Diamond in the rou-gh finale

💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 38💎
“Is he gonna be okay?”I asked for the uptenth time and the doctor kept as-suring me that he’s gonna be fine,what exactly is wrong with him,he didn’t show any type of sickness for the past few days..I sighed and Jay tapped my shoulder with an as-suring smile
“He’s gonna be okay”Mum said and I nodded,we’ve been in the waiting for the past 30mins and the doctor is not yet done with his doctor work and stuff…he reached for his bag and took out a pen,he wrote something on a piece of paper and he pas-sed it to me
“Those are the prescriptions,let him take that..you’ll see the dosage in them and make sure you let him have a lot of rest as in a lot..he shouldn’t do anything for now,get shouldn’t operate phones or go out or even stand up from be-d..except if he nee-ds to use the bathroom,make sure he eats a lot of fruits and veggies in order to regain his strength because his fainting was caused by stress…he must have done a lot of tiring work and he’s b©dy couldn’t take it,like I said a lot of rest,fruit and veggies and the medication and in a week,he’ll be back to his feet”the doctor said and I breathed out as a sign of relief..thank God it isn’t something extreme
“Thank you so much doctor…I really appreciate”I said and he nodded with a smile
“I’ll esc-rt you sir”Jason said and they both left the room
“Is daddy gonna be fine”Mitch asked worriedly and I nodded
“He is..don’t worry”mum as-sured and he nodded
“What kind of work did Romeo do that made him this stressed”I asked no one in p@rticular
“He’s done a lot princess”dad said
“A lot of work…just to make us be here,and other stuff”mum added and I sighed before pu-lling a stool close to the be-d Romeo is slee-ping on,I sat on the stool and I took his hands in mine
“We’re gonna leave you guys now”mum said and they all left the room,Romeo is like this all because of me,he went extra mile for me,how can I even thank him..i have to find a way to make it up to him I didn’t expect this..he got Jackson arrested,I’m sure he’s behind that Tania’s stuff
He’s the best b©yfri£ndever,and I don’t think I’ll ever leave him..I really love him,I wiped the tears from my eyes and I sniffed,I’m the cause of all these..I have a lot of problems and I let Romeo suffer for it
“I’m sorry”I whispered ru-bbing his hands,I t©uçhed his forehead and jeez his h0t
I stood up and went to the water dispenser,I got some cold water in a bowl and I took a towel,I went back to him and sat beside him on the be-d,I di-pped the towel in the water and I squee-zed it out before placing it on his forehead
He shivered and I smiled,he looks adorable…I took the towel again and I repeated the routine,I felt his grip ti-ght£ñed on my hand and I looked up to his face,his eyes slowly opened and I couldn’t st©p the grin that was curling up myl-ips
His eyes roamed around before it finally settled on me
He smiled and I chuckled
“Hey”he said in a low sickly voice and I placed my index f!nger on hisl-ips shushing him
“Don’t talk..the doctor said you nee-ded rest,and you’ll be stressing yourself and your mouth if you talk”I said and he sighed
His eyes were glued on me as I mopped his forehead and you know Rommy,stubborn as anything…he made sure he talked
“But I wanna talk”he whined and I face palmed myself..this guy is so adamant
“I’ll di-p this towel in your mouth if you don’t keep shut”I threatened and he sm-irked,does he think I can’t do it?
“Really?”he sm-irked and I sighed
“I’m sorry”I said and he arched his brow
“For what?”
“For everything..what am I not to be sorry for Romeo,I made you like this..if I wasn’t full of problems you wouldn’t be like this,you’ve done a lot for me just for me to be happy but I’ve not even done something for you..I made you a dad at this early age,you must have spent a lot in the past few days just because of me,I feel like I’m a burden,I feel like I’m a liability..a..a problem,first your mum sponso-red me and now this?All I’ve ever done is to bring burden upon burden upon…
“You’re an idiot”he cut in
“I know”I said b!tt!g myl-ips
“No,you’re an idiot for for thinking you’re a burden to me,Maddy you’re my girlfriend,my responsibility,if I don’t make you happy who will,this isn’t your fault,I chose to do all these just to make you happy,I noticed how sad you always look when you see me interact with my mum,all your midnight cries,Madison do you even know you call you mum in tears while you’re asleep?Will I see all these things and won’t do something about it?The answer to that question is no,look,the very day you bec@m£ my woman I’ve always vowed to make you happy,that very day,I vowed to get you back your family,I vowed to make that bastard pay,I vowed to always be your pillar so plea-se Madison plea-se st©p saying you’re a burden you aren’t..you’re my responsibility and I love you..I love you so much Madison so fv¢king much”
All I could do was do cry,I’m I so lucky or what
“Come here”he spre-ad his hands and I sniffed before lying on his che-st,he wra-pped his hands round me and I smiled out tears
“Its okay mama”he said and I laughed,why does he call me that
“I love you Rommy”
“Love you too sweetheart”I smiled and got up from his che-st
“Let me go call the others”I said and he nodded
“Let me go call the others”she said and I nodded,I sighed and I took the damp towel from my forehead,I smiled when I remembered the first day she mopped my forehead,its one of the best memories with her,the first day I k!$$£d her,the very day I admitted that I loved her,I laughed to myself when I remembered the amount of sanitaries I bought
The door opened and they all walked in
“See…daddy is awake”Madison said bringing Mitch to me,I tried to sit up but I was too weak to do so but my brother in law😁😁 helped me
She placed Mitch on my l@ps and I smiled as he t©uçhed my forehead,you know,I thought Jackson would be one ugly guy but now I see where Mitch got his cuteness from,Mitch is like the exact copy of Jackson..only a little bit cuter
“Hmm..He’s not h0t again”he said and I chuckled
“No I’m not”I said
“My baby”I heard someone scream from outside and I had the perfect guess of who it was..
“My baby”she squealed again and I smiled
“Hey mum”
“Gosh I was worried”she whined hvgging and k!ss!ngme all over..typical mum
“I’m fine now mum”I said and she breathed out
“Its my little baby”she cooed at Mitch
“Grandma”he squealed spre-ading out his hands for a hvg,mum carried him and they did their grandma grandson stuff
The house was a crowded place today because…Ken,Crystal,Bianca,My in laws,mum,Nona and surprisingly Franco…I’m still trying to figure out who invited him
I and Ken with the two crazy girls are in my room together..alongside with Franco and my baby..she’s messaging my feet and I’m enjoying it😋😋
“So..what’s up with Tania?”I asked
“Well,I and Ken went to visit her and she’s was still unconscious but the doctor said she is gonna be fine”Bianca said and I nodded
“For some reason I feel incredibly happy and calm”Crystal said
“Yeah,I feel really relieved now..maybe because I have my family with me and Tania is kinda out of the picture”Madison said
“I know right and question…not a question tho,I’m still finding it ha-rd to switch form Abby to Maddy”Crystal said and Madison chuckled
“You can keep calling me Abigail,its my middle name”she said
“Thank God,I kinda like Abby more than Maddy”I said and she sma-cked my head slightly
“It’s the truth,I also like it more”Bianca said
“Um guys…I have a question”I said
“What?”Bianca asked
“Why is he here”I asked pointing to Franco who was with his headphone on..
Bianca sighed and went to him,yanking off the headphone from his ears
“What was that for?”he asked and she scoffed
“Anyways,I brou-ght him here,reason being that I want you two to get your heads straight and st©p acting like babies..you guys were best friends for God sake
“Yes,best friends until he started behaving like an as-s-hole”I ch!pped in
“Romeo”Abby called warningly and I rolled my eyes
“Any interruptions from you or Franco will lead to real sp@ñking and I don’t care if you’re sick”Bianca warned and I hissed
“Now,as I was saying you guys were best of friends you know..you Franco and Ken were really close and then suddenly you guys broke [email protected],Franco broke from your squad and you guys started beefing…it’s bull$h!t,I don’t know what state your stupid fight and I don’t care because I don’t wanna know..all I want is that,you guys should be friends again..even if you don’t go back to being best buddies just make up and be friends”Bianca said and I twitched my nose with a frown
“I’m not apologizing”I said
“Romeo”Abby yelled
“What?..that’s it..I’m not apo…
“He’s right”Franco ch!pped in
“He shouldn’t be apologizing,I should be the one doing that,I’m sorry Romeo..and to all of you too,we were one big squad before I started my $h!t..I’m sorry for that I’m sorry for being an as-s-hole”he said and I opened my mouth in shock…did that guy just apologize?
“Wow..”Ken mouthed
“And I’m sorry to you too Abigail,I shouldn’t have said what I said..”
“Its fine..its nothing”
He c@m£ to me and win-ked
I smiled and nodded
He hvgged me and I chuckled
“All those was just a show right?”I whispered
“Yup,did I do great?I wanted to get Bianca back so I had to put up a act”
Franco is a real as-s-hole,I knew he wasn’t that sorry…
“You deserve an A+….so,clubbing when I’m back on my feet?”I asked and he patted my back
“Of your woman won’t kill you then,it works for me”
We pu-ll-ed out of the hvg and he sm-irked before sitting down on a stool
“Finally,we are all even”Abby screamed and we all laughed
“Let me guess,the competition has been postponed?”I asked
“You know it,I think to next week or something”Crystal said and I nodded
“I wanna sleep”I pouted at Abby and she chuckled
“I told you not to follow me Romeo..you’ve not fully recovered”I whined as we entered the police station
“Shh…you’re going to see your ex and you’re telling me not to follow you..no can do missy”he said giving Mitch a candy bar
Well,I just had the idea of visiting Jackson today,just to see how miserable he has gotten and I also thought,neglecting the fact that he did me evil,he has the right to know he has a son
“Where is he?”Romeo asked a police man and they took us to the waiting room he is
I sighed before I opened the door to the waiting room,I walked in and he raised his head up from the table,he looks more than miserable
I walked to the table and I sat on a chair
I rested my elbows on the table and he looked down..he couldn’t meet my eyes
“Madison”he called and I glared at him,the hatred burning in my system right now is beyond comprehension
“Do you like how your life is now?”I asked with an arched brow and he smiled bitterly
“I’m sorry”he said
“For what if I may ask?”
“For everything….for all I’ve done,I took advantage of your trust and love and I stabbe-d you in the back,I know you can’t forgive me because all I did isn’t worth my sorry but still I’m really sorry,I know that sorry can’t change the fact that I’m a monster and a betrayer,I was blinded by money and greediness that i just acted like a devil…I’m really sorry,I might probably not get out of here or I might even be put to death so your forgiveness is all I ask for”
I scoffed and looked away
“Actually I’m here to thank you”
“Thank me?”
“Yeah,if it wasn’t for you,my mum wouldn’t have chased me out,if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have acquired a job at a small restaurant,it it wasn’t for you,Alexa wouldn’t have gave me a scholarsh!pand if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have met Romeo..the best b©yfri£ndin the world and also I wouldn’t have had my source of happiness..my baby..your son”I said and he wi-de-ned his eyes
“So…son?What do you..
“Oh..you didn’t know?you got me pregnant”
“Yeah and I gave birth to him,the best son in the world..let me bring him in for you”
I went outside and I brou-ght Mitch in
“Here he is”I said placing Mitch on my l@ps as I sat down
His eyes welled up in tears as he reached to t©uçh Mitch but he moved back
“You see he resembles you a lot right?”I asked and he just cried like a baby
“Mama..why is he crying?”Mitch asked but I didn’t answer
“Let’s go meet daddy”he whined
“No..I’m..I’m..I’m your dad,its me..I’m your daddy”Jackson said as he sobbe-d
“How does it feel?Seeing your own son calling another man he’s father..heartbreaking right?Don’t worry I’ll tell him about who you here to him when he’s 20years”I said and he just bowed his head as he cried
“I’ll be going now”I carried Mitch as i made for the door with his voice echoing my name but I didn’t wait,I coll@psed into Romeo’s arms and I sobbe-d in it
“Its okay…you did the right thing”he said and I nodded
“Let’s go home”
“That’s mama”Mitch squealed pointing to my beautiful girlfriend I her chef’s outfit and her elegant chef ‘s hat re-ady to show the world what she can do
Tania has been charged to charged in court alongside with Jackson and what happened two days ago is still ma-king me surprised
Mum,Abby,Mitch and I were having family’s time with Abby’s parents when mum(Abby’s mum)had a phone call
“What?…see me?who?…um okay”
She cut the call and she gave a quizzical look
“What’s wrong”I asked
“The DPO jusf called to tell me that Jackson’s parents wants to see my husband and I”
“For what?”Abby asked
“I don’t know”
“Well,tell the DPO to bring them here”my mum said and she nodded
In less than 30mins,the DPO arrived with them,I heard the doorbell ring and I went to open the door for them
“Good afternoon sir”the woman greeted and I smiled letting them in,I made them sit on that couch and I went to call others
They c@m£ downstairs and Mr and Mrs Salvador stood up as soon as they saw them
“Good afternoon ma”Abby greeted and Mrs Salvador smiled
“You can seat ma’am”
They both sat down back and I carried Mitch on my l@ps as I sat down
“Where’s mum?”I asked
“Sorry,I had to use the toilet real quic-k”mum said rushing to sit down but she paused when she saw our guests
“Benson?”mum called in shock
“Alexa”Mr Salvador called bewildered
“Is..is this the father of Jackson?”mum asked and I nodded and she scoffed unbelievably
“I’m not surprised…like father like son”
I looked at the two of them in confusion
“What’s happening mum?”I asked
“Do you know the bastard that left me when I got pregnant,the unfortunate being that abandoned me just because I got pregnant for him…the motherfv¢ker that denied his own pregnancy..your stupid father..here he is,standing in front of me,looking as stupid as ever”mum said and I g@sped
“What?”I yelled
And there you have it,Jackson is my step brother..weird and funny right?Yeah,I can’t still believe it too
That aside,I dropped out of the team because I wanted my woman to take my place as the leader,I’ve always been the star cook for two years and now I want someone else to be the star cook..my beautiful pumpkin
The competition kicked off two days ago and of course,our school won the first and the second round,now its the last and final round
And in the final round,each team will pick a repres£ntative as Abby is the one we picked
She’s competing with Franco and a skinny girl like that,I can’t wait for all these to end and I’ll finally be with my family
📣With no further delay,the competition will kick off…you have just an hour to make the dish worthy yo the called unique…will the winner be as expected of someone else will take the title…and now,the contest will start…NOW!!📣
Screams filled the stadium as the contestants ran here and there in order to make their dishes on time
I smiled before I tapped my ear bud
“Hey pumpkin”I grinned and she looked up trying to find me
“t©uçh your ear”I said and she did as I told
“An ear pud?really”she said and I laughed
“Just cook dumdum”I said and she hissed
“Just cook dumdum”he said and I hissed,I can’t believe he put an ear bud in my ear and I didn’t know
“Twi-nkle twi-nkle little star..how I wander what you are…up above there…
“Romeo shut the hell up”i whisper yelled and he chuckled
“You’re ma-king me lose concentration”i whined and he chuckled
“Fine fine..I’ll disconnect now…I’m sorry”he. said and i nodded like he could see me-who I’m I kidding he can
I sighed and focused on my cooking…I hope this wins,f!ngerscrossed
The sirens blasted signalling the end of countdown and I st©pped what I was doing,I was actually using tomatoes to pl@ybecause I was done 5mins before time
The other girl pres£nted her food to the judges and they inspected it
Franco’s,then mine…the inspectors c@m£ to our cooking posts and checked everywhere,the inspectors check for cleanness,orderliness and other stuff
The inspection was over and I breathed in in fear
“Calm down pumpkin”I heard Romeo’s voice and I nodded with a smile..He’s right,I should calm down
The announcer went to collect the results from the judges and he cleared his throat before he began
📣After much debating,the results are here…in terms of Cleanness and orderliness,the third place is Kiki’s Cooking school📣
The supporters of Kiki’s cooking school(the school of the other girl) screamed and cl@pped and squealed
📣second goes to Fransisco Cooking school📣
Franco gave a small smile before turning to face me..I gave him a thumbs up and he win-ked
“You let that dude wi-nk at you”Romeo said sounding pissed
“Hmm someone is jealous”I tea-sed him and he hissed
📣And we alre-ady know who the first is right?📣
Our supporters screamed out and I smiled out,I have to say our supporters are much more many than others
📣now to the main thing…who will go home as the winner of THE ANNUAL CATERING SCHOOL COMPETITION?📣
Different comments from the audience
📣Well without further delay,the winner of THE ANNUAL CATERING SCHOOL COMPETITION is…📣
He paused and my heart was racing…really fast,I had to place my hands on my che-st to calm me down
I fell on my knees and I covered my face with my palms..I was alre-ady crying-tears of joy
Music and screams of victory blasted at every corner,I’ve never been so fulfilled in my life I looked up from my palm and I saw gold confetti every where
I felt someone pu-ll me up and I turned,it was Romeo…my Rommy
“You did it”he said and I smiled out tears
“I did it..I really did it…I DID IT!!!”I squealed jumping on him,capturing hisl-ips on mine not minding the c@m£ras,all that mattered now was I did it,I’m the best cook and student in the whole of all catering schools,I’m now a star,I’ve done it
I pu-ll-ed out of the k!ssand he put me down
📣Ladies and gentlemen the winner of today,Madison Campbell📣
Every one cheered and I gave Romeo a quizzical look…how did he know my real name
“That’s the work of my hands”Romeo said and I smiled
I climbe-d on the small stage that has NO 1 written on it and I was worn a sash that says “Champion”
I was given a bouquet of flowers and my very own trophy.
“That’s my sis”I heard Jason squeal behind me and I squealed with him,it finally happened…I’ve made my parents and family proud,I’ve fulfilled my dreams,I’m so glad I didn’t succeed in killing myself,I’m so glad above all,I still pressed on
Over all circu-mtances,I pushed forward with the mind set of “I’m gonna win” and surely,I won..I made it…I really made it
.💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
“Ain’t going to no family vacation”
“Mitchell,your grandparents will be there-all of em”
“I don’t care mum..re-ad myl-ips,I don’t care,this is summer break..I should be p@rtying and not going to some dumb family vacation”
I sma-cked his head and he stuck tucked his ton-gue out…you know that sweet,cute,loving and adorable Michelle I once had?He’s dead…as in dead
The Michelle I have now is a savage king,a rebel..a bad boy..see how he’s talking to me,the Michelle that can’t do without his grandma is now saying family vacation is dumb..I don’t know what to do with this boy again
“What I’m I gonna do to you”
“Let’s bind him with a rope and throw him over mount everest”ru-by,my beautiful daughter said as she catwalked into the living room
“Mum,if you see ru-by’s dead b©dy,just know I killed her”Michelle said glaring at his 13yr old sister
Sometimes I just look back and smile,things really turned out to be good..where do I start explaining?
Okay let me start from when my loving husband proposed to me…I remember that day clearly like a movie been pla-yed back right in front of me
(Still on Madison’s POV)
“How did you know I love water falls”I asked as he sat on the rock,di-pping my legs in the cool water
“I know a lot of things about you that you don’t know”he said and I smiled
It valentines day and Romeo and I went on a Val d@t£,and he decided to end out d@t£ with a nice relaxation in the biggest water fall in Texas…I’m sure this place brings a lot of money because tons of people come here everyday for tourism,well,my b©yfri£ndbought the place just for our d@t£ night so its only him and I in this place
“Look at how beautiful the water is…its amazing how the water just sprouts out of the rock…it looks like crystal”I said and he nodded,I placed my head on his che-st and he hummed
“Abigail”he called and I hummed…Romeo wasn’t joking when he said he loved Abigail more than Madison…he kept on calling me Abigail even when my first name is Madison…he said he fell in love with Abigail so he’ll continue to call me Abigail the funniest p@rt is that he changed my tatted name on his che-st from Madison to Abigail-cute and funny right?
“You know I love you right?”he asked and I nodded against his che-st
“I know”I replied
I heard a loud explosion from above and I looked up
“Awwwn…fireworks”I cooed
The fire works exploded and it kinda formed something..I think…I LOVE YOU ABIGAIL
“Rommy did you plan this?”I asked and he shrugged..
“Just shh and watch”I giggled and sat up and he wra-pped his legs and arms round me from the back
The fire works exploded each writing something
Romeo turned me and he went on his knees bringing out a box from his pocket
“Will you marry me?”he said and I bur-sted out in tears…I can’t believe this..I cannot believe this
“Yes Romeo..yes..put the damn ring in my f!nger”I squealed out in reply and he smiled before in-serting the diamond ring into my f!nger
“I love you”I said and he smiled before k!ss!ngme
“I love you too baby”I squealed and hvgged him ti-ght
“Look..”he pointed up and I smiled at what I saw
I laughed and he pe-cked my forehead
And that was how I got engaged to Romeo Grande and got married a month after,Romeo opened a really big restaurant for me exactly on our wedding day and I couldn’t st©p squealing…turns out I was three weeks pregnant before my wedding day,I found out when I fainted on the way home from the whole wedding p@rty
Romeo almost died of heart attack but when the doctor confirmed me to be pregnant,he actually cried-tears of joy…Alexa is a really funny mother-in-law,she and mum are really close..they are such a character
When Michelle heard he was gonna be having a little sis?My boy jumped round the house in joy..
I gave birth to ru-by exactly on Mitch’s 3rd birthday so yeah..they share the same birthday
Mitch loves ru-by a lot and he was the one that named her ru-by because herl-ips is red and glossy like a ru-by
Mitch being older than ru-by with three years made him the perfect bug brother..they love each other a lot and they also fight a lot
Ken and Crystal married 3 months after I and Romeo…they also had this big wedding..the talk of the town
Bianca went to the Phili-ppines with Franco after their marriage….they are returning today and they are joining the vacation
Crystal and Ken gave birth to a cute girl-Rana-five months after I had ru-by
They had their second born-Adrian-two years ago..and she’s pregnant with another baby
Bianca gave birth to a set of twins-Eve and Evelyn-as her first born
I’ve always wanted a set of twins but…anyways,she had her babies 3months after Crystal had her first baby
She had her second born-Travis-two years ago
And It seems she’s pregnant because the pictures she has been posting for the past 3weeks looks suspicious
Anyways,Alexa retired 5years ago..she said she wanted to enjoy the fruit of her labor and she also claims she’s old..old at 55?
And yeah she pas-sed all her restaurants and malls for me to handle but I kept two for her in her name..she doesn’t know tho
Anyways,Tania was s£ntenced to 5years imprisonment while Jackson was charged to 20yrs imprisonment for second degree murder..it still surprises me that he’s Romeo’s half brother..oh well,that’s not even what I should be bothered of
“Mama..my candy bar”Levin,my three years old son whined,oh,I didn’t tell you?I had another son three years ago
“Hey,ru-by,go get your brother a candy bar”I screamed
“I’m coming mum,I’m face timing with my b©yfri£nd”she screamed in a reply from the kitchen
“I told you,you’re too young to have a b©yfri£nd”I said picking up Levis
“Mum,I’m a teenager”
“You’re just 15years”I opposed
“Mum,let her be,she’s having fun…hey little bro”
He took Levis from me and placed him round his n£¢k ma-king Levis to squeal
“Having fun?seriously?”
“Yeah yeah..I know”
“Hello family”I heard that beautiful masculine voice say and I smiled
“Dad”ru-by squealed running from the kitchen
“Hey,its my beautiful daughter”he grinned carrying her up and twirling her around
“Dada Dada..up up”Levis whined spre-ading his arms,Romeo smiled and picked him up from the ground k!ss!nghim all over
“Here’s my little boy,did you stress mama?”
He shook his head sideways and I sighed
“Where’s that pain in the as-s”Romeo asked referring to Mitchell
“You know that offensive right”Mitch said with a sm-irk and Romeo chuckled
“Hey big guy”
They did some secret handshake and I rolled my eyes
His eyes darted to me and I win-ked
“Hey honey”
“Hey baby”
He k!$$£d me and I blu-shed..I still blus-h,as old as I am..how old am I?I think..35🤨..I don’t even know
“Dad,tell mum I’m not going to any family vacation”
“Uh..yes you’re going because I’ve alre-ady packed your whole stuff”
“Dad”Mitch whined and ru-by laughed
“What happened to bro code”he whined
“There’s no bro code with your mum”Romeo said
“Yeah,I’m a girl not a bro”
ru-by win-ked at me and i win-ked back
“Guuurrl”we both drawled and we bur-sted into laughter
“Just say you wanna spend the summer with your girlfriend-Maya who I don’t like”ru-by said with a dramatic gag
“Hey,you won’t talk about my girlfriend like that”he yelled
“Why?You don’t even like the girl”ru-by said and Mitch twitched his mouth to the side
“True”he admitted
“You never like a girl all you know is to break and break and break lots of hearts”I said
“Come on..he’s just following his father’s footsteps”Romeo protested hanging his arm on his son’s shoulders
“Tell them dad”Mitch said
“You call that footsteps?”
“Yeah…that was who I was you know..until I met a beautiful brown skinned girl named Abigail,and she caged me in her love”Romeo said and I smiled
“Yeah yeah..you live mum we get it..And like you said,I’ll change when I find a lady like mum which can never happen”Mitch said and I raised my brow at him
“What do you mean by that?”I asked
“Because you’re mum,finding a girl like you is gonna be ha-rd because you know,you’re unique”he said and I awwned
“That’s like the most s-en-sible thing you can ever say in your life”ru-by said and Mitch glared at her
“Hey watch how you speak to me,I’m your brother..elder one at that”
“And so?”ru-by retarded
“I’m three years older than you so learn to respect me…I su-cked this bo-ob s before you did”he said tapping my bo-ob s
“Hey hey,get away from my property”Romeo ch!pped in and I bur-sted into laughter
“Jeez ewwww,you guys are so unbelievable”ru-by said picking up a gum from the candy plate
“Whatever just don’t t©uçh my property”Romeo said and I shook my head
And oh,I told Mitch about Jackson when he was seventeen,he confronted me one day asking who he really is and I had no choice but to tell him,he first of all disliked Jackson sorry hated Jackson but he later forgave him..but he told Jackson that the only reason he has the title of his dad is because his sp-erm fertilized my egg
That was exactly what he said
But in terms of affection and other areas,he only has one dad..and that’s Romeo
“You look pale”Romeo said to me
“Or she’s pregnant”ru-by ch!pped in
“I don’t want any other baby…you guys are alre-ady much of a trouble I don’t want other trouble”I said and they all laughed
“Gosh I’m tired”I whined slumping on the be-d and Romeo c@m£ to lie on t©p of me
“You don’t really want another baby?”he asked and I nodded
He smiled and pe-cked me on the cheek
“You’re adorable”he said before placing hisl-ips on mine..I dug my f!ngersinto his hair and he m0@n ed into my mouth
“Oh my God..sorry”I heard a startled yell and we broke from the k!ssabruptly
“ru-by”Romeo gro-an ed
Mitch bur-sted into laughter pointing at something…I looked at the direction of his hands and I also laughed
He was laughing at Romeo’s alre-ady alert machine
“Dad really wanna ban-g mum till she screams Jehovah”Mitch said and Romeo shook his head sideways
“Romeo Grande…I hail you”he said bowing pla-yfully and Romeo charged towards him,Mitch didn’t hesitate to run.
My little Mitch is all grown up,I have a trouble some daughter and a cute little baby boy
Can life get any more beautiful?

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