ERUKA (episode 20)

© Oby  Chinyere
“He is so fine Ruka, have you seen his hair, he even has white hair, I saw it yesterday when I re-moved his face cap to see if it will fit into my head, ooh Ruka that guy is cute…he told me the story behind it and doesn’t like ex-posing it except if he is in the office where he won’t be allowed to wear face cap, he said people may feel uncomfortable with him because of the hair and he doesn’t want that, do you know what else he said, this is the most sweet p@rt of the whole thing…do you know…can you guess Ruka…just guess…

“mmm… did he say that he loves you…my guess though…?
“no…no..aah Ruka, you are jumping ahead of us, he hasn’t say that yet, but his b©dy language says it all, he just doesn’t want to rush ahead of himself…I wish he can even say that but I am not in a hurry because I totally un-derstand, he likes me and I like him too, very soon it won’t be like any more it will be love…how sweet that will be, sorry…I am day dreaming again, so back to what I wanted to say, he told me that his father will help me secure a good hospital where I can officially work as a nurse, the best p@rt is that if I want it here or abroad it will be available…aah…Ruka as he said that, I was so overwhelmed with joy, without thinking I threw myself into his arm and he held me, and when I loos£ned he looked at me and even look at my mouth, in my mind I have alre-ady k!sshim very well, but physically there was nothing like that, no k!ss!ngjust the warm hvg…aah Ruka, I feel good, I want to keep talking…

“okay…keep talking, I will keep listening until I fall asleep, is your usual way…your second name is chatterbox, you never get tired of talking… just lower your voice so that mother will not hear you…and Dave is in slee-ping in the parlour, don’t talk too loud…your voice is too loud..
Julio lowered her voice into a whisper that I could ha-rd ly hear her, I have to move my ear close to her mouth, she boast out laughing loud but quic-kly covered her mouth, she was so excited about everything, and I can feel her joy from where I l@ybeside her in our shared room
“Ruka, When it comes to you, I can say anything without being judged that’s why you are the best sister in the world, I love Richa-rd ’s dressing on that my p@rty day, he looks so cute, and I was so happy for the gifts he gave me, when he took me to his grandma, it was so fun, the old woman treated me like her granddaughter she’s so nice and so strong too, I wish Richa-rd has stayed so that we will all travel back tomorrow, but he said he has to go back, when I waved him goodbye this morning I felt like crying, emotions was building in..
“Who felt like crying…you…hahahaha…so you can actually have such feeling, I thought you are always acting like you got no emotions…

“everyone does, is just that some are just good in hiding their emotions, the cry I wanted to cry was actually a good cry, you know when you know de-ep down you are going to miss someone special, no matter if is a day, the emotions will just crowd up, well, he called me this evening that he has gotten home, I was just wondering to myself, is just one week of knowing him and it felt like I have known him forever, don’t call me a lover girl because he hasn’t said he loves me and I haven’t either…

“Do you intend to tell him that when he hasn’t even said such, Julio, you baffles me…
“is friendsh!plove not what you are thinking…like you and Dave, I see the way he can’t seem to take his eyes off you, he wants to be close to you, see how he left his business and the big city where he grows up to come and down here just because of you, he has being here for a week and hasn’t complain, that’s the kind of love I want for you, not that kind of Bazil fake love, I was so happy you found out, Ruka maybe in the older world, the world we can’t see with our physical eyes I’m your elder sister there while is this physical world you are my elder, because sometimes what you can not see I have alre-ady seen…love is a sweet thing when you are with the right person, if we go back tomorrow and that Mara tries anything she will get the beating of her life, Ruka, hahahaha…why are you looking at me like that…don’t un-der estimate my powers, I said I can kill for you…I will destroy Mara for your sake, if she comes up with the child issue we are going for a DNA test right away, and if truly Dave is the father then he will care for his son and if not then I will be the one to kick her bad as-s goodbye…she can’t do anything, she’s not even a threat I wonder why you say she’s threatening you, one correct sl@p from me to her, her dry br@in will come back to life…Ruka don’t worry I’m solidly behind you…do you remember that day we went to the market…an…
I sle-pt off and couldn’t hear the rest off whatever she was saying, I have being trying to stay awake since she started talking but sleep defeated me finally and I woke up the following morning and it was time to travel back to the city, we hvgged mother and Mia good bye and Mia who was down with college was planning to go to the university to study law, she doesn’t want to be far from mother, so she chose a a schools around our home town

I gave her money to process her paper and to pay up any fee to she’s required to pay, Dave gave mother money to add to her business, we waved them good bye before leaving
We arrived very late in the night, and after Dave dropped me and Julio at home he drove off to his place.
The next day I was in the market with Julio, and I have to do account with Tara, and I was so proud of her, she did so well in my abs£nce, I added more money to her salary, and also to other two girls in different slot. Business was looking good.
After one week, Julio got a call from Richa-rd who told her that he was coming around to pay us a visit, I watch as Julio kept on changing cloth and asking me which of the dress is better, all the cloths were fine, so she finally settled with one, in the mid afternoon, Richa-rd called that he is close but wasn’t sure of the house because he was driving, so Julio went out to get him and after sometime they both drove in.

He was looking so happy and I guess Julio alre-ady have effect on him, he bought lots of things for me and Julio and Julio served him food, Dave also c@m£ down in the evening and met Richa-rd , it was a full house, and Dave talked about wanting to do a DNA test to ascertain if truly the son Mara said she had for him is his or not, Richa-rd told him not to worry he will help him out with that, his father’s hospital is open for such things and is not too far from my place, Dave thanked him.
Richa-rd later left with Julio, they sat in the car for sometime and when Julio c@m£ in she was alre-ady blu-shing from cheek to cheek
I saw Dave off to his car an
d c@m£ back to ask Julio why she was acting weird, Julio said that Richa-rd asked her for a d@t£, that she was going on a d@t£ with Richa-rd , and from there he will take her to his parents and introduce her to his father who will then connect her up.
I feel so happy for her, the weekend c@m£, the day Richa-rd was taking Julio out on a d@t£ and I took my time to select dress for her before Richa-rd will drive down she was alre-ady well dressed, I watch as Richa-rd smile from ear to ear before taking Julio hands into his and lead her to his car and they drove off

I visited Dave and he said Mara has refuse to come with the child ever since he told her about the DNA test, I asked him to call her, we nee-d to be done with this issue ones and for all, Dave called her and remind her about the test again and she said she was coming down
She later c@m£ down but still not with the boy
“where is the boy Mara, we have an appointment this afternoon by twelve oclock, we nee-d to go for the test, I told you everything, now you are back here again without the boy…
“I am not bringing my son for any DNA test, I don’t nee-d that to know who the father of my son is, you are the father and that’s the fact, and even if I have to agree to this DNA thing then it won’t be at your choice hospital it will be at mine, the test will be done in my family hospital, that’s the hospital we all use in my house and we have a family doctor that can do that…so that is the only way for me to agree to the test.
“And that won’t happen, since you don’t want my own hospital and I definitely don’t want yours, we can go to any general hospital and do it.
She refused to agree to that as Dave kept on insisting, and told her that’s the only way he can claim responsibility of the child
“since all this has being happening you have never for ones bring the little boy down here for me to see him, at least let me see the child you said is mine, since I’m the father then bring him to me, or let’s do the DNA for peace to reign, I want to focus on my future and I don’t nee-d distraction from you, Ruka is my future and you are a big distraction Mara, I don’t nee-d that, if the child is truly with your parents then bring him to me let me see my son…

“Forget it, no nee-d for a DNA test, my son is alre-ady with his father, he is not with my parents, he is with his real father, well since I can’t have you then Ruka can go ahead, after all I used you to my satisfaction, I only remained little of you for other girls, like Ruka, you are alre-ady a left over Dave, there’s nothing so special about you any more, you pushed me out of your house the other day and I almost fell with my high heel shoe just because I c@m£ to make breakfast for you, you are so wicked Dave and evil minded, i thought i will be able to get some cash for the trouble you put me into in the past but you are so self centered, if I have succeeded in coming back I would have dealt with you, I will just finish you up from where I st©pped in past… the main thing is that you will never see anyb©dy as beautiful and so clas-sy like me even in your next life you will never meet someb©dy like me, I am very beautiful and my parents have money, can you compare me to this trader of yours, she’s a market lady, and has no line of wealth, her mother is probably one old looking haggard witch someher…
I flew with speed and landed her a sl@p twice, she was shock as she held her cheek
“you can call me all manner of names and I wouldn’t mind, you can do or say anything to me and I will never react but if you ever…ever in your life say anything bad about my mother, I will disfigure you…if you really want to know if I can do that…say anything again about my precious mother and watch what I will do to you…what are you still doing here, since the child is not for Dave isn’t it better for you to just leave with your shameless self, you wanted to tra-p him down with having a child, another man’s child, who exactly are you Mara, so the child was for another man and because he c@m£ up with the idea of doing a DNA test you decided to say the truth, you are a fool and a looser…I’m glad that the truth c@m£ to light…
She was moving away from me as I shout at her, she probably did not expect to see me that way, Dave asked her to leave his house immediately, she was still holding her cheek
“Dave, she sl@pped me, she actually sl@pped me and all you could say is that I should leave your house, look…look at me my cheek is swelling up…I feel pain on both side of my face…why will she sl@p me…I only said that…that…I accepted defeat, there is no problem… despite I was never defeated I still decided to accept the defeat and she strike me on both face, nob©dy has ever sl@pped me like she just did…she is only jealous that I am more beautiful than her and she want to spoil my beauty…

I watch as she fume and was still moving back as Dave gently pushed her out his gate and locked the gate.
Dave apologies on behalf of Mara for insulting my mother.
I was even happy that I will rest from Mara’s trouble, at least she knows what I’m capable off if she dares crosses me, the sl@p was a little test of what I will do to her if she comes close to me or mine again.
Dave suggested I register into a business school abroad, so that I can take my business outside the country like he does, he said I shouldn’t limit myself there was still time for me to go to school, and get more knowledge on business and he will make sure that I attain height,
I told him I have responsibility, of my mother and my sister Mia, who just entered a law school, he said I shouldn’t worry because my responsibility is equally his responsibility and he will help me to achieve all my goal,
I felt so blessed to have him, but he said he was more blessed to have me, and we laugh over it, a week later he took me out that evening to one of the coolest place I have never being to before, he invited Julio and Richa-rd who was obviously in a relationsh!p, it was a lovely evening as the cool breeze graced my skin, he was so happy as we walk hand in hand, Richa-rd and Julio where giggling over something as Julio whispered something to him, and when I thought I alre-ady have the best time of my life and was looking forward to going home, Dave went down on one knee and asked me to marry him, Julio was screaming and jumping like a frog, I was speechless as I watch Dave stretch out the ring and started saying some emotional things that got me teary,
Julio who was still shouting and jumping, she brou-ght a tissue and cleaned my eyes as she went back shouting, Richa-rd was laughing and videoing the sweet moment, and I whispered “yes”, that’s all I could do to hold myself from crying like a baby, he sl!pthe ring into my f!nger and stood up to k!ssme before drawing me into a hvg.
I wish Julio could st©p shouting let me enjoying this sweet moment in peace,
She was acting as if she was the one that got the ring, I love my sister, and her sweet scream filled my head.
I’m glad this tough love journey is heading to somewhere meaningful;, the obstacles are finally re-moved off the way, or better still we conquered them.
Dave is a man to keep and I bless the day I met him in his sister’ house.
This is just the beginning of a new story for me.
To be continued… 
NEXT (episode 21 – The end)                                                              PREVIOUS (episode 19)