Elena’s journey episode 25 & 26

Elena’s journey episode 25
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(That evening, By the roadside)
Orora: So what now?
Megan: We’ll just wait for a client to come, then he’ll pick who he wants to go with
Orora: I pray he picks me
Megan: Just smile and look more attrac-tive.
Orora: Okay.
Megan: Whoa, A car’s approaching alre-ady and…
Orora: Hold on a minute, THAT’S A POLICE VAN!!!!
(Just then, A police van pu-lls over, The prostitutes scatter but the policemen catches Orora, Megan and 4 other prostitutes)
Orora: (while being led into the van) No! plea-se don’t arrest me!
(Vincent, who’s been searching for Orora in his car sees the police arresting her)
Vincent: Oh no!
(He follows the police van)
(The policemen throw them in prison)
Orora: plea-se let me out! I’m innocent! (The policemen ignore her)
Megan: I’m really sorry.
Orora: Yeah, you should be, Why didn’t you tell me there were risks involved.
Megan: Well, we chose that sp©t because the police never come to that area
Orora: Everyday for the thief, One day for the owner, I hope you’ve learnt your lesson…. (sadly) I hope I’ve learnt my lesson.
(Suddenly, A policeman comes to their cell and opens it)
Policeman: Miss Orora, You’ve been bailed out!
Orora: (surprised and happy) Huh?
Policeman: (angry) Are you gonna come out or not?
Orora: No! Wait, I’m coming out…. Sorry but who bailed me out?
Policeman: Vincent Manuel.
Orora: Thank God (to Megan and the other prostitutes) Goodbye sweeties!
(Orora and Vincent return home)
Vincent: (angry) I have tolerated enough from you, So you left my house just to go and meet prostitutes?
Orora: I can explain….
Vincent: Go on
Orora: (lying) I went to check out something at the grocery sto-re, but I followed the path where the prostitutes were and the police c@m£ and arrested us all thinking I was one of them!
Vincent: (looks at her angrily) really?
Orora: Yes.
Vincent: Now, listen to me, If you’re ever going out, Let me know, If I’m not around, tell My mom or Adrian, Is that clear?
Orora: Clear.
(Vincent leaves her)
Orora: (to herself) Oh God, Look at where pride and arrogance has gotten me to. What ever goes around must surely come around, I’ve learnt this the ha-rd way. (She bur-sts into tears)
(A mailman goes to Vincent’s house)
Vincent: Good evening
Mailman: Good evening Mr Vincent Manuel, I have a letter for you.
Vincent: Okay (He collects the letter from him and re-ads it) “Dear Vincent Manuel, You’ve been invited to my prestigious event tomorrow evening, and you’re allowed to bring friends along ,Signed Mrs Coulivere”.(To the mailman) Thank you very much. (Vincent ti-ps him before he leaves)
(At Harrison’s house, Elena and Harrison are having a conversation)
Harrison: I’m really happy for you, Your life changed overnight, Once a fisherwoman, Now, you’re the daughter of a rich man.
Elena: Thanks, My dad is building a uniS-x boutique for me to start my business.
Harrison: That’s great, if you told anyone else your success story, It would have sounded like a fairytale to them
Elena: I know (laughs)
Harrison: So, Do you have a b©yfri£nd?
Elena: Well, For now, I don’t.
Harrison: Ouch!
Elena: What’s wrong?
Harrison: So you don’t feel anything for me, That’s hurtful.
Elena: Come on, You and I are just good friends
Harrison: Wow, I’ve been friend-zoned
Elena: (laughs) It’s not like that….
(Just then, a mailman knocks at the door, Harrison goes to open it)
Mailman: Good evening sir
Harrison: Good evening sir… How may I help you?
Mailman: I have a letter for you (He hands him the letter)
Harrison: (He re-ads it out loud) “Dear Harrison Patel, You’ve been invited to my prestigious event tomorrow evening and you can bring friends or relatives along, Signed Mrs Coulivere”
Elena: Wow, I heard she’s one of the riche-st woman in Mexico City.
Harrison: No doubt (To the mailman) Thanks.
(The mailman leaves)
Harrison: (To Elena) Seems like you and I are going to a fancy p@rty tomorrow evening.
Elena’s journey episode 26
(At Mr Gilbert’s house)
Mr Gilbert: (He sees Elena preparing to go to the p@rty) Elena, Where’re you going?
Elena: I’m going on a “d@t£” with Harrison, Dad.
Mr Gilbert: Hmm, So you and Vincent are no longer a thing?
Elena: (sighs) I don’t wanna talk about it, Besides Vincent has probably moved on.
Mr Gilbert: Still, I think you and Vincent should set things right with one another
Elena: We will….When the time comes
Mr Gilbert: Alright, Have fun.
Elena: I will Dad (she hvgs him)
Mr Gilbert: So, Who is this Harrison?
Elena: You might have met him but can’t remember, He’s the doctor who treated mom, Dark red hair, Blue eyes, Pale skin, 5’11.
Mr Gilbert: Hmm…I can’t remember, Maybe I’ll remember him if I see him
Elena: Yeah
Mr Gilbert: So when did you both start d@t!ng?
Elena: Dad! Harrison and I aren’t d@t!ng, We’re just good friends, That’s all. I won’t lie, I still have feelings for Vincent.
Mr Gilbert: Well, If the universe wants you two to be together then you both will surely cross path again and settle your issues, I can’t wait to meet this Harrison.
Elena: (Harrison texts her that he’s downstairs waiting for her) Well you’re in luck, He’s at the door.
(Mr Gilbert and Elena head downstairs)
Harrison: Good evening sir
Mr Gilbert: How’re you doing?
Harrison: I’m really good sir
Mr Gilbert: So, you’re the gentleman that’s after my daughter’s heart
Elena: (smiles) Dad!
Harrison: We nee-d to get going sir, The p@rty is going to start soon.
Elena: Later Dad. (She waves at him)
(Harrison opens the car door for her and she enters, He enters the car too and drives off)
(Meanwhile, At Vincent’s house)
Vincent: Mom, Are you sure you’re not coming with me?
Vincent’s mother: No, I’ll be fine at home
Vincent: Should Adrian stay behind with you?
Vincent’s mother: No, I’ll be fine alone.
Vincent: Okay mom, Stay safe (He k!sses her cheeks)
(Orora and Adrian enter the living room)
Adrian: We’re re-ady Sir.
Vincent: OK, The limousine is waiting outside.
(Suddenly, Cas-sandra rushes to the living room)
Vincent: (Surprised) Where are you going?
Cas-sandra: Where else? I’m following you all to the p@rty!
Vincent: So you can embarras-s me again? Nahh, I can’t take any chances, You can’t follow us
Cas-sandra: (crying) plea-se, Vincent, I’m really sorry, It won’t happen again. I promise.
Vincent: Fine, We nee-d to hurry now.
(At the p@rty)
(Harrison and Elena walks in)
Mrs Coulivere: (She sees them) Doctor Harrison Patel!
Harrison: Good evening Mrs Coulivere.
Mrs Coulivere: Good evening Doctor Harrison Patel, How’re you?
Harrison: I’m fine, You?
Mrs Coulivere: Never been better (She notices Elena) Who is this beautiful damsel?
Harrison: Her name’s Elena, She’s my d@t£ for tonight.
Elena: Hi
Mrs Coulivere: You picked a pretty one (she laughs)
Harrison: To what do I owe this invitation?
Mrs Coulivere: Well, Its my 50th birthday and I wanted to celebr@te it in a GRAND style.
Harrison: Happy to see that you’re aging gracefully.
Mrs Coulivere: (smiles) Thank you
Harrison: Thanks for the invitation
Mrs Coulivere: Its nothing, Besides, Doctor Harrison Patel has become a household name in Mexico City, There’s no way I could have had this p@rty without inviting you, You once treated my son who was suffering from bipolar disorder but I’m happy he’s managing it pretty well, Thanks to you.
Harrison: (smiles) Just doing my job ma.
(Just then, Vincent, Cas-sandra, Orora and Adrian walks in, Harrison and Elena don’t see them but Mrs Coulivere sees them)
Mrs Coulivere: (To Harrison and Elena) You both should enjoy yourselves, I have to go welcome other guests
Harrison: Thank you
Elena: Thanks
(Mrs Coulivere goes to meet Vincent)
Mrs Coulivere: Vincent Manuel! The famous book writer!
Vincent: (smiles) Good evening Mrs Coulivere.
Mrs Coulivere: Good evening, There was no way I could have had this p@rty without you here.
Vincent: (smiles and looks at her) You’re really aging gracefully.
Mrs Coulivere: Thanks, You know, One of my guest just told me that not quite long.
Vincent: Really?
Mrs Coulivere: Yes, I love your book titled “Captured my heart”
Vincent: Really?
Mrs Coulivere: Yes, Its motivational and full of moral lessons.
Vincent: Yes
Mrs Coulivere: (Looks at Orora, Adrian and Cas-sandra) So who are they?
Vincent: He’s Adrian my personal as-sistant, She’s Orora, A friend of mine and she’s Cas-sandra my….
Cas-sandra: (interrupts him) Girlfriend! I’m his girlfriend!
Mrs Coulivere: (surprised) Really? (To Cas-sandra) How come Vincent never had your name in any of his stories?
Cas-sandra: (angrily) You should ask him, Not me!
Mrs Coulivere: (Notices her feisty behavior) Hmmmm
Cas-sandra: Yes!
(Some other guests walk in)
Mrs Coulivere: Okay, You all should enjoy yourselves, I have other guests to go welcome other guests.
(Mrs Coulivere addresses her guests on a podium)
Mrs Coulivere: I want to thank you all for honoring my invitations, 50 years ago, I c@m£ into this earth full of life and I’m celebr@ting my birthday full of life too and I’m really happy that all my dreams and aspirations have been fulfilled. I had to overcome hundreds of obstacles before reaching where I am today, I should say, Life isn’t easy but what doesn’t kill you will definitely make you stronger…….
(Vincent’s table, Cas-sandra starts behaving unusual)
Cas-sandra: Oh God! I’m feeling very h0t…
Vincent: Are you alright?
Cas-sandra: Hmm…I don’t think so, It’s like my whole b©dy is on fire.
Vincent: Orora, plea-se help her unZi-p her go-wn
Orora: Ok (She unZi-ps Cas-sandra’s go-wn halfway)
(Mrs Coulivere notices Cas-sandra’s restlessness and walks up to her, All eyes including Elena and Harrison are on Vincent, Cas-sandra, Orora and Adrian)
Elena: (shocked, thinks) Oh my goodness, How did Vincent and I end up in the same place for the second time! I can’t let him see me. (She hides her face)
Harrison: Woah, Isn’t that Vincent Manuel, I’m a hvge fan, I have to go meet him
Elena: What? (She pu-lls him back) There’s no nee-d for that.
Harrison: Why?
Elena: We don’t want to attra-ct unnecessary attention to ourselves.
(Mrs Coulivere goes to meet Cas-sandra)
Mrs Coulivere: Are you okay miss?
Cas-sandra: Yeah, I’m fine, I’m just h0t (she uses her handfan to fan herself) you should get back to the stage.
Mrs Coulivere: Okay
(Mrs Coulivere heads to the stage, This time, Cas-sandra starts screaming)
Cas-sandra: (screams) Help! Fire! Fire! I’m on fire!
Orora: (she bur-sts into laughter)
Vincent: (confused) Cas-sandra! What’s wrong?
Cas-sandra: (screams) Fire! Fire! I’m on fire! Someb©dy help! I’m burning!
Mrs Coulivere: We nee-d to call the ambulance right away.
Cas-sandra: (she starts crying) Someb©dy help me! I’m burning! (She pas-ses out)
Vincent: (To Adrian) Call the ambulance fast!
(At Elena and Harrison table)
Elena: We nee-d to leave. NOW!
Harrison: Wait not yet, I nee-d to know what’s wrong with that lady.
Elena: You know what, I’ll be in the car!
Harrison: Elena wait…..
(Elena leaves immediately to avoid Vincent from seeing her. Outside the p@rty venue, Mrs Coulivere, Vincent accompanies the medical personnels and helps them put Cas-sandra in the ambulance, Just then, Vincent catches sight of Elena entering the car)
Vincent: (surprised) Elena? (He goes closer but doesn’t see her) Hmmm….Maybe she wasn’t the one.