ever been in love episode 30

story by Deborah Paul
Ever been in love
episode 30

The next day was Sunday, clarissa woke up on Marcel’s che-st, they talked and played the piano all throu-ghthe night that they didn’t realized when they slept off.

it was Clarissa that opened her eyes first, she was so shock to find herself in such position with Marcel.
without packing the plates she use to bring food for Marcel the previous night, she tiptoe out of him house, but when she was closing the door, the sound of it woke Marcel up.
Kim was already awake since 5pm, she might have a crazy life style but the one thing she doesn’t joke about is church.
and she doesn’t miss the 6 o’clock service unless she couldn’t help the situation.
she heard someone trying to open the door so she moved closer to it.
Who is it?

it’s me, open the door joor
(Opening the door)
good morning
Good morning…

why are you looking like someone who just saw a ghost?
I would have ki-ssed that ghost if that was what I saw.
(She giggles)
okay that sounds funny, what’s going on?
I slept in Marcel’s arms, like I woke up seeing myself in his arms, my head was on his che-st and his hands wrapped around me like two newly weds.
(Burst into laughter)
this girl are you sure you are normal? so because you woke up in Marcel’s arms you feel it’s better you met a ghost instead?

Babe, it’s so embarras-sing, I had to tiptoe out of his house.
(She laughed ha-rd)
what if he had ki-ssed you, or make pas-sionately love to you…i’m sure you will run out from this Earth won’t you.

stop talking ru-bbish, you don’t always help matters
That’s because you are acting like a child, you slept in Jude’s arm, Ben, a lot of them that I can’t even remember their God forsaking names and things never worked out for you…if Marcel’s arms are the arms you will find love that you have been so hungry for, I will advise you take it madam.
Clarissa was queit for some time before she took noticed of her sister.
where are you going to dress like this?
I’m going to mum’s funeral dummy

(She chuckled)
stop being an as-s, where are you going to?
I’m going to speak to Jesus, today is his day.
oh my God, today is Sunday? I forgot
How would you rremember when you were enjoying in a man’s arm
stop saying that, I’m trying to forget it.
whatever, see you when I come back
what? you mean you gonna leave me here all alone?

(She tou-ched her ne-ck)
are you okay? because the last time I checked you stay alone.
must you always be sarcastic?
if I’m not then how would I be fun….are you going or I should go?
Give me five minutes and I will be out.
Kim nodded her head and Clarissa ran into her bedroom to take her bath.
she took the TV remote and turn it on, she sat down trying to fix her heels buckle when what Clarissa said crossed her mind “give me five minutes and I will be out” she nodded her head trying to disagree that her sister didn’t have the intention of wearing those nonsense she normally wear to anywhere she’s going to.

she continued with what she was doing, not long clarissa ran out with exactly what Kim had in mind.
I told you I will be fast, let’s go I’m done.
done where? what is this you are putting on?
clothes of course, this is the simplest thing I could find to wear
If you don’t go in right now and change into something nice from the clothes Marcel got for you yesterday, I will just go without you…..and trust me I mean it
she said not smiling at all, she looked very pissed, Clarissa opened her mouth to complain but Kim picked her bag and started to walk out, clarissa quickly ran and stopped her.

okay, okay fine, I will just change into something very nice….but know that we will be late ooh
just shut up and go dress madam.
she was in no mood to laugh, for goodness sake, Marcel spent so much getting her all those stuffs so why would she be ungrateful by keeping them?
clarissa saw her serious her cousin looked, she gently went back inside and removed the clothes, the first gown her hand tou-ched in the bag she just took it, she didn’t want Marcel to wake up and meet them at home, and she didn’t want to be late.
she unzi-p the white pencil gown and wore, she sat in front of the mirror and tied her hair with a black scarf and picked her sandals and went outside.
Kim saw her and smiles de-eply
this is what I’m talking about, you look very…..
(she paused)
ridiculous I guess
shut up, if you call dressing like this ridiculous what will you call what you just change from ? I was going to say you look beautiful but that would be a lie, so, you see, we are going to take this off, you don’t nee-d it, and we gonna put some make up on that face of yours.
You want me to go to church without my scarf?
Are you the pastor’s wife? after wearing whiite gown, you tie black scarf and wait is that blue sandals I see you with? girl what is wrong with you?
if you are just gonna complain about my dressing is better you go without me.
You lie, I’m not going without you, I will let you to ru-bbish that young man’s effort never.
Kim went inside and opened the bag of shoes marcel got for Clarissa, she took a black pair of heels and a black handbag
she went to the mirror table and carried the make-up skit bag that was also bought by marcel.
she came to the living room and kept them on the table.
without taking permission she pulled clarissa down and did her make-up for her.
when she was done with it, she gave her the heels to wear while she went back inside to get what she will use in brushing her hair that was looking crazy because of how she slept without covering it.
Ten minutes later Kim had finished work on clarissa, she asked her to go and stand in front of her mirror inside her bedroom to look at herself.
she reluctantly did, she was impressed with the make-up but she feel weird dressing like this…one could littrally see her curves in the gown.
come out let’s go you can thank me later okay?
(she teased her sister)
(She walked out)
won’t I fall with this heels?
haven’t ever heard of the saying if you fall you stand up? common girl, let’s go
God why did you gI’ve me an idiot as a sister?
she lamented and Kimberly laughed

to be continue