Diary Of A Legonite – Episode 3


Dear Diary,

Hope I didn’t keep you waiting,……………………………………………….

Ok,lets continue from where we st©pped,…Game of Thrones was a movie we all loved, so nob©dy complained, But that Hun Ying kept looking at me as if I were a thorn in her flesh, She was supposed to be that thorn in my flesh, not the other way round,I know she is pissed off because I just prevented her from warming her blood….tsw!!

After some hours of watching the movie, I realized Shark and his k!ss!ngbuddy were fast asleep, and can you imagine? That girl was slee-ping on his che-st as if they have been married for centuries…Am crying loud for being jealous errr?…

I heard my phone ringing and I knew it was Shanty, but guess what, It was Bryan calling, I quic-kly went outside to pick up the call

Me: Hi Bryan

Bryan: Hi Fafa, sorry but I was out of campus, I wanted to tell you that but you never answered

ME: Oh ok, I thought you were…uhmmm

Bryan:I wasn’t pissed of ok, I just wanted us to fixed it to tomorrow Friday, maybe in the night, What do you think?

Me: Did you say night?

Bryan: Yea I did and is anything the matter?

Me: Oh not really

Bryan: So Friday night?…Deal?

Me: Yes deal

Bryan: I will wait for you at the basketball court at 7:00Pm,don’t be late

Me: Ok I wouldn’t

Bryan: Ok, catch you later and stay safe..

Me: Goodbye

OMG!! In the night? cmon, how are we going to do that, where is He even taking me to?

Ah,I couldn’t just say no to him, hmmmmm, anyway, lets wait and see what happens..

I opened the door to Shark’s room and there He was staring at my face and smiling,

Shark: I told you I will know

Me:Know what? listen, am going back to my room ok, and the next time we meet, you will explain everything to me

Shark: Explain what?

Me: I don’t nee-d to remind you

Shark: Oh that, ok I hear, just promise wouldn’t tell anyone

Me: I promise.

Shark: good.

I left Shark’s room and went towards my regular kelewele joint, I got some for myself and Shanty, I was about leaving when a guy approached me and started flattering me….Like seriously?….He asked for my number and I gave him my student ID number, after all they are all numbers…He was bored tho’…

I called Shanty when I was few steps away from my room, she said the Aluta guy was gone so I could come in…hmmm..My room too am being controlled..

Shanty has been slee-ping, I knew the guy left long ago but this n@ûghty girl refused to call me,she claimed she was out of credit as she made her was to take the kelewele from me…

Me: Shanty, see how tired you look, what have you two being doing here since morning?

Shanty: S-x, S-x, S-x, and S-x….What were you expecting?…Bible studies?…spare me that your Chrifey stuff, I also attended Sunday school some wai..

Me: S-x, cmon Shanty,you can’t be slee-ping with this guy like that, how sure are you he is not just using you? And besides, you could contract dangerous STI’s, have you ever boarded to check his STI’s status?

Shanty: Fafa, you are right, but we couldn’t control things ok, but don’t worry, we used a c0md0mand hey, this is the third time we having S-x…so relax..

Me: Use a c0nd0m, what about Hepatitis B which can be contracted throu-gh sweat?

Shanty: Hmmm, Fafa, look,I hear you ok, I promise to check his STI’s status the next time we meet.

Me: you better….And hey, wash my be-d sheet with Omo, Parazone, Detol and iron it nicely…

I’ll wash it with alata samina…sias3m…She said whiles laughing…

Ahaa, how did the d@t£ go,did you pl@yalong? Shanty asked

No, we couldn’t meet, He had to attend to a situation outside the campus, so He said we should meet tomorrow at 7:00PM..I said

Pm?…Oh this guy got to be kidding me, and where is He planning to take you?…Bush canteen? Shanty tea-sed.

I dont know, but I agreed to meet him, I don’t know what to do kraaa…I lamented..

Listen, you better get yourself re-ady to meet That dude ok, I know He likes you and you must give him a chance, I don’t know where your heart is located, but if its where I think its supposed to be, let it feel the beat of love ok…Shanty said…

My parents love me..I replied..

Abi you will marry your father errr?…Shanty joked..

Aluta brou-ght me a lot of groceries, I no you are out of groceries, you can keep them..

Shanty thank you,I have been trying to reach mum but she’s not picking up…Awww, my babe booo, love you soo much…I said..

Shanty did well by selecting the dress that will match a night d@t£,I esc-rted her to her room and come back to make myself dinner, whiles eating I inspected the groceries Aluta brou-ght to Shanty, they were just more than enough for me…”But am still taking that money from mom tho”…

I was about slee-ping when Shark called

Me: Whatsupp Shark?

Shark: Yea,Look sorry you had to see us that way,you know what I mean

Me: Tell me something..

Shark:She says she loves me, but I don’t

Me: Love? But do Japanese fall in love too?..lol

Shark: Whatever, but we have been doing this for quiet sometime now

Me: whaat? You don’t love her and you are ma-king out with her?

Shark: I know, but I don’t want to hurt her feelings Fafa..

Me: You are taking advantage of her and you know that, do you?

Shark: Yea I do, but what should I tell her?

Me: Am I your lover calculator?

Shark: I shouldn’t have called you,I forgot you have no taste for relationsh!ps

Me:Tsw!..Did you guys, you know what I mean..

Shark:…Oh no,I swear we have never had S-x…

Me: Ok, tomorrow I will talk to her myself ok

Shark: Whaaat?,I thought you disliked her, how are you gonna do that?

Me: You just wait and see ok, maybe I would just strangle her to death….lol

Shark:..You gotta be kidding me..But you try and speak to her ok….Am busy now catch you later..Bye!

Me: Bye..

I hanged up and couldn’t believe I was going to talk to this girl after all this bad comments I have made about her, Ah well….Japanese people don’t bite…

Dear Diary,I think I have to retire to be-d now,I have a whole lot of activities to attend tomorrow, plus a d@t£..Lol..Wish me luck..

Catch you later..

Yours Faithfully

Dearest Me


NB: Dear re-ader, Do you think Shark is really taking advantage of Hun Ying..”The Annoying Girl”?

Your feedback is humbly required.

Diary continues…

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