Defiled episode 7 – finale

Defiled episode 7
When all the obstacles that prevented you from achieving your aim is finally re-moved, when you are finally at liberty to fall in love, enjoy life with your p@rtner, when all souls gives way, and all in your lonely heart gives way…that is when you hear the best beat of your heart, and the soul dances to the rhythms of the heart stereos…Love is said to be a beautiful thing….
Aquila and Rama after all this months have built a strong bond, the atmosphere around them was soo lovely and conducive for marriage….Like yes. Marriage!!!
Rama was awoken from be-d by this stomach aches, she quic-kly dashed into the washroom and ended up throwing up some funny substance from her guts…
Aquila: Rama, what is it? Are you alright
Rama: I don’t know ooo…but I’ll be alright
Aquila: You think?
Rama: Yeah
Aquila: No, let’s go to the hospital
Rama: I said I’ll be fine…
Aquila: I insist. Get re-ady
Rama: Ok…I hear…
The two were soon at the 37 Military, Rama was asked to visit the laboratory after she had gone throu-gh the regular physical checkup by the nurses…
On reaching the Lab, she was met by her long time lost friend, Esi, who happens to be the laboratory technician…
Rama: Eiii You? What is the name? It’s been long…Esi?
Esi: Yeah…Esi…Rama?
Rama: Yeah Rama!!!…..long time
Esi: Yeah long time. So what do you do now? I mean where are you know
Rama: Am an Economist, but just resigned from my place. Complicated reasons tho’
Esi: Awww nice. Am the Lab Tech here…at your service…
Rama: Oh sorry. This is Aquila, He is my…
Esi: Yeah your fiancé…Hi Aquila…
Aquila: Yeah Hi. Nice meeting you
Esi: Nice meeting you too…
Okay Rama, let’s go get you tested. Esi said…
Rama’s blood sample and urine was taken and s£nt into the inner rooms for testing, and within an interval of thirty minutes, Esi returned with the Lab report…
Esi: Hey Rama its re-ady
Rama: Oh yeah…
Esi: .You are a week pregnant…
Rama: Pregnant?
Esi: Yeah Why, aren’t you re-ady or?
Rama: Oh not that, I didn’t see that coming
Esi: Yeah, but it did come, just do well to keep you and the baby safe…
Rama: okay
Esi: Are you gonna tell him? I mean Aquila
Rama: Yeah when we get home
Esi: Ok fine…Give me your contact. I’ll check up on you
Rama: This is my card, do well do call, I’ll be expecting it
Esi: Yeah, I sure would
Rama: I must take my leave now. Bye
Esi: Bye baby girl
Rama was quiet all throu-gh their journey home, Aquila noticed it but kept his cool, He has grown to un-derstand her switch of moods, and He knows she’s going to be fine…
On getting home, Rama went straight to the washroom to cool up whiles Aquila comforted himself in the sofa, He wondered why she still isn’t saying anything to him, so he dived in…
Aquila: Hey Baby, what is it, you have been quiet since you left the Lab
Rama: Nothing really…
Aquila: I wish, what did the report say?
Rama: Aquila, Am pregnant…
Aquila: What? Pregnant? Wonderful…Since when?
Rama: She said a week…Yeah
Aquila: Am really happy, am gonna be a father…wooow! C’mon, this calls for celebr@tion
The two embr@ced and were soon missing in the worlds of lockingl-ips, the heat embr@ce and love ma-king melodies got them to the be-droom, and soon,m0@n s,sweats and Orgasms embr@ced the day. And both were left n-ked asun-der….breathing heavily and smiling to the skies…we are expecting a baby! Aquila said and they both laughed it off…
Haylie was back in Ghana from her honeymoon, she was desperate to see her best friend and her b©yfri£nd, she called and they both planned to meet at Rama’s place. There was a lot to talk about…
Rama and Aquila arranged the room in other, their little meeting early on in the day got something’s displaced, others broken, and some too spilled….
Aquila got some drinks from the shop whilst Rama prepared dinner, and some hours later, they heard the doorbell ring…
I’ll get the door, I think its Haylie…Rama said…
Aquila dashed into the be-droom to get something nice to wear, He didn’t actually want Haylie to meet him sitting in the leaving room, like waiting for her or something. He wanted to [email protected] a little bit!!
Aquilaaa!!…c’mon here, Haylie is here…Rama shouted to Aquila who was still inside…
Aquila: Ok, I’ll be with you in a few minutes…
Haylie: Let him be wai
Rama: Yeah was supposed to be seated here…
Haylie: Maybe He is nervous
Rama: Nervous? No He isn’t…
Haylie:..Ayoo I hear you wai
Aquila: Hey Haylie, welcome
Haylie: Hi Aquila, finally
Aquila: Yeah finally. Nice meeting you
Haylie: Nice meeting you too…You look good…Rama has eyes for good things…
Aquila: You look gorgeous too…
Rama: Hey hey!!…this is not the time you guys will be admiring each other wai. Not un-der my very nose
Haylie: Jealousy babe. Can’t I admire nature too?
Rama: Admire the flowers outside there
Haylie: Mtchewww
Aquila: Hey hey…You guys should st©p the brouhaha and come to the table…
The trio were soon dissolved in a long convo, Haylie told them about her experience at Hawaii…Rama was the only one amongst them who is yet to visit the place…
Haylie: Am a month pregnant too
Rama: What? I was surprised at the sudden change in weight…
Haylie: Am expecting twins…
Aquila: Wow…that’s nice…
Rama: Wonderful, just make sure you let him pamper you wai…don’t put yourself in any tedious jobs or chores…
Haylie: Yeah, Asare is very supportive
Aquila: Wow, that’s good of him…
They resumed eating for some time, everyone was silent until Aquila cleared his throat to draw their attention…
Mmggrrmm! I have fallen in love in times past
I have meant ladies,beautiful,black white etc,everyone with her conduct, But meeting you Rama was the best thing that ever happened to me, I can’t measure or exaggerate the quantum of love I have for you, we went throu-gh a lot, we have just d@t£d for few months, but being with you seem like decades to me alre-ady, I can’t st©p appreciating you for the kind of support and love you have shown to me all this while, I believe I was s£nt to meet you….My Mom ever told me that, The best thing that can ever happen to a woman is for her to get wedded to the man she loves…..Rama will you marry me???
Haylie opened her bag and brou-ght out a little case which she handed to Aquila. It was the engagement ring…
Rama: But how did she come to have the ring on her?
Haylie: Small world….shhhhh
Aquila: Yeah. Small world…
Aquila went on her knees and proposed to her for the second time…
I know people will say we are not re-ady for marriage, but we both know we are in love…Waiting for too long proves nothing. He said.
Rama: Yeah, yess…Aquila. I’ll marry you. I love you. She said in tears as she watched him slid the engagement ring up her f!nger…
Haylie popped the champagne to grace the little p@rty they just had before Aquila told Rama how Haylie had the ring…
Aquila: You told me a lot about Haylie. So I knew how much you trusted her, I took her number from your phone and discussed about this marriage thing, she was happy to hear that, we made arrangement for her to get the best engagement ring for this…So don’t worry…It was a planned thing…Marriage proposals are supposed to come by surprises….
Haylie sought permission to leave the two to spend the rest of the day together, she was very happy Aquila was finally wearing an engagement ring, especially, with a guy who has proven beyond doubts He is fit for the marriage…
When you get the right person, don’t waste time studying each other like WAEC Past questions. She said to herself…
Aquila and Rama were left standing in the living room in a warm embr@ce, the tears from Rama’s eyes flooded the broad shoulders of Aquila, and He un-derstood what every tear meant. It was a dream come throu-gh for her…
Aquila: Rama…Let’s go tell my Mom about it…
Rama: Ok..I…
Aquila: We will visit your Dad when He returns from his trip
Rama: Oh ya…
It was 6:45Pm when Aquila and Rama pu-ll-ed up at Ms. Lina’s house, Aquila went down to open the gate because the door was not locked, and He didn’t really want to disturb his Mom, He closed the gate after He drove in, He held Rama’s hand and walked her to the door, He knocked for some time but no one answered…
I think the loud music is ma-king it difficult for her to hear us…Aquila said as they walked to an alternate door which leads to the second living room, He opened with a spare key and there the woman was….slee-ping away…but n-ked…not just n-ked…but with someb©dy else’s father…Rama’s father Mr.Vandy….
Whaaatt? The shouts from the two woke them up from their slumber, Mr.Vandy quic-kly used the be-d sheet to cover her nûd£ and tried explaining, Ms. Lina was left n-ked and pleading to the two….
Aquila couldn’t believe his eyes, Rama was freezed at her position like a statue, and her mouth opened with shock…her heart beating with the speed of light…
Aquila rushed into her Mom’s be-droom for no reason, He couldn’t stand what He just saw, He shaked his head countless times and cursed his stars…Then his eyes caught the attention of some kind of report similar to what Rama got from the hospital, It was her Mother’s Lab Report……
Oh No…Mom? How heartless you are…You are pregnant for my Fiancé’s father? He wailed as he c@m£ to the drama scene…
Mom, Mr.Vandy? Why can you be soo wicked to us, can’t you see what you have caused? Where is Rama and Mr.Vandy? He said angrily
Ms. Lina: She left
I can’t forgive you two for this…Mom…what did I do to deserve this?
plea-se am sorry, Aquila plea-se….am soo sorry…
Aquila: Tell me, who is responsible for this pregnancy
Ms. Lina: We started seeing each other secretly after you guys introduced us at the Mall….We have been seeing each other since then…
Songs of Aquila
“How can this be?
When your sudden joys gone sour
When your dreams become haunted
When your blood gets defiled
Defiled by your own bloods
Oh death, be kind to me and give me better sleeps
Love has never been good to me”
Rama couldn’t stand what she saw, she walked on the road abs£nt minded, and then ……………………….A speeding trotro run into her…..Her father Mr.Vandy witnessed the whole drama, she run to her daughter and lifted her onto her che-st, the blood was severe, a taxi was soon brou-ght and she as rushed to the hospital. Luckily, she survived the crash…
Mr.Vandy call Haylie who rushed to the hospital in few minutes….
Haylie: Dad, what happened, Aquila just proposed to her few hours ago
Mr.Vandy: Proposed? Few hours ago?
Haylie: Yes, and I thought you were supposed to be in Qatar, why are you even in your bo-xer shorts and singlet?
Mr.Vandy: Hmmm…
Haylie: Hmmm what?
Mr.Vandy: I was caught in be-d with Aquila’s Mom, we have been seeing each other secretly for some time now.
Haylie: Whaat? Cursed be you. Did you ever think about you daughter? What kind of a father are you? Do you think she’s ever going to forgive you for that?
Mr.Vandy: Am sorry Haylie, I don’t know what I was thinking
Haylie: Let her wake up, and you can tell her that…For me, Am very disappointed in you
Haylie left him after this and called Aquila immediately, He left his Mom and c@m£ straight to the hospital…Mr.Vandy was left standing alone, Aquila walked past him, He pretended He did not see him. He went to the ward where Rama was…
The doctor walked in a few minutes later…
Aquila: Dr., what is her condition now?
Dr: Where is his father?
Aquila: You wouldn’t like to speak to him
Dr: Why would I speak to you?
Aquila: She’s my wife
Dr: Ok sorry…Your wife suffered a br@in shock. She’s fell into a coma. I don’t know when she gonna be back…
Aquila: Oh no…this cannot be happening to us now…
Dr: You better let her remain peaceful, it will help her come back…
Aquila: Ok…
Aquila left Haylie to stay with Rama,he walked back to his car and went towards his Mom’s house, On reaching home, He walked angrily into the house mentioning his Mom’s name with disrespect, but the woman was nowhere to be found, the be-droom,washroom,living room…He checked the kitchen. And there she was….still n-ked. But this time motionless…with de-ep cuts in her writs….
Aquila couldn’t react, it was a difficult for him…a p@rt of him was telling him she deserves what she did…A p@rt also made him remember she was still his mother. He did well by calling the ambulance….He still feels there was no way He would have forgiven her….The remains of Ms. Lina was soon in the morgue…
The day soon closed and another opened, the bright morning sun smiled throu-gh the curtains of Rama’s ward room, Aquila had come to watch over her whilst Haylie gets some rest, He was fast asleep when He heard someone sneeze, It was Rama was back from coma, her eyes was fixed to the ceiling, she couldn’t move because of the bandages, Aquila went to call the Doctor..
Dr: Miss Rama welcome back, thank God you fought throu-gh safely
Rama: Ahh?
Dr: You just survived a coma
Rama: .Who are you people?
Aquila: It’s Me Aquila
Rama: Who? Aquila. I don’t know you
Dr: Aquila, come with me….
Aquila: Ok Doc
The two left Rama and went outside
Dr: Errmmm, I didn’t tell you this about her condition…
Aquila: What condition?
Dr: Even though she survived the accident and Coma, she suffered a severe Amnesia
Aquila: I don’t get you well
Dr: She’s forgotten everything she ever knew before she got the accident….
Aquila: Whaat? Including people she knew?
Dr: Yeah, Everything…
Aquila: Oh No!!…what am I supposed to do now?
Dr: We will help you get a psychologist for her, it might help her remember some things…
Aquila: you mean might?
Dr: Yeah…we can confirm whether she can really remember….she might remember nothing at all. It’s severe…
Aquila: Hmm…What about the baby?
Dr: Its fine…
Aquila: Ok, Thank you
This was a ha-rd nut for Aquila to crack, He sat on and looked at Rama,who was looking at him as if He was some kind of alien…She kept asking him why He was countless times…
Aquila called Haylie and told her about the condition, she soon arrived at the hospital, she cried when she realized Aquila, her friend of all friends couldn’t even say her name…Haylie mastered courage and called Rama’s father, He c@m£ there some minutes later with shame spelt boldly on her face, He couldn’t control his tears, Her daughter couldn’t even remember the harm He did to him. He just looked at him like that. And she did too…
Aquila called Haylie outside…
Aquila: Haylie, am leaving the country
Haylie: Just like that?
Aquila: Yes, there is no way we can go one, we have been defiled by our own bloods, I can’t see her like this
Haylie: Hmmm…What about the baby
Aquila: I’ll call her Rama Thompson Brews II
Haylie: After her mother?
Aquila: Yeah…I’ll come for her when she grows
Haylie: Hmmm
Aquila: Take her to my Mom’s house, I’ll give you the necessary do¢v-ments, the cars too, the cash here….They must start proper lives together…It’s a fresh beginning for her
Haylie: Hmm ok…I get you
Aquila: Make sure you never tell her about what happened, don’t mention me to her…Let her have a fresh life…Promise me Haylie
Haylie: I promise
Aquila: Good
The two embr@ced, Aquila went in to look into the face of Rama before leaving. Like nothing ever happened. With Haylie looking on as He left, with tears flooding her che-st, and Rama looked on…She does not even remember what crying is…
Love is good
But life is wicked
When you find love
Life finds Evil
Until you fight throu-gh the shackles
You are  a victim
The worst pain is to too painful
When your blood is defiled…
You nee-d a fresh start…
Thank You Guys For Your Time In re-ading From Episode 1 to last, I really appreciate 😘