Drama queen episode 2 & 3



(She is crazy?, He his cold?

✍ By: ?Jane Ambrose



?Episode 2?

[Madam Smart?]

☀Next Morning☀


“Skkkyylaar” someone shouts my name out side the window

I open my eyes

Oh it’s morning ☀

That must be Jas

We work together in most places

I open the window and sticks out my head

“Hey Jas” I greet

“Yo! bit-ch look at your wall clock” she say

I get down from the brick I climbe-d on before to make me taller

I look at my broken wall clock

?7:30 am

Oh no!

Madam Smart is gonna punish me ha-rd for coming late

Madam smart is the owner of the restaurant Jas and I work in “Two cu-ps foods”

She’s a grumpy, sadist you ha-rd ly see her smiling except to her customers or men friends

I usually go late to work, most times its because I went to work in another place or I woke up late like on a Saturday like this

I didn’t bother to go back to the window to answer Jas I’m sure she would find somewhere to sit and wait for me

I rush to the bathroom and take a quic-k shower I come out wra-pping my worn out towel around my w@!st I dress up wearing a blue 3 quarter jean trou-ser and a white shi-t with a checker black and white long sleeve wra-pped around my w@!st I put on my alre-ady worn out loafers and black bag

I walk out of my room to meet dad inside our dirty sitting room

“Skylar I nee-d money for rent Mrs Gina c@m£ around this morning asking for the rent” dad says

“What? Father have I not given you that sane money more than 4 times” I exclaims

“Skylar do not raise your voice on me” he growls

I bend my head down in fear you dare not look at my dad whenever he is angry

“I used it in purchasing some things”


“Food, groceries, drinks”

“Groceries? Drinks? Okay if you say groceries where is my breakfast?” I ask

“Skylar go to work and don’t forget to pay Mr Drew on your way to work or when you get back”

That’s it my father never gets tired of borrowing

“I didn’t borrow” he says as if he re-ad my thoughts

“Then what?”

“I lost in a bet”

I walk out angrily I meet Jasmine on the way

“Sky what’s wrong” she ask

“Its dad he squandered the money for rent” I answer

“What? Not again” she exclaims

“Seriously Jas I’m tired of spending money as if I am his wife” I complain

“I’m sorry plea-se walk fas-ter I don’t want to be late than this”

We got to the restaurant to meet Madam Smart standing outside waiting for me as usual

“Useless late comer” she calls

That’s what she calls me

I walk to her

“I’m sor….”

She cuts me off with a sl@p

“Sorry for yourself that’s what you say every day” “I’m sorry ma it won’t repeat itself again” she mimics me

I get angry when someone sl@ps me I ha-rd ly get sl@pped

“Now get inside your work is waiting for you except if you want to loose your job” she shouts

We bow and walk into the restaurant

“Sorry about that sky” Jas say

“Its okay you know no one does something to me and goes Scott free” I give her a mischievous smile

She nods knowing what’s on my mind


⏳Few Hours Later⏳

“Useless late comer” Madam smart calls

“Yes ma” I answer

“Get me my favorite wine” she orders

Now this is where my revenge falls into place

Madam smart’s wine has a urine colour Jasmine and I pee into one of the used bottles and mix the pee with some amount of wine I also put some quantity of never end running ?powder I co-rk the bottle and shake it so it can mix properly

“What’s taking your time?” She shouts

“I’m coming” I shout back

I cone out of the wine room and serve her the sweet wine I bow and leave

I enter the wine room back Jasmine was waiting for me

“Done” I whisper

We giggle and hit our hands together

Thank God my shift is over its time for me to work at the cinema

I change into my dress and walk out of the room

“Madam smart! Madam smart!” I call knowing fully well that she is gonna spend the whole day in the toiler

She comes out holding her stomach

I smile out

“Ma what’s happening?” J ask feigning innocence

“Shut up b×××h you poisoned me” she shouts

I watched her in amusement

“You…ar…..” She could not finish her statement she runs back into the toilet

“Skkkyyllaaar” she shouts

I giggle I love how that sounds

I run out of the restaurant




?Episode 3?
[Ouch! My leg?]
Its Monday and its also a public holiday its democracy day
I have to go to work today
I dress up and give Dylan 3 bucks for his up keep up
I bring out my check list?for where and what to do today
The first place is Mrs pe-ck’s place
She told me yesterday that she nee-ds help in her mini supermarket I re-adily agreed because I had lost my job at “two cu-ps foods”
I didn’t mean to I just to teach madam Smart a lesson
I walk briskly to Mrs pe-ck’s mini supermarket
On getting there I meet Mrs pe-ck attending to some customers
Luckily the customers leaves quic-kly
“Good day ma’am” I greet
“How are you?” She asks
“I’m fine thanks” I reply
She beckons on someone to come over
“Peace give her a uniform and tell her what I job is” she orders the lady
“OK ma”
“Let’s go” she says to me
I bow to Mrs pe-ck and follow Peace to where I as-sume is the changing room
She gives me an oxblood red coloured T-shi-t with an imprint “pe-ck’s mini mart”
Luckily I am putting on a black p@n-t
I dress up and walk out of the room
“I’m done” I tell Peace
“Its suits you perfectly well” she compliments
“Thanks” I smile
She took to a section of the mini mart my job is to help customers in choosing the colour, type or shape of whatever they want
Its quite an easy job

⏳Hours Later⏳
I look at my wristwatch⌚for the umpteenth time
I’m 10 minutes late for my afternoon shift at “Pizza Time?”
Customers are still coming in I feel so exhausted
By the time I finished attending to them I was alre-ady 30 minutes late
I quic-kly change and run out of the restaurant
The pedestrian traffic light is still red I cant wait any longer Mr Ben might fire me
I walk on the road without taking the usual safety precautions: look left and right before you cross
I didn’t know that there was an oncoming vehicle
Luckily the car didn’t hit me it only brushed my legs
The driver get down from the car to check if I was okay
I fall to the earth
“Ouch!my leg! Mommy my leg” I pretend to be crying bending my head so that he would not be able to see my face
“Abel what’s wrong?” A soft but manly voice ask
The ‘Abel driver” walk back to the car to talk to Mr cute voice
I quic-kly open my purse to bring out a black face mask I Dont want anyb©dy to see my face
I pretend to close my eyes writhing in pain
I just nee-d to act this well I nee-d money
And judging from the car they are driving he must be very rich
Mr cute voice comes down from the car also wearing a black mask but his own looks more expensive
He looks filthy rich with 2 gold rings on his f!ngersand a black trou-ser and white shi-t
“Ouch! My leg ah God my leg” I scream
He surprisingly bend down to check my leg
I stare at his cute eyes then I dart to his well manicured f!ngers
Is he a girl? I thought only girls do manicure
I quic-kly withdraw my leg
“Abel let’s take her to the hospital” his cute voice say
“Okay sir” he tries to raise me up “Hey don’t t©uçh me so could not infect me” I shout
Abel looks at Mr cute voice amused
“What do you want then” Abel ask
“You see my credit card is not with me so…..” I scratch the back of my scattered hair
“Can you take yourself to the hospital?”
I nod “I would call my driver”
“What hospital?”
“Royal hills”
I know that I can never afford that hospital
Something drop on my l@ps
“Take that and go to the hospital” Mr Cute voice says and enter the car
Abel does same and drives away
I laugh and pick up the money
“Wow” I exclaim
Its a was of 100 dollar bills
Jeez even for 2 years I can’t make such money
I get up from where I sat down before acting my drama
“Ouch!” I yelp
I think I sprain my ankle I nee-d to visit Nurse Nelly when I get home
I yelp to the cinema

[On the way?]
I smile to myself for the 5th time like a mad person remembering the show that crazy girl pu-ll-ed up on the way
She said she was rich with that $2 dollar shi-t she wore and a worn out purse!
“Funny girl” I laugh again
She even covered her face with a mask as if she is a celebrity
“Who knows if she is?” My subconsciousness ask
I hissed
Of course she is not
Just look at how dirty she looked her hair stinks I’m sure it hasn’t been washed for days
It almost made me puke
I can’t believe I used my hand to t©uçh her
I pick the hand sanitizer in front of me and pour some quantity on my hand
Ahh I won’t get infected
You will wondering what I was doing there
Their was traffic jam on my way to a ph0to shoot
I didn’t want to be late Abel foolishly took the slum
My mind drifts back to the crazy girl we earlier
She held her legs as if she really got injured
I am ware that she didn’t get any cut but I knew that she knew money that’s why I gave get
I laugh again
“Sir is anything the matter? I mean what is amusing you?” Abel ask
“Its nothing just drive” I reply icily
“Sorry sir” he apologizes
