Elena’s journey episode 5 & 6

Elena’s journey episode 5*
(A drun!kVincent soliloquizes)
Vincent: (sadly) I’m to blame for Cas-sandra’s death, I pressured her into going to Mexico and now…She’s gone. I have no reason to stay here in Atlanta, I should go back to Seattle.
(At Mr Leon’s house)
Elena: Perfect. I’m almost done with the house chores, Except laundry.
(Elena walks in on Helen and her b©yfri£nd, Martin ma-king out)
Elena: Ooops… I’m sorry
(Helen and Martin seperate)
Helen: No,no, its okay Elena
Elena: I just c@m£ to collect the dirty clothes.
Helen: Its over there (she says, pointing to a laundry basket at the other side of her room)
Elena: Okay (Elena goes to take the clothes)
Helen: Errr, Elena, Meet Martin, b©yfri£nd.
Martin: Hey
Elena: (smiles) Hi, I should get going now, nice meeting you Martin.
Martin: Same here.
(Elena leaves the room)
Helen: Phew, That was close.
Martin: Relax. Its not like we were having an int£rç0rs£.
Helen: I know.
Martin: Besides you should’ve kept your door locked.
Helen: I will next time…
Martin: Hmmm, Now where were we?
(Martin gr-abs Helen and they continue ma-king out)
(Elena goes to Orora’s room)
Elena: (breathes heavily) I can do this…. (She knocks on the door)
Orora: Come in!
(Once Elena opens the door, Orora angrily gets up from her be-d)
Orora: Don’t come any closer! I don’t want my room to stink of fish, The way you do.
Elena: I just c@m£ to collect your dirty laundry.
Orora: I’ll bring them myself, Now get out!
(Elena leaves her room)
(Vincent goes back to his Mansion in Seattle)
Vincent Mother: My son, welcome back, I’ve really missed you
Vincent: (sadly) I’ve missed you too mom.
Vincent Mother: what’s wrong?
Vincent: The woman I fell in love with in Atlanta just died in a plane crash….. (he breaks into tears) And It was all my fault, If I hadn’t pressured her into traveling, She wouldn’t have died.
Vincent Mother: (petting him) I’m really sorry about that, my son. I know how ha-rd this is for you, I know.
(That evening)
(At Mr Leon’s house)
Orora: Dad! Dad! I have great news
Mr Leon: What’s wrong?
Orora: Vincent Manuel is back in Seattle, He returned early today.
Mr Leon: Woah, This is great news, All I nee-d from that man is his large portion of land he has downhill. To do that, We’ll nee-d to convince him to be on our side.
(A drun!kVincent goes to the t©p of a cliff)
Vincent: I can’t believe this, the only woman I truly love is gone….This life is meaningless.
(Vincent walks closer to the edge of the cliff)
Vincent: If I didn’t pressure her into leaving, she wouldn’t have died
(Just below the cliff, is Elena is her boat, on her way home)
Elena: (she looks up and sees a figure and recognizes who it is) Is that who I think it is, Oh my God, Its Vincent Manuel, the famous book writer….(wi-dens her eyes in fear) Oh no, what’s he about to do?
(Vincent starts hallucinating and he sees Cas-sandra in the river below)
Vincent: Cas-sandra? You’re alive?
Cas-sandra: Yes. I’m alive…. Come to me, My love.
Vincent: Hold on, I’m coming!!!!!
(Vincent jumps off the cliff into the sea)
(Elena jumps into the sea to save him from drowning, She eventually rescue him and brings him up to the surface of the river)
(At the surface, Vincent has alre-ady pas-sed out)
Elena: Wow, He’s even more handsome in person. I should take him home.
(At Elena’s home)
Elena’s Grandmother: I still can’t believe a famous person is in our house, it’s a good thing you saved him
Elena: Yeah, I wonder what made him jump into the sea.
Elena’s Grandmother: Well, we’re about to find out.
(Next morning)
(Vincent wakes up, in his right mind)
Vincent: Where am I?
Elena: Its ok, You’re safe. I saw when you jumped off the cliff yesterday, I saved you.
Vincent: You shouldn’t have saved me, I wanted to die
Elena: Well what was I supposed to do, I couldn’t just let my role model die
Vincent: Thanks anyway, What’s your name?
Elena: Its Elena.
Vincent: I as-sume you alre-ady know who I am.
Elena: Of course I do…. I have to ask, what made you jump off the cliff?
Vincent: Have you ever been in love?
Elena: Hmmmm.. No, That’s a weird question, Why’d you ask?
Vincent: Well I was in love with a beautiful woman named Cas-sandra. But sadly, she died in a plane crash
Elena: Oh, I’m so sorry, My grandma always tells me that love can sometimes cause pain but another love can heal that pain, See, I’ve never met my father before, I don’t even know him.
Vincent: Yea you’re right…. Besides, why haven’t you met your father, is he dead?
Elena: No, he’s not. My Grandma told me that my father abandoned my mom after he R@p£d and impregnated her which led to her mental disorder (she breaks into tears)
Vincent: Don’t cry Elena, Everything happens for a reason, Um.. I have to go now, We’ll see each other another time, Promise?
Elena: (cleans her tears) Promise.
(Vincent leaves)
Elena’s Grandmother: Vincent Manuel, here’s your coffee….(she looks around and doesn’t see him and looks at Elena) Where did he go?
Elena: He left Grandma, but he said he’ll be back another time.
(At Mr Leon’s house)
Mr Leon: Orora, I’m very sure Vincent Manuel has had enough time to rest, its time for business, I’ll nee-d you to go to house to convince him to come here so that we can talk
Orora: (smiles) That won’t be a problem
(Orora goes to Vincent Manuel’s house, his mother welcomes her in)
Vincent Mother: Hi there
Orora: Good morning Mrs Manuel, I’d like to have a word with your son, its for an important cause
(Vincent overhears them)
Vincent: Er….. Who are you?
Orora: My name is Orora, I’m the daughter of Mr Leon, the rich man who lives uphill and he would like you to come over to his house to talk about a business proposal…. Think about it. (She gives him the house address before she leaves)
(Back at Mr Leon’s house)
Orora: (To Elena) Hey! Scullery maid! I want you to clean the whole house before 6pm, Vincent Manuel is coming here
Elena: (happily) Yes Miss Orora (thinks) I can’t believe Vincent Manuel is coming here, Could this day get any better?
Orora: And why’re you happy, What has gotten you excited?
Elena: Nothing miss Orora, I’ll start cleaning right away
Orora: Its highly unlikely that someone of your calibre would know who Vincent Manuel is…. The only think you could possibly know is the amount and species of fish that live in the ocean (laughs mockingly)
Elena: (Quietly) bit-ch.
Orora: What did you say?
Elena: Nothing, I’ll start cleaning right away.
(At 6pm)
(Vincent visits Mr Leon)
Mr Leon: Good evening Vincent Manuel, Welcome to my abode.
Vincent: Thank you, Mr Leon.
(Orora and Helen enter the living room)
Mr Leon: These are my daughters, Orora and Helen.
Helen: Hello, I’m a hvge fan of your’s
Vincent: You’re daughters are pretty (looks at Orora) we met earlier today?
Orora: (blus-hes) Yeah
Vincent Manuel: So… You called me over to talk about a business proposal?
Mr Leon: Yeah, um.. Why don’t we discuss this over dinner.
Vincent: Sure.
Helen: (her phone rings) Oops, I forgot, Martin and I have a d@t£ this evening, is it okay if I leave?
Mr Leon: It’s okay dear, you can go
(Vincent, Mr Leon and Orora talk while eating dinner)
Mr Leon: You see, that portion of land you have can build 4 houses, I’m planning on building multi-ple more houses for rent
Vincent: Well that portion of land costs $16,000… Are you willing to pay?
Mr Leon: Of course, that’s not a problem.
(Elena enters the dining room with a bowl of guacamole)
Vincent: (surprised) Elena? You live here?
Orora: No….Ewww, She’s just our maid
Vincent: (To Mr Leon) Why didn’t you tell me she was here?
Mr Leon: I wasn’t aware you both are familiar with each other
Vincent: (To Elena) Come and join us
Elena: No thank you, I still have more work to do, I just c@m£ to drop the food.
Vincent: Okay, Come.
(Elena goes closer to the dining table beside Orora to drop the bowl of guacamole, And when she gets close enough, Orora sets her leg for her to fall, The food pours on her as she falls on the dining table and ruins the other food on the table)
Orora: You animal! Look at what you’ve done!
Elena: I’m sorry, Something got in my way while I was about to drop the food.
Vincent: Its okay ( He helps Elena off the table)
Orora: Why won’t she fall when she doesn’t concentrate on where she was going.
Mr Leon: Orora its ok… (To Elena) Go and get your cleaning materials
Elena: Okay sir.
(Elena leaves)
Vincent: (To Mr Leon) You know what? Maybe you could come over at my house tomorrow so that we can talk more… Oh, and bring Elena along.
Mr Leon: Absolutely.
(Vincent leaves)
Mr Leon: ( To Orora) Did you think I didn’t see the stunt you just pu-ll-ed on Elena?
Orora: Who? Me? I didn’t do anything to her.
Mr Leon: Don’t let this happen again.. Vincent Manuel wasn’t happy with that, and remember we nee-d to get him on our side.
Orora: Ugh! I can’t deal with that fisherwoman Dad! I don’t like her
Mr Leon: So you can’t think of anything you like about Elena?
Orora: Um….I like when she’s sad
Mr Leon: What exactly is your problem?
Orora: My problem is that I can’t stand her, I want her to leave!
Mr Leon: Well, she’s never leaving this house, so get used to it!
(Mr Leon leaves the dining room angry)
Elena’s journey episode 6
(At Mr Leon’s house)
(Elena goes to Orora’s room)
Elena: You s£nt for me?
Orora: As a matter of fact, I did. You must be be really happy knowing the fact that my father just yelled at me. It’s your fault!
Elena: I didn’t do anything to you!
Orora: Quiet! Look at the mirror, what do you see?
Elena: (she looks at her reflection) I see a strong, confident and ha-rd working woman who is going to make all her dreams come true one day.
Orora: (laughs) This isn’t some fairytale bull$h!t! Reality check you s¢v-mmy fisherwoman, You’re nothing! And you’ll always be nothing!
Elena: That’s not true! I am someb©dy
Orora: Who exactly? Tell me? (Elena becomes silent) Ugh!….You’re nothing!
Elena: (breaks into tears)
Orora: (whispers in Elena’s ear) Nothing.
Elena: What have I done to you that made you hate me so much?
Orora: Well, I don’t like anything about you, and if you want that to change, then LEAVE THIS HOUSE!!!
(Orora goes to her wardrobe and picks a dark blue go-wn and hands it to Elena)
Orora: While you’re pondering over what I told you, Just iron this go-wn, I’m wearing it to Vincent Manuel’s house.
Elena: Okay
Orora: Okay? What else are you supposed to say?
Elena: Okay Miss Orora.
Orora: Good! Iron my go-wn fast! Silly thing! ( she leaves the room)
(Elena irons Orora’s go-wn)
Elena: (thinks) I know Orora intentionally set her leg for me to fall in order to embarras-s me in Vincent Manuel’s pres£nce, I’ve had enough of this, I’m going to pay her back!
(Elena turns the iron to its highest point and leaves it on the dress till it burns)
Elena: (smiles) Perfect, she’s gonna be so mad.
( Elena goes to Helen’s room)
Elena: Hey, I want to talk to you about something that’s been bothering me.
Helen: Ok, go on
Elena: Did Orora ever say any bad thing that I did to her to you?
Helen: No… She hasn’t, What happened?
Elena: Its just that she’s always maltreating me even when I know I haven’t done anything wrong to her
Helen: Ohhh… See, when I was 2 and Orora was 5,our mother died! And my dad was always busy, he ha-rd ly had any time for us and the trauma really affected her
Elena: Ohhh… I’m really sorry about that
Helen : Its ok, now let me tell you something, if she tries to pick on you next time, stand up to her and face her boldly! Just try that
Elena: Okay…Thanks (Elena hvgs Helen before she leaves her room)
(Next Day)
Orora: Okay Dad, i’m re-ady, let’s go
Mr Leon: What about Helen?
Orora: She isn’t coming
Mr Leon: And Elena?
Orora: Elena? Why would we go with Elena?
Mr Leon: Because that’s what Vincent Manuel wants
Orora: What?! Why would he possibly want that smelly fisherwoman to come to his house?
Mr Leon: Well she’s coming with us anyway and there’s nothing you can do about it!
(Elena arrives at Mr Leon’s house, dazzling in a silver go-wn encrusted with diamonds and her hair packed in a bun with ornaments in it)
Elena: I’m here, Sir.
Mr Leon: Woah! You look amazingly stunning
Orora: (shocked at Elena’s appearance) No matter how beautiful you try to look, you’ll always be a fisherwoman!
Elena: (smiles at Orora) Thank you. Atleast I know my worth.
Orora: (angry and re-ady to fight her) What did you say to me?
Mr Leon: Enough! We don’t have time for this, we nee-d to get going.
(At Vincent’s house)
Vincent: Welcome to my home (looks at Elena) Wow.. You look eve more beautiful.
Elena: (blus-hes) Thank you.
Orora: (visibly jealous) Can we get this over with?
Mr Leon: Yeah, Um…. Why don’t we discuss this over a h0t meal
Vincent: That’s no problem
Orora: Ok, let’s go to the dining table
(As Orora pas-ses Vincent, he notices the lower p@rt of her go-wn is badly burnt)
Vincent: Orora, What happened to your go-wn? It’s burnt
Orora: What? (Vincent brings her a mirror to look at it) Oh my God, its true, How did this happen (looks at Elena as she smiles) I know who did this!
Vincent: Who?
Orora: (points to Elena) She did this! I gave this scoundrel my go-wn to iron and she burnt it on purpose
Mr Leon: (To Orora) Didn’t you see it before wearing the it?
Vincent: Elena, is this true?
Elena: (Boldly) Yes I did! Just to repay her for intentionally putting her leg for me to fall yesterday
Orora: (she furiously walks towards Elena) Awful bit-ch! I’ll kill you.
Vincent: (he blocks Orora from Elena) plea-se just forgive her, okay?
Orora: (angrily) But she….
Vincent: plea-se!
Orora: (calmly) I will… Just for you.
(At the dinner table)
(Vincent, Mr Leon, Orora and Elena are eating)
Mr Leon: So I’ve alre-ady given the house designs to my architect before I can contact my contractor
Vincent: You’re really in a hurry to build those houses, you’ve even paid the $16,000 alre-ady
Mr Leon: Yeah, I don’t joke with things like this
Orora: (To Vincent) Yeah, My dad is a very serious businessman… Atleast now, we’ll have rich people settling in Seattle (She looks at Elena) And soon all the fishermen and fisherwomen will be old news!
Elena: You know, Orora, think of it, without your father’s wealth, you’re just as poor as we are, You’re just lucky to be born with a silver spoon!
Orora: (smiles scornfully) Yea you’re right, which is why we rich people can do whatever we want! (She gr-abs the glas-s of wine beside her and pours it in Elena’s face)
Vincent: (angrily) ORORA!!!
Elena: I’ve had enough of this! (She retaliates and gr-abs the bowl of h0t soup and pours it on Orora)
Orora: (screams) Ahhhhh! I’m gonna kill you!
(Orora walks to Elena and sl@ps her, Elena sl@ps her back in no time, A serious fight breaks out between both of them, Orora pu-lls Elena’s hair and Elena pu-lls her hair too till they roll and wrestle on the floor, with Elena gaining the upper hand, Luckily, Vincent and Mr Leon separate them)
Mr Leon: Enough of this! (He pu-lls Orora away from Elena)
Orora: (Filled with rage) Leave me alone! How dare this lowlife fight me!
Elena: You may be pretty outside Orora, but you’re ugly inside! (She says this as Vincent pu-lls her away from Orora)