Diamond in the rou-gh episode 28 & 29

💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 28💎
I screamed out in happiness as I closed the door behind me,I feel really good after the afternoon show I gave,Tiana’s stupid face made me laugh out loud again
I sighed and slumped on the be-d as soon as I got in the be-droom,Mitch crawled up to me and lied on t©p of me placing his head on my che-st,I’ve really missed him,all that has been on my mind was Romeo that I forgot about my little pumpkin,my source of happiness
“You’re angry at mama for leaving for two days right?”I asked and he raised his head up and nodded with a pout
“I’m sorry okay,I’m here now”he smiled and placed his head back on my che-st
He raised his head back up and he grinned,a very suspicious grin
“What?”I asked
“Ancle Romeo”he said and I raised my eyebrow
“What about him”
“He’s dada right?”he asked and I smiled
“Mmm…you hvg him and…ummm…pe-ck on the cheeks and um…do this..
He bent over me and placed hisl-ips on mine,I bur-sted into laughter and he covered his eyes shyly
“We do that?..how do you know that”
“In the car,you did it in the car”he said and I chuckled as I sat up,balancing him well on my l@p
“So you think he’s your dada because I do that?”I asked and he nodded
“Um..at school,Natalie’s mama always do that to her dada”
“How do you know that..do you see them?”
“Mmm-mmm,they come pick her”
“They come pick her from school?”I asked and he nodded,this kid is too smart,I can’t believe he alre-ady tagged Romeo as he’s dad,I’m so gonna tell Rommy
“Do you want Rommy to be your dad?”
“Hmm mm…yeeeaah”he said with a hint of uncertainty
“You want him?”
“Hmm…don’t worry okay,he’ll soon be okay”
“Yay”he squealed hvgging me ti-ght
“I’m gonna have a dad”he squealed again
“Thanks mama…I’ve always wanted a dada”he said and I awwwned at his cuteness,so my baby has been craving for a dad and I didn’t know,its gonna be so great if Romeo becomes his dad,imagine Mitch calling him dada…its gonna be so adorable
💎Jackson’s POV💎
I kept staring at the picture of Madison and Romeo holding hands and doing their lover stuff together and I couldn’t help but get furious,she’s having a nice life?Her life is supposed to be ruined by now,she’s not supposed to be happy,she’s supposed to be sorrowful and miserable
But no,she’s happy worst still,she got Romeo Grande,the son of the best cook in the world as b©yfri£nd..I can’t believe this
Truth be told she’s now more beautiful,look at that as-s and bo-ob s,they are now fuller,just a glimpse of it makes me hor-ny
I must get back Madison at all cost,we didn’t break up right?I just left…I’m surely gonna get her back,looks like I’ll be taking a trip to Texas soon but first,I nee-d to get rid of the bit-ch called Clara,she’s so skinny and boring,not as sweet and endowed like my Madison,I nee-d to get rid of her and I nee-d to do it fast
“You sure still have this habit of dancing”
I st©pped on my dancing tracks and turned to the direction of the voice,oh its mum..when last have I talked to her..I didn’t really as-sociate with her like before after she s£nt sis out of the house,she didn’t even act remorseful,she didn’t ask about her own daughter,what if something bad has happened to Madison on the way to Texas,what if she was kidnapped or something…who would be blamed
I walked to the mp and I st©pped the song,I sat on my be-d and she c@m£ to seat beside me
Wow,its been long since I heard that,usually it was “Jason” or “Jay” most times Jason
“Yeah”I said not glancing at her as I gulped down water
“Um..how are you”
“Why the hell are you asking that,last time I checked,we don’t even talk”
“Look,son I know we drifted ap@rt for quite sometime and I know its my fault,I’m sorry..de-eply sorry but I nee-d your help”
“With what”
“I…I nee-d to um..I nee-d to speak with my daughter”she said and I looked at her for the first time since we started this conversation and I bur-sted into an hysterical laughter
I finally st©pped laughing and I hissed
“Your daughter?Your daugh…how does that even sound to you mum,when last did you ask of that daughter of yours”I said sarcastically
“Look Jason..just…plea-se,I wanna talk to her because..
“Because what…”I snapped and she gulped
“Because I miss her okay,I admit that,I miss Madison,I wanna see her again,I know it was so stupid of me chasing her out of the house,I was so foolish I didn’t realize the type of mistake I was ma-king…
“Well,why didn’t you think of all these the very day you chased her?”I cut in in a snap
“You started ma-king her suffer the very day the incident happened,I know you and dad were disappointed but that didn’t mean you should loose the trust you had for her,the Madison I know won’t give her nûd£s away freely for money and also,won’t sleep with any random guy,the guy was her b©yfri£ndmum,but unfortunately he tricked her and he manipulated her to sleep with him,I knew that very day that my own blood sister wouldn’t do such a thing but what did you do mum?You treated her like she was nothing,even our maid got a better treatment than her,in a time when you supposed to be her pillar,you neglected her…did you fv¢king know she tried to commit suicide,twice for that matter!”I screamed to her face and her eyes wi-de-ned in shock
“You won’t know,I know you won’t know..because all that mattered to you back then was your stupid coll@psing company,I had to skip school for almost two months because of her,just to keep her from trying to kill herself again,if not for me do you know how Madison would be now?She would have probably been dead..long dead,now you’re saying you wanna talk to her?Anytime I try to persuade you to speak to Madison you always cut me out,you always say you don’t nee-d her,you always say you’re better off without her so why the hell do you miss her now mum?well guess what she’s better off without you too,she’s living fine with her baby boy and the best b©yfri£ndin the world,yeah,she’s doing fine with Mitch and Romeo..she doesn’t nee-d you so do not…I repeat..do don’t ask for her or try to speak with her..you had your chance mum and you blew it..you fv¢king blew it”I fired with fury and she kept crying..who gives a fv¢k about her stupid tears
“You make me sick”I spat and went out of the room furiously,slamming the door ha-rd as I stepped out
I cant believe that woman,she was abs£nt when she was nee-ded now she wants to show herself in the picture?
No can do
🙄Tania’s POV🙄
“Tania baby,why aren’t you up..you’re gonna miss school”dad said and I rolled my eyes covering myself up well with the duvet
“Tania”he called again and I gro-an ed
He gr@bb£d my hands and pu-ll-ed me up with it
“Dad what is it..I said I’m not going”I snapped and he sighed,he shifted close to me and shook his head
“This is all about what happened yesterday right?”
“I don’t know”
I fell back to the be-d and I crossed my hands on my che-st
“Look..I know you’re upset…
“I’m more than upset..”I fired as I sat up on the be-d
“Dad…she humiliated me in front of the whole school,videos and pictures were posted dad,I was put ashamed and you expect me to show my face at school again?”
“Look sweet heart,yes,you’re angry but you cannot fight fire with fire you know”
“I don’t give a fv¢k about that,all I know is that,Abigail Maxwell is going down and she’s surely gonna pay..she crossed her boundary”
“Look,I don’t she pas-sed her boundary,I think you pas-sed your boundary”
“What are you insinuating dad”
“You know..out if all that girl said,there was only one s£ntence I held unto”
“Which is..
“You’re fighting a lost battle”
“Are you kidding me right now?”
“I’m not,you’re clearly fighting a lost battle,you will surely lose,that ~girl is surely a gentle girl but I’m sure you re-leased the monster in her,let me advice you…you can never get Romeo okay,when you guys were d@t!ng,I~ saw no love,he didn’t love ~you and you didn’t love him too…obviously because all you cared about was being the girlfriend of a rich,handsome and super famous guy so what’s your stress,the guy found true love and you wanna ruin it for him b~ ecause of your stupid obse-ssion..its better you grow up and st©p behaving like a kid”
“Dad…get out”
“Get the hell out of my room”I screamed and he chuckled shaking his head sideways
“Just don’t try anything stupid,I know what you can do but just know you’ll end up getting hurt”he ~said before going out and I screamed in fury,I reached for the vase beside my be-d and I threw it at the wall
I cant believe my own dad is siding th~ at bit-ch,maybe I can’t have Romeo but I can make them suffer and I don’t give a damn about what my dad says
💕Madison’s POV💕
“You know,everything seems fine without Tania ruining things”Bianca said and we all hummed in approval
“Why is she like that anyways..as she always been like this?”I asked
“Well,no,before she started d@t!ngRomeo she was a very sweet and jovial chic,she was like the opposite of what she is now but when she started d@t!ngRomeo…she grew wings and started to do anything anyhow”Crystal said
“Wow…because she had the Almighty Romeo as her man?”I said and Romeo chuckled
“I wander what she gave Romeo to eat”Bianca
“She didn’t give me anything dumdum,its just back then I thought I could out up with her clinginess and stuff but I got frustrated that sometimes,I travel so as to take a vacation from her attitude”
“She’s just too obsessed with you that it bec@m£ so scary”Ken said
“Hey look behind you”Bianca whispered and we all turned our heads and lo and behold,Tiana catwalking to our table with a grin plastered on her face
She got to our table and she leaned on it with her hand
“Hey Guys”she took a piece out of Ken’s fries and she munched on it
“What the fv¢k do you want”Bianca said
“Shhesh…can’t I say hello to my friends again”
“Get out”Ken spat and she chuckled
“Anyways,I just c@m£ to bid you guys goodbye..you see I’m taking a break from all these drama..like you said Abby,I nee-d a life”he said turning to face me
“So I’m going to live my life and I’m here to say final goodbye to you guys…bye Bianca”
She went to Bianca and she hvgged her ma-king B to make a cringe filled face
“And Crystal”she hvgged her too
“And Ken”
“And Romeo”
She gave him a very long hvg and pe-cked him on the cheek..how dare this bit-ch
“And finally,Abby”she hvgged me and she brou-ght her mouth close to my ear
“Have a nice time with Romeo”she said before pu-lling out,
“Well,I have a flight to catch people…ta ta”she wore her shades and waved at us before she cat walked away
There’s something about this whole drama she just pu-ll-ed up that’s ma-king me to have a bad feeling..that girl means no good
“Is it only me or you guys find that pretty annoying and weird”Crystal said
And she’s right…that was wired and suspicious
.💎Diamond In The rou-gh💎
💎Episode 29💎
“Romeo I said black and the sparkly nail paint not pink”I yelled and he gro-an ed putting the nail paint back I’m the rack
“Let me do what I wanna do okay,I know what I’m doing”he said as he took the black nail paint from the rack and placed my left hand on his l@p
Romeo is helping me with my manis,and he’s not really doing a good job with it,how can you mix blue nail paint and yellow nail paint together?
My b©yfri£ndis crazy and sweet,the past one month with Romeo has been the best
I and Mitch moved to his house a week ago and believe me it has been so great living with him,my little Mitch has been getting really along with him,they are kinda best buddies now,The day Alexa caught Romeo and I ma-king out,I almost bur-sted out of embarras-sment,I was expecting her to yell but surprisingly,she started grinning and she c@m£ to hvg me,I was like what the hell is going on
She was so happy…I remember what she said that day,she said “Finally,I’ve been wishing for this to happen for months,so when are you giving me babies”
I laughed my as-s out that day,babies?Of all things?
Alexa is such a character..she even warned me not to call her Ma’am again..she told me I should call her “mum”,like ..mum
So yeah,I call her mum now,Romeo has made the last few weeks fun and amazing,his pres£nce is a blessing…I don’t regret anything with him
He’s a sweetheart,he cares for me like an egg,the way he shows how much he loves me is so adorable,he loves me and his actions proves that and I’m not re-ady to let go of him..He’s all I want
“Pas-s me the letter stickers plea-se”he said as he filed my nails with ra-pt attention,I pas-sed him the stickers and he collected it not bringing his head up from my nails and BTW,we’ve not heard from Tania for the past one month,seems she backed out of our lives for real
“Hey baby,st©p pu-lling my hair that ha-rd ”
“Sorry mama”
My boys are really doing a good job here,Mitch is combing my hair and Rommy is in charge of my manis and I’m here seating like a queen I am,stuffing my face with pepperoni pizza as I watched the TV…I’m so special
“Hey buddy,give me a that nail paint”Romeo said to Mitch pointing at a multi coloured sparkly nail paint,he pas-sed it to him and he gave a thumbs up,they should be done alre-ady,I wanna sleep
“Me too”
I brou-ght my two hands to my face and I awwned at how beautiful my fixed nails were,he used the letter stickers to write his name on the nails and he painted the ti-p of the nails white using it to form a cloud
“Is that a supposed rainbow?”I asked pointing to the red,pink and yellow line that drew from the edge of the ti-p to the edge of the bottom
“Its pretty”I cooed and he gave a smug smile..
“Now,let’s check my baby’s hairdo”
I took the mirror and..Jesus Christ!!!! I look like maleficent
“How is it mama”
“Its beautiful”I said and Romeo bur-sted into laughter
“But he’s laughing”Mitch whined with a pout
“Don’t mind him,He’s crazy,the hairdo is pretty”
He nodded with a smile and I pinched his cheek
He got off from the be-d and went outside the room,probably to his game room…
“You know,its bad to lie to a kid”Romeo said pu-lling me to lie on t©p of him
“Well,it isn’t lying if its to prevent the kid’s feeling from getting hurt”I said brushing hisl-ips with my index f!nger
“But truth be told,the hair looks funny,like..how did he even get to pu-ll your head up like this”
“Shut up,its beautiful..I think I’m gonna keep it for the day”I said checking myself in the mirror and b!owing a k!ss
“No..you’re not keeping this thing”he protested
“I’m too…and you can’t st©p me”I stuck my ton-gue out to him and he chuckled
“You’re adorable”he said and I shrugged as i got off him
“I know…and speaking of knowing,you know the competition is in less than two weeks right?”
I wore my bu-m short well and he sighed
“Well yeah”
“That’s all you’re gonna say?”I asked laying the be-d well
“Yeah,it’ll come,we’ll compete,we’ll win and boom it’ll end..no big deal”
“Hmm…you don’t have to be that full of yourself you know”I said with a wi-nk and he rolled his eyes
“That’s the truth”
I shook my head and I took off my tank t©p,my yes darted to Romeo who was l!çk!ng hisl-ips hungrily at my n-ked bo-ob s
“No…no..no…do not come closer..do not…arrrghhh…
I screamed as he charged towards me,he chased me round the room and as expected he caught up with me and he threw me on the be-d like I weighed nothing
“Romeo..get your hands off me your as-s hole”I screamed but no,he didn’t budge
“I said…
He shut me up with a k!ssand his hands went to my bo-ob s…I think you know what happens next..
“You were amazing”
I pe-cked her on the forehead and she glared at me pla-yfully
“You’re insane”
“Yeah…insanely in love with you baby”I k!$$£d her on thel-ips and she smiled
“Where’s Mitch anyways”
“Downstairs I think”
My hands went to her bu-tt and I ru-bbe-d it
“Mind if we go another round”I whispered huskily and she sl@pped my hands away
“You know,you should have c@m£ as a horse”she said throwing the duvet over my face
“Seriously”I said as I took the duvet out of my face and she hissed as she walked to the bathroom,I whistled as she walked,swaying her as-s purposely,I can’t get enough of that big as-s..jeez
I stood up and I wore my shorts,Abby’s phone rang and I peeped at it…and it says Jason..who’s Jason?
Should I pick it or not…I will not
The ring ended and I shrugged,it started ringing again and I sighed,I have to pick it
I picked it and I heard the voice of a woman,a really frail voice..like the person is sick or something
📞”um…who is this?
📞”plea-se I nee-d to speak with Madison
📞”this isn’t Madison but her b©yfri£nd,what do you want
📞”plea-se…this..this is her mother
📞”yes,I nee-d to speak with her…I have a lot to say..
📞”uh…she’s not..here..hello,hello..are you there
I brou-ght the phone from my ear and I scoffed,she just hanged up,and she said she’s her mum..Abby told me her mum s£nt her away so why is she calling now,or is she in trouble?Because her voice doesn’t sound okay..she sounded like she nee-ds medical attention
I quic-kly hanged up when I heard footsteps coming,I placed the phone where I saw it and I quic-kly ran out of Jason’s room
I had to sneak into his room when he was bathing so I could speak to Maddy..the mistake I made was that I shouldn’t have called her,I should have just written the number down and call her on my own phone
I just wanna apologize for what I did,I know there’s no justification for what I did..I did what a bad mother would do
I chased my own daughter out,with a child..not considering the fact that she might encounter any type of danger..what if she was kidnapper,what if she was sh0t,what if she didn’t get to meet Romeo..what if her life got ruined,just because of me..
I only nee-d her apology,I’ve realized my mistake I just want Maddy to forgive me
“Its good to have you here Mr.Jackson”I gave him a handshake and he smiled
“Its good to be here too Mrs.Gold”
“Have a seat”
“I think we alre-ady know why we are here”I asked with a sm-irk and he nodded,he di-pped his hands in his p@n-ts pocket and brou-ght out a flashdrive
“Everything is in there”
“Good…now let me go over the plan,we strike at exactly the day of the competition and of course when her long memory is shown to billions of people,she’ll feel a million of what she made me feel when she took Romeo from me and from there,you’ll show yourself…there’s no way she would allow you to t©uçh her so I guess you’ll have to do it the ha-rd way”
“Of course,trust me on that”
“And don’t forget,you’re gonna sleep with her live so people would see the type of slut she is”
“un-derstood..what about Romeo”
“Leave him to me Jackson..I know what to do with him”
He nodded and I leaned on my chair,Abby is about to get the worst shock of her life