Doctor cutie Episode 33 & 34

[Love cures All]
Episode 33.
By: Racheal Dennis||
|| Authoress ||
“General, your car is re-ady!” br@ndon reports from outside Ian’s door.
“I’ll be right there” Ian replies.
“Ok, sir” br@ndon leaves.
Ian wra-p his name around Aurora’s w@!st as she does his tie.
“My Phoebe, are you sure you aren’t gonna come with me?”
“Yes! I’m not coming, mostly because I will die of boredom” she replied.
Ian inhale de-eply and exhale softly.
“Well, let you drop you off at the mall”
“No, you have something to do and it nee-ds your urgent attention”
“I want to,,,,, ”
She close his mouth.
“Don’t worry, Dean, Britt is coming with me”
“Fine” he said.
He presses her b©dy more into him and give her a brief but sweet k!ss.
“Walk me to the door?” He asked softly.
With his arms still around her w@!st, they both head out. They met Javier right at the bo-ttomof the stairs, he’s whistling happily and was also doing a fun tap dancing.
Aurora laughs at his funny moves but cl@ps in appreciation.
“Thank you, thank you, my fans!” Javier said doing a bow like those performers does after doing a show.
Ian rolled his eyes.
“Show off!” He grumbles silently.
“Javier that was nice but why are you so happy this morning? plea-se, tell me I can use some good news this morning!” Aurora said.
“Ask your friend” was all he said before he whistles his way towards his room.
“Huh?” Aurora question herself.
*Could it be……* She swallowed her thought.
“Let’s go, Angel” Ian said.
She nods and they continued their way out, they st©pped right in front of Ian’s car.
“I really wanna drop you off”
“Dean, I’m not a baby, I know this city like the palm of my hand and I can find my way around”
“Whatever you say!”
She went on ti-ptoe and crash herl-ips on his,,, she intended to make it a brief k!ss, but our General had something else in mind.
He gr-abs her head and de-epens the k!ss, it wasn’t until a throat clearing was heard that he breaks the k!ss. He glares at the joy killer and find out it’s br@ndon.
“Why is it always you?!” He growled lowly.
br@ndon chuckles nervously.
“Sorry, sir but we are kinda running late”
“He’s right, Dean”
Ian humphed and re-moves his hand from her.
br@ndon stretches his mask to him, he takes it grumpily and enters his car, he closes the door in a loud ban-g. Aurora smile at his childish behavior and calls it “cute”
“Have a nice day at work!” She wish him.
“Thanks, Angel” Ian said before winding up as the car start moving.
“Oh, and I pray you make more money cause baby, I’m gonna spend a lot today” she called after the car.
She thought Ian didn’t hear her but he did and shake his head smiling.
“Spend as you like, there’s more than enough money for you” replied mostly to himself cause he knows she won’t hear him.
|| Aurora/Phoebe ||
When Dean’s car is out of sight, I head back inside. My stomach growls loudly and I remember I nee-d food, I head straight to the kitchen to get something in my stomach.
I open the fridge and take out two apples, I wash them and slice them on a plate. I sat on a stool next to the counter and begin to eat the apples.
Then my phone rings, it’s Britt, I quic-kly answer it.
“Hey, girlfriend!”
“Hey, Rora, I saw your message”
“Yeah, I tried calling you but it kept going on voicemail”
I hear her scoff,,,,, angrily?.
“That’s what you get for failing at your promise!”
Oh boy! It just cli-cked in my memory,,, I was supposed to sleep over at Britt’s.
Damn you Dean!
“I’m sorry, chica, but something c@m£ up and I couldn’t make it”
“Something c@m£ up? You mean staying in be-d all night with the General c@m£ up?”
“Humph! Leave your explanation for later,,, I will meet you at the mall by 3pm, I’m getting off duty early today”
“Wow, that is super nice!”
“Yeah, and I also have some good news for you”
“Good news?”
“Yep, but don’t even try to persuade me to tell you on phone, I will tell you face to face”
I remembered what Javier said. “Your friend will tell you”
“Ok, looking forward to it”
“Miss Luca, director Jeff is looking for you” I hear someone tell her on the other side.
I guess a co-intern or a nurse.
“Oh, I gotta go, my director is looking for me”
“Ok, see you later!”
We hang up and I keep my phone on the counter and continue munching on the apples.
I know they’re not gonna satisfy me but I’m feeling quite lazy to cook.
“Phoebe?” I hear Mrs Morgan’s voice from behind me.
I quic-kly turn around with a smile but it falters when I saw her sad expression. I stand up and offer her the chair, she shakes her head and made me sit back down.
“Mom, you look worried,,,,, no sad. Is everything alright?”
She sighs and look at my face closely and she seems to be recalling something, then she breaks into a sad smile.
I frown in confusion, what is happening? I questioned myself.
“You look so much like her, she’d be so proud if she saw how beautiful you’ve grown up to be” she mutters sorrowfully.
I knew instantly she was talking about my mom,,,, but why bring up the past is something I want to know.
“Mom, are you ok?”
“No, dear,,,, I’m not ok and very soon you won’t be ok either”
I bec@m£ more confused,,, what is she talking about.
“Let’s meet at Melina’s by 12pm, I have something very important to tell you”
“Yes, you are my only hope,,, you are the only one to help me save my family”
“Mom, what are you talking about?”
“You’ll know by 12” then she leaves hurriedly with her eyes turning red as if she wants to cry.
I stand alone in the kitchen wondering what is happening? Why am I the only one to save her family? And what am I gonna save them for?.
Well, I know since I step foot inside this mansion, I’m not gonna come out alive. I just hope I can get a clue from what she has to tell me later.
|| Ian/Dean ||
“Good morning, General”
“Welcome, General”
They all greet as I step into my company, I ignore them as usual and head straight to my pri-vate elevator.
After a long ride, I arrived at my floor. I step out of the elevator and head to my office, I slot in my key card and enter.
“Good morning, General” my PA greets as he rushes in, bu-mping into br@ndon.
I glared at him throu-gh my mask and he quic-kly bowed his head.
“What’s my schedule for today?!”
“Oh, nothing much sir, you only have lunch with Mrs Danny”
“Mrs Danny?”
“Yes, sir, her husband couldn’t make it so he s£nt her instead”
If not for the contract they want to sign I wouldn’t want to have lunch with someone else’s wife,,,,but this is business and I don’t joke with it.
My woman is a money lover,,, she’s de-eply in love with money that I sometimes get jealous,,,,so I must work ha-rder to meet all her nee-ds.
“Ok, you can leave Josh” I dismiss him.
“Thank you, sir” he leaves.
I see the paperworks heaped on the table, waiting for me,,, I push them aside. I will go throu-gh them later.
“General, the spy is with the security team, should I ask them to bring him in?” br@d asked.
“Yes!” He nods and steps out.
Few minutes later, br@ndon strode in. Soon a guy was r0ûghly pushed in, cuffs in his hands.
“General, this is the spy” one of the security guards report.
I gave him a stiff nod and dismissed him, he and the other security guards steps out.
“Raise your head!!” I commands the spy but he doesn’t comply.
br@ndon sl@ps the back of his head and he quic-kly look up.
“When the General ask you to do something, do it!!” br@ndon growled in his face.
“What is his name?!” I asked br@d.
“Eric, sir”
“Eric, how dare you steal my sketch?! Who asked you to do it?!”
He doesn’t speak he remains silent, and even glare at me. How audacious of him, I sm-irk, I like people like him most.
They always make interrogation fun for me.
“Speak now or I will get the truth out of you by f0rç£!!”
He still doesn’t speak, my sm-irk grows wi-der. br@ndon raised his hand to sl@p him but I signal him to st©p.
“Take him back to the mansion and lock him up in the dungeon,,, I shall interrogate him later!”
“Yes, sir!”
br@ndon gr-abs his hand and pu-ll-ed him out r0ûghly. So much fun waiting for me at home!
Something catches my gaze and I turn to it fully. On the wall by my left, there’s a big portrait of my Phoebe.
I got off my chair and run my f!ngersthrou-gh the portrait, I nod in satisfaction, br@ndon did a good job.
I had br@ndon take a sneaky picture of my Phoebe and enlarge it and put it in my office, I thought this way I won’t miss her too much when I’m at work,,,, but who am I kidding.
I’m missing her even more now.
Maybe I should give her a call and find out what she is doing now. I fetched my phone from my suit pocket and dialed her number.
She picks after two rings.
“Hello, handsome” her sweet tiny voice said from the other side.
“Hey, Angel, I know I just left but I can’t help missing you alre-ady”
“Really? plea-se, don’t make me blus-h, it’s too early to blus-h”
I frown.
“Doesn’t blu-shing have time?”.
“Mine does, baby”
I shake my head,,, I wonder what her mother feed her when she was a baby.
“Well, I’m at the office now, what are you doing?”
“Nothing, I’m eating apples”
“Oh? Are there no proper meal?”.
“There’s but I’m on diet”
“Diet my foot! I want you to eat and get more flesh on you, you’re too skinny, Angel”
“You love me this way”
I smile.
“That I do”
I hear her giggle.
“I have to go, I have very busy schedule today. So we will talk later, bye love!”
“Wait,,,,,,,” and she hangs up.
I guess it’s just her portrait and I now.
Episode 34.
|| Aurora/Phoebe ||
Soon it’s 12pm alre-ady, I took a lazy shower and dressed in a knee length go-wn. I put my hair in a ponytail, carry my small handbag and set out.
My eyes move around looking for Mrs Morgan, then I see a hand waving me over. Taking a second look I notice it’s her, I smile and rush over to her.
I didn’t know she’d be this early,,, and why didn’t her see her leave the mansion.
“Sorry for coming late, Mom. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long” I said as I settle on a chair.
“No, dear, you are right on time”
I wonder what she wanna say that she couldn’t tell me back in the mansion, that we had to come here.
“Erm, Mom, why do you want us to meet here?” I ask.
“Oh, straight to point? Aren’t you gonna order something first?”
“No, I still have somewhere else to be after here”
She nods silently and stare at the table blankly. I frown as I studied her expression,,, she look sad, frustrated, confused.
She sighs heavily, she reaches out for my hand on the table. I simply look at her calmly, waiting for her to say whatever she called me here for.
“I don’t know where to start,,, but I’m a bad mother, a bad wife and mother”
“Mom, what are you talking about? You aren’t a bad mother, I’ve seen how much you love your sons,,, I sometimes envy them for having a mother like you”
She simply gives me a sad smile, tears brimming in her eyes.
“You won’t un-derstand, I love my sons. But what I have done is so unforgivable,, I am even ashame to talk about it, I’m scared to tell Ian about it,,, I’m scared of what he’s gonna do”
I knit my brows together, she really look scared. What happened that makes her this scared.
“What did you do? No matter what you did you should talk to Dean about it, I believe he’ll listen to you” I told her.
Her grip on my hand ti-ght£ñ and I inhale de-eply.
“No, he won’t. That’s why I called you here, it’s only you that can talk to him and he will listen”
“Dean? Listen to me?” I scoff “If not for my stubbornness I won’t be able to get him to do anything,,, he doesn’t listen to me”
“My dear, I know what I’m saying, he’ll listen to you”
I sigh, maybe I can help her talk to Dean. But first I nee-d to know what she did.
“Fine, but first tell me what you did. What happened that makes you think you are a bad mother?”
“I,,I,,betrayed Ian’s father, I,, h-had an affair years ago and Ian is,,,,,, ” she trails off.
I feel her grip on my hand become ten times ti-ghter than before. Her shoulders tensed, her eyeba-lls almost bulge out and her mouth slightly open as herl-ips quivers.
Her gaze is focused on something behind me.
She doesn’t answer or move or blink her eyes, she just sits like a statue.
Still no response, I frown. I snap my f!ngersin front of her eyes and she j£rked back to reality.
“Mom, you were saying something”
“Huh?” Her eyes still glancing behind me.
What is she looking at? I turned my head slowly but saw nothing, my frown de-epens.
I thought she saw something that was so interesting.
“Mom, you said Dean is what?”
She laughs nervously and exhale ra-pidly.
“Nothing,,, plea-se forget about what I said just now”
“What you said? You haven’t say anything, you only said you had an affair and,,,,, ”
She quic-kly covers my mouth and look around frantically. What is going on?
She look me in the eye and shake her head.
“Phoebe, plea-se forget I said that, it’s for your own good. I love you and I see you like my own daughter, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you”
“What’s gonna happen to me? Am I in danger?”
I mean what could be more dangerous than the Morgan’s mansion…..
“Let’s get out of here!” She said.
She taps the table impatiently.
“Phoebe go back to the mansion”
I hesitate and look around, why is she so nervous all of a sudden.
“Go back now!” She commands me.
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I guess it’s best I leave first. I stand up and leave immediately, I hail a taxi and tell the driver to take me back to the mansion.
Immediately I enter the taxi, my phone starts ringing. I check who’s calling, it’s Britt.
“Rora, are you available now?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Good, meet me at the mall now”
“Aren’t you at work?”
“I was but I got off early”
“Kay, I’ll be there in 10”
“I’m waiting”
I hang up and tap the driver.
“Change of plan, take me to K&M, plea-se”
“Yes, ma’am”
|| Mrs Morgan ||
As soon as Phoebe leaves, Jeremy appears in front of me with a deadly sm-irk.
“I thought you’d be foolish and reveal everything to her, that would have made killing her so easy for me” he said.
I glared at him disgustingly.
Had I not seen him in time, I would’ve told Phoebe the truth and get her killed. I think, I will keep this to myself for now and build up enough courage to tell Ian myself.
“Jeremy, you are just fighting for nothing”
“I’m fighting for my son’s happiness, my son’s future!”
“You are being ridiculous,, Ian is happy and he has everything anyone could ever dream of. His future and that of his unborn children is secured, what else do you want for him? The world?”
“Jeremy,,,, ”
He ban-gs his hand on the table.
“Get rid of that girl or I’ll do it myself!!” Then he leaves me feeling conflicted.
This is the biggest mistake of my life!
|| Aurora/Phoebe ||
I gr-ab her in a bone crashing hvg, I know she’s angry that I stood her up so I’m ma-king it up to her.
“C-can’t breath” she coughs.
I quic-kly let her go and drag her to a near by food chart in the mall.
“Britt you wouldn’t believe what happened that made me stood you up”
She eyes me suspiciously.
“What happened?”
“Dean, he,,,, ”
“Humph, excuses, plea-se save it”
“Anyways, I have good news”
“Yeah, tell me, tell me” I said anxiously.
I hope it’s what I’m suspecting.
“Erm, Javier and I are an item”
“Argggggggggggggggg!!” I scream.
She covers my mouth and look around, heads has turn to our direction. She tells them sorry and faces me.
“That was too loud” she scolds me.
I blinked innocently, I’m just happy for her. She re-moves her hand.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it”
She smiles, a taint of blus-h on her cheeks.
“Yeah, I just hope we last forever”
“You will, trust me. Javier isn’t like that douchebag, Eric, Javier will treat you right”
“Yeah! Now let’s order something, I’m starving”
“Me too” she said.
We called a waiter over and placed our orders. Soon our foods arrived and we dig in.
I burp and ru-b my stomach, gro-an ing in pain.
“I told you not to eat too much” Britt said.
I burp again, this time loudly and I almost choke on my spit.
“Hey, I just wanted to eat to my satisfaction!” I defended myself.
“Really? See what eating to your satisfaction has caused you” she glares at me before sighing.
“You aren’t strong, I guess we can’t shop for clothes now, come let me drop you off at the mansion”
I stand up abruptly and wears a big smile.
“Who said I’m sick, I’m very strong” I drag her up from her chair and link our arms. “Let’s go!”
“You,,,,, ”
“I’m fine”
She rolls her eyes.
“You are impossible”
I smile and s£nd her a wi-nk, the we head towards one of the sto-res.
Few hours later.
Britt st©ps outside the mansion’s gate and I open the door and step out.
I struggle to hold all my shopping bags in my hands, Britt laughs at my struggle.
“I’m not gonna help you, because I advised you not to buy too much things”
“All these are necessities”
“Necessities my as-s!”
She laughs more, I managed to hold everything.
“I should go keep this stuffs inside”
“Well, I gotta go, see you when I see you”
I nod and head inside. Climbing the stairs to I and Ian’s room is torture, but I manage to make it. I toss the bags on the be-d and fall back on it, I breathe heavily.
Maybe I should take a nap first. Just like that my eyes shut.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
Argh! I open my eyes and sit on the be-d, I look at the alarm clock, it’s alre-ady 6:30pm. I sle-pt for 4hours, I got up and begin to arrange the things I bought in our closet.
When I’m done I enter the bathroom and str!pe off my clothes to take my bath.
I step out of the bathroom and head to the closet. I picked out a red go-wn that st©ps at my mid th!gh, it hvgs my b©dy perfectly and shows off all my curves.
My cle-avagefull on displa-y.
I love these kinds of dress but that doesn’t makes me a slut, right?.
I comb my hair and sit in front of my dresser. I applied some makeup, eyeliner, mascara and a redl-ipstick.
Looking at myself once more in the mirror, I smile and wi-nk at myself.
“Beautiful” I told me.
I should leave before Dean gets back. I pick my purse and leave quic-kly.
Tonight is gonna be so much fun!
|| Ian/Dean ||
I gr0@nloudly and ru-b my forehead. Paperworks can be so stressful sometimes, I glance at my wrist watch and sigh.
At least it’s almost time I go back home and rest.
“General, miss Aurora just left the mansion” br@ndon reports.
He stretched his phone towards me and I see Phoebe st©pping a cab. I take in her outfit and frown, and fist my hands.
The dress she wore is so revea-ling and far too short for my liking.
“Had I known this is what she would wear, I wouldn’t have given her the credit card”
“General, should I order some guards to get her back?”
I clenched my jaw.
“No! Get the car re-ady and take me to the club that is opening today!”
“Yes, sir”
I’m so gonna punish her today and make her regret wearing that dress,,,, showing off what’s Mine!!
T. B. C.