Diamond 2 Episode 36 & 37

(He’s Cold – hearted,
but he’s mine💋)
Episode 36
By: Faith Lucky
Cali’s Pov:
I whimpered as I stared at him, my hands still itching from the sl@p I’d just re-leased. He looked undoubtedly shocked.
And his eyes….they’d began to water.
“You left me, Miquel” my voice wavered with emotions.
“You left without saying a single word to me. How dare you?”
I busted into tears and he f0rç£fully turned around to back me.
He leaned over on the throne seat and looked like he was trying to control himself.
“You should leave, Cali” he said croakily.
“It’s dangerous for you here”.
Oh my God!
“Really?” I scoffed and moved closer to him.
“So, you’re just like the other guys, huh? A liar? Betrayal?”
He turned swiftly to look at me, his eyes burning red.
“What’re you talking about?” He snapped.
“You promised you’d never leave me” I pointed my f!nger at him, more tears streaming down my cheeks.
“You made me trust you – with everything, Miquel! I gave you my dignity and this is how you repay me? Just knocked me out like a piece of trash and returned to your precious throne? Really?? Tell me all you wanted was my b©dy! Everyfu-cking thing was all about my b©dy. You only wanted to use me!” I yelled – cried.
“Cali….” He called blearily
“You know that’s not true. St©p saying non-s-en-se. I’d never want to use and dump you”.
“So, how else do you explain this?? Or…are you suddenly disgusted by me because I told you I was R@p£d?? Do you suddenly hate me?? But it wasn’t my fault! And if I’m not mistaken, he R@p£d me because of you! Everything that happened was because of you! So, why put the blame on me??”
“I’m not putting the blame on you, Cali. And you can never disgust me. Its….its all my fault everything happened I know you got hurt because of me. And that’s the reason I nee-d you to stay away from me. plea-se. I don’t want you to get hurt anymore”.
I scoffed in tears and disbelief as I stared at him.
My vision was alre-ady becoming blur.
“Do you even know what I went throu-gh getting to you? Do you know the risks and sacrifices I made? I c@m£ back for you,,Miquel. But you never did. How could you hurt me this way?”
I bent my head and wiped my face with the back of my palm.
“I guess this is all a waste of time. I hope you enjoy your stay here”.
And with that, I turned around to leave.
My running tears couldn’t describe the pains I felt as I walked away.
How could he??
I didn’t even realize when the big door ahead of me bur-st open with guards from different running in like athletes.
“Fire!!” I heard one of them yell and it bec@m£ clear to me.
I g@sped and looked up, but it was alre-ady too late as I felt an arrow pierce into my skin.
“Hah!” I g@sped lightly and held the affected tummy.
Oh my God!
I felt my ears become blocked as every other thing sounded so low and distant to me.
I felt the whole place going round in circles for me.
“Cali?” I heard a voice and recognized it to be Miquel.
It sounded so far.
“Cali!!?!!” The voice c@m£ again – at the same time I fell backwards, about to reach the floor.
But I felt something hold me from behind, preventing me from reaching the floor.
I fell into a warm hands.
I looked and discovered it was Miquel.
“Cali?” He called again, hisl-ips shaking, and eyes dilating in shock.
There were droplets of blood from the side of my mouth.
“Miquel…” I called weakly, my head was resting on his th!ghs.
“Don’t… leave me…plea-se”.
I saw a tear drop from his eye immediately.
His grip around me had become firm which only meant one thing.
“Miquel…” I called again but could ba-rely complete my statement when I pas-sed out.
Authoress Chi Pov:
As soon as she pas-sed out, the tears from his eyes got replaced with blood as all he felt were anger, pain and revenge.
Bethany had come in with the guards as well.
“My King!” She called and ran towards him.
But she had ba-rely gotten close when she felt a heavy wind sweep her off her feet.
She screamed and found herself hitting ha-rd against a wall – arms and n£¢k broken.
“Ah!” She winced and tried getting on her feet.
Miquel remained on his sp©t, holding onto Cali as he wept.
“You didn’t have to hurt her” he whimpered.
Bethany who was alre-ady on her feet was fixated and didn’t know what to do.
But not until she felt an invisible f0rç£ lift her off her feet and pin her to the wall, ma-king her choke.
She held her n£¢k a s she choked and danced her legs for help.
The guards who were still at the entrance were confused and didn’t know if they were to attack the King or not.
The King, huh?
He held Cali’s cheeks and k!$$£d her.
“I’m so sorry” he whimpered.
He shoved the crown off his head and stood up afterwards, carrying her in his arms like a baby.
So many thoughts of regrets and pains flashed throu-gh his mind as he walked towards the entrance. And as he got close, the guards found themselves choking on the floor.
He didn’t care about them. All he cared about was getting Cali to a safe place so he could heal her.
How could he be so stupid, huh? So stupid to cause her such pain and heartbreak?
But he had no choice;
He felt he had no choice.
He successfully got out of the entrance, but only to meet a bigger problem.
The coordinates and priest.
“Miquel!!” The priest called in a voice that echoed.
He clearly looked angry.
“What do you think you’re doing? Where are you going?”
“I’m not interested..in the throne anymore. Stay out of my way” He said in a shaky tone.
Blood was still dripping from his nostrils.
“You’ve alre-ady been crowned, Miquel. Let her go!” The eldest among the coordinates said and he lowered his gaze to look at Cali. She was losing a lot of blood.
“No”, he said firmly and continued on his way.
The priest threw a weapon at him – a dagger which pierced directly into his back.
“Argh!” He yelped and fell on his knees.
But thankfully, Cali didn’t hit the floor too r0ûghly.
“Get him!” The priest ordered the guards around, but before they could get to where he was, something else had alre-ady happened.
He’d let out a painful scream that swept every one of them off their feet.
Just stay away was all he asked.
He breathed heavily as he stood up with Cali and continued running.
He didn’t care to look back at the condition of the coordinates
He p@n-ted heavily as he climbe-d down the stairs. His back was bleeding profusely, but it was nothing compared to the pains he felt from seeing Cali bleed.
It to-re him ap@rt.
He rushed down and finally got out to the open dark floor. But immediately, he felt arrows flying all over him and looked to find the guards shooting at him – the priest and few of the coordinates beside them.
They weren’t re-ady to let him go without a fight.
He held Cali firmly, but not until an arrow met him on his back – right next to the dagger.
He lost balance and fell on his knees again. And this time around, Cali went rolling from his hands.
His eyes bec@m£ blood sh*t red as everything occurred to him. They werefu-cking messing with him.
He stood up with the pains and fierce eyes and turned to face the tall building in front of him.
The Mighty palace.
The priest had ordered the guards to st©p shooting, thinking he’d changed his mind or something.
Or probably had something else in mind – which he sure did.
“Good riddance” he mumbled and with his hands stretched towards the building, he watched it crumble.
“Noo!!!” The coordinates screamed as they watched the building began to shrink.
The priest was loaded with surprise and unable to contend it.
Miquel?? What was he doing? He wanted to destroy the very palace?
The walls began to fall as everywhere bec@m£ chaotic – maids and guards running out for their dear lives.
It looked just like a storm was about to take place and hundreds of people were running for their lives.
The priest joined hands with the rest of the coordinates and tried to wage his powers and indeed, they almost succeeded cause he found it difficult proceeding with the breakage.
He was bleeding real bad.
But suddenly, he felt a different energy – like an upsurge of power – as-sisting him.
He didn’t know where it was coming from and didn’t care to know at that moment as he focused on crushing the palace.
With the additional powers he’d gained, he let out an angry yell and what followed next was a great thud – crumbling and screaming.
Right in front of his very eyes,
He watched the palace crush to the ground.
The same palace that led to the death of his parents and first lover. And also led to so many complications with Cali.
That same palace had crashed in front of his very eyes – becoming nothing but dust and broken walls.
He fell on his knees in a de-ep breath as he suddenly felt so weak.
“Miquel!” He heard his name and flin-ched.
That voice….
He managed to turn slightly and found Mykel in front of him.
And it occurred to him..
The extra power had come from him.
(He’s Cold – hearted,
but he’s mine💋)
Episode 36
By: Faith Lucky
Cali’s Pov:
I whimpered as I stared at him, my hands still itching from the sl@p I’d just re-leased. He looked undoubtedly shocked.
And his eyes….they’d began to water.
“You left me, Miquel” my voice wavered with emotions.
“You left without saying a single word to me. How dare you?”
I busted into tears and he f0rç£fully turned around to back me.
He leaned over on the throne seat and looked like he was trying to control himself.
“You should leave, Cali” he said croakily.
“It’s dangerous for you here”.
Oh my God!
“Really?” I scoffed and moved closer to him.
“So, you’re just like the other guys, huh? A liar? Betrayal?”
He turned swiftly to look at me, his eyes burning red.
“What’re you talking about?” He snapped.
“You promised you’d never leave me” I pointed my f!nger at him, more tears streaming down my cheeks.
“You made me trust you – with everything, Miquel! I gave you my dignity and this is how you repay me? Just knocked me out like a piece of trash and returned to your precious throne? Really?? Tell me all you wanted was my b©dy! Everyfu-cking thing was all about my b©dy. You only wanted to use me!” I yelled – cried.
“Cali….” He called blearily
“You know that’s not true. St©p saying non-s-en-se. I’d never want to use and dump you”.
“So, how else do you explain this?? Or…are you suddenly disgusted by me because I told you I was R@p£d?? Do you suddenly hate me?? But it wasn’t my fault! And if I’m not mistaken, he R@p£d me because of you! Everything that happened was because of you! So, why put the blame on me??”
“I’m not putting the blame on you, Cali. And you can never disgust me. Its….its all my fault everything happened I know you got hurt because of me. And that’s the reason I nee-d you to stay away from me. plea-se. I don’t want you to get hurt anymore”.
I scoffed in tears and disbelief as I stared at him.
My vision was alre-ady becoming blur.
“Do you even know what I went throu-gh getting to you? Do you know the risks and sacrifices I made? I c@m£ back for you,,Miquel. But you never did. How could you hurt me this way?”
I bent my head and wiped my face with the back of my palm.
“I guess this is all a waste of time. I hope you enjoy your stay here”.
And with that, I turned around to leave.
My running tears couldn’t describe the pains I felt as I walked away.
How could he??
I didn’t even realize when the big door ahead of me bur-st open with guards from different running in like athletes.
“Fire!!” I heard one of them yell and it bec@m£ clear to me.
I g@sped and looked up, but it was alre-ady too late as I felt an arrow pierce into my skin.
“Hah!” I g@sped lightly and held the affected tummy.
Oh my God!
I felt my ears become blocked as every other thing sounded so low and distant to me.
I felt the whole place going round in circles for me.
“Cali?” I heard a voice and recognized it to be Miquel.
It sounded so far.
“Cali!!?!!” The voice c@m£ again – at the same time I fell backwards, about to reach the floor.
But I felt something hold me from behind, preventing me from reaching the floor.
I fell into a warm hands.
I looked and discovered it was Miquel.
“Cali?” He called again, hisl-ips shaking, and eyes dilating in shock.
There were droplets of blood from the side of my mouth.
“Miquel…” I called weakly, my head was resting on his th!ghs.
“Don’t… leave me…plea-se”.
I saw a tear drop from his eye immediately.
His grip around me had become firm which only meant one thing.
“Miquel…” I called again but could ba-rely complete my statement when I pas-sed out.
Authoress Chi Pov:
As soon as she pas-sed out, the tears from his eyes got replaced with blood as all he felt were anger, pain and revenge.
Bethany had come in with the guards as well.
“My King!” She called and ran towards him.
But she had ba-rely gotten close when she felt a heavy wind sweep her off her feet.
She screamed and found herself hitting ha-rd against a wall – arms and n£¢k broken.
“Ah!” She winced and tried getting on her feet.
Miquel remained on his sp©t, holding onto Cali as he wept.
“You didn’t have to hurt her” he whimpered.
Bethany who was alre-ady on her feet was fixated and didn’t know what to do.
But not until she felt an invisible f0rç£ lift her off her feet and pin her to the wall, ma-king her choke.
She held her n£¢k a s she choked and danced her legs for help.
The guards who were still at the entrance were confused and didn’t know if they were to attack the King or not.
The King, huh?
He held Cali’s cheeks and k!$$£d her.
“I’m so sorry” he whimpered.
He shoved the crown off his head and stood up afterwards, carrying her in his arms like a baby.
So many thoughts of regrets and pains flashed throu-gh his mind as he walked towards the entrance. And as he got close, the guards found themselves choking on the floor.
He didn’t care about them. All he cared about was getting Cali to a safe place so he could heal her.
How could he be so stupid, huh? So stupid to cause her such pain and heartbreak?
But he had no choice;
He felt he had no choice.
He successfully got out of the entrance, but only to meet a bigger problem.
The coordinates and priest.
“Miquel!!” The priest called in a voice that echoed.
He clearly looked angry.
“What do you think you’re doing? Where are you going?”
“I’m not interested..in the throne anymore. Stay out of my way” He said in a shaky tone.
Blood was still dripping from his nostrils.
“You’ve alre-ady been crowned, Miquel. Let her go!” The eldest among the coordinates said and he lowered his gaze to look at Cali. She was losing a lot of blood.
“No”, he said firmly and continued on his way.
The priest threw a weapon at him – a dagger which pierced directly into his back.
“Argh!” He yelped and fell on his knees.
But thankfully, Cali didn’t hit the floor too r0ûghly.
“Get him!” The priest ordered the guards around, but before they could get to where he was, something else had alre-ady happened.
He’d let out a painful scream that swept every one of them off their feet.
Just stay away was all he asked.
He breathed heavily as he stood up with Cali and continued running.
He didn’t care to look back at the condition of the coordinates
He p@n-ted heavily as he climbe-d down the stairs. His back was bleeding profusely, but it was nothing compared to the pains he felt from seeing Cali bleed.
It to-re him ap@rt.
He rushed down and finally got out to the open dark floor. But immediately, he felt arrows flying all over him and looked to find the guards shooting at him – the priest and few of the coordinates beside them.
They weren’t re-ady to let him go without a fight.
He held Cali firmly, but not until an arrow met him on his back – right next to the dagger.
He lost balance and fell on his knees again. And this time around, Cali went rolling from his hands.
His eyes bec@m£ blood sh*t red as everything occurred to him. They werefu-cking messing with him.
He stood up with the pains and fierce eyes and turned to face the tall building in front of him.
The Mighty palace.
The priest had ordered the guards to st©p shooting, thinking he’d changed his mind or something.
Or probably had something else in mind – which he sure did.
“Good riddance” he mumbled and with his hands stretched towards the building, he watched it crumble.
“Noo!!!” The coordinates screamed as they watched the building began to shrink.
The priest was loaded with surprise and unable to contend it.
Miquel?? What was he doing? He wanted to destroy the very palace?
The walls began to fall as everywhere bec@m£ chaotic – maids and guards running out for their dear lives.
It looked just like a storm was about to take place and hundreds of people were running for their lives.
The priest joined hands with the rest of the coordinates and tried to wage his powers and indeed, they almost succeeded cause he found it difficult proceeding with the breakage.
He was bleeding real bad.
But suddenly, he felt a different energy – like an upsurge of power – as-sisting him.
He didn’t know where it was coming from and didn’t care to know at that moment as he focused on crushing the palace.
With the additional powers he’d gained, he let out an angry yell and what followed next was a great thud – crumbling and screaming.
Right in front of his very eyes,
He watched the palace crush to the ground.
The same palace that led to the death of his parents and first lover. And also led to so many complications with Cali.
That same palace had crashed in front of his very eyes – becoming nothing but dust and broken walls.
He fell on his knees in a de-ep breath as he suddenly felt so weak.
“Miquel!” He heard his name and flin-ched.
That voice….
He managed to turn slightly and found Mykel in front of him.
And it occurred to him..
The extra power had come from him.
Season_2 Episode 37 (Semi-final):
Cali’s Pov:
I opened my lids blearily and felt myself lying on something ha-rd – a floor.
My eyes were burning h0t, I could ha-rd ly keep them open.
Then, I felt a cold hand t©uçh my head and was f0rç£d to open my eyes and right there, I found Miquel staring at me.
Oh my God!
“Miquel?” I called, my voice coming out so weak and soft.
He was sitting in front of me and re-leased a light smile.
“Hey”, he cooed and immediately, I f0rç£d myself to sit up.
“Miquel?” I called again, this time around, tearfully and without hesitation, I joined my b©dy with his, giving him a warm hvg.
Holy Molly. I couldn’t believe I was holding him.
He reciprocated the hvg, wra-pping his hands around my w@!st and bringing me closer to himself.
I whimpered as I bit his shi-t. The relief I felt while holding him, couldn’t be explained.
We unlocked from the hvg and he stro-ked my hair.
“Hey; how’re you feeling?”. He asked so calmly, I could ha-rd ly hear him.
I felt something on my tummy and looked to see a wra-p on it.
Oh! I was sh0t!
Wait….what happened last night??
I looked around and discovered we were in what looked like a cave.
“Are….Are we still in the palace?” I asked perfunctorily, despite the fact I was sure we weren’t there.
“No. We’re somewhere safe” he replied, still tou-ching my hair.
I looked around, then rested my eyes on his.
“Wh….What happened?” I found myself ask in a mutter.
The last I could remember was being sh0t at. Then, he caught me from behind and that was it. How come we’re in a cave now?
He sighed and t©uçhed my cheeks.
“You don’t nee-d to worry about a thing. The palace is gone; and I’m here now.
“And…I’m sorry for leaving without saying a word. I just…I just felt angry and blamed for everything. I felt I was the reason you got hurt. I couldn’t face you, Cali. I..I felt I was useless”.
He sighed again and held my cheeks with both hands.
“Will you forgive me?”
I let out a rueful smile as i stared at him.
I c@m£ all these way just to save him and he’s asking me such question?
“Of course” I chuckled tearfully, my eyes glistening.
I was about k!ss!nghim when a figure interrupted me – someone from the entrance.
I looked and discovered it was…Mykel?
Oh! Mykel.
I’d almost forgotten j c@m£ with him.
Miquel also noticed the entrance and turned to look at him. His eyes flashed immediately.
“I thought I told you to leave” he scrawled , but Mykel continued walking
“Chill, brother. I just c@m£ to check up on her” he said with his hands in the air, like he was surrendering or something.
“I’m not…your brother. Not anymore” Miquel picked his words and I flin-ched a bit.
“Don’t think because you helped me destroy the palace changes anything. You have five seconds to leave this cave”.
They destroyed the palace?
What the hell happened during my unconsciousness?
I looked at Mykel who suddenly st©pped walking, but fixed his eyes on me.
“How’re you feeling, Cali?” He asked and immediately, Miquel stood up and gr@bb£d his n£¢k.
“Why thefu-ck should you care about her?” He growled and I had to interfere.
“Miquel! Miquel!” I don’t as I struggled to free his hand from Mykel’s n£¢k and thankfully, I did.
“Miquel; plea-se. You have to calm down” I hushed
“If he doesn’t leave this place, I swear, I’ll kill him” he said angrily, being restricted by my hands.
Oh God!
I looked at Mykel and suddenly, heard something from his head:
*I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness.
But I want you to know I’m truly sorry for what happened.
I nee-d my brother back*
Those were his words; he’d given me access to his thoughts.
I felt my eyes melt as I stared speechlessly at him.
Oh God!
Immediately, he turned around and left.
Miquel had found a way to contact the institute and request a jet and after waiting for hours, they finally arrived.
While in the flying jet, I told Miquel all about my ordeal, how I was locked up for days after trying to escape just to look for him;
How Diane had disguised herself as one of the directors just to save me, how I’d gone to Mykel and asked for help – although, that p@rt made him really mad.
It was a very long flight but finally, we arrived in America and drove straight to the institute.
Diane had actually been caught and locked up, but as soon as we arrived, Miquel ordered her immediate re-lease and they did. Thank goodness they didn’t torture or hurt her much.
Miguel had to go into an urgent meeting with the board of directors and during that time, Diane and I stayed together in the room.
“So, how was it, Cali? What happened during the trip?” She asked as I decanted some wine into two glas-s cu-ps.
“Well…it was great. Mykel was a little bit of a j£rk, but he helped a lot” I replied.
When I was done, I gave one of the glas-ses to her and took one for myself.
Then, I went to sit next to her on the be-d.
“Cheers….to a greater friendsh!p” we said simultaneously, giggled and hit the glas-ses together before gulping it down.
“Ahh” we breathed heavily.
“So funny, right?” I asked
“What?” She also asked.
We laughed again.
“Diane”, I called after a little pause and she looked at me
“If….if you were in my shoes, would you forgive Mykel for what he did?”
Her eyes drooped immediately.
“Woah….Cali” she exclaimed and chuckled.
She sipped from her glas-s again and looked at me.
Just then, the door opened, revea-ling Miquel.
Nob©dy told Diane to keep shut.
Oh Damn it! Wrong timing.
He looked a little exhausted as he closed the door and walked in fully.
“Diane…”he called and I furrowed my brows.
That was actually the first time he was calling her name.
Wait….he didn’t overhear us, did he?
“Um….y…yes sir?” She stuttered crazily and glanced at me.
“Its late. You should return to your room. I nee-d….sometime with Cali” he called and in less than a second, Diane was alre-ady on her feet.
“Goodnight, Cali” she waved at me and headed for the door, careful enough not to hit Miquel on her way out.
Okay….now what?..
I looked at him as he stared blankly at me and suddenly, a sm-irk crawled up hisl-ips.
“I’ve missed you” he muttered as he c@m£ closer and squ-atted in front of me.
He held my both hands and bored his eyes into mine.
“Do you still…” He asked and tilted his head and I quic-kly un-derstood what he meant.
“Oh, no. It’s…it’s fine now. Completely fine” I replied quic-kly and gulped nervously..
He nodded and slowly reached for myl-ips, k!ss!ngme tenderly..
At first, I didn’t reciprocate and just allowed him be the master. But not for long as he intensified the k!sswhich got into my head and made me gr-ab his hair.
Gosh! It was heavenly.
He stood up gradually and pushed me dee-per into the be-d, hisl-ips still locked on mine. I could ha-rd ly breath.
He unlocked for a few seconds, giving me a little time to breath and as soon as that was achieved, he reached for myl-ips again.
I m0@n ed into hisl-ips and he made me un-hook his belt.
Within the twi-nkle of an eye, he undressed me and I was left with just a p*nt and br@.
“Wait” he suddenly said and st©pped my hands
I looked at him, breathlessly.
“I want us to do something different” he added and to-re off my p*nt.
Ah 🤣
Which one is something different again?
Final episode loading…