Emma’s secret Episode 27 & 28

(living the life of a lie)
episode 27
BY: kebby NG
I tried Nina number for the tenth time and it still wouldn’t go throu-gh.
This is the third time that am coming out of the p@rty just to call Nina and yet she wouldn’t pick
Just what happened? Why didn’t she show up? Why did she make it possible for Dora to be the one bearing the Stone surname? Why did she disappear on a day like this?
This questions kept on going throu-gh my head and I nee-ded some answers.
And this can only be answered by Dora! It was said that her car took long to arrive,Just what was she doing at that p@rticular time that the car disappeared
I have to know,I thought and as I was about to go back to the p@rty to search for Dora,I got a message on my phone and when I saw that it was from Nina, I quic-kly went to a place which wasn’t occu-pied by a guest .
Then I opened the message and what I re-ad there just broke me into more pieces
“Have decided that it’s best if l leave instead of Dora, You deserve to be with some one that is in your social clas-s,Am just a poor maid,They wont show me respect and they certainly won’t want to give you the respect you deserve, So it’s better if we just forget one another and you live the rest of your life without me,Just as I would live without you”I re-ad it over and over again and when I un-derstood what it meant,I sat on the chair feeling so hurt.
Why did she have to run away,She could have just face it with me,I would have protected her with every thing have got but she had to leave,She just had to turn her back against the love we both feel for each other.
“Arrrrgh….. Brian? “on hearing Dora voice ,I looked up and saw her standing by the door,Dressed In the beautiful wedding go-wn
I had thought that I would get to see Nina wearing it but I never got the chance and it’s all because of her, I thought angrily
“I just c@m£ to tell you that our first dance will soon be called and ……….aaarrrrghhhh”She yelled as I threw the table over
I stared at her feeling so very angry, “You could have done some thing,Yet you let her leave!”I yelled at her
“Let Who leave?”She asked
Ap@rt from being a good liar,She is also pretending not to know a thing.
Walking towards her, I pu-ll-ed her r0ûghly and pushed her on the wall
“Instead of you leaving,She took your place and you never tried to st©p her, You didn’t even try to call me, Didn’t you two think of how I might have felt”I yelled at her
“Brian I…….”
“Don’t you try to justify your self by lying to me, You got married to me right,Well I will show you how hell marriage can be for two people,Now come with me”I said pu-lling her Arm.
For every hurt and anger I feel,She will be there to pay the price,I will make sure she regret ever walking on the aisle to marry me.
“Where are we going Brian,You are hurting me…..” I said walking beside him as he held unto my hand
To every one who saw us,They might think we went out to be alone and get inti-mate, Little did they know that this is just a start of so many fights between us
“Didn’t you say we were being called for our first dance together,So then let’s go”He said
As soon as we walked back into the hall,Every one cl@pped on our arrival and while Brian had been able to masked his real expression
I wasn’t able to do so, I was so worried that it showed on my face.
He pu-ll-ed me to the dance floor and held me in his arms
We began to move to the slow beat of the music And during the dance,He kept on starring at me
I didn’t dare look back,I kept my gaze averted from his.
“You don’t have the boldness to stare at me,Feeling guilty about what you did?”He asked
“The only thing I feel guilty about is for standing here and dancing in your arms,I should have just left you on the altar “I said and he laughed
“It might have been a good and bad decision for you Dora, If you had left me on the altar, I would have been a laughing stock and i hate being made a fool of”
“I won’t let you rest until have gotten the truth from you and if it’s worth it,I will let you off but if it isnt worth it, I will make sure you pay but since you decided to go throu-gh with the wedding,Helping Nina to run away and taking her position then you have no say in the matter,You are as guilty as hell and I will still make you pay for what you did today”He threatened
I looked away and trembled a bit in his arms, Ap@rt from Micheal threats,Now I have to be threatened too by Brian.
Some how I didn’t feel scared with Brian threats instead I felt kind of excited and nervous
Maybe it’s because I know that Brian is not a bad person and his threats won’t come true because,he is real gentle man and he Is way better than Michael, He might be angry now but I know that he won’t hurt any one ,Most especially a female.
Suddenly he pu-ll-ed me closer and when I looked up to stare at him, He gave me a smile and k!$$£d me.
I didn’t have the chance to move away because he was so fast.
He began to k!ssme gently at first but he changed and he began to k!ssme r0ûghly, I would have pu-ll-ed away but we had a lot of crowd watching us.
He kept on k!ss!ngme r0ûghly,Bruising my mouth and before he with drew, He bit myl-ips ma-king sure it was injured before he let go
He cleaned hisl-ips and gave me a sm-irk before leaving the dance floor.
I left the dance floor and went straight to the ladies room
My mouth was alre-ady losing bits and bits blood and it hurt, I thought as I rinsed it off with water.
He really meant it about ma-king my life a living hell,I thought as I felt the tears sl!pfrom my eye.
No I am not going to cry, I will try to be strong for my dad and for when this will be over, As soon as it’s over, I will make sure,I leave here without any thing.
As soon as I finished washing My mouth,I left the ladies and went back to the p@rty.
It was in full swing now and every one was now on the stage dancing.
I saw Brian amongst the dancer, If he had wanted to Sulk, He could have just ignore me throu-gh the wedding, I would have been fine with that but he was acting unsual
He was drinking and drinking being irresponsible,I thought as I kept on starring at him
It was late in the evening when every one began to leave.
I went to one of the room to take off my go-wn with the help of Natasha and Dora mother.
“I wish you and my brother the best, The two of you look perfect together”Natasha said
“Thanks”I replied not really listening to what they were saying.
I kept on thinking about what l@yahead of me now
We will be going straight to one of the most luxurious h0tel in the city
It had been booked for us to spend our wedding night there, Some thing I doubt will. Ever happen.
“If you nee-d any thing, Just call us okay,We will be here for you”Dora mother said and I nodded.
We all went back downstairs and I went straight to him,
Saying our good bye again, We both got into The waiting Limo.
We sat in silence until we got to the h0tel room
We were ushered to our room by three to five employees, That’s the power of money I thought as i stared at the building
As soon as we got to our suite,I was so surprised by its beauty and wondered how big it is.
“Big enough for the both of right?”He asked as if re-ading my mind
“BIg enough for us to avoid each other”I replied
“I don’t think that will happen”He said suddenly and I turned to stare at him
“What do you mean by that?’
“It means that am planning on having my wedding night with you and I don’t plan to avoid you this night or the many nights we will be sharing together ,I intend on being a husband to you and you have no choice than to be a wife to me,In every s-en-se”He said smiling and I knew that I was in de-ep trouble.
T B C👇
I want to thank God for seeing us throu-gh out last month in all the activities that has been going on in this our page and also made all my fans to change from negative to positive, by cooperating/p@rticipating in all the activities , but most especially to cli-ck /open a link to like pictures and vote on anytime I advertised link on our page .
My beloved fans, your effort, likes, long comments, shares and for you to following our page, I just want to let you guys know that, without you this page wouldn’t have been so interesting as it is now and your likes, comments and shares, but most especially cl!çk!ng/opening a link to like pictures and vote anytime I advertised link on our page has been a #MOTIVATION and the best thing that has ever happened to me to write more interesting stories.
So for this reasons, I will post 3 episodes today and recharge card of all network will be posted by #5pm before the last of today, my old fans knows me as a giver and plea-se don’t reject my gifts, because it is one of my way’s i always appreciate my fans, because we are one family and I love you guys so so much 🙈
(Living the life of a lie)
Episode 28
“Wh……what do you mean Brian!”I asked as he began to walk towards me
“You heard me perfectly Dora,You aren’t expecting me to repeat myself”He said as he kept on coming to me
I kept on moving back until I felt the wall behind me
“You can’t be serious about this Brian, You don’t want me! “I said,Wanting him to see reason
“Do I look like some one who is not serious! You’ve Taken away the one true thing that belonged to me,Why don’t I take some thing that belongs to you too”He said and pu-ll-ed me by arm pushing me on the be-d
“No Brian,You don’t want to do this!”I begged as I moved away from him but he got on the be-d and pu-ll-ed me by my legs
“No Brian, Don’t do this”I begged
“Why act like a vir-gin,One thing I know about you is that you are not one, You’ve always sle-pt around with the first guy you meet,So why should I be different,Just think of me as one of those guys”He said tossing off his jacket.
He began to un-bu-tton his shi-t and each time I try to get up,He will push me back on the be-d.
He was shi-tless when he pu-ll-ed me up and k!$$£d me
I pushed him, Hit him, Scratched him but nothing worked
He only wanted to exact his revenge on me and what he doesn’t know is That am not as experienced as he thought me to be.
Am not Dora who have been slee-ping around with a lot of men,Am just a 24 year old vir-gin,Who have been f0rç£d to live a lie.
While he fumbled with the Zi-p of my dress,I felt the tears sl!poff my face and it seemed like he felt too because he st©pped
I had my eyes close but I could feel his gaze on me.
He stood up suddenly and I opened my eyes to see him standing by the window.
“You acting like a scared v!rg!ndoesn’t suit you at all”He said still starring out of the window
He turned to stare at me and said with venom In his voice “You make me sick” and then he left.
“He is only angry! He is only angry”I kept on telling myself as I layed on the be-d and let the tears pour out
“You make me sick” Those words kept ringing in my head and I realise that I was more hurt by those comment because he is the first guy have ever fallen for and the only one who Hates me so much…………..
I woke up the next day to find him in the room.
I had sle-pt off and I didn’t notice when he got back
He was speaking on the phone and if he saw me,He pretended not to.
I stood up and went to my luggage which had Not been unpacked
“Don’t bother to pack,As soon as you are re-ady,We will be leaving “He said
“But we just arrived here yesterday and we are meant to stay here for a week “I said and he stared at me for the first time that morning
“You really want us to spend a week together?”He asked
“I thought we had to,For appearance even if we don’t …….mean it” I replied
“If you are perfect in lying,Am not perfect in doing so And the sooner I stay away from you,The better”
“Am only giving you half an hour to get changed,If you aren’t re-ady by then, You can get back to the palace your self”He said and went out of the room.
I finished in thirty minutes and as soon as I went out of the room, We left the suite.
Throu-gh the ride back to the palace,I kept on thinking about last night!
What if he had f0rç£d himself on me,What would I have done,I thought as I sneaked a peek at him.
He was back to being the busy man, He had his l@pt©p with him and was also ma-king an important call.
As soon as we got back to the palace,He went straight to his study and lock himself up.
I was taken to The be-d room by the head of the maid,Who made it clear to me that the room belonged to Brian and that since am his wife now,I will be staying with him.
“If you nee-d any thing your Highness,Just ring the bell”She said before leaving the room
Instead of lady Dora, Am now being addressed as her Highness,What a total sham this is.
I was unpacking my clothes when the door opened and he walked in
“Why are you here?”He asked
“This will be my room from now on”I replied gently
“Says who?”
“Says our marriage,You are my husband Brian and they will expect to see us in the same room”I said
“I don’t care,I want you out of my room, Seeing you here makes me mad”He said as he pu-ll-ed me out of the room,Locking the door .
Knowing that he won’t open the door,I left the room and went for a stroll in the garden.
A chair had been placed there,So I sat down there and enjoyed the quietness of the place
My phone began to ring and I answered without looking at the caller
“How is the honey moon going my darling sister?”Micheal floated to my ears
“If you are expecting a ro-mantic interlude between Brian and I just forget it”I said angrily
“Really? Is Brian being a j£rk to you?”He asked mockingly
“Just tell me why you called me,I don’t have time for your darn questions”
“I just called to know how you are fairing with the new husband”
“Well he just kicked me out of the room, How do you really expect me to get his money when he hates me with pas-sion,You should have just allowed Nina to do it”
“Have lost all faith in Nina,Nina is greedy and she wants every thing for herself, I can’t trust her,You are the only one I trust right now”
“Don’t you think that i might betray you too”I said and he laugh
“For one thing you can’t because you know your dad life is in my hand,so be a good girl and try your best to get your husband attention, Am counting on you my lovely sis”He said and switched off the phone.
I sighed sadly and thought of where I would be slee-ping tonight
I sat in my study,Dealing with some late work, Ever since the merger,business has been running smoothly and have always been busy.
Working late has been the only thing that keeps me going.
Its been a week now and nothing from Nina and each time I go back to the room to see Dora laying on the floor ,I always wish it was Nina.
Am sure that the same thing will happen tonight too, So I wouldn’t have to go to the room, I stayed late in the study and there are times that I sleep off too.
I will just have to work late this time, I don’t want to see her and be reminded of Nina.I thought
The door opened and one of the guards walked in
“Sorry to intrude your Highness but a Mr Hopkins is asking of you “He said
“Let him in , Hurry”I said quic-kly and he left and soon Mr Hopkins walked in bowing
“What news do you have for me?”I asked
“It’s still the same thing your Highness” He replied
“You still haven’t found her yet?”I asked
“Its like Miss Nina disappeared from the face of the earth”He replied
“Could it…..be that she w…..has been killed?”I asked
“We can’t jump to that conclusion yet” He replied
“But there is no sign of her? You have been searching for a week now and nothing”I said
“Yes we have been searching for a week and we haven’t found her,It doesn’t mean that she is dead”He said
” I think there is some thing fishy in all this,Have a look at this footage your Highness”He said putting his c@m£ra in front of me
“As you can see in the footage,She got into the limo,The car is expected to pas-s throu-gh the bond Street and it wouldn’t take us 30 minitues to pas-s throu-gh it but it took them an hour and half to pas-s throu-gh it”He said
“I remembered that they had been late to get to church,Could this be why?”I asked
“I think so, Take a look at this other footage, it was nearby and it caught her getting back into the limo”He said
“This certainly isn’t Nina”I said
“You are right!,She is not the one getting back into the car,From my own perspective I think for that time the car was missing? Nina alre-ady left the car giving your wife the chance to get in, I think that she knows where Nina might be”He said
I put the l@pt©p down,Feeling angry, So she knew where I could find Nina and yet she didn’t say a thing,How cruel can she be? I thought
“Keep on doing the search, I will have a word with my wife”I said as I led him to the door.
As soon as he left, I went in search of Dora.
I had just gotten out of the bath room , Very soon Brian will be coming to sleep and I don’t want him to see me awake.
Every night before he comes back to the be-d room,I would alre-ady be on the make shift be-d which I had always made to sleep on.
I had thought that he meant it when he threw me out of his room a week ago but on that same day he had called me back and made it clear that he wouldn’t be slee-ping on the couch or the floor.
I had made it clear to him that I dont mind slee-ping on the floor and since that day have been slee-ping on the make shift be-d.
Its better than slee-ping in different room and getting attention on our selves
I was about to take off the towel when he walked in, He Hadn’t knock as he always did before.
“You could have knock”I said starring at him .
He looked angry and am sure that that anger was directed at me, What is the matter now? I thought starring at him
“Why didn’t you tell me that you knew where Nina is? ” He asked
“Why are you suddenly asking “I asked
“Don’t act like you dont know what am saying, I mean it Dora? Where is Nina!!!”He yelled angrily.
T B C😍