit a 17 year old girl,I know you want me to satisfy your nee-ds.” She said.
And i shut my eyes ti-ght,tears rolled down my cheeks.
“Marisa I don’t,not even one bit I have lost interest Mrs Banderas.” After he said that.everything went dead silent.
“I’m leaving Mr Anderson tonight.” I hid well behind the door as she walked out.
“I can see you come out baby.” I couldn’t hide my tears they streamed down unst©ppable.
I c@m£ out behind the door and ran in to his arms.
“Daddy why me.” I asked.he hvgged me ti-ght.in comfort.
“Shhh Big girls don’t cry.” He said.and i cried more.
“Daddy it pricks here I pointed to his heart.
“It hurts daddy a lot.” I cried more.
He pu-ll-ed away and we walked to the be-d.
“Come sit.” He patted his l@p.
I sat down.I’m sad but I can’t be sad like my dad.
“Kira baby everything will be fine,she might have her reason okay.” He said.
“Soon everything will fall into place.” He ran his f!ngersthrou-gh my hair.
It felt good and I was feeling sleepy.
“Why does she hate me.” I asked faintly.
“Don’t say that she doesn’t hate you instead she loves you a lot.”
I can still remember clearly.
💙Flash backs💙
It was late in the evening,a 7 year old girl was standing behind the door holding a doll wearing her pink Barbie pyjamas.terrified the yelling and shouting was too much for her.
“Why do you always do this huh.” He said.
“I can do whatever I want this is my life.” She yelled.
“I’m not st©pping you but think about us about our family.” He said tears rolled down his eyes.
“Anderson what do you want from me huh I have a meeting to attend.” She brushed her hair.
“Now Marisa what about Kira you promised to spend the night with her,she is your daughter for God sake.” He sniffed.
“Anderson not only my daughter she is your daughter too and she can wait but not the meeting.” She scoffed.
“You decided to leave your job because you’rea coward it was getting h0t and you ran away leaving it for your dad.” She laughed mockingly.
“Marisa you can say whatever you want but don’t neglect Kira.” He said.
“Excuse me Mr I have to go.” She walked past dad.
And walked pas-sed me as if I was invisible.
She was gone and never turned back even once.
Dad gave up her job because of me,he didn’t want me to be taken care of nannies.
He has been my pillar of strength.there’s this day where by dad received loads of insults from mom.
Because he was not working anymore.
“You’re a woman Anderson.”
“I feed you and Kira so don’t st©p me.”
“I am the man and you’re a woman ,you should be wearing Sk-irts not trou-sers because only real men wear that.”
That day I decided to let dad got to work,I spent three days not eating anything because he loved me so much he didn’t care about the insults that mom rained on him.
He cared about me only me.finally the doctors told him to do what I want or else my life will be in danger.
I suffer from ulcer.and I’m not feeling bad,whatever I did was for my dad.
I proud of what I did,that day
********** End of flash backs
I opened my eyes,the room was dim and my dad was slee-ping besides me.
And a smile crept on myl-ips.he was frowning my dad is not happy,I can see that
he is not happy at all.
Tears escaped from his eyes and that made me cry.silently
Dad has done so much for me.now it’s my turn to do the same.I’m her daughter and I should fulfil my responsibilities.
I heard a soft knock.I placed my legs on the floor and dragged myself upright and walked to the door.
“Ma’am food is re-ady.” She smiled.
“Okay just bring the food here,only my dad.” I said and she nodded and walked away.
Carisa walked in with a tray of food and purified water bottle.
“You may leave.” She walked out rushing.because mom always shout at every maid that enters her room.
“Daddy wake up.” I tapped him.
“Marisa I’m tired I can’t do this again.” He said.
That breaks my heart in to pieces.how did they met this relationsh!pis toxic and I don’t want my dad to fall ill or die.
I have to end this.I must end this relationsh!pthis marriage is not worth it.children wish for their parents to be together.
I might be the first child who wants to make her parents get divorced.
I covered dad very well.and went downstairs.i walked to the kitchen.
I covered the food with a plastic and placed it in the fridge.
As i turned i bu-mped into a mascular mascular che-st.and i knew who it was.
“Careful babe.” He took a step close to me.
I don’t have energy for him.he should just go away from me.
I’m not in for his nos-en-se.he c@m£ close to me.
“Andrew plea-se leave me alone.” I said.
My back hit the shelve.he caged me between his both arms.
“I should leave you huh,don’t you like it.” He said.
I feel awkward in this position I’m in.
“Tell me don’t you like it,don’t you want to k!ssme or t©uçh me.” He yelled.
Andrew makes me feel aomehow.i don’t know,$h!t what am i saying.
He moved his face close to mine,his meant breath brushed my face.his dark green eyes pierced in my eyes.
My breath hitched.and my heartbeat rise.
“Can you plea-se step back,i can’t talk clearly.” I said.
What am i saying,he took a step back.
“Now tell me why do you push me away.” He asked.
“Uhmm.” I felt my mouth dry.
“Tell me Kira I’m dying here slowly.” He pointed to his heart.
“Because i we are cousins and that’s how is supposed to be right.” I smiled faintly staring at him.
“Come with me.” He held my hand.and dragged me.
“What are we doing here.” I asked staring at him.
I eyes caught a painting on the wall.and i g@sped.
That’s me and Tinashe.
“Do you see this.” He pointed at the painting.
“That’s Tinashe and me.” It c@m£ as a whisper.
She pushed me to the floor.
“Kira that girl,i loved her so much i love her and she broke my heart.” Tears rolles down his eyes.
What is he saying,i don’t un-derstand.
“This chapter will close today.” He said
“What did i do.” I asked.
“Seriously are you asking me that,why ,don’t you know huh.”
“I made a vow to torture you,you threatened my Tinashe and she left me.i hate yoy Kira i do hate you.” He fell on his knees.
“What are you talking about,when did i threaten her she betrayed me and left.i hate her so much she took everything from me.” I cried.
” she didn’t you did,and i don’t blame her when she hates you.” He yelled causing me jump.
“What the fv¢k are you saying,she killed my puppy ,ru-bby and said a lot of $h!t about my parents.” I fell on my knees.
He nodded his head.
“It was not her Kira,did you ask her no you didn’t because you didn’t trust her that much huh.” He scoffed.
And i was short of words it wasn’t her who it is.
“W-what do mean.” My eyes were hurting.
“You burnt their source of living that restaurant Kira you arw cold blooded.”
What is he saying i burnt what.
“Andrew i didn’t burn her restaurant,trust me Andrew if she didn’t kill ru-bby and i didn’t burn that restaurant who did.” I said.
“And she hates me so much , to a point she broke up with you i thought it was all her fault.” I cried bitterly.
My Tinashe hates me, my girlfriend my best friend now i know where that hatred is coming from.
I will find out who is behind all this,i will for our friendsh!pi love her so much i can’t deny her.