Eye of blood episode 13 – 15


( She’s a confessor oops she’s all in one, she’s wanted)⛔

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By Aishat kemisola (Three star)

Episode 13

Oh am scared Ashley said, don’t try me young lady, this lady is dead alre-ady. Too you she’s dead to me she is still alive.
Just leave and let me do what God s£nt me Ashley said. And did God s£nt you to heal does who I punished king Lucas yelled.
Ashley principal which go by the name cole was shaking were he stand. Sir can you plea-se do me a favor, carry Alexandra to the room.
You guys should lock yourself till I call for you, let me deal with this old for nothing fool Ashley said.
Alright Mr Cole said and went into one of his room with Alexandra.
See I will heal her and there’s nothing you can do to it Ashley said. Lucas raised up his hand and command fire, the fire hit Ashley hand and she wince in pain.
I told you to leave the girl you will only hurt yourself and I don’t want you dead now, I still nee-d you king Lucas said.
Ashley bur-st into laughter and you think that small thing you perform will affect me Ashley said.
It seems you’re stronger than I thought king Lucas said and raise his hand again to perform another magic.
Perform anything there I promise you that hand won’t be useful to you again Ashley said,
king Lucas brou-ght down his hand immediately. Can you see am your boss now Ashley said.
Never you can never be my boss king Lucas said and kick Ashley in her stomach.
Huch Ashley shout in pain, but it doesn’t took long before the pain disappear, it seems you want me do what I don’t want to Ashley said. And hold her head.
She scream and the building started shaking. Oh no king Lucas shouted and fall on his knees.
Mr Cole was more than afraid were he is, why is the building shaking he thought.
He wanted to go out and check. Before he remember Ashley instruction.
King Lucas hold the ground and disappear. Ashley. Ashley open her eyes and smile.
He should have wait now. Ashley said and heard to the room to heal Alexandra.
Open up sir it me Ashley, Ashley said and the principal open the door immediately.
Is he gone the principal asked. We don’t have a problem with him anymore.
Ashley said and gave Alexandra the water. And she started coughing. Look she’s coughing none st©p,
are you sure she will be okay the principal asked. Don’t you trust me she will be fine Ashley said.
Ashley ru-b her back gentle and she st©p coughing.
Alexandra stand up on her feet and started jumping. Dad I can jump Alexandra said happily.
Oh my daughter can talk well, all thanks to you Ashley. If not for you I will loose my only daughter the principal said happily.
All thanks to the creator that gave me the power Ashley said. All thanks to you that use it well the principal said.
Alexandra hvg her father happily she dis£ngage from the hvg and hvg Ashley ti-ghtly to herself.
I can’t breathe Ashley said between laughter am sorry am so happy, thank you very much.
I have learnt my lesson in the ha-rd way Alexandra said. Your arm let get it treated Alexandra said.
Don’t worry about my about my arm I will be okay Ashley said. I can drive you to the hospital Mr Cole, Ashley principal said. Don’t worry, I will get going Ashley said.
Oh my God Ashley what happen to your arm did you get into an accident her mother shouted.
Mother lower your voice I don’t want father to see me like this Ashley said.
What happen to your arm she said. I get into a fight with king Lucas Ashley said.
What hope he doesn’t hurt you much and what did you do to him, hope you also hurt him Ashley mother said.
Mother trust me he won’t be able to walk with his leg for 2weeks with his leg Ashley said.
Oh that’s good for him Mrs Johnson said. And who’s Lucas Mr Johnson asked.
He is a nob©dy, just someone that cross my p@rt Ashley said. Is he the one that hurt you like this,
give me his home address I nee-d to arrest him for doing this to you Mr Johnson said angrily. Calm down dad he’s not someone you can arrest.
Am sure you heard what I did to him. I will be fine all I nee-d now is a cool bath Ashley said.
Your highness you mean that girl hurt you like this one of the elders asked king Lucas.
But why did you run away from her another one said. Are you crazy did you want her to kill me,
don’t you Know that, does who fight and ran away leave to fight for another day king Lucas said.
But I will so deal with that bit-ch if I get hold of her.
Just get me a wheelchair king Lucas yelled. Wheelchair the elders chorus.
Have it gotten to that another said. I nee-d to s£nd another spy to her school a female this time around king Lucas said.
Get me Rita king Lucas said. Rita you will be going to Korea to spy on Ashley.
Eeh Ashley the girl that did you like this am sorry your highness I can’t go Rita said. Rita are you stupid,
why are you behaving like a coward king Lucas yelled. Your majesty is better you kill me yourself Rita said.
Episode 14.
Your majesty just kill me, Rita said. Rita am noy killing you, you nee-d to go, you’re a female she won’t suspect you if you pl@yyour game well she’s a very Friendly person king Lucas said.
Your highness if she kill me my dead b©dy will be on your head Rita said.
Will you keep quiet what gave you the right to insult me like that, king Lucas yelled.
Your majesty you don’t nee-d to shout because of your leg on of the elders said.
Rita go in and pack your bags, you’re going to Korea this night king Lucas said.
Mother, you told me you are once p@rt of that evil people Ashley asked her mother.
Yes my daughter, but you don’t have any other power ap@rt from being a confessor Ashley asked again.
Yeah I am only a confessor. My dad is a very powerful person like you but he misused it, just because he was born he the evil kingdom.
Yeah my father is a very powerful person back then. People fear him a lot,
that’s why they made him the king. Then dad fell in love with my mother , my mother is not evil,
she’s from the other kingdom a very powerful confessor. So mum succeeded in changing my father to a good person.
But the evil People start war with my father they asked him to leave the throne because he’s now soft. But father refuse.
They killed father when am just 5years and chance my mother away from the village.
It the evil people that train me that’s why I started doing evil like them.
Mum come back to take me when am 24 years. That’s when I met your father Mrs Johnson narrate.
Oh no wonder that’s why the evil one can detect me Ashley said.
Just be careful does people are cunning and dangerous Ashley stay away from them Ashley mother said.
Mother I will stay away from them only if they stay away from me Ashley said. Go and sleep tommorow is another day Ashley mother said.
Hey girlfriend you c@m£ early Today Jane said.
Yes I don’t want to be a late comer and more over exam is around the corner Ashley said. That’s true Jane said.
Hello clas-s we have a new student in our midst. Hey come outside and introduce yourself the principal said.
Hi clas-s am Rita James am your new clas-s mate Rita said and Ashley scoff.
Why did you scoff Jane asked, it nothing Ashley replied.
You can go to your sit the teacher said and Rita went to sit down near Ashley and Jane.
And what are you doing here Ashley asked her. Am sorry Rita said standing up.
No problem you can sit Jane said. Why did you ask her to sit Ashley asked. She mean to harm right or do you Jane asked her.
No Rita said shaking. Jane and co you people should st©p disturbing my clas-s the teacher warn.
Hi Rita said to Ashley, and what did you want from me Ashley asked.
Am sure you will have know who I am cause you’re very powerful. I just wanna tell you I mean no harm.
I have been looking for a way to leave that kingdom before. I can be of help to you.
They asked me to spy on you but am not here for that, am here to start a new life Rita said. Are you done Ashley asked.
Yes Rita replied. If you don’t want trouble just stay on your lane okay Ashley said and head home.
In the night Ashley sat down on her be-d thinking about what king stoner told her. Huh they nee-d my help on there kingdom. I don’t want to involve myself in any fight.
But I nee-d to save his mother, cause that’s what the almighty s£nt me.
How will I heal her without them knowing am the person they’re looking for Ashley thought.
So you are the healer am looking for king stoner asked. Ashley was shocked.
How how, did you get here Ashley stammer leave how I get here and replied my question king stoner said. How did you know Ashley asked.
You forget to block your thought this time king stoner said.
( She’s a confessor oops she’s all in one, she’s wanted)⛔
Don’t copy or repost ❎❎❎❎
By Aishat kemisola (Three star)
Episode 15
How did you know Ashley asked him. You forget to block your thought this time around I thought as much king stoner said.
But why don’t you want to help us king stoner asked. That’s because am afraid to follow you to your world your mother sickness keep me worried.
I can only heal your mother, like trouble Ashley said. But if you heal my mother and those black people come for us they might kill her.
It possible they kill her or many innocent souls. King stoner said.
Am sure you have a king there, your king should be able to fight the battle now Ashley said.
No the king isn’t as powerful as you. You really nee-d to help us king stoner said.
Fine I will always help good people, but. But what plea-se don’t put but king stoner said. Relax I mean no harm,
our exam will start next week, you will have to wait till after our exam Ashley said. There’s no big deal in that as far as you are going with us king stoner said.
So answer my question, how did you get here Ashley asked. You no that yourself. What if am n-ked Ashley asked.
And that will be a beautiful sight to look king stoner said. You’re stupid am not going with you again Ashley said.
Am sorry your majesty I won’t do that again king Stoner said. So what did you come here for Ashley asked.
Since I didn’t see you in school I decided to say hi to my friend king stoner said. Make sure you pas-s the normal way next time Ashley said.
Normal way as how king stoner asked. Make sure you come in throu-gh the door not with your power Ashley said.
Alright your majesty but I nee-d something from you king stoner said, what did you nee-d from me Ashley Asked.
I want you to take me around the town. I just want to know how your world look like king stoner said.
I can’t Ashley said. But why king stoner asked. I will be busy re-ading for my exams Ashley replied.
You and I knew if you don’t re-ad you will still pas-s king stoner said. Am human I nee-d to re-ad am not like you guys Ashley said. plea-se I nee-d you to show me round king stoner beg.
Fine tommorow evening after school. Thank you very much king stoner said and disappear.
Honey don’t you observe Ashley always take to herself this days Mrs Johnson said. Yeah maybe she’s with someone Mr Johnson replied.
No I pip into her room yesterday night and I didn’t see anyone with her Mrs Johnson said.
Why will you pip into her room, what if she’s with her b©yfri£ndMr Johnson said. Huh b©yfri£ndMrs Johnson said. Yeah she’s not a kid anymore, I will be very happy the day I see her b©yfri£ndMr Johnson said.
But she’s not with any man Mrs Johnson said. You don’t nee-d to bother about Ashley, you know who she’s am sure she’s ok Mr Johnson said. I wish so Mrs Johnson said.
Your majesty we can’t get throu-gh to Rita one of the elders said.
Rita is really trying me I pray I don’t set my hands on her, how dare her king Lucas yelled.
St©p shouting your highness your might fall from the wheelchair one of the elders said. How dare you insult me king Lucas yelled.
Am sorry your majesty am not insulting you the elder said going on is knees. Your highness there’s trouble one of king Lucas spy said.
What’s it, I saw king stoner with the healer the spy said. What’s not possible how did you do it I s£nt you to distract stoner but you fail king Lucas said and sh0t the spy.
Ha the elders shout. But your highness you don’t nee-d to kill him the elders said. Say anything again and consider yourself died king Lucas said.
Am sure she will have accept to help them. Am here patiently waiting for her king Lucas said to hiself.
Hope you guys are all preparing for your exams the teacher which go by the name Caro asked.
Yes teacher the student chorus. Hey you meet me in my office the teacher said to king stoner s£dûçt!velyand Ashley scoff.
Why did you scoff I have a feeling she’s up to something Ashley said. I knew but I will go king stoner said. You will go and I will go after you to see what she’s up to Ashley said.
Did you know you’re very handsome the teacher said bringing out her ton-gue. Or I never knew until now king stoner replied.
What about a quic-ken with you the teacher asked s£dûçt!velyputting off her clothes.
Ashley on the other hand use her power to control her clothes to the principal office and signal king stoner to come out. Where are you going to cutie, we aren’t done the teacher said.
Don’t worry I will be right back I nee-d to attend to something quic-kly king stoner said and went out before she can st©p him.