Ethereal beauty Episode 21 & 22

Episode twenty one
Kimkim POV
I went over to the pool to relax myself before lunch break is over.
I sat down on a chair there, can’t go close cause am scared of it.
The view was refreshing.
My mind have been occu-pied by minho a lot this days, I nee-d to cool my head a bit.
Heard exams is just in a few weeks. My br@in nee-d a lot of space for what am gonna put in it.
I once loved swimming but now my fear have taken over.
I never told anyone except Tanya about me been pushed into a river by someone, and that person was no other than my grandmother.
I clearly remembered what happened.
Little me was pla-ying around in the house. My sisters all left to Seoul at young age, leaving me alone.
I was so engrossed in my self fame that I didn’t notice my grandma stirring at me.
I was frightened when i saw her sitting opposite me.
She hates me so why will she seat with me.
She looked at me withsmiles on her face, “arent you bored pla-ying alone? Pl@ywith grandma .” She said with a smile.
“I was shocked and happy. I was happy that finally I have someone to pl@ywith but shocked cause it was grandma who despised me.
She joined me in my game, after a while, she stretched and gawbef. “This game is boring, wanna go to the river bank with me to pl@ya sweet game?” She asked.
“River? Grandma, you know how I am with a that, I love water so much that just the sight makes me wanna swim in it. I caught a cold recently and dad warned me from going there.”
“We are not going to swim and besides, am right by your side . I won’t let you swim no matter what.” She said.
“Really, or don’t you trust your grandmother?”
“I do, a lot. Let’s go then.” I said standing.
I happily held her hand not knowing a big disaster is on it way.
We both went to the river bank and like always, I felt this urge of swimming . Its like I was add!çted to swimming. I adore swimming.
“Kimberly wait here for a while, let me get something for us.”
“Ok grandma.” She smiled at me and left.
I stood there waiting for her for what seems like forever. Then something heavy hut my back. I was very close to the river, so it pushed me into the water. At the process of hitting my back, it hit my shoulder almost and that made it impossible for me to swim.
I was drowing, I knew at that moment that my end was near. I was losing it. I was going de-ep into the water, everywhere black out.
I woke up in the hospital with dad, grandma and grandfather standing close to me. Grandma lied to dad that I went to the river alone after she warned me.
I knew then that my grandma will never love me.
Flashback end .
Am so haply am outer that house cause they where more like the demons tormenting me.
Tanya POV
Haven’t seen kimkim anywhere, maybe she is at the swimming pool.
We nee-d to talk about what she did in clas-s today.
I went to the swimming pool and there she was, seating on a chair with her eyes closed.
I walked straight to her.
“Kimkim we nee-d to talk.” I said.
She opened her eyes and sat up straight.
“Tanya, what are you doing here?”
“Hello, this is the school swimming pool so I can come here at anytime I want.” I replied.
“Ok. Then I will take my leave.” She said standing up but I put her back to her seat.
“Don’t you dare think of running away from me.” I said to her.
“Running away ? Why will I do that?”
“What was that you did in clas-s?”
“What was what?”
“Avoiding me .”
“I did not avoid you.”
“Yes you did.”
“Well maybe is because my mind was occu-pied.”
“Occu-pied with what?”
“Family issues.” I replied.
“Then you should have let me know.” I said seating down close to her.
“Sorry.” She said.
We kept quiet for a while before she spoke up, “have you ever thought of changing to being a boy again?”
“Don’t you think its time for you to do that? You are eighteen and can make decisions for yourself. No one will st©p you instead you can st©p your problem throu-gh it.” She said.
We had a security coming towards where we are.
“Thought it was still lunch time?”
“Yes it was but it must be over now.” I replied.
“Now where are we going to hide?” She asked.
I pointed at the water.
“No way.”
“Before she could say any word I pushed her inside and entered inside too.
She wanted to swim up but I brou-ght her back, we both going de-ep into the water floor.
We held our breath and we where still able to see the security man shadow. I looked at kimkim and she was tired of holding her breath.
I was thought something important by someone. Maybe I can help her.
I swim to her and placed myl-ips on hers, she was shocked and surprised.
I breathed air into her mouth , she un-derstanding, breathed air into me. This was how we kept exchanging oxygen
Kimkim POV
We left immediately the security left, my br@in had a lot of thought in it and now it just wors£n, the k!sswors£n it.
$h!t this can’t be happening to innocent me.
Come to think of it, that was my first k!ss.
Tanya POV
What kimkim said at the pool kept on appearing in my head.
Maybe she is right, its time to change back to been a boy.
It might help me solve my problrm.
Have done what mother ask me to do for eighteen years, now its my turn to do what I want to do.
Kimkim POV
Shut what am i going to do now? Its so obvious that have fallen for Tanya.
On this side is my love for him, on the other side is minho whom he love.
$h!t am a confused fool right now.. What the heck am I going to do?
Episode twenty two
(short episode)
Tanya pov
What kimkim said have been in my mind.
I couldn’t sleep because of it thinking about what she said.
She is right , I nee-d to change to the new me. Its time for me to be who I want to be.
And also this could also be my opportunity to capture that criminal, he only want the males in my family then surely he will come for me. I don’t mind risking myself to find him, I will kill him and make him pay for what he have done.
Now is the time to be the boy I am, now is the time not to be Tanya anymore. Tanya USA weak person who can’t do anything. Am going to change to a new me now.
I carried my phone on my be-d and called kimkim. She picked.
“Hello kimkim, can we meet at the pla-yground?”
“Yes. By seven?”
“Sure.” She replied and I disconnected the call.
Kimkim pov
Why will he tell me to meet him at the pla-yground?
Is it about the k!ss?
“What’s wrong? Who’s that?” Rose asked.
“Its Tanya. He called saying he want to see me, don’t really know why.” I replied.
“Then go see her, it might be important.” She said.
Important? I know its surely about the k!ss. Why will she call it important? But that was my first k!ss, its important.
“What are you thinking about?” Rose asked.
“Nothing.” I replied and left the kitchen.
I should get dressed to meet him.
Tanya pov
I put on a towel jacket and sat infront of a mirror.
I inhaled de-eply, now is now or never.
I picked up the scissor and began to do justice to my hair.
I cut it short, and stretch it. I made it a fringe, and the rest all went back. I trimmed it to the perfect height and dyed my hair brown.
I got dressed in a black jean crazy trou-ser and a black Gucci shi-t, then with my brown leather jacket.
When I was done dressing , i stood infront of the mirror and their was actually a great transformation. I wasn’t Tanya anymore. I am now who I was born as. An eighteen years old teenage boy. No one will recognize me unless I tell them am the one.
Am not Tanya Lee again, am now Tyson Lee.
Kimkim pov
Tanga want us to meet. At a pla-yground.
From what have heard, that place is r0m@nç£.
What am I saying? ro-mantic? Kimkim you are officially crazy now.
Am trying to get him out of my head and it keeps getting worst. I nee-d to st©p this crazy feeling.
I went to my wardrobe and saw a go-wn have been keeping since. Lisa gave it to me.
Why don’t I wear it today?
This isn’t for Tanya but I just wanna wear it. Its been in my wardrobe and Lisa will feel bad if I don’t wear it.
I brou-ght it out and wore it. I style my hair , this time without covering it. I applied a light makeup.
Am not looking good for Tanya , just felt like doing this.
I c@m£ out of my room and rose mouth dropped wi-de open.
“Kimkim is this you?” She asked.
“No, this is my twin sister.” I replied.
“Oh my my my. You look so beautiful. Woah!! This is the first, you wore a go-wn. Oh my. My sister is really pretty.”
“Yes of course, that was why I was nicknamed ethereal beauty.” I said.
Rose was really shocked to see me dressed like that. She couldn’t st©p complimenting my looks. I left the house and went to the pl@yground. Everyone kept looking at me, some complimented my looks.
Tanya pov
When I got to the pl@yground, people where stirring at me mostly the ladies.
That kept drooling
Is he an angel?
So cute.
One even said.
Why are cute people coming to the pl@yground today and that made me laugh. She meant no cute person have ever come there. Funny.
Now to find kimkim.
I began to look for her in the crowded place.
Most people love coming there when its night cause they always say the fun is in the night.
Where could she be?
I looked at my front and sighted her sitting on a bench.
She….. She looks different.
She looks so beautiful, like,, like a goddess.
I went closer still shocked at her lolls. Kimkim is a very beautiful girl, but now with a go-wn and uncovered hair, she looks like a sea goddess.
“Kimkim.” I called.
She looked at me.
Kimkim pov
How did this stranger know my name? How did he know my name is kimkim?
Who is he?
“kimkim.” He called again and I realise who he was.
He was….. Tanya.
I looked at him from head to toe.
“Ta…… Tanya?” I called.
“I thought about what you said and here I am, my real self.” he said.
I slowly stood up shocked at the person in front of me.
My heart began to beat abnormally. It was beating fas-ter than normal, am going to explode.
I might fall down.
I can’t take this.
I took to my heels ignoring him calling me.
Tanya pov
She ran?
Why did she run away from me? Is she too shock or she don’t know its me? I wanted us to spend time together. She was the one who talked me to this so I wanted her to see me first, but she ran away.
What’s wrong with her?
Or did i unknowingly say or do something wrong?
She keeps confusing me.
Kimkim pov
Am really in love with Tanya. I really wanted to kill this feeling but he made it worst. He just made it worst.
I can’t betray minho , no I can’t.
I took a cab back home.
Rose was shocked to see me sad. She rushed to me.
“Kimkim what wrong?’ She asked.
I hvgged her really ti-ght.
“Am In love with Tanya.” I replied.
“What?” She asked shocked, she made me seat down. “Tanya? Tanya your friend? A girl?”
I looked at her, “you mean a boy.”
“Unnus I want to tell you something, but plea-se do not tell anyone.”
“Go on.” She said.
“Tanya is a boy………..” I told her everything, how I find out and how I kept it a secret.
“Oh my goodness.” She said shocked. “Now you are in love with him.”
“Yea. But I want to kill this feeling, minho is his b©yfri£nd.”
She sighed, “minho is his b©yfri£nd, but they will not stay for long cause of what the society thinks. The are both boys. Aunt Janet will never accept that. If you love him then let him know, if he don’t love you, you can then try to forget him, but if he does, then you both can try to make minho un-derstand.”
“Unnue its not that easy.” I said.
Rose pov
I am really shocked and surprise.
Tanya is a boy and he have to go throu-gh a lot cause of his father who wanted a girl. People can be so irritating and wicked.
I really wish I can help, but how?
According to kimkim, minho really love Tanya. This might bring hatred.