Faceless demon episode 81 & 82

(A Life For A Life)
© Chidimma Christine✍
Episode 81đŸ”„…..



I was almost throu-gh with getting Andris personal stuffs, her l@pt©p and doÂąv-ments when I began to hear Shaina’s voice from downstairs.

“Whats wrong with her…. I have never heard her scream this way before” I thought heading downstairs.

“Who are you screaming at” I asked gazing at her. She turned and stared at me for a while before walking towards the armchair.

“Shaina….” I called.

“Its nothing….” she muttered, I stared at her, she didn’t look good but I decided to let her be since she doesn’t want to discuss it.

“Am going to meet a friend but I will be back soon” I said and made to leave but her words st©pped me.

“What??” I asked to be sure I actually heard her well.

“What do you mean what…. You can’t leave me here all alone” She said not looking up to me.

I scoffed… “Okay, let’s go” I said and we left the house together.


We drove for a very long distance before he st©pped at a very familia house.

It was my mum’s place…. Why did he bring me here…. Did he by any chance find out that Mrs Blake was my mum.

“Why aren’t you getting off the car” He snapped me out of my thought.

I smiled trying to look okay but de-ep down my heart was on a marathon race.

“Why are we here” I asked in the lowest tone I have.

“I told you I was going to meet a friend…. Just get off the car, am alre-ady late” he said.

I quic-kly got off the car and we both walked to the door bell.

“Coming….” I heard an unfamiliar voice answer to the door, I smiled feeling a bit relieved…. Even in my dreams I could recognize my mum’s voice and what I heard didn’t sound anything close to it.

The door cracked open ex-posing a young lady…. Shiva you are here… We’ve been waiting” She said opening the door wi-der for us to enter.

“we’ve been???” I whispered… That means she wasn’t the only one inside the house… My heart went into a second marathon race.

“Shiva is here….” The girl that opened the door said as we walked in.

The house looked the same, exactly the way my mum had decorated her house….

“I c@m£ with a friend” Rocky said and that was when I looked up to see the friends he had.

“Hell no…” I thought as my eyes meet with that of my mum.

“Preeti….” She called standing up.

I smiled and waved at her, Rocky stared at us both…. I guess he was surprised, I never mentioned Mrs Blake to him… He too, how was I suppose to know he was friends with my mum.

“Do you guys know each other” he asked.

I coughd slightly and nodded, “Actually I meet Mrs Blake the day… The day….” I thought real ha-rd for the lie I said to Mrs Blake when we first meet but I couldn’t remember it.

“When you had issues with your mother….” Mrs Blake said and laughed.

“Its so nice to see you again Pretti” he said hvgging me.

“Phew….” I felt extra ordinarily relived… She didn’t even suspect a single thing.

I hvgged her back…. It has been really long I received a hvg from my mum.

“But.. I been wondering…. How did you knew Shiva” Mrs Blake asked.

I gulbe-d ha-rd …. I didn’t see that question coming “Actua… Actually we meet… You know we meet….” I stuttered helplessly wishing that God would sÂŁnd in help.

“She works for me…. Andris employed her as a domestic helper” Rocky quic-kly said.

“Thanks…..” I mumbled to him.

“Okay… Let’s get down to work….” Mrs Blake said dragging Rocky with him….. I walked towards the empty chair beside the fire place and sat down.

The house looked alot lively than the first time I had visited, and mum… She looks okay, I guess she has forgotten about everything, I smiled looking around the house, just then I saw Arch angel DevesÂŁna standing beside the window.

“Your time is ticking… Tick tock” she said showing me a clock.

I hissed, “you had better leave me alone, am not leaving Rocky” I muttered shaking my head slightly so I won’t see her again.

I stared at Rocky and his friends chatting and laughing…. They looked happy most especially Mum and Rocky.

I wanted to tell him about what arch angel DevesÂŁna said but that would hurt him and he alre-ady have alot on his mind.


“Enough of the jokes Siddarth….” Mrs Blake said in between laughter.

“I actually called Shiva for something important remember” She said now sounding a little serous.

“Did you get Andris stuff….” Mrs Blake asked again.

“Yeah…. Here they are” I said dropping the l@pt©p on the table “Still no trace of Rhea” I asked getting really worried.

“Not yet… But we hope to find something throu-gh Andris l@pt©p” Odeya replied and I nodded.

“We alre-ady sued Chief Varma and all his colleagues…. Here is the list of his colleagues” Siddarth said dropping a file before me.

“Some has been arrested alre-ady, the rest are on the run but they will soon get arrested….” Siddarth added.

I nodded going though the list, my eyes caught with emperor Bhalladev’s name….. I followed his name to check if he has been arrested but it was written ‘No information’ I scoffed… He won’t get away.

“Why is Emperor Bhalladev filed as no information” I asked.

“Well… We looked up for him on the internet… We didn’t find such name, besides chief Varma didn’t write the full details like were he could be found” Siddarth said.

I smiled…. “Well I know where he could be found and I have some unfinished business there” I said recalling the promise I had made Chandu.

Siddarth stared at me as if he didn’t believe what I said “What unfinished business do you have this time around Shiva” He asked.

I smiled…. “A very important one…. I would be traveling very early tomorrow, I might make it back tomorrow or next with Emperor Bhalladev” I said.

“Okay…. We will try our best to find your sister before then and Andris too… She has to join her father in jail” Siddarth said.

“Do you nee-d help or….. ” Mrs Blake was saying when I cutted her short.

“I will do it myself….. Just be sure you sÂŁnd some police to Mumbai train station” I said.



(A Life For A Life)
© Chidimma Christine✍
Episode 82đŸ”„…..

“What…. You can’t leave now” I said feeling very disturbe-d about Rocky’s sudden travel…. I haven’t even told him what arch angel DevesÂŁna said.

“Don’t worry…. I would be back before you know it…. Just take care of yourself okay” He said.

I nodded… That was the only thing I could do at that point… He won’t give up his journey for me… It seems very important to him.

“Okay… I will get going now” he said and we hvgged each other.

“Becareful bro…” Siddarth said.

“I will…. Make sure you find Rhea alive” he said.

“You can trust me on that…..” Siddarth said.

We both stood at the train station until the train Rocky boarded to Chennai.

I took in a de-ep breath feeling very empty….

“Lets go Shaina….” Siddarth said taking my hands, I shvggled trying to re-lease myself from the grip but it was too ti-ght.

“Gosh… You are hurting me” I hissed.


I scroll down my phone looking for any article concerning Rocky’s death or arrest but I found none.

It seems to me that my plan actually failed…. They haven’t come for Rhea and am running out of patient.

The door cracked open and Omar walked in.

“You know when I agreed to this, you said it was going to work” Omar said sitting close to me.

“And what are you trying to say….” I snapped.

“From the look of things Andris your plan isn’t working….. Why don’t you ask for my own plan…. It might work” he said.

Heaven knows I nee-ded help but I just can’t bring myself into asking Omar for one…. That would be bring my fame to the dust and I really don’t want it to happen.

“Are you thinking about it…. You nee-d this so just swallow your pride and ask for it” he said.

“Fine… You are right…. So what’s your plan” I asked.

“I believe by now your father must have thought of you or Rocky as the br@in behind his downfall….. I heard from a liable source that he is in for alot of problem and he doesn’t have any lawyer to save him” Omar said.

I scoffed…. “Are you now briefing me on things that I know”

“Your father is the best weapon now…. If we get him off the scope, Rocky and his gang would be very terrified that way…. We would attack” Omar said.

I sm-irked thinking about what he said… He seems to be ma-king alot of s-en-se but its going to be way difficult to get my dad out of his crimes.

“And how do you intend to do that….” I asked and he smiled.

“There would be a prison outbreak tomorrow night…. Its being planed by a criminal group to re-lease their men from jail…. I can talk to them about adding your father’s name to the list if you are re-ady to pay the price” He said.

“Which is….” I asked and he scoffed.

“5% of your father’s property including insurance from harm” He said.

“Hell no…. I can’t do that” I protested.

“I guess you aren’t interested” Omar said standing up but I st©pped him.

I nee-ded his help, I really do but they are just asking for too much.

“Okay… If that’s all, I will do that” I said.

“Good… Now sign this” he said dropping a doÂąv-ment before me, I scoffed before signing the doÂąv-ment.

“The prison break out had better work if not, am going to sue you” I threatened.

“It will… Just a little fate” he said.


I looked around as we approached Chennai…. The memories I had, everything I pas-sed throu-gh c@mÂŁ running into memory.

I just hope Chandu is fine…. Emperor Bhalladev can be unpredictable…. What if he alre-ady killed him.

The train st©pped at Malawi and I alighted…. The place looked really dry and everyone was walking fast as if to hide from something.

I walked towards the direction that lead to Bawa’s house.. He has to know the status of things above all, he has to know that I actually did made it back alive.

I st©pped on seeing guards from Chennai…. For as long as I can remember…. Malawi and Chennai doesn’t seem to have anything in common.

I quic-kly diverted to the bushy p@rt….. On getting to the hill road I realized the room was covered with planks and an instruction ‘Out of bound” written boldly on it.

Did Bawa die or something…. I just couldn’t figure out what was actually happening.

“No one leave on t©p of the hills…” I heard a famine voice say… I turned, it was an average girl.

“Hey…. Do you know where I can find…..” I was saying when she cutted in.

“A boat man right… They live down the……” She was saying when I interrupted.

“No… Am actually looking for a boat man by the name Bawa” I said… I noticed a change in her facial expression.

“Is he dead” I asked.

“How am I suppose to know that….” She snapped.

I sighed, won’t she go straight to the point I don’t have enough time to waste.

“Looks like you are new in Malawi…. Come with me before Emperor Bhalladev’s men see you and take you to the prince Amerenda” She said leading the road.

I had no choice but to follow her, I have to know the condition of Chennai before I attack.

“Sit…. I would serve you some rotten” She said, I tried to reject the offer but she was alre-ady out of sight.

“Tada…. I made them myself” She said dropping a plate of rotten.

“Thanks….” I voiced out taking a bit of the rotten.

It was actually delicious “About Bawa…. Do you know anything about him” I asked again.

“He was arrested few months back for helping a runaway slave from Chennai…. Their Army defected us, many were killed and our king was dethroned and Prince Amerenda” took over…. We all bec@mÂŁ slaves un-der his leadersh!pand control” She said in tears.

I felt her pain…. To think Emperor Bhalladev did this to catch just one man… He will do far better than the devil”.

“No news have been heard from them since then…. Everyone is even afraid to ask”

Defeating Emperor Bhalladev isn’t going to be easy at all…. I would have to use his son against him.

“Where is Prince Amerenda’s palace” I asked….. I knew him very well, he has a fansy for delevopment and if I agree to help him out…. He will surely do what ever I want.


To Be Continued…….