Faceless demon episode 69 & 70

(A Life For A Life)
© Chidimma Christine✍
EPISODE 69đŸ”„…..



“Good Morning Dad….” I greeted with a sm-irk.

“How is the interrogation go” He asked. “She is still proving stubborn but I will surely get you the treasure… Trust me” I said.

“Okay…. My men will bring her back tomorrow” he said and the line went off.

I walked towards my car and drove straight to Siddarth house.

“Hey buddy I thought you won’t be coming” Siddarth said as I walked into his house.

“I hope you got everything re-ady” I asked sitting down.

“Offcourse…. But I was meaning to ask, why do you want to track Andris phone” Siddarth asked staring at me.

My subconscious began to scream at me… I really wish I could tell him whom I am and the reason am feeling insecure beside Andris but I can’t, not yet…

“Nothing….. I just want to make sure she isn’t doing anything funny” I lied.

“Okay…. I got the ch!p, I hope you know how to use it” he asked and I nodded.

“About the information on her phone… its in coded language and its going to take alot of time to retrieve” Siddarth said.

“No worries…. You can take your time” I said.

“Anyways…. I spoke with Sasha… Chief Varma’s Mistress” I said.

“So did she tell you where the treasure is” Siddarth asked.

“Not excately…… She just gave me a clue” I said.


“Yeah Mumbai Central Museum… We have to go there” I said.

“Okay but what excately are we looking for” Siddarth asked.

I bec@mÂŁ speechless, I didn’t think of that at all “Well till we reach there, am sure we would find something” I said.

Siddarth glanced at me and smiled… “I hope this doesn’t go wrong” he said.


“Good Morning dad” I greeted smiling.

Chief Varma smiled back looking really surprised “You didn’t inform me you were coming” he asked.

“I wanted to suprise you” I said still smiling.

“Okay… You did succed in doing so, Anyways how is my grand son doing” He asked.

“Grand son… What Grand son” I asked looking all suprised.

“My unborn grand son off course” Dad said pointing at my stomach.

And that was when it hitted me, I had lied that I was pregnant… Gosh how can I forget.

“Oh.. His fine, bouncing” I said smiling praying he doesn’t notice anything suspicious.

“You got me scared…. I thought you have lost the baby, anyways its a good thing you both are safe” he said.

I smiled without saying anything… I looked around hoping to see Rocky but I didn’t see him anywhere…He had left before I woke up.

“Where is Rocky dad” I asked.

“Oh… He must be heading home by now, or maybe he went to see his family…. Why” Dad asked.

“Nothing… Just that he wasn’t home when I woke up and he is really acting all strange” I said hoping that dad tells me what I have been dieing to hear.

“He is a man and above all he is your husband…. You shouldn’t be worried about his character” Dad said.

Birds of the same feathers flock together…. He is of no difference with Rocky, corny.

I smiled in response, Too bad he doesn’t know what awaits him.


We arrived at the museum and walked in gradually like every other person.

“Welcome to Mumbai Central Museum” We heard an old cracky voice say.

We turned only to see an old woman smiling at us.

I glanced at Siddarth whom gave me a signal to go closer to her.

“Good Afternoon ma” we greeted in unison bowing.

“I haven’t seen any of your faces here, are you both looking for something” She asked.

“Yeah something extremely important” I said and she smiled.

“Everything in the museum is important son” She said.

“Yeah that’s true but this p@rticular one is very important…. ” I said.

“Okay… What is it, Granny knows where to find anything in the museum” She said jokily.

“Do you know Mr Phogat’s” I asked.

“I might be old son but my memory is still very young…. Mr Phogat is my husband” She said.

I scoffed, its obvious she isn’t mentally okay, how can She call my dad her husband.

I glanced at Siddarth, he was busy trying to control his laughter.

“Your husband…” Siddarth asked in between laughter.

“Yes… He comes here everyday just to see me… He even promised to bring me home to see his family, he was such a kind man” She said.

“Its almost dawn and we don’t have much time left” Siddarth whispered into my ears.

“let’s go and meet the receptionist, am sure she must know where to find it” He added.

I stared at the old woman for a while before I turned to leave with Siddarth.

“Am not lying son… He even gave me something to prove his love for me” she said.

I st©pped and stared at her…. “He gave you something” I asked just to be sure I heard her right.

“Yes….” She nodded.

“Common Dude let’s leave this Psycho” Siddarth said.

“You can come take a look if you want” She said.

“Let’s just see what she has” I said to Siddarth and walked towards the old woman.

“What is that granny” I asked, she smiled and brou-ght out an old dirty shabby note and gave it to me.

Siddarth hissed “Let’s go man” he said tapping me from the back.

I collected the note, just then two doctors and some security guards walked into the museum and gr@bbÂŁd the old woman.

She screamed on t©p of her voices as the security guards tried to take her out of the museum.

“Am so sorry if she caused you any harm” one of the doctors apologized.

“Yeah… She w@!sted our time” Siddarth said furioused

“Its okay…. What’s wrong with her” I asked.

“She has mental issue… She ran away from the clinic” The doctor said and left.

“I knew that woman was a psycho… Its written all over her, the way she talks and smile…. Jesus Christ” Siddarth yelled angrily.

We left the museum immediately they took the old woman, it was alre-ady closing time.

“Calm down Sid… We will come back tomorrow” I said opening the old book.

“We… I doubt” He snapped starting the car engine.

I used my eyes to scan the book from page to page, just then my eyes caught something…. It was a neat folded paper.

I quic-kly collected it and opened it, A message from Dad.

✉ To my beloved son, I know one day you would meet granny and she would definitely give this to you.

There is a direction at the back of this letter….., it leads to all my as-sets, my wealth my treasure everything.

I s-en-sed betrayal and greed in your uncle Varma… But I couldn’t do anything because of the love I had for him.

I decided to hide my property away from him until he prove his loyalty but too bad he never did.

Besure to find my property… Take care of granny and remember trust no one
From Dad✉

Tears filled my eyes, it was as if I was actually hearing directly from my father.

“Dad….” I called in tears.

“Dad….” Siddarth said looking at me, I turned to stare at him, he’s face was plastered surprise


I stared at him, what the hell…. I have never seen a guy cry before….

I st©pped the car and turned towards him “What’s wrong dude” I asked helping him to wipe his tears but I noticed something usual.

I tried to t©uçh his face again but he knocked my hands off.

“Am fine….” he said trying to hide his face.

I collected the paper he was holding f0rç£fully and re-ad the message.

“Unbelievable you are Mr Phogat’s son” I asked staring at him, he opened his mouth to talk but no words c@mÂŁ out of it.

“Rocky….. You lied to me, you lied” I screamed angrily.

“Am sorry…” he finally said.

“Sorry…. I told you everything about myself and what did you do…. Lie to me”

“Tell me… Were you planing on betraying me as well huh” I asked.

“No…. I would never do that Never”

“Then why did you keep the truth about yourself from me” I yelled, he was mute.

“No reason…. Maybe you don’t trust me but guess what, I just lost the trust I have for you Rocky…. I lost it”.

“Rocky devi is that even your real name…. It should be Shiva Phogat” I yelled.

I was very angry, I have never been this angry since after I watched Chief Varma murder my sister.

“Am sorry…. Am really sorry” he apologized.

“Spare me that Shiva…. Who knows what else you are hiding from me” I said.

“Just this…” I heard him say.

I turned only to see a different face all together…. He was holding the other face on his hand.

“Holly Crab” I said…

“Am sorry… I wanted to tell you but I just didn’t have the courage”.

“You know what Rocky fake face… Get off my car” I said.

(A Life For A Life)
© Chidimma Christine✍
EPISODE 70đŸ”„…..

I stood there as I watch him drove off, Oh no… Of all times.

I looked around to check if someone took notice of me but no one did, everyone is too busy with their own business.

I walked down the road and took a cab down to Siddarth’s house… I had left my car there, I never knew this would happen.

The cab st©pped me infront of Siddarth house and I alighted.

He was seated infront of his house waiting for me I guess… “Don’t you ever return here again… I will get my revenge on chief Varma my own way” He said.

“Siddarth look, I can explain…. Its not what you think” I said but he fall deaf ears.

“Just pack your loads and leave Shiva….. Now I know what you want, trying to use me to gain back your family wealth and then abandon me”.

“Well you alre-ady have clue to that…. Find the treasure and leave with your sister you as-s-hole” he yelled.

I have always known that Siddarth was h0t tampered but I never knew it could get to this extent.

“Am sorry….” I managed to say and left.

I come back home feeling very empty and all alone, the same feeling I went throu-gh when I escaped from Chennai, if only I had told Siddarth the truth… None of this would have been happening.

“Hey darling your back” Andris said smiling at me… Staring into her face made me remember the voice ch!pand the stuffs from her phone.

I smiled back at her so she won’t notice anything.

“Dinner is served…..” Andris said, “Dinner” I stared at her wondering where all these drama and pretendance were coming from.

I smiled nodding my head. “Let me shower first” I said re-leasing myself from her grip.

I hesitated my step as I walked into the room.

I dropped my briefcase on t©p of the table exhaling de-eply, “What do I do now…. How to I break out of this prison I putted myself in without Siddarth’s help” I thought.

“I Should better inform Mrs Blake, she might talk to Siddarth to reconsider” I thought reaching for my phone just then I saw Andris phone on t©p of the side table charging.

“This is the only opportunity you have to in-sert the ch!pin her phone…. You might not be this lucky again” My subconscious screamed at me.

I quic-kly took the ch!pand inser-ted it in her phone…. I checked my phone to know if it was successful inser-ted and Offcourse it was.

The door cracked open just few seconds and Andris walked in.

“Befast Darling… You food might get cold” She said reaching for her phone.

“Just a sec…” I blunted out smiling.

I shaked my head negatively wondering what she was up to just then my phone beeped.

I checked it… It was an incoming call for Andris from the new guy Omar.

“Thank goodness I inser-ted the ch!p…. I would what they are up to” I thought.

đŸ“Č “Hey… I have been calling, where the hell did you keep your phone” Adris barked immid@tÂŁly she answered the phone.

“None of your business…. Why are you calling”

“I received the package from your boys but am really confused on how to use it”

“Just two tea spoon into his meal and make sure he eats about six spoonful of the meal…. After twenty minutes he would become drowsy and before you know it he would begin to blab talking to himself as if he is drun!k”.

“You can ask him any question you want” he said.

My heart began to race…. No wonder Andris was becoming all ro-mantic all of a sudden, he wanted to drug me and make me spill the truth to her…. Unbelievable.

“Okay…. Thanks Omar” She said.

“When will I receive my balance” He asked.

“When our business is over….and remember you would be visiting as Chad tomorrow… I have a feeling Rocky doesn’t trust me anyone” She said.

“I can’t…. Not tomorrow, I have somewhere to go” he said.

“What’s this… Why do she nee-d him to come visiting as Chad when she can always call the real chad” I thought…. Just then it hitted me, Andris has been pla-ying me for a fool all this while.

She helped me see Rhea only to in-sert a ch!pin my car and Listien to our conversation… She might have used Chad to make me think she was actually helping me.

“Whatever….” She snapped and the line went off.

I whole b©dy began to shake…. How can this be happening un-der a day, first it was Siddarth and now Andris too.

“Darling your food is getting cold” Andris screamed from downstairs.

“Am coming….” I didn’t know when I quic-kly responded.

I walked towards the bathroom and had a quic-k shower before going downstairs.

“You will surely love it… I made it myself” Andris said while dishing out the food.

“I bet” I made sure to reply at interval.

“Enjoy” she said and dropped the food…. She sat down and began to eat her own food which she alre-ady dished out before I c@mÂŁ downstairs…. Am certain she didn’t put the poison in her own food…

I tried to eat the first spoon and all of a sudden I pretended as if something flew into my throat and I was trying to cough it out.

“What’s wrong darling” Andris asked.

“Get me water….” I said still coughing ha-rd .

There was no water on the table so am sure she’s going to run into the kitchen to get water which would give me enough time to switch the two food.

“Okay….” She said…. I quic-kly switched the two food, it wasn’t that difficult since the ceramic plate was of the same design and color.

Few minutes after Andris c@mÂŁ in with a jug of water and two glas-s cu-p.

She poured me a glas-s full and I gulped the water still nervous.

“Eat up….” Andris said busy eating her own meal.

I smiled and began to eat mine as well.


To Be Continued…….