Doctor cutie Episode 31 & 32

[Love cures All]
Episode 31.
Rated;- 🔞🔞🔞🔞 (matured content)
By: Racheal Dennis||
|| Authoress ||
Javier steps out of his car, he carried the flowers and box of chocolates. He close his eyes and inhale de-eply, it’s now or never!
He rushes to Britt’s door and raised his hand to knock, but freezes to think.
*What if she slams the door on me?*
*Aurora said she has a bad temper, what if she panics and hits my head,,,, or worse my pretty face!!*
He stands still, his shoulders tensed as he imagines the scene. He shudders and shakes his head.
*No, I can let that happen. Maybe I should come up with a plan that can get me free pas-s inside*
He puts his f!nger un-der his chin and think de-eply, he smiles when he c@m£ up with a plan.
He dropped the flowers and box of chocolates on the doorstep, he rings the doorbell and quic-kly hide behind a wooden cu-pboard he saw at a corner.
“Coming!!” He hear Britt call from inside.
The door open and Britt c@m£ out. She sees the flowers and box of chocolates, she picks them up and look around but sees no one.
*Who could that be?* She wonders.
Javier smiles where he is as he sees Britt carry the flowers and box of chocolates.
Brittany frown when she couldn’t figure out who dropped these gifts there, but she quic-kly g@sp when she realizes something.
“Maybe it’s Rora!!” She smiles and goes back in.
Javier smile falters and he scoffs.
“Rora indeed!” He rolls his eyes and comes out of hiding.
He stands in front of the door and notice it isn’t locked, he sm-irked. He gave it a gentle push and steps in.
Just as he turns to shut the door, he was engulfed in a very ti-ght hvg.
“You are finally back!” She said.
Javier stilled and didn’t know what to do,, he didn’t make any sound or any movement.
She sniffs the air and quic-kly lets go of Javier, a de-ep frown takes over her face and she takes a step back.
*He’s back here?* She wonders.
“What are you doing here? I thought I asked you to leave?!!”
Javier chuckles nervously and slowly turns around to face her.
“H-hi,, baby?” He waves.
Brittany’s gaze lands on the flowers and box of chocolates, she fist her hands.
“Were you the one that s£nt these?”
“Take them back and leave!”
“Baby calm down,,, ”
“I’m not your baby!!” Brittany interrupts him.
Javier flin-ch back at her harsh glare, but step back up and wra-p his arms around her w@!st. She struggles to get away from him but Javier wouldn’t let her.
“Baby, I’m sorry, plea-se calm down” he pleads.
“Get away from me!! And get out!!” She growled out.
“plea-se, don’t chase me out. Calm down, baby, let’s talk!”
“There’s nothing to talk about, I’m a slut and I’m not your type of girl”
Javier shakes his head.
“Don’t say that, baby, you are not a slut and you are my type of girl”
She breaks into sobs, sniffles as she tries ha-rder to get away from him.
“I’m so stupid and cheap, I gave myself away without second thoughts, I’m a who-re now and I’m,,,,,, ”
Javier turns her and crashed hisl-ips on her, cutting her off. He k!sses her with great Pas-sion, as if he’s trying to pas-s a message to her.
Ad if he’s trying to tell her how great and how much she means to him, he gently slides his ton-gue in her mouth and li-cks every inch of her mouth,,, sa-vouring every taste.
He breaks the k!ssand they both p@n-ts lightly, softly g@sping for air. He rests his head on her forehead and look into her eyes.
“I don’t wanna hear you say those foul words about yourself”
“B-but,,,,, ”
“Shhhh!” He cuts her off. “I will never look down on you because you are a great woman and you deserve to be loved and cared for”
Just like a perfect timing her stomach growls loudly and she bites her lower l!pas her cheeks warm up in embarras-sment.
Javier chuckles lightly.
“How about I cook something for you to eat and we will talk after that?”
Brittany nods abs£ntmindedly as she stares de-eply in his eyes.
*Why do I always lost myself when I look into his eyes?*
Javier leads her to a sofa and helps her sit down.
“I will be in the kitchen” he said, Britt nods abs£ntmindedly again.
Javier stands up and look around, trying to locate the kitchen.
|| Aurora/ Phoebe ||
Dean bent down and throws my on his shoulder as if I weigh nothing. I hit his back hoping he’d feel pain and drop me down, but this hunk didn’t.
He kept walking as if I’m just wasting my time,,,, well, I guess I am.
“Hey! Put me down, put me down now!!” I drum on his back as he walks into the living room.
“Ian? What’s happening?” I hear Mrs Morgan asked him.
I managed to tilt my head and I saw her sitting on a sofa, a magazine in her hands and her specs on.
“Nothing, Mom, I’m just taking her back to our room” he replies.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
I shake my head and quic-kly say “No!”
“No?” She asked.
“He’s gonna,,, he,, we,,,,”
I can imagine Dean sm-irking at my shortage of words,,, I know what I wanna say but I don’t know how to tell Mrs Morgan.
Dean pats my back gently.
“Mom, carry on with your magazine and ignore us, we’ll be just fine!” Dean said and continues his journey to his room.
“Put me down you brute!!” I yelled.
“Will you quite yelling? You are ma-king it seem as if I’m kidnaping you”
“Isn’t this kidnapping?”
He scoff.
“My Phoebe, I can’t kidnap you and bring you back to your own home”
I scoff too.
“Taking me against my will from my room is kidnapping!”
He shakes his head and st©ps walking,,, he opens a door and walks in. He puts me down, I look around and noticed we are in his room.
“Why did you bring me to your room?”
He sighs.
“You’ll be staying in this room with me from today onwards”
“This is also your room now” he goes to his closet and open it.
His clothes are on one p@rt of the closet and the other p@rt is filled with women’s clothes.
I frown, I hope it’s not what I’m thinking, don’t tell me he’s got women over before.
“These are your clothes, I had br@ndon buy them last night”
He takes my hand and takes me to a corner in his room,, I g@sp when I saw a dressing table with different br@nds of makeups on it, and different kinds of accessories.
I pick a gold n£¢klace and stare at it dumbfoundedly.
“These are all yours too!”
“Are you serious?!”
“Yes, they are yours!”
“O. M. G!!”
I believe he spent a fortune on these,,, not that I’m complaining, but he should have just given me the money and I’ll be very, very, very, happy.
“Do you like them?”
“I love them!!”
I jump into his arms and wra-p my legs around his w@!st as I crash myl-ips on his. I gave him a brief but sweet k!ss.
“Well, since you like them, I’ll have br@ndon buy more”
“Dean, Dean,,, I’m very grateful for these things you bought, but next time, plea-se just give me the money, I have other plans ok?”
He chuckles lightly.
“Angel, st©p worrying about money, money is never a problem,,, I can give you my credit card if you want”
My eyes bulge out.
I blinked innocently and pout myl-ips.
“Can you give it to me now?”
“Yep!” He di-p his hand in his back pocket and brings out his wallet.
He takes out his black card and hands it to me, I study it and laugh inwardly, hehehehe!!
Mr General CEO! You just made a big mistake by giving me your credit card.
“Don’t hesitate to use it” he said.
I give him a look that says “Seriously?!” This guy doesn’t know who he’s talking to.
Money is my first b©yfri£nd!
“Thanks” I told him.
He simply nods.
“Now, it’s almost time for dinner, let’s shower together”
I choked on my spit.
He sm-irks.
“Remember I told you we will start doing things that normal couples do”
“Well, let’s start by bathing together”
“B-but,,,,, ”
“I’m gonna see all of you someday, why not make it today?”
He didn’t let me speak a words as he dash towards the bathroom, the credit card drops from my hand.
He puts me down in the bathroom and shut the door.
He stares at me as he takes his shi-t off, his gaze filled with appetency, then he starts unbuckling his belt. He slides his p@n-ts and un-derwear on the ground, and within a second, his Adonis b©dy, stands n-ked before me.
I should be shy,, I should turn away from him,, but I didn’t, I stand still staring at him, mouth agape,,, though I feel my cheeks heat up.
His predator eyes piercing my soul. His charisma creates a fire exploding within me, consuming all the self-control I’ve managed to build up.
I bite my lower l!pfeeling the rush of contradictory feelings colliding together.
He opens the tap, when the water is warm enough, he pushes me un-der.
“I want to see you we-t for me, My Phoebe”
I narrow my eyes. That arrogant General.
“If I’m going down, you are coming with me!”
I pu-ll him towards me in the shower and ourl-ips crash together. My pla-yful mood from earlier is now replace with my nee-d for him. S burning pas-sion radiates from my whole soul and it’s uncontrollably.
He cu-ps my cheeks, pinning me up against the wall of the bathroom as our breath quic-kens.
I wanted to st©p but the de-sire in me wouldn’t let me,,, I don’t know if I’d die in this mission of mine, why not enjoy myself now. And that’s what I did,,, I surrender myself to him.
I nee-d him now.
In a matter of seconds, he’s undressed me, as we are feeling the nee-d for each other. He gr-abs my leg which is encircling his h!ps, and squee-ze it possessively while he dots un-der my n£¢k with his add!çtive k!sses.
I rack my f!ngersalong his back. The heat of the water creates a fog around us, ma-king everything blurry.
“You’re gonna make me lose control for fv¢k sake, Phoebe!” He sighs as his eyes darken with de-sire.
I’m losing control too.
“What do you wanna do to me?” I asked him.
I bite my lower l-ips £dûçt!velyas he husky voice whispers his longing for me in my ear.
“I want to do to you what other normal couples do, I want us to be a normal couple. I want to fv¢k you, endlessly, fully, untill you are entirely mine.
Until the point your b©dy melts just at the thought of inside you, taking care of your sultry b©dy, I want us to connect emotionally”
A wolfish sm-irk appears on his face while his predatory gaze is fixed on me, ma-king me his prey.
I want us to connect too,,,I don’t like the distance between us.
“And what do you want, my Phoebe?”
My eyes travel down to his man-hood as I chew myl-ips. He seems to un-derstand me and s hint of blus-h appear on his cheek. I sm-irk at the effect I have on him.
He kneels in front of me, arching his eyebrows sinfully. He smiles devilishly, he leans down and reaches out to explore my we-t center.
Oohh! This is heaven!
“Dean,,,,,,” I m0@n out his name. “I want you now!”
“Not as much as I de-sire you” he said and stand up.
I look over at his man-hood. He is ha-rd , ha-rd for me. I start to stro-ke him with my hand as he gro-an s with de-sire.
“You are torturing me, Phoebe”
“I know,,,, that’s the point” ok, where did I learn this from.
“You are gorgeous, my Phoebe, it will be impossible to not get ha-rd only by looking at you, and you are mine and I’m planning on prove it to you tonight”
“How?” I asked.
“By ma-king love to you in the shower!”
“ma-king love?”
“Yes,,, I will make love to you in my own way,,, pas-sionate way” he said with a sm-irk.
“You are something else”
He k!sses my throat before focusing his attention on my aching brea-st.
He clutches my b©dy closer and k!sses the love of my ear. I’m about to lose control and feel the nee-d to libr@te this burning pas-sion in me.
“Dean, make love to me now, make love to me pas-sionately” I whisper.
Ourl-ips collide together, drawn by a magnetic f0rç£. With a flex of his h!ps he thrû-sts into me.
“Dean,,,,!” I cry as I feel the walls of my pu-ssy tearing.
“Shhh, it’s gonna be ok, it’s fine”
He waits until my b©dy has welcome him, then he starts thrû-sting in slowly. My world ignite as my whole b©dy respond to him with twice the intensity.
He owns a piece of my soul as I’m dominated by the lecherous ecstasy. I. Can’t. St©p.
He thrû-sts dee-per and ha-rder into me, his hands squee-zing me more pas-sionately, my eyes rolling un-der his f0rç£ful ramming. I wra-p my legs around his strong torso as I’m incapable of standing, leaving him in total control.
“Fuvk, my Phoebe, you feel so good”
Pas-sion. Eagerness. Possession. Multi-ple emotions explodes around us. He hits every inch of me, dee-per at a slow pace and ha-rder at a fas-ter pace. Our chemistry explodes in a flamming animal S-x, no control, no coming back.
I can’t believe my v!rg!npvzzycould take this,,,, but what a surprise.
Our k!sses violent, torrid, ero-tic .
I’m calling out his name as he is gro-an ing mine. He, himself is a tornado of emotions, creating a devastating yet plea-surable spiral of sin.
“I nee-d you, Dean”
I bite myl-ip, regretting admitting my nee-d for him. My nee-d for his t©uçh, my nee-d to connect with his soul. He slows down his pace, looking into my eyes, and seconds seems to last forever as he knit his brows together.
“I nee-d you more, Phoebe!”
I smiled shyly before I connect with him even more intensely than before. We are possessing each other, until fully belonging to the other, until our souls is endlessly marked.
I close my eyelids and a second later I feel h0t spark flashes as my Orgasm explodes inside me, ripping every nerve in my b©dy. He cu-m with me, pushing his hand on the wall and pu-lling his strong b©dy closer to mine.
“Fuvk!! My Phoebe, that was h0t”
“This is actually my first time,,, did I disappoint you?”
“No, you did better than I imagined”
I bend my head shyly and I hear him chuckling.
“How about we go for one more round?”
I raised my head with a g@sp and hits his che-st.
“In your dreams!”
I finished showering with Dean, I changed into one of his t-shi-ts that ba-rely covers my bo-ttomand joined him in be-d.
“Angel, you are tempting me”
I roll my eyes.
“I’m feeling sleepy”
He nods and k!$$£d my forehead.
“Wait,,,, before you sleep, what do you mean by Dan being of help to us?”
“Oh, since I’m their target, why not use me as a bait”
“We can get Dan to give them info about my whereabouts and then when they come for me, you and your army boys can catch them”
He shakes his head with a very de-ep frown.
“No, that is too risky”
“What if something happens and my boys couldn’t get to you in time? No,I don’t wanna take any chances”
“Dean, it’s the best way to get them, but first we have to figure out how to get Dan’s family from them”
“I will rescue them that’s for sure, but I’m against the idea of using you as a bait,,,I will never agree”
“It’s the best way, Dean”
“No way! Think of something else!”
I yawn sleepily, I rest my head on his che-st.
“I’m not gonna argue with you, we will talk about this when I wake up!” And that’s how my eyelids close and sleep took me.
|| Authoress ||
“Baby, dinner is re-ady!” Javier call from the dinning.
Brittany stands up and head there. She look around the table and saw the different kinds of dishes Javier had prepared,,,she closed her eyes and takes a de-ep breath and smile.
“Smells nice” she said.
“Thank you”
Javier pu-lls out a chair and she sits down. He dishes out some foods for her and sits opposite her, he puts his hands un-der his chin and watch as Brittany takes the first bite.
“How is it?” He asked.
Brittany closes her eyes and m0@n as she chew.
“It’s delicious”
Javier smile and dish more into her plate. Brittany eats in silence while Javier watch in silence.
Halfway throu-gh the food, he reaches for Brittany’s hand on the table and squee-zes it gently.
“Baby, I know what happened between us was too fast, but we can’t blame ourselves for it. Maybe it’s fate,,, maybe that’s how fate wants to bring us together.
So many people are destined to meet in different ways,, maybe this is our own way. I’m not a bad guy but I can’t say I’m good either, I’m not perfect, but I can try to be perfect for you.
It has alre-ady happened and there is no denying it, so why can’t we just go with the flow?”
Brittany nods as Javier’s words sink into her memory.
*He’s right, my first relationsh!pwasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, so why not give us a chance*
Javier’s gaze move to the food and smiles.
“If you’d give me the chance, I can cook for you everyday,,,just give us a chance, since I’m your first, I also want to be your last. Can you plea-se make it possible? plea-se make us possible”
Brittany stares into his eyes and smile softly, she gave a small nod.
Javier’s smile wi-de-ned.
“Are you serious?”
“I’m serious, but plea-se don’t break my heart”
Javier jumps from his chair and rush to hvg her.
“I won’t break your heart,,I will try my possible best not to”
They hvg for a few minutes before Brittany breaks the hvg.
“But don’t think you’re slee-ping here tonight” she said.
Javier frowns.
“Because, Rora is coming over”
Javier bur-st into laughter, Britt glares at him and snacks his head.
“Why are you laughing?”
“You are stuck with me, baby”
“Your dear Rora ain’t gonna come tonight, I don’t think my brother will let her”
Brittany fist her hands and growled throu-gh gritt teeth.
“Damn that General,,,,and Rora if I catch her, I’ll bury her alive for failing in her promise!!”
“Don’t worry, baby, I’m here with you”
Britt simply scoffs and faces her food, Javier watch as she angrily poke on her salad in amusement.
Episode 32.
|| Brittany ||
The next day…
I gr-unt as I tried to comb my curly hair, I huffed and drop the comb as I notice I’m not gonna make any progress if I continue.
I got off my dressing chair and look at my outfit in the mirror, I smiled and nod in satisfaction. Suddenly, I feel arms wra-pping around my w@!st, I alre-ady know who. I turn in his arms and face him, he’s got a cute frown on his face.
Straighten the frown lines on his forehead I asked. “Why are you frowning this morning?”
He scoffs.
“I woke up early to make someone breakfast in be-d but they just spoilt my plan”
I chuckle lightly and shake my head.
“Baby, listen, I’m a doctor and I wake up early every day to get re-ady for work, so I don’t think you can make breakfast for me in be-d”
“I can”
“If you wake up by 4am everyday, then I will wake up by 2am everyday just to make you breakfast in be-d”
He placed his foref!nger on myl-ips.
“Shhh! Baby, no matter how busy we are, we should always create time for ourselves, ok?”
I smile and nod.
I know we just started d@t!nglike few hours ago, but I feel so much connected with him. It feels like we’ve been d@t!ngfor long, like I can trust him,,,,,, no, it’s like I should trust him,, I must trust him.
Right from the first time we met, it’s like we are soulmates,,, but I don’t know why.
I have decided to go with the flow, I got a feeling that Javier would be different from Eric,,,, very different.
“Baby, come have your breakfast before it gets cold” he said and take my hand, be usher me towards my be-d.
A plate of bre-ad, cu-p of tea and some eggs l@yon t©p a tray on the nightstand.
“You made these?” I asked.
He look around as if looking for something.
“I don’t see anyone else here except us, so who do you think made these?”
He puffs his che-st out as if he’s showing off, I rolled my eyes and hits his che-st.
“Don’t br@g yet, I don’t know if it’s edible”
“Don’t go there, I bet you can’t compete with me when it comes to cooking”
I ignore him and di-p my fork in the eggs, I take a small piece to my mouth at chew. I close my eyes as I enjoy it,,, man, he isn’t joking when he said I can’t compete with him.
“So? How is it?” He asked.
Humph! I can’t let him know he’s right and increase his ego.
“It’s manageable!”
“What?! How come? I,,, I,,,”
He takes a look at the plate.
“Impossible!” He whispers to himself.
Looking at his expression, I bur-st into laughter. He looked like he just failed a big test, I guess he was tryna show me how skillful he is in the kitchen.
“Baby, don’t be disappointed, it’s perfect, I was just joking”
He glares at me pla-yfully, he takes two slices of bre-ad and stuffs them in my mouth.
“That’s what you get for teasing my cooking”
I glare at him with my stuffed mouth, I try so ha-rd to chew the bre-ad but couldn’t. I was f0rç£d to spit it out, I cross my arms around my che-st and turn away from him.
I hear him chuckling.
“Baby, don’t tell me you are angry” he said.
I didn’t reply him, I just scoffed loudly so that he could hear me scoffing.
He turn me back to him and take my hand in his, he ru-bs it gently with a smile.
“I’m sorry,,, it’s just I don’t like it when someone mocks my cooking”
“Ok, today is Friday, how about we do something fun?”
“Let’s go clubbing!”
“Yeah, I heard a new club is opening today, let’s go there”
Club? I can’t go, I have low tolerance for alcohol and each time I’m drun!k, something bad always happens.
I shake my head.
“I’m not going”
“Baby, don’t worry, I’ll be there with you, it’s gonna be fine”
“But,,, but,,,, ”
“Don’t worry, I will take care of you, I’m not gonna abandon my woman in a club”
I blus-h when he said I’m his woman,,,, something Eric never told me.
Wait,,,,why do I keep comparing him with Eric? I got to st©p it.
I blinked and smile.
“Really? You’re not gonna leave me? Not even for a minute?”
“Nope! So are you coming?”
I nod quic-kly.
He smiles wi-dely, leans forward and k!sses my forehead.
“Now eat up, you are running late” he said as he takes a slice of bre-ad and bring it closer to my mouth.
I think giving Javier a chance is a choice I won’t regret.
|| Authoress ||
Ian stares at Aurora with a satisfied sm-irk, what he thought he’d never get a chance to experience is now happening,,,, having Aurora’s n-ked b©dy wra-pped in his arms in his be-d.
He leans down and pe-cks herl-ips softly.
“Beautiful!” He whispers to himself.
Aurora yawned sleepily and snuggles more into the warmth emitting off Ian.
She giggles and murmurs “my sweet warm cudd-lebear!”
Ian chuckles lightly.
“So cute!”
He leans back to enjoy watching his angel sleep, but nature has order plans. His alarm rings and Aurora sits up abruptly, bu-mping her head on Ian’s chin.
“Fire! Fire!” She said and looks around frantically.
“There’s no fire, fuvk!” Ian gr0@nand ru-bs his chin.
Aurora turns to face Ian, her eyes follow his n-ked che-st down.
“W-why are you n-ked?” She asked.
Ian paused and stare at her with his mouth open.
“Are you really asking me that?”
She frowns in confusion.
“Should I remind you why we are both n-ked?” He asked with an arch eyebrow.
She look down at herself and last night’s event comes crashing down in her memory, her cheeks warm up and she turns away from Ian.
She covers her che-st.
*Wait,,,,, I wasn’t shy last night, why now?*
“Angel, don’t tell me you are shy”
Aurora doesn’t say anything, her cheeks turned complete red.
“I remembered someone begging last night,,, wait, what were those words,,,,,,?” He tease off, he puts his f!nger un-der his chin and pretend to do some thinking.
“Oh, now I remember, they were,,,,, ooh, this is heaven,,,, Dean make love to me,,,, Dean fas-ter,,,, Dean,,,, ”
She couldn’t take it no more, so she turned and pounced on him. She sits onto of him so she is straddling him.
She tries to cover his mouth but Ian isn’t letting her.
“Dean right there,,,, don’t st©p,,,, dean,,,,,” Ian continues to tease her.
Just then the door bur-st open, Ian acted fast upon hearing the door open. He quic-kly fli-pped them and he covers Aurora’s b©dy with the duvet and throws a very harsh glare at the intruder,,,,, br@ndon.
“Turn around!!” Ian thun-dered.
“Yes, sir!” He quic-kly turn around.
“How dare you come in without knocking first!!”
“I knocked b-but,,,,,”
“Shut up and sl@p yourself until I say st©p!!!”
“Yes, sir”
*Don’t tell me he’s really gonna do it* Aurora thinks.
She watched stunned as br@ndon start to sl@p himself,,,, not light sl@p but h0t sl@ps as if it’s Ian sl@pping him.
She winces and turn to Ian as she herself ru-bs her cheek, it feels like she’s the one receiving the sl@ps.
“Dean, tell him to st©p”
“Why should I? He walked in on you n-ked, he saw your b©dy!”
Aurora rolled her eyes and shakes her head at his possessiveness.
“He didn’t mean to walk in on me, and besides he didn’t expect I’d be in your room”
“He didn’t expect you’d be in my room? Wasn’t he the one that filled your clothes in my closet?”
“Maybe he forgot”
Ian scoffed angrily.
“Forgot indeed! I bet he just wants to see your b©dy!”
Aurora frown.
“What?! I swear your imagination is just too wild. Tell him to st©p before he hurt himself”
“Then he should hurt himself!!”
She sighs and tilts her head towards br@ndon, dragging the duvet higher in her che-st.
“br@ndon, st©p” she tells him.
br@ndon shakes his head in denial and continue sl@pping himself.
“Ok, why did you come?”
“I wanted to report that we’ve caught the spy that sold out the General’s sketch”
Aurora glared at Ian when she heard the reason he c@m£ in, but Ian simply look away.
“Where’s he?” She asked.
“He’s with the security team back at the company”
“You can go”
“No, thank you ma’am” he said, fearing that the General would punish him more if he moves.
Aurora sighs and move closer to Ian, she caught his ear and pu-lls it down.
“Ouch! My Phoebe, it hurts” Ian winces.
“Yeah, the same way br@d is hurting right now, tell him to go”
“B-but,,,,,, ”
She pu-lls ha-rder and Ian hissed loudly in pain.
“Tell him to go back to his work”
“Go! Go!” Ian waved br@d out.
Aurora turns but still sees br@ndon standing there.
“He’s still standing”
“br@ndon fuvking leave!!” Ian vibr@te.
“Thank you, sir!”
br@ndon dashes out quic-kly as if his p@n-ts is on fire. Aurora twist Ian’s ear one more time before she lets it go. Ian ru-bs his ear.
“Will you st©p begging for br@ndon, he’s my as-sistant not yours”
“Oh? But if I remember correctly, you said everything that’s yours is mine too”
“But that doesn’t include him”
“Bit I think it does” she said in a daring tone.
He sighs and decides to forget about the matter as he knows he can’t argue with her.
“I’m gonna go to the office,are you coming with me?”
“Office? Today is Friday, let’s do something fun”
“Like what?”
“Hmmm, clubbing”
“I heard a new club is opening today, let’s go there!” She said enthusiastically.
“I have never step foot in that filthy place and I’m not gonna let you go there too”
“Come on, Dean, it’s gonna be fun and I bet you are gonna love it”
“No, we are not going, come with me to the office”
“Don’t try to persuade me, get re-ady let’s go to the office”
Aurora huffed angrily and breath heavily as she tries to contain her sudden anger.
She got off the be-d and throws the duvet off her.
*He’s not ro-mantic at all and so old fashioned* she grumbles silently.
“You are so boring,,,,I’m not coming with you to your boring company!!”
“My Phoebe,,,,,”
“Oh, and yes, I’m going to the club we-ther you approve of it or not!! Better put money on the be-d before I come out of the bathroom!!” With that she stomps into the bathroom and slams the door loudly.
He stares at the door shocked at how she suddenly become angry.
“I guess I will go to the office alone” he said to himself.
|| Mrs Morgan ||
I enter my room and saw a letter on my be-d, with my name written on it. I pick it up and open it, that familiar hand writing of Jeremy.
My heart leap in fear, how did he always manage to get his notes inside the mansion.
*Nancy, I gave you a week…
It’s almost time up, why is she still breathing? Do something about her or I might take matters into my hands!!…. Right, and I’m coming back to the mansion soon,,,,to see my son*
My hands shake as I re-ad each words.
What does he mean by taking matters in his hands? And why is he coming to the mansion? Why is he coming back?
No, I nee-d to tell Ian the truth,,now is the time to tell him.
I squee-zed the paper and throws it r0ûghly in a corner and head out.
I met with Ian downstairs, I frown when I take in his outfit.
He only had a towel wra-p around his w@!st, this is the first time he’s seen like this,, and I wonder why.
He turns around quic-kly.
“Good morning, Mom”
“Why are you in your towel outside your room?”
“I was kicked out”
“Kicked out? Who is bold enough to kick you out of your room?”
He rolls his eyes.
“Who else but Phoebe”
I smile, my son is a lovesick puppy.
Then I remembered Jeremy’s note, I c@m£ here with the intention to tell him the truth but seeing him now I don’t think I should tell him now.
I’m afraid of what his reaction would be.
“Mom, you’ve been sighing, do you wanna say something?”
I blinked and shake my head.
Maybe I can find out if he’s gonna take it well if I do tell him, but how? Wait,,,, I should use someone as example, maybe,,,,, Pho-ebe!
“Yes, Mom”
“I wanna ask you a question”
I clear my throat.
” If,,,, I mean if, you find out that Phoebe is cheating on you with Javier what are you gonna do?”
His shoulder tensed, his eyes turns black and his hand form into ha-rd fists.
“They wouldn’t dare, or I will forget the fact that Javier is my brother and kill him, then I will keep phoebe alive and show her what betrayal feels like!”
“But what if was a drun!kand depressing night”
“No matter how drun!kor depressed she is, she should know who her man is. It shouldn’t be an excuse for her to cheat!”
I stayed silent for a moment, I didn’t know what to do now.
“What if a son finds out his mother had him for his uncle, what do you think will be his reaction”
His jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed.
“I don’t know about other people, but if I were him I’d hate her forever and cut off all ties with her, she doesn’t deserve to be a mother!”
Cold chills run down my spine and I gulp loudly. I don’t think I can ever tell him the truth,,, he doesn’t know it’s us that’s actually in the situation and yet he’s angry.
How can I tell him?
Maybe I should just run away like I have been doing all these years,,,,, but Phoebe, that innocent girl.
A f!nger snapped in my face and I blinked back to reality.
“Mom, you look scared, why?”
“Nothing” I said with a f0rç£d smile. “I have something to do in my room, I’m gonna go”
“Ok, ma”
I rushed before he can suspect anything.
I’m a coward,, a big coward.
|| Aurora/Phoebe ||
I sigh frustratingly.
This is the hundredth time I’m dialing Britt’s number but she ain’t picking up,,,, giving up calling her, I decided to s£nd her a message instead.
*Meet me at the mall this evening after your shift*
I tossed the phone on the be-d as I count the picked up Dean’s black card on the be-d, a small note next to it.
*Buy whatever you want angel, bit make sure it’s something I’m gonna Approve of!*
I scoffed. I don’t think I’m the one he’s ordering, I will buy what I want and I like, I will also go to the club without him.
I don’t know why fate matched me with this unro-mantic, old fashioned man!
I look at the card and smile, I k!$$£d it.
“Baby, it’s you and I today!”
I giggled happily, pouncing on the be-d.
T. B. C