Emma’s secret 2 Episode 46 & 47

(Living the life of a lie)
#Season_2 Episode 46
By : Kebby NG
“Helen! Helen ! Helen where are you? Helen my sweet”
I stood behind a tree hiding from her,I didn’t want her to see me,After all we were pla-ying hide and seek.
“This is not funny Helen,Come out mommy wants to see you”She said again and on hearing that ,I went to her.
“You lost mommy,You couldn’t find me”I said as I hvgged her and she hvgged me close too
“Don’t you ever hide like that again.Do you know how long have been searching for you? Have been so worried”She said as she hvgged me close.
“I won’t mommy”I replied and we both walked back to the palace.
“And where are my two lovely girls coming from?” On hearing my father voice,I quic-kly ran to him and he pu-ll-ed me into his arms and gave me a very ti-ght hvg.
“Mommy and I were pla-ying hide and seek but mommy lost because she could not find me easily”I said
“Is that true! You lost to our pretty Helen?”He asked my mom as she walked towards us
“Your little daughter cheated,She is just like you”She said jokingly and he pu-ll-ed her into a hvg
“Helen takes after you my dear”He said giving me a k!sson my head.
“I take after you both”I said and they bur-st out laughing.
If I had known then that that will be my last time with my parents,I would have spend enough time with them.
( The day of the accident)
“Common mommy,Daddy,We will be late”I called to them both as I ran into the car.
“We are coming!”I heard my father say.
He stood by the entrance talking to a Mr Baxter and his brother.
The few times have seen my father brother have always been scared of him.
I don’t know why but I have this weird feeling about him and maybe that’s why I don’t like him.
Seeing him with my dad made me feel angry and scared.
“Daddy let’s go”I called again and this time my dad said his goodbye to them and together we left in the car.
For a reason I didn’t seem to un-derstand,The car st©pped by the gate and I was collected by that Mr Baxter.
“You stay here okay,We will be back soon”My mom had said and she got into the car and they both left.
That was the last time I saw them,The next thing I knew I was being waited on by all the maid in the house.
Even Brian father and mother c@m£ to me to console me.
They made it known to me that my parents were dead and though I was just a little child,I knew what death was.
At first I cried and threw a lot of fit about it but every thing changed when Brian father bec@m£ the king.
I wasnt allowed to go out or to go to school,I was always locked in my room and some times I was locked in with out being given food.
But one day I packed some few stuffs of mine into my back pack, intent on running away but I didn’t make it out because I was caught by Brian.
“Where are you going?”he had asked
“Shhh……I just want to go out for a while,I promise to be back soon”I lied wanting him to believe that I was saying the truth.
“That’s a lie,You are planning to run away and Dad made it clear to you that you mustn’t “He said as his voice kept getting louder
“Am not running away,I…….”
“Daddy! Daddy! “Brian began to call and quic-kly I ran to him,holding him and pleading with him not to say a thing.
“What’s going on?”His father said as he c@m£ to us.
Brian j£rked himself from me and ran to his father
“I caught her trying to leave dad” He said
“What? Were you going to leave when I asked you not to”He asked,Looking at me with so much anger.
“I didnt want to leave,I didnt want to”I denied quic-kly but he pu-ll-ed me to him and took off my bag, Pouring out the content in it.
” And you weren’t going to leave right?”he asked as he sl@pped my face.
“Am going to teach you a lesson,You will never forget”He said as he pu-ll-ed me by the collar and then he took me straight to the storage room, Where he used his belt to beat me.
Long after he was gone,I sat alone in the room crying,Calling out for my mom and dad but no one c@m£ to my aid.
And as days flew by,I was always beaten for one thing or another.
Punished for speaking out,Punished for disobeying one of his wish and also punished for every little mistake Brian made.
When Brian saw that I was also punished for what he did,He began to feel guilty.
I remember that he always come to me in the storage room,Some times to give me food or to pl@ywith me and I enjoyed every of his company but every thing changed when the king found out.
Brian kept his distance and I had to keep my distance and as days went by the king punished me for every moment Brian spent with me.
I prayed that some one will come to my aid,Some one who will save me and get me out of my predic@m£nt and it happened,It happened because I met Peter Chadwick.
He was not only kind to me but he Saved Me during the fire, He took me out before I was burnt to death.
Just as the king wanted me dead years ago,He tried to do the same thing again but am not sure if he succeeded or not.
Slowly I opened my eyes only to find myself in a room, An unfamiliar room at that.
I sat up only to feel pain on my right arm,I looked at it only to see a made up bandage Wra-pped around It, my arm had been the only thing that got burnt in the fire.
I didn’t die this time too, I thought as the door opened only for the doctor to walk in.
” You are finally awake your Highness, He said as he walked towards me
” What happened doctor? How did I get here ?” I asked
“You were brou-ght to the hospital by your husband your Highness,Thank God you were found quic-kly, It might have been worse if the king hadn’t found you”He said as he checked up on the burnt.
“Your injury is getting better and you just nee-d more rest “He said
“Would you like to see your husband now,He has been waiting for you to wake up”He asked
“My husband?”I asked remembering every thing that have just remembered.
“Yes your husband or have you forgotten him?”He asked as he stared at me
“No have not but I don’t want to see any one,Can you make that possible?”I asked starring at him
“Sure,If you don’t want to see any one,I can make it possible”He replied and then left the room.
My mind is in chaos right now, I don’t want to see any one from Brian’s family not even Brian himself.
I was about laying on the be-d to sleep some more when the door opened and Brian himself walked in.
“Do you know how long have been waiting for you to wake up?”He asked looking so worried
“I said I don’t want to see any one”I said softly
“Not even me your husband?”He asked
“Not even you Brian,I don’t want to see anyone,So plea-se leave!”I said stonily
“What’s wrong Emma? Why the coldness?”He asked
“I know the truth Brian,All of it “I said and he stood looking at me in shock.
(Living the life of a lie)
#Season_2 Episode 47
“What did you just say?”I asked starring at her and she gave me an angry look in return.
“I said I remember now Brian,I know who I am,I know my real identity” She yelled at me
“How did you find out Emma?”I asked only to encounter her hateful glare.
“Your father made me remember Brian,The same man who killed my parents,The same one who tried to burn me alive twenty years ago tried to do the same thing yesterday and he also told me the truth”She said
“I had asked him not to say a thing to you !”I said in anger
“Why? So you can keep on conveting what’s not yours” She asked
“Not because of that Emma……….”
“Save me your excuses Brian,You knew about it yet you kept shut,You should have told me but yet you didn’t! You could have st©pped what your father was about to do,Yet you kept shut and you allowed your father to try to kill me again”
“What? I swear to you, I never……….”
“You did Brian,You wanted me dead as well,So you can be with Alicia,The real Dora,The one who should have married you”
“He told you that too?”I asked
“What didnt he tell me,He thought I was going to die and take it with me to the grave but you c@m£ to my aid,Why do that when all you wanted is my death”She said hitting the be-d in anger.
quic-kly I went to her and pu-ll-ed her face, “Listen to me Emma,I will never want you dead, Never,”I said trying to make her see reason .
“You do Brian,That was why you wanted a divorce,The real Dora comes back and you throw away the fake one,Isn’t that so?”She said
Talking s-en-se into her won’t work right now,I thought as I let go of her
“You nee-d to get some rest,I will be back to check on you”I said
“No Brian,Do me a favour and never come back “She said as I turned to leave.
Clenching my fist, I began to head out but not before giving her a reply
“I will be back this evening to see you ” Then I left the room.
How could my father have done that? I thought as I went straight to my car,Heading to the family villa where every one is staying due to the fire.
Now Emma knows the truth and she hates me,She hates me for keeping quiet about it and due to a reason, She thinks I had joined hands with my father to kill her last night.
Emma hates me and that thought alone makes me so angry,All I wanted to do right now was to hit some one.
As soon as I got to the villa,I went in,intent on confronting my father for what he did to Emma.
I found them all in the patio,Having coffee and feeling relaxed.
“Oh son you are back! Alicia has to tell you some thing”My mom said as she moved towards me.
“Your baby just kicked “Alicia said holding her stomach.
I didn’t care for what ever they were saying,All I wanted to do was to talk to my father
“What’s wrong son?”He asked starring at me.
“I will only ask you once,What did you tell Emma when you tried to kill her?”I asked
“What? What ru-bbish are you saying?” He said standing up and if my mother hadn’t been standing in front of me,I might have commit a sin by Hitting my father.
“You must have thought that she died in the fire last night right? Well I saved her and I won’t let you cause harm on her this time,You tried to kill her years ago and you are trying to do the same thing this time,I won’t let you achieve it dad”
“What are you saying son? What do you mean by he tried to kill your wife ?”My mom asked starring at the both of us
“You were also there but you kept quiet about it, You watched him kill his brother and his wife and then you watched him abuse their child ,You didn’t say a thing,That child managed to escape from that fire twenty five years ago and as fate will have it, She c@m£ back into our lives being my wife,The girl I love more than my life and after putting her throu-gh that misery,You still tried to kill her last night,How can you be so heartless”I yelled at him
“This is for your own Good,Emma has to die if you must continue to be the king “He said
“I told you that I don’t want it,It all belongs to Emma and I will do all I can to give it back to her and if I have to cross you to do so, Then I will do it”I said as I left the villa in anger.
I stood by the window,Starring out side,I still can’t believe that the life have been living all my life is nothing but a lie.
The man I love knew about it but he kept quiet for his own selfish reasons.
His father tried to kill me just so he can keep having what he stole.
Just then the door opened and William walked in
“I c@m£ as soon as I heard about the incident”He said as he c@m£ towards me
“As you can see,Am fine William and I didn’t die”I said and he pu-ll-ed me into a hvg startling me
“Once again you were in danger and i could not do a thing to help,I feel like an utter loser”He said and I pu-ll-ed away from him starring at him
“What do you mean by once again?”I asked
“Brian called me and told me every thing,He said you remember every thing but it seems like you still don’t remember me”He said
“Do I have to remember you?”I asked
“Yes ,You have to ,I pla-yed a very important role in your life Twenty years ago but you were taken away from me,I wasn’t able to protect you”He said and I moved away from him
“Who are you?”,
“You always called me uncle Ivan, Even when I told you to just call Ivan” He said smiling softly
“You are Ivan,My mother brother?”I asked as I remembered him
“Step brother,I was never related to you or your mother “He said
“So you too you knew about it,You knew every thing but yet you kept quiet,You and Brian planned all this right?”I asked in anger
“No I didn’t plan any thing with him,I only asked him to tell you the truth or I will”He said
“You have to believe me Emma,I won’t do any thing to hurt you,I love you so much to cause you harm”He said suddenly and I stared at him in surprise
“Yes Emma,Have been in love with you for a very long time now and if your parents hadn’t die, I might have been the one you married but all that can change now,We will get you a divorce from Brian and then you will be with me”William said pu-lling me into his arms
“St©p it William! You are hurting me”I said as he pu-ll-ed my burnt arm
“Have always longed for you to know the truth,So that I will be able to do this”He said and k!$$£d me
I tried to push him away but he held me ti-ght and I stood pas-sive in his arms
When he saw that I wasn’t responding,He let me go and then he starred down at me
“Don’t tell me you still long for Brian,Not after what he and his family have made you go throu-gh?”He asked
“Leave William,Just go!”I said
“Am sorry for forcing my k!sson you but I had to let you know how I feel,For years have been at a distance,Not anymore Emma and If you nee-d my help In getting back your right full place,Just call for me and I will come running “He said and tried to k!ssmy cheek but I pu-ll-ed away from him
“You will soon get used to my k!sses because I won’t give up on…….”He couldn’t finish his words because Brian barged in
“Get used to what ? Emma is my wife you bastard!”He yelled as he c@m£ straight at William,Hitting his face
“St©p it Brian, St©p it”I begged as I went to him but he pu-ll-ed away from my arms and he kept on hitting William with William doing the same thing.
Getting up Brian went to take the empty chair in the room,I knew that he was going to use it to hit William and I didn’t want that to happen.
So quic-kly I ran to stand in front of William.
“Get out of the way Emma!”He said
“No,No I won’t,St©p it Brian”I said to him
“Move Emma!!”He yelled at me and I still didn’t budge
“It’s you who have to leave,Get out Brian,You have no right in my life or in any thing I do because I will give you the divorce you want”I yelled at him and he stood starring at me
” You don’t mean that Emma”
“I do,I mean every word,You and your family have ruined my life,What more do you want? To see me dead?”I asked and he threw the chair away wanting to t©uçh me but I moved back
“I don’t love you any more Brian,All I feel now is hate and misery, I hate you and I want you to leave before I call the police “I said and he stood starring at me for a while before he turned to leave.
“I mean it this time Brian,Don’t you ever come back,My lawyer will contact you regarding our divorce “I said to him and as soon as he left the room,I began to cry.
T B C😍