Emma’s secret Episode 46 & 47

(Living the life of a lie)
Episode 46
By : Kebby NG
I woke up to find my self in an unfamiliar room.
I sat up only to see that I was being given a drip.
This must be an hospital,I thought as I starred every where.
What had happened,I thought as I tried to re-move the drip from my hand.
Just then the door opened and a nurse walked in
“What are you doing your Highness, You can’t take that off”She said as she placed the drip right in my hand
“Who are you and why am I here?”
“From what I un-der stand you only suffered from a b!ow in the stomach,That wouldn’t have made your forget simple things,Can’t you tell by the uniform that am a nurse and if am a nurse, You are suppose to know that you are in a hospital”
“And as for why you are here,I don’t know the full detail but all I know is that you were both rescued by the police and was brou-ght to the hospital”
“You and his Highness”She said
And just then every thing began to come back to me.
How Micheal took me as an hostage and how he asked Brian to come to his hide out, Them beating him up and him being all bloody and unconscious.
Immediately I threw the be-d sheet covers away
“Where is he? Where is my husband? Where is he ” I said asked as I tried to get up but the nurse held me back
“Your husband is fine,You have to stay in be-d,plea-se stay in be-d”She said as she kept on pushing me back on the be-d
Just then the door opened and some other nurse and doctor walked in
“What’s wrong?”The doctor asked
“She insists on seeing his Highness”The nurse replied
“plea-se doctor,let me see my husband,The last time I saw him,He was all bloody and unconscious”I said crying
“Your husband is doing fine your Highness,Just a while ago he was with you watching over you but he had to leave for some important matter”He said
“Are you sure? Your not saying that just to make me believe that he is fine right?”I asked
“Am not, one of the nurse is alre-ady calling him , Ever since they brou-ght you two in three days ago,his Highness gained back his conciousness but youve been Unconscious for three days, Seems like the shock was too much”
“We were worried that if you didn’t wake up on the third day,Then some thing was wrong,Your husband has been by your side since then,He was always here with you, So don’t worry, Just keep on resting, As soon as he receives the call,He will be here soon”He said
“Thank you doctor and plea-se as soon as he comes tell him to come see me”
“As have said he has been worried about you for the whole three days that you have been unconscious,He ha-rd ly ever left your side,So tell me your Highness,If we call him now and tell him that you are finally awake,How do you think that he will react?”The doctor asked giving me a smile
“We both know what the answer is,So kindly wait for him, Your Highness”He said and left the room.
I layed back on the be-d, Thinking about what had happened days ago.
Just remembering being k!$$£d and t©uçhed by Micheal made me feel disgusted.
“Don’t think this is over,I will come back for you Emma,You belong to me,Only me!”
Each time I think about that scene,I always think that’s it’s all just in my imagination
But now I realise that it’s just not my imagination.
While he was being taken off by the police,He yelled those words at me
Though I was in the ambulance,Being checked on I had heard when he said it and those were the last thing I heard before I finally lost it.
Just knowing That Micheal will be finding a way to come back for me, made me feel scared
I was still thinking of Micheal threats and action in the past when the door opened
At first I was scared to look at the person who just walked in,I thought it was Micheal, That he had managed to come back for me
It wasn’t until the person t©uçhed me and I screamed that he finally spoke up
“Its me Emma”On hearing Brian voice, I turned to see him there looking at me
His face still had bruises on it but no matter how much bruises he had ,He always looks so hand some to me, I thought as I kept on starring at him
Immediately I pu-ll-ed him to me and hvgged him ti-ght
“Thank God you are safe,I thought Micheal and his men succeeded in harming you but am glad they didn’t”I said holding onto him
“Yes,They didn’t succeed, After all you didn’t want me dead, You wanted me to stay with you,So I didn’t die” He said smoothing back my hair
“You looked a bit scared when I walked in a while ago,Could it Be that you were thinking of Micheal?”
“Uh? Some thing like that,I was just scared,hold me ti-ght Brian,I feel much more safe in your arms” I said holding him fiercely
“You know when you were Unconscious for the past three days and I sat down here taking hold of your hand,I felt scared,Scared that you will never get to wake up again, Scared that I will never get to show you how much I love you,Scared that I will forever live in regret of not being able to save you”
“But you did save me and you did come for me,Even though I told you not to come, Thank you for coming Brian, For being there for me”I said clinging unto him
“Even if it happens again, I will always be there to watch over you”He said
“It won’t happen again,Now that Micheal is behind bars for good,We can live in peace”I said happily and I did not notice the change of expression on Brian face
“And yes the papers you signed, As soon as you can,draw up another contract and I will sign every thing back to you, that bastard wanted me to get your money and I didn’t want that,That was why I kept it away and I never asked you to sign it”I said
“I know, If you truly wanted my money, You would have managed to get me to sign those papers but you didn’t and I love you more for it”He said ma-king my heart fl!pflop.
“And you don’t have to worry,Those paper aren’t real any way”He said
“You mean it’s a fake?”
“A duplicate,I made it just for Micheal alone”He said laughing
“Oh you are so smart, Why didn’t I just think of the same thing”I said laughing up at him .
“And as for finding you,I didn’t nee-d him s£nding me an address,I had put a tracker on you my self”
“A tracker! When?”I asked
“When I caught you leaving in the court yard,If I hadn’t made that deal with Micheal, I would have come get you My self”He said and that made me smile
Gently I pat his head “you really are a sweet husband” I said laughing up at him
He held my hand and pu-ll-ed me and before I knew,He was k!ss!ngme, at first I was taken aback by it but I held onto him and k!$$£d him back.
With no more Micheal and Nina,I can finally be with the man I love, I thought as I kept on k!ss!nghim
“Don’t you ever leave like that! Did you know how devastated I was when I saw you in the room with Micheal,You looked so scared and i felt so worth less,Worth less because I couldnt save you at that precise moment”
“From now on dont go any where with out my permission okay!”He said and i nodded gently
“As soon as you can stand on your feet,I want to take you to meet some one”He said
“You will know once the doctors say that you are okay to leave the room” He said and when the doctor checked on me and gave us the as-surance that i was fine.
He got me a wheel chair and gently carried me into it
“You know that I can still walk”I replied
“I know but I want to make you feel like a queen”He said
“As long as you keep being my king”I replied stretching forth my hand to him.
While the maid pushed my wheel chair, Brian held my hand and when we finally got to a certain room ,He st©pped the maid and guards and then he pushed my wheel chair in .
Some one who I didn’t see his face properly layed on the be-d.
And when I did see the person face,I stood up from the wheel chair and sat down on the be-d
“Daddy”I said as I hvgged his frail b©dy, He had been the reason why I went to Micheal place.
“How did you find him?”I asked
“It wasn’t that ha-rd , He was also in the same building with us and the police found him” He said and I gave him a smile
“Thank God”I said gently
“Tell me will you be telling every one the truth, That you are Emma and not Dora?”He asked
“What will be the point of telling them, No one except you know my real identity and since you know it,Am fine with it but I can’t st©p being Dora Baxter, If I have to bear this name to repay the real her,Then fine, Micheal killed the real Dora and so it’s only fair to be her, to make her parents happy and also to make every one happy. if I have to give up my own name then I give it up,Right here,Right now” I said meaning each and every word.
Episode 47
“Your Highness,This one will look more perfect on you”
“No this one will”
“The black go-wn will be the best for the ceremony”
The three maids said,They had been asked to help me pick a dress for the coronation ceremony which will be taking place Tomorrow.
Three dress had been bought for me but I didn’t know which one to pick and so I had called for the advice of the three maid who I was sure that their loyalty lies with me.
Its been a week after I was discharged from the hospital.
A week since have agreed to keep up with the pretence.
Its not an easy thing living some one else life but I just can’t see my self breaking the news to Dora parents about her death.
And it’s mainly my fault that she is dead,If only I had refused Micheal,The real Dora will still be alive
I can still remember what Brian told me on the day I decided to continue to live as Dora.
“You know you don’t have to, You didn’t mean for Dora to die”He said
“But If I hadn’t agree Micheal would never have killed her
“From what you have told me, You aren’t to be blamed, Micheal f0rç£d you to do it”
“But I still feel that I owe the real Dora, if I hadn’t come into your lives,Dora will be your bride and not me”
“Am glad that Dora didn’t turn out to be my bride, I would never have met you” he said giving me a smile
“Am also glad that with every thing,I still met the man of my dreams” I said
“You are the only thing I don’t regret in all of this”I added
“And I too”He said
“What are you going to do about your dad?”He asked
“I prefer him to be in this hospital but un-der a false name,So that way no one will be able to link him to me, Knowing that he will be safe here makes me feel relieved”I said
“Fine then,We will keep your father safe with a fake name and you will continue to act like Dora Baxter and you will continue to be my wife”He added and I nodded giving him a gentle smile.
Though I would have liked it if am known with my real name but it’s not time yet,Not yet.
“Which one do you prefer your Highness”The maid asked bringing me back to reality
“Any one would do?”I replied
“But your Highness,You nee-d to choose one,So we can get it re-ady for you tomorrow”Another said
“I just don’t know what to pick! I will get back to it later,I nee-d to see my husband”I said and went out of the room before the maid could st©p me
On the third ring, A lady answered
“This is the Baxter mansion,How can I help you”
“I nee-d to talk to both the Baxter”He said
“Both of them”The lady asked
“Yes ,The both of them, Tell them it pertain to a certain secret they have been keeping for the past 25 years,They will un-der stand”He said
“Just do as I say woman,Aren’t you just a worker there”He asked
“Yes I might be a worker but it ……..”
“Just go and get them on the phone!” He said as his voice changed to one of Anger.
“Just hang on a moment”The lady said
He smiled,Knowing that as soon as they get the message,They will come running in.
“Hello! Who is this?” Mr Baxter asked
“Just who I wanted to talk to”The man responded
“Who are you and how do you know what happen 25 years ago?”He asked
“I can’t tell you who I am but all I can tell you is that soon enough your secret about that child will be out”
“Which child? Who are you to tell me this?”,
“You think that by taking some one child and ruining her life,You think you will be free,Well you are wrong,Your past is about to catch up with you and I can as-sure you that each and every one of you who took p@rt In it,Will surely pay”
“Wh……what do you know ? Who are you ? Tell me right now”Mr Baxter yelled angryily
“Just some one who wants justice,Till I call again Mr Baxter” He said and cut the call.
“Don’t you think this will be more suit able”My PA asked showing me the blue suit
“I don’t like it, It’s my coronation tomorrow,You have no idea how much it means to me, You don’t know what I had to go throu-gh because of it,What I did just to be here”I said thinking about the little girl who had been living here then.
“Let’s Pl@ytogether! I feel lonely” she would always call to me back then
“That child isn’t some one you should be talking to, Stay away from her Brian, She is dangerous”My father would always say to me.
I was just a kid,I had to listen to my father’s word
So instead of being her friend,I had been cruel and mean to her.
The first time I met her,I knew her to be the daughter of the gardener.
She was the only little kid I could pl@ywith but every thing changed when my father knew that I was friendly with her
There was a day he caught me talking to her.
He had taken me to my room and that was the first time he layed his hands on me
“Have told you, Stay away from that girl,She can become a threat to you some day”He had said
“How dad! You keep on saying she would be a threat but how will that happen?”I asked
“You don’t have to know? Just listen to your dad okay, Do you want to see me kicked out of the throne?”
“No”I replied as I cleaned the tears on my face.
” Then do what I tell you okay,Stay away from her,If possible be mean to her,Be cruel okay?”
And I was mean and cruel to her until the day of the fire incident where she disappeared.
I feel that I had wronged her in the past and that’s why I keep on looking for her now.
Though they keep on saying that she is dead but am sure that she is not dead,Am very sure of that.
“What are you thinking of that you look so serious your Highness”My PA asked
“Nothing! Just get me a better suit for tomorrow, Tomorrow has to go well” I said
“Okay your Highness,I will do as you say!”He said and left the room.
Just then my phone began to ring and I picked it
“Brian stone! Finally you picked my call”The stranger said
“Who is this?”I asked
“The only person who knows who you truly are”He responded
” If you are only going to say ru-bbish then I will hang up”I said about to do so when he said
“Twenty five years ago,You helped in destroying a little girl life”
How did he know that,I thought .
“Who are you?”
“Just some one who wants justice for the what happened 25 years ago”
“Get re-ady Brian stone,Your past will soon catch up on you”He said and cut the call
I stood starring at the phone,Who is he and how is he connected to what happened twenty five years ago.
quic-kly I left the room and I went to see my father
They had both decided to stay in the palace for the coronation that will be taking place tomorrow
I got to the room which had been given to them and luckily mom was not around to listen to our conversation
“What’s wrong?”He asked as he stared at me
“Did you get any phone call”I asked
“Don’t tell me that you got a call too”He asked
“I did and it was about what happened 25 years ago”I said
“He is only bluffing”He replied
“But dad,that didn’t sound like bluff to me”
“Don’t think much about it! Just focus on your coronation which will be taking place tomorrow” He said
“I can’t dad! Don’t you find it odd that this happen when my coronation is about to take place tomorrow”
“St©p worrying over nothing”
“We both know that it is some thing,We both know how we treated that child,if she was the one who is doing this! Well we have no right to st©p her, After all we made her life hell”I said angrily
“We did nothing! We are just fought for what was ours”
“I thought it was because she is a bad influence, That was why you told me to stay away from her or is there some thing else to it?”I asked
” There is nothing to it,Just don’t pay attention to the call, Now I have to answer an important call,Leave Brian”He said and angrily I left the room.
I got to my room,Still fuming, Just then I got a call.
I answered the call only because it was a call from the police station
I had asked them to upd@t£ me on Micheal case and that might be what they wanted to tell me now
“Yes am listening”I answered
“Have called to give you bad news your Highness”He said
“What bad news?”I asked
“Micheal has escaped”He said
“What? But I thought he was being watched twenty four seven”I yelled angrily
“Yes he was but while there was a riot in the prison,He escaped during that time”
“Damn, we all know that his main target is my family,What are you going to do about Micheal escape?”,
“We are doing our possible best to look for him, So don’t worry your Highness, He will be found soon and we are going to s£nd some of our men to keep watch over you and your family”He said
“You better! “I said and as soon as I cut the call, I threw my phone away
“Micheal has escaped?”I heard Emma say behind me and I turned to stare at her.
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