empire falls batch 6

♡Empire Falls♡
Chapter Fifteen
“Please Adrian,please wake up.I won’t be rude to
you anymore.I will always be nice.please wake
up for my sake.I won’t give you problems.I won’t
frustrate you anymore.I won’t annoy you.please
wake up”.Lis cried holding Adrian’s hand as she
closed her eyes
“Please”.She muttered and felt Adrian’s hand
move as she opened her eyes
“Adrian”.Lis said in tears and hu-gged him
“Hey,I’m okay.I just fainted.I didn’t die”.Adrian
said patting her back
“I know but you scared me.You had me
worried”.She said and disengaged from him so
as to allow Adrian sit up
“I scared you?,how?.I thought you didn’t care
about me”.He said and Lis hit his arm slightly
“Of course I do”.She said and Adrian smiled
which made her do the same
“How are you feeling.Did your head hurt?,are you
feeling any pains anywhere?,is your back paining
you?,tell me.I’m gonna go deal with that
Natasha”.Lis said in anger and Adrian chuckled
“I’m not hurt.I’m fine.I should be asking you
about you.Did you get hurt when I fainted
because I could remember clearly that I
collap-sed on you”.Adrian said
“Yes I was hurt”Lis said
“Where?”.Adrian asked with a worried look
“I was hurt because you were hurt by all those
[email protected] shouldn’t have gotten hurt in my
process.I didn’t know why you did that even
though I’m rude to you”.She muttered looking
down and Adrian used his finger to raise her
head up
“Because I love you.Don’t consider me as your
guardian.I’m also a human like you.We are both
supernatural.And I also have a heart meaning
that heart is surely gonna beat for someone and
that someone is you Lisa”.Adrian said
“You know right now,I feel like a fool.I don’t
know what’s wrong with me now”.Lis said
“You love me that’s why.I know I quickly
confessed my feelings for you but I did it
because I couldn’t take it anymore.I couldn’t
bear see us fight and argue.My heart feels like
it’s gonna explode when I’m not with you”
“I also feel it.it’s like our hearts are
connected”.Lis said
“Yes it is because we’ve confessed our feelings
and we’ll forever be together.If we do get
separated,we are gonna keep feeling like our
heart is gonna explode until we die”
“Meaning nothing must separate us”.Lis said
“Except death”.Adrian said and they heard a
cough.They both turned their heads in shock and
saw the school nurse(Nancy)
“How…how long have you been there
ma’am?”.Adrian asked
“Just recently came in to check on you but I
guess you are alright now”.Nancy said
“Yes.I’m okay now.Thanks a lot.we’ll start going
now”.Adrian said getting down from the bed
“Thanks ma’am”.Lis said
“You’re welcome dear.Enjoy yourselves
guys”.She said giving them an awkward smile
and they both walked out smiling
“So what should we do now since school
activities has been canceled and we can’t go
home now”.Adrian asked placing his hand around
Lis ne-ck as they both walked throu-ghthe school
“Well,anything”.Lis said wrapping her hands
around Adrian’s wai-st and he flinched
“What happened?”.Lis asked moving away from
“Ooh,that felt great”.Adrian said
“The way you wrapped your hand around my
wai-st.It felt great.I felt a great energy”.Adrian
said and Lis heaved a sigh of relieve
“You scared me.I thought something happened
to you again”.Lis said
“Come on.you are with me.Nothing can happen
to me”.Adrian said dragging her closer to him
“Liar”.Lis said and he chuckled
“Should we go racing or swimming?”.Lis asked
looking up at Adrian
“The both”.Adrian said absentminded carried
away by her beauty
“What do you mean?”.Lis asked
“Your beauty is killing me”.Adrian said smiling
“Adrian.stop it”.Lis said
“Why.I’m saying the truth”
“My heart keep beating fast because of what you
say”.Lis said
“Aww.I feel special making your heart beat very
fast”.He said and Lis blus-hed
“You are welcome.Please which sport should we
do”.Lis asked
“Let’s race to the swimming pool,then we’ll
swim”.He said
“I’ll give you a minute headstart”.
“You don’t have too”.Lis said
“I am.on three.1,2…”.His voice trailed off when
Lis began running before he finished counting
“You are a cheater pretty”.Adrian said in his
mind and ran after her
♡Empire Falls♡
Chapter Sixteen
“You cheated again”.Adrian said when they got
to the pool
“I didn’t”
“I’ll let that pas-s because you are my
girlfriend”.He said and she chuckled
“uh-uh loverboy.Should we go swimming
now”.Lis asked
“No.I have something cool to show you”.He said
and dragged Lis to a secluded place
“What are we doing here?”.Lis asked
“We are gonna fly.I’m gonna teach you”.Adrian
“Humans can fly?”.She asked in surprise
“We are supernatural.We can do anything”.Adrian
“Are we flying now,won’t we get caught?”.Lis
“Should we do it when we get to Empire
Falls?”He asked
“We can do that”.Lis said
“Okay my lady.we’ll do that”
“Now let’s go before someone catches us”.Lis
said and began walking when Adrian grabbed her
hand and dragged her back
“What are you doing?”.She whispered
“What do you mean?”.He asked pinning her to
the wall and they both stared at each other’s
“Why…why did you drag me back.Let’s go
“But I don’t want to”.He said using his hand to
smothen her hair
“Then what do you wanna do?”.She asked
“This”.He said bringing his head closer to Lis and
she closed her eyes as I heart kept pounding but
not really pounding.Adrian stopped on his track
and he smiled to himself before pecking her on
the cheek.
Lis slowly opened her eyes to see Adrian smiling
at her but she was a little dissapointed because
he didn’t ki-ss her on the li-p
“Shall we go swimming now?”.Adrian asked
“Uh,y..yes”.Lis said and Adrian chuckled to
himself,grabbing her hand and took her to the
swimming pool
At Empire Falls
“Hey there”.Raven called when she sighted Lis
and Adrian and they both turned to her
“Oh,it’s you.Hi”.Lis said
“Hi”Adrian said waving his hand
“Just wanted to greet you”.Raven said
“Okay.How have you been”.Lis asked
“Good and you?”.She asked
“Same.Please I wanna go to my dorm now.we
just came back from school,so we wanna go
rest”.Lis said
“Okay”.Raven said
“Thank you.Bye”.Lis said
“Bye”Adrian said
“Bye”.Raven said and they both walked away
“I think she’s kind of nice”.Adrian said when that
both got to their dorm
“Yeah.I also think so”.Lis said dropping her bag
on the bed and slumped on it
“Can’t wait for the competition”.Lis said as
Adrian walked to the kitchen
“Yeah me too”.Adrian said taking to glas-s of
chilled water and walked out of the kitchen
“Here”.He said stretching a glas-s to Lis and she
collected it
“Thanks”.She mumbled and Adrian sat beside her
“Lisa?”.Adrian called and Lis turned her head to
look at him
“hmm?”.She asked and she saw that he was a
little bit worried “What’s wrong?”.She asked
“I don’t know how you are gonna take this but
I’m so sorry it happened”.He said holding Lis
“What is it Adrian.tell me,I’m your girlfriend”.Lis
said looking at him worriedly
“The school gave me a mission and i have to
travel out of the city to go accomplish it but I
promise you,after four months I’ll be back”.He
said and tears welled up in Lis eyes
“You’re leaving me?”.She asked
“No I’m not. Don’t think like that Lisa.I’m only
going for a mission.I’ll be back in four month.I
promise”.Adrian said
“Do you have to go?”.She asked in tears
“Yes.I know it’s gonna be ha-rd for you but I have
to go”.He said
“W..when are you leaving?”.She asked
“Next tomorrow”.He replied
“Why were you given the mission.it’s not fair”.Lis
cried and Adrian pulled her into a hu-g
“I’m so sorry”.He said stro-king her hair and she
continued crying
Jeez,this is gonna be ha-rd for Lisa
♡Empire Falls♡
Chapter Eighteen
Lis slowly got down form her bed,feeling weak
as she walked to the bathroom and had a warm
bath to calm herself
She couldn’t believe Adrian left so soon.She’s all
alone now,She just began schooling in Empire
falls and now,her guardian is gone,her boyfriend
is gone and a friend
She walked out of the bathroom,feeling a little
refreshed as she put in some clothes and
arranged her bed
“Okay.I can do this.I have to be strong.He said I
shouldn’t be scared.He’ll soon be back.I can
wait.I have to keep going for him”.Lis said to
herself as she picked her bag,hung it on her
shoulder and walked out of the room
“Mom!!”.Lis screamed when she stepped into her
home and ran to hu-g her mom
“Oh,lis dear.how have you been doing?”.Her mom
“I’ve been doing great mom.I’ve really missed
you mom.Really,really missed you”.Lis said and
moved away from her
“I’ve also missed you dear.I can see your
guardian is really taking good care of you.So
where is he?”. Her mom asked and they both sat
“He’s out of the city.The school gave him a
mission so he had to go”
“Ooh,so bad.You just started there and your
guardian is out of the city”
“Don’t worry mom.I’m fine.You know me,I’m your
strong daughter”.Lis said smiling
“I know.Are you hungry?.what should I prepare
for you?”.Her mom asked
“Anything.I’ve also missed your cookings”
“I know.I’m gonna prepare all your
favourites.You are soo lucky I have a day off
today.We are gonna spend all say together”.Her
mom said walking towards the kitchen
“Mom.I have to go now”.Lis announced
“Do you really have to go.You just came”.Her
mom said
“Mom.I’ve been here for five hours now.I have
clas-ses to attend to”.Lis said
“Clas-ses?,what clas-ses?”
“Well we have cooking clas-s,meditation
clas-s,swimming clas-s,training and some other
clas-ses”.Lis stated
“Wow.Empire falls has improved.When I was still
schooling there,we didn’t do all those things.We
only had training,day and night”
“Cool.Okay mom.I have to get going”
“Okay.Take care of yourself okay?”.Her mom
said as they both stood up
“Yes mom.Bye”
“Bye dear”.Lis mom said and they both hu-gged
before Lis left
“Hey.Raven,what’s going on?”.Lis asked Raven
when she saw some students running towards
the hall
“We are having our midterms soon”.Raven
“Midterms?,what’s that?”.Lis asked with a
confused tone
“Test.Empire falls midterms.Just like in the
normal school,you guys do have midterm test.It’s
the same.So people are going to go check the
day we are having it”.Raven said
“O..okay.I’ll join you soon”.Lis said
“Okay.”.Raven said and ran to the hall
Midterms?.Jeez,I don’t even know how to use my
powers properly