Doctor cutie Episode 19 & 20

[Love cures All]
Episode 19.
By: Racheal Dennis|
|| Aurora+Phoebe) ||
I met Britt on my way to the kitchen, she seems to be fully dressed.
“Rora, how is the General?” She asked and follows me to the kitchen.
“He is fine but cold, I wanna make some soup for him”
She nods and look out the kitchen window, it has st©pped raining but it’s dark, like it’s getting late.
“I’m going out”
“Going out?” I glanced at the wall clock in our kitchen. “At 7pm?”
She nods.
“A co-worker is celebr@ting her birthday and she invited all of us to celebr@te with her”
“Oh, so it’s a birthday p@rty”
“At where?”
She eyes me.
“Since when did you turn to my dead Mom?”
“Answer me, I nee-d to know where you are, remember we only have each other”
She smiles.
“I un-derstand,, well, we are going to K-Oceans,, I don’t know when I’ll be back”
I sigh,, so it’s just gonna be me and Dean in this house.
“Ok! Have fun and get your mind off Eric!”
“I will” she replied overly excited, and I kinda hate how it sounds.
“But not too much fun!”
She sm-irks, an evil glint in her eyes.
“I can’t promise that!”
“You,,,,” and she is out.
I guess I will have to wait by the door for her tonight.
|| Javier ||
“Sir, what are we doing in the General’s room?!” Dan whisper to me.
“Shhhh!” I shush him. “We are here to steal”
“Steal? Didn’t you steal some clothes from his closet yesterday?”
I roll my eyes.
“We are not here to steal clothes, I’m here to take some shoes,, after all, I will nee-d shoes to wear those clothes!”
He takes in de-ep breaths.
“But sir, you can buy this things for yourself, you have money”
I stand up and take a step back, I smiled at the amount of shoes I packed.
Ian seldom goes out, I wonder why he buys so many designers clothes and shoes,,,, maybe he’s buying them for me to steal them,,,,what a caring elder bro.
I turn to Dan, he looked worried,,,,or should I say,,, guilty?
I smile and placed my hands on his shoulders.
“Dan, you are right, but he is my elder brother and he should be responsible for me,,,, my nee-ds”
“I’m worried, if the General finds out you stole his shoes, he’ll,,,,,, ”
“Take a chill pill, Dan, he’s my brother I know how to calm him down”
His phone rings, he reaches for it and sneakily peep at the screen.
He quic-kly shove it back in his pocket and face me, I pretend as if I wasn’t aware that his phone rang.
“Sir, it’s a call from home, I have to take it”
“Ok, I will just move these shoes to my room”
“Thank you, sir!”
I wave him off and he leaves. I package the shoes in a bag and head to my room.
Not up to five minutes, Dan comes back to my room.
“Sir, my dad just called, my younger sister is sick, I wanna go check on her”
“Oh? Your sister is sick?”
He nods.
I studied his expression, he seems restless and I can tell he is lying.
“How about you go tomorrow morning, I might even come with you”
He shakes his head in denial.
“No, sir. It’s best I go now and you don’t have to come with me, my family isn’t worthy of your visit!”
I sm-irk. Something is fishy about this call.
“Ok, you can go!”
“Thank you sir!”
I sm-irk more, I will let him leave and tail him later.
Let’s find out where he is going.
|| Brittany ||
“Hey, Britt is here!” Kathleen shouts over the loud music when she sees me.
I smile and walk towards them.
Kathleen, Doris, Lola and Renee sits on the booth closest to the window.
Kathleen is the birthday girl.
“Happy birthday, Kathy!” I wished her.
“Thanks, girlfriend” she said and hvg me.
I look round the table, it’s filled with different varieties of drinks.
“Tonight is all about kathleen and we are gonna drink until we drop!” Lola said.
“Yay!!” We cheer.
“Let’s get this p@rty started!!”
I take a bottle of whiskey and pop the cover,,,, tonight I’m gonna forget all about Eric and maybe I can get a h0ttie for myself.
|| Javier ||
I sm-irk as I park my car in the parking lot.
So, this is the home Dan said he’s coming to, I step out of my car and throw the key to a valet.
I enter the club and find a seat for myself in a quiet corner,,a place where I can perfectly view Dan.
He sits opposite someone, the person’s back is facing me.
“Sir, would you like something to drink?” A pas-serby waitress asked me with a flir-tatious smile.
“Get me your strongest drink!” I reply her with a wi-nk and she blus-h as she giggles.
I roll my eyes and shake my head.
She leaves to get the drink, while I focus my attention on Dan. I just nee-d to observe for now.
|| Brittany ||
I gulp down the remaining content in the bottle and slam it on the table, I burb.
I feel a weight on my w@!st and I realized I nee-d to use the restroom.
I got up and staggers back a little.
“Girlfriend, you are drun!k!” Renee said.
I laugh briefly.
“Nah, but I’mma gonna head to the restroom!”
“Oh, should I accompany you or you wanna go by yourself?” Doris asked.
“I,,I will go by myself,, order for more drinks before I come back”
“On it!”
I giggle and staggers away.
I wash my face to help keep me sober a little, I look in the mirror and I stayed frozen.
Oh no!
What is he doing here? His eyes meets mine in the mirror and he sm-irks.
“Brittany, my sweet Brittany, do you miss me?” He asked.
I turned quic-kly and stare at him in fear,,,, I honestly didn’t expect I’d run into him here.
“E-eric?!” I g@sp out.
“The one and only!!”
My heart start beating fast, I grip the sink behind me ti-ghtly.
“So, now you come to clubs? If you are re-ady to lose your vir-ginity, why didn’t you come to me?”
I nee-d to escape from him,, but there’s no way out,, he’s blocking the only way.
“You know,, had you given it to me I wouldn’t have cheated on you,, I waited for two long years, two years”
I suddenly feel anger build up in me.
“Two years you say? We d@t£d for two years but you weren’t serious with us,,, two years and you didn’t think of proposing to me,,, you didn’t think of ma-king me your wife!”
He snickers.
“Marry you?” He scoffs.
“How old are you? 21 and you are alre-ady thinking of marriage?”
What? So he never meant to marry me..
“I have seen 17, 18 and even 19 years old get married” I argued.
He sm-irks, he move closer to me.
“Too bad I ain’t gonna marry you, but I must have you tonight,, I must own you,,, I will do as I plea-se with you tonight!”
“Stay away from me!”
“You can’t st©p me now, you can’t run!”
“Don’t come close, stay away from me,,,, someone help me!!”
“Scream all you like, no one is coming to save you”
I ignore him and continue calling for help.
“Help, some one, anyone, help!! Help me!!”
|| Javier ||
“Anything else you nee-d?” The waitress asked me.
She sits across me, her long legs crossed, she bites her lower l-ips e-ductively.
I arch my eyebrows pretending to be clueless of what she’s asking me.
“Do you nee-d anything else,,, ap@rt from your drink of course” she wi-nks at me, I guess that’s her signal.
I sm-irk and lean forward, I drag my foref!nger ti-p along her l@p and look into her eyes.
“How about you go look for someone else to flir-t with?” I whisper to her.
I sit up straight and ban-g my hand on the table.
“I said go elsewhere!!” I said firmly.
Had it not been I’m here on a mission, I’d have flir-ted with her for some time,,, but now I don’t nee-d distractions.
She stands up angrily, she humph and walked away, stomping her feet as she so goes.
I turn my focus to Dan and see him get up and head somewhere, the other man is gone,,,,I got up too and follow him.
Just as I bend a corner, I hear a voice calling for help, the voice kinda sound familiar.
I almost ignore it, but the cry for help was so desperate,,, I had no choice but to go check it out.
|| Brittany ||
He cages me against the wall, I feel his b©dy pressed against mine, leaving nowhere for me to escape.
His right hand gr-ab my left br£@st and he squee-ze it r0ûghly and I cry in pain, he tries to crash hisl-ips on mine but I struggle with him and manage to bite his lowerl-ip.
He angrily sl@ps me and bash my head on the wall,,, I swear I saw stars floating.
“Someone help me!!” I called weakly,.
I tried to fight him off but he’s far too strong,,, stronger than me.
He held the edge of my go-wn and to-re it, his f!ngersfind my vir-gina and he thrû-sts two of f!ngersin r0ûghly and I screamed in pain.
“Eric st©p! St©p it!”
“St©p what?! I have not even started yet!”
“No one will hear you, the music is too loud and your voice is too tiny to catch anyone attention”
God, is this how I’m gonna lose my vir-ginity?
I close my eyes,,,I can’t stay awake to witness this,, I want to pas-s out.
Just when I wanted to give up,, I feel Eric’s weight pu-ll-ed away from me. I open my eyes and see,,,, Javier?
What is he doing here?
But I smiled,,, at last someone c@m£.
“What the fv¢k where you doing?!” He growled at Eric and lands a punch on his face.
“It’s none of your fv¢king business,,, I was just having fun with my girlfriend!” Eric said and tries to come to me.
Javier pushed him away and stand in front of me, he turns to look at me,, surprise flashes throu-gh his eyes.
“Brittany,, right?”
I nod weakly.
“Aren’t you Aurora’s friend?”
I nod again, I see Eric coming towards Javier with his fisted hand. But before I could inform Javier, he has alre-ady caught Eric’s hand.
How did he do that? He was facing me,, how did he know Eric is coming?
“Are you ok?” He asked me.
I nod, I start to cough and I feel something running up my throat.
|| Javier ||
I twist this fv¢ker’s hand and he scream as I hear his bones crack.
“Let go of my bloody hand!” He winces.
“I thought you wanted to throw a sneakily punch at me” I tease him.
Nob©dy can sneak up on me, I was single handedly trained by Ian and Ian is a great warrior, in fact I have never seen anyone who can best him,,
And since I learnt from the best,, I’m also good.
“Bloody let go!” He said.
I let go of his hand but kick his stomach and he falls to the ground gro-an ing in pain.
“I don’t want to see you anywhere near Brittany!! Do you un-derstand me,,, or should I speak spanish?!”
He glares at Brittany, I marched his che-st and he falls back again.
“Do you un-derstand me?!”
He nods.
“Now leave!!”
He quic-kly crawls away.
I laugh at how scared he looked, I dust my hands and sigh.
“I hate fighting most” I said.
I turn back to Brittany, she seems to be uncomfortable. I quic-kly bend to her level and swoop her in my arms.
“Brittany, are you ok?”
She didn’t say anything, she keeps shaking and before I knew it, she vomited on me.
“Oh!” I make a disgusted face.
I stand up with her still in my arms.
“S-sorry,,” she said.
“It’s fine,,, I guess you had too much drinks”
She nods slowly.
“Well, I’mma gonna take you home, is that alright?”
She nods again.
I wonder who that guy was and why she drank so much.
|| Aurora (Phoebe)||
“Alright, Dean, here is your soup!” I said and put the soup on my nightstand.
“Feed me!”
“Feed me!”
I stand up and put my hands on w@!st and glare at him, he simply look at me with a cute puppy eyes and poutedl-ips.
“Dean, you are a grown man, if you can’t feed yourself then sit there with your cold b©dy!”
“plea-se, my Phoebe, plea-se feed me!”
He suddenly starts to sm-irk.
“Well, I can have another soup that works fas-ter than the soup you brou-ght”
I frown.
“Where is it?” I asked.
He gr-abs my hand and pu-ll me, I fall on the be-d and he comes on t©p of me.
“Right here!” He said.
He moves hisl-ips closer to mine.
“W-what are you doing!” I asked in a short stutter.
“Trying to have my soup!”
Then he crashes his against mine without warning and pu-lls me impossibly close to him.
Without hesitation I open my mouth and he eagerly delves in, nipping and su-cking. It’s almost as if I have been waiting for this moment since forever.
In that moment I feel a pang of de-sire hit me, but why?.
He breaks the k!ssand leans his forehead against mine, his eyes hooded with de-sire.
“This soup tastes even better than I thought!” He said.
He didn’t waste anytime to crash hisl-ips back onto mine, sa-vouring my taste as his hand drifts to my h!pand pu-lls me even more closer to him. I feel the raw intensity of our bodies pressed up against each other as my clothes hides nothing from his eyes.
Myl-ips p@rt as he delves dee-per. A m0@n escapes my throat, and that seems to spur him to plea-sure me further. He bites on my lower l!ptea-singly before he trails light k!sses down my n£¢k.
Hisl-ips find their way down to my che-st,,, his teeth gr-abs my n!ppletenderly and bites it tea-singly throu-gh my dress.
“Dean,,,,,” I m0@n out his name.
His hand move un-derneath my t©p and he gr-abs the other br£@st then,,,,,,,,,,
We heard a loud ban-g come from the living room, that woke me up from my fantasy world.
I push Dean away from me and quic-kly stand up. My cheeks heating up.
I adjust my clothes and turn to face Dean.
He is staring at me with an unre-adable expression on his face,,, a sly smile on hisl-ips.
“What did you st©p me from having my soup to my satisfaction?”
“S-someone,,,,,, I guess I should check the door!” I rush out of the room before he could speak.
I arrive at the living room and open the door.
“Javier?” I called in surprise.
“Hi” he smiles.
My eyes moved down to his eyes and I see Brittany securely wra-pped in his hands.
“What happened?” I asked in panic.
“She got drun!k” he replied.
I knew she’d get drun!k.
“Bring her in!” I ushered him in.
He nods, and just as he steps in, his expression turns to that if surprise.
“Brother?!” He said.
I turn around and see Dean standing there.
[Love cures All]
Episode 20.
By: Racheal Dennis||
|| Aurora (Phoebe) ||
“Brother?!” Javier called.
I turn and saw Dean standing there with his hands, his smiling face few minutes is now a furious face.
He looked so angry and I don’t know why.
“What are you doing here, Javier!!” He asked.
Javier scoffed.
“I should be the one asking that, I thought you’d be home alre-ady”
He pause and g@sp dramatically.
“Don’t tell me you planned to stay the night here!” He quic-kly dropped Britt on a sofa and rushes back to Dean.
He poke Dean’s cheek.
“Do you plan to spend the night here?”
Dean catches his f!nger poking his cheek and twist it.
“Ow! Ow! Ow!” Javier cries.
“Dean, let go of his f!nger!” I scold him.
“Why should I? He interrupted us!” He said.
I roll my eyes,,, what is he talking about.
“Interupts what exactly?” I asked.
He blinks his eyes ra-pidly and his ears start turning red,,, Javier sees this and bur-st into laughter.
“fv¢k! You are blu-shing,,, Ian is blu-shing!!” He exclaims.
Dean lets go of his f!nger and turn away from us, as if he’s hiding his face.
Javier holds my shoulder and give it a little shake.
“What were you two doing? Don’t tell me you guys are alre-ady planning on ma-king babies,,,,, ”
He trails off and narrow his eyes at me,, he look between Dean and I, then he sm-irked.
“Or you guys alre-ady made one!”
He trace his hand on my stomach.
“Is it growing now?”
His hands kinda tickle me.
“What are you doing?” I asked amidst laughter.
“I’m trying to feel the baby’s movement” he replied.
Dean turns, his eyes zeroed on Javier’s hand on my stomach,, he snatches it away and glared at him.
“Don’t t©uçh her like that!!” He growled at Javier.
Javier raises his hand in surrender and mocking smile on his face.
I shake my head at Dean’s action.
“Javier, thank you for s£nding Britt home, I didn’t know she was gonna get drun!klike this”
“It’s fine, glad I could help” he said.
I nod,,, I hear Britt gr0@nand turn to her. She is sweating so much and she look so pale.
“I guess she is running a fever!” Javier said.
“Yeah, but I will stay up all night to take care of her”
“What about me?!” Dean asked.
I frown.
“What about you?”
“Yes,,, I’m sick too you know, who’s gonna look after me tonight?”
“You are sick?” I asked again.
He nod.
“Remember I was un-der the rain for such a long time and I caught a cold,,,, in fact,, I’m still shivering!”
He begin to shiver to prove his point,,, he’s trying to pl@ya prank on me, what he doesn’t know is, I’m a big drama queen.
I can see throu-gh his flawed act.
“Well, there isn’t enough room for you here” I face Javier. “Take your brother home and tell br@ndon to pay attention to him tonight, since he’s so sick”
“Yes, ma’am”
“No!” Dean said.
“I’m not going home without you,, I can’t sleep without you mas-saging me, have you forgotten that!”
I smiled.
“It’s just a mas-sage,, br@ndon or Javier can do it”
“It’s not just a mas-sage, it’s,,,, it’s,,,, it’s,,,, ugh! You won’t un-derstand!” He said frustratingly.
“Brother, what’s so special about her mas-sage?”
He throws Javier a harsh glare.
“Shut up!”
Brittany gr0@nagain, she tug on her t©p as if pu-lling it off.
“Gentlemen, if you don’t mind leaving”
“I’m not leaving!” Dean state stubbornly.
“Dean, this is not the time to be stubborn, I nee-d to undress Britt or do you wanna look at her n-kedness?”
“I’ll wait for you in your room!”
“No! Leave!”
I don’t think this man is re-ady to leave,, I nee-d to find way to chase him out.
“If you don’t leave, I will never come back to the mansion!”
He stilled.
“I’m not leaving without you”
“I can’t leave Britt alone like this”
“Then let me stay the night!”
Ok, I’ve had enough of his stubbornness,,, he is being childish.
I see Javier flin-ch back, staring at me with wi-de eyes. Dean on the other just stood looking at me with a de-ep frown, his hands fisted and he breaths heavily.
Uh-oh, did I hit the wrong bu-tton?
I’m done!
“Fine! But tomorrow, I come and get you, we-ther you like it or not!!”
Without another word, he marches outside.
Javier glance at Britt before smiling at me.
“Take care of yourself and,,,,,, her”
I nod, then he rushes after Dean.
I sigh and turn back to my drun!kfriend. I use my palm to feel her temperature,,,, goodness, it felt like my palm was burnt by a fire.
I should get a bowl of cold water.
|| Javier ||
I laughed at Ian, I held my car door for him and he sulkily slides in.
I close the door and got in the driver’s seat, I couldn’t hold it in anymore so I bur-st into laughter.
“What the fv¢k are you laughing for?!” He growled.
“Your girl just kicked your as-s out of her ap@rtment”
“Shut up! It’s all your fault!”
“How is it my fault?”
“If didn’t come and interrupt us, I’d still be inside enjoying myself!!”
I scoffed. He’s putting the blame on me, but I’ll forgive him because I stole his clothes and shoes.
“Someone got their as-s kicked out of their girl’s ap@rtment in nothing but their bo-xers!” I mocked.
“Shut up and drive!”
He didn’t have to tell me twice,,, I step on the g@s and drove off.
|| Spy ||
I dust my hands as I successfully completed my as-signment.
I’m just patiently waiting for the day all this will come to an end, I step out of Mrs Morgan’s room. I look left and right, nob©dy is in sight.
I sigh and rush off.
|| Mrs Morgan||
“Madam, it’s very late, can we go back inside” my maid, Camille suggest.
I look around my garden,,, this place used to be the most happiest place in this mansion when my husband was still alive.
This garden held so many of our happy memories,,, but now, it’s nothing but a nightmare to me. I can’t help but think about how I almost destroy my family.
I know Donald is never gonna forgive me, even I don’t think I can ever forgive myself.
“Madam, we should head back to your room, it’s time for be-d”
“What time is it?”
“11:30pm, ma’am”
I sigh and stand up.
“Let’s go!” I told her.
She nod and we head towards the exit of the garden.
We enter my room and Camille shut the door, I sit on my dressing table and begin to wipe off my makeup.
Camille head towards my be-d, to make it.
“Madam, there’s an envelope!” She said.
“Bring it”
She hands it to me, I see my name written on it. I rip it open and bring out a hand written note, I freeze on my chair when I see the handwriting.
I can recognize this handwriting anywhere,,,, this handwriting belongs to my worst nightmare!
**My dear Nancy, it’s been so
Long since we last see each
How have you been doing all
these years, my love.
How about we meet at our
favorite sp©t and do some
catching up!
Dress nicely, I’d be anticipating
your arrival.
Be there by 2pm, don’t keep
me waiting**
I squee-zed the paper in my hand.
I know what he meant by catching up,, I can’t let his plan succeed.
I caused this mess, I must clean it too,,, tomorrow I will put an end to everything between us.