deceitful love episode 30 & 31

Deceitful Love ?
It was never felt?
Created by:
Humble Lee?

Chapter 30

There was total quietness in the room, it was as if what I told them was bad news cause they all had this sad countenance.

I called them all together and told them what I found out about Eva’s real identity, they didn’t believe me, especially Mom until saw the recording I had from the camera I installed in the house. She became cold and speechless while Uncle Stanley just placed his hand on his chin, I don’t know what’s going on in his mind but won’t anyone say anything?

“Since when?” Uncle asked me.

“Does it matter? Eva is my daughter and he presented proof, shouldn’t we be out looking for that monster?!” Mom yells and I nod my head in agreement.

“There is nothing any of us can do until after 24 hours,” Uncle said and Mom sprung up. Patience is not in her dictionary.

“Uncle Stanley is right Mom.” I began and she faced me.
“We have to wait till Dad calls any of us or we wait till tomorrow.”

“What nonsense are you saying?! I just found out that she’s my daughter and you want me to take things easy?! Don’t say that again.” Mom said and I restrained myself from saying another word.

The room became quiet again until we heard a knock at the door.

“Come in.” Mom said and Eva walked in looking fine. Wasn’t she kidnapped by my Dad? I saw him drove her away and he looked suspicious when he was asking her to follow him.

Uncle Stanley stood up together with Mom looking at Eva, I don’t know the reaction they were expecting but Eva walked up to me.

“Can you excuse us please?”

“What happened to you?” Maybe my dad did something to her and she didn’t want to tell us.

“I’ll explain everything to you later.” She said and I walk out of the room.

I know that Dad loves my Mom very much and he won’t hesitate to get rid of anything that’ll make him not have my Mom.

I was still looking them in the eye but none of them can even have eye contact with me. Is it that what uncle Julius told me about them is the truth? Did they also get rid of me like my Foster parents? Am I disposable that they can’t raise me themselves?

“I…” Before I could say anything, ma’am Vivian rushed me into a ti-ght hu-g.

“Oh, my child!, I never thought I would see you again.” She said on my ne-ck but I cannot even hear the sincerity in her voice.

“It’s a plea-sure to finally see you again.” Mr. Stanley said on his feet and ma’am Vivian pulled out from the emBr@ce. I took a step closer to him looking into his eyes as I could feel my eyes tearing up.
Why is life so unfair?
Don’t worry you’ll know why I asked that question.
He emBr@ces me.

I left as Eva asked looking for Steven to maybe talk about the shocking revelation when I heard some whispering coming from Grandma Andrea’s ward and I saw Dad there, he was standing by her bed holding her hand while she was smiling at him. I got closer to listen to what they were saying.

“Thank you so much son and I’m sorry for whatever you might have thought I did to you.” Grandma Andrea said.

“You shouldn’t be saying sorry because it’s not your fault. I’ll caution my other Mom for this and I promise you that I’ll always take care of you.” I heard him say then he emBr@ces her. I turn my face away.

‘why am I feeling uneasy about you Dad?’ I asked myself cause I can’t seem to put the puzzles together. The way he took off in the car with Eva in it shows that he had the intention of kidnapping her and the way he cajoled her to follow him shows he has a bad intention but what has been happening in these few hours shows otherwise. Or am I overthinking this??

“Ryan.” I turned swiftly hearing his voice.

“Dad,” I answered and he took some steps closer to me.

“What were you trying to tell Eva?” He asked and our eyes met, there is this curiosity in his eyes but why should I tell him? It’s not like it’ll change anything if I do.

“Why do you care?” He then laughed and got closer again.

“Eva is part of the family now and she’s equally my daughter so I should care about her.” He sounded as if he meant well. I know he’s my Dad but I won’t hesitate to hurt him if he tries to hurt Eva or Mom.

“Well, you don’t have to worry cause I’m not threatening her life,” I said and he chuckled again.

“I’ll see you at home then.” He said tapped my shoulder and walk away.

After all the drama, I went to a corner to cry my eyes out.
Why are all these happening to me?! I’m too young to be experiencing all these.
And the people I thought were my parents turned out not to and then I discovered that I was never wanted by them and they’re acting as if they’ve missed me all their lives.

“You look like you’re about to commit suicide,” Steve said coming to me and that’s when I realized that I was actually standing on the rooftop. I took some steps away from the tip while he got closer.

“Suicide is the least on my mind,” I said.

“You don’t look like someone who will want to commit suicide. You’re a strong woman.” His words are comforting.

“But am fading away gradually, “I said feeling the weakness in my voice.

“Look, I know what is happening is too much for you to handle, you’ll have to face the truth.” He said smiling and just as I have said earlier, his words are comforting and it helped me relax.

“So, if am your dad’s daughter that makes me your older sister,” I said jokingly just to tease him and he laughed.

“I wish. We’re not related in any way Eva, I’m just your dad’s pick-up son.” He said.

“What do you mean by pick up son?”

“Dad and my biological mom were friends so when she was diagnosed with cancer she made him promise him that he’ll take care of me and treat me as the son he never had.” He said.

And here I thought we were related.
[McKings Residence ?️]

Madam Esther stood in the way of Julius as he was about to go into the house.

“What was the meaning of the stunt you pulled earlier?” She asked him cause she could not un-derstand anything that happened. He smiles and walks into the house.

“Relax. There’s no nee-d for panic.”

“What do you mean there’s no nee-d for panic? Do you know the danger you just exp-osed me to?! Vivian will come for me and she’ll put me behind bars! How could you do a thing like this to me?!” She yelled.

“I’m sorry things didn’t go the way you planned it but I know what am doing and you won’t get involved. I’m going to use Eva to my advantage and once am done, Vivian will come crawling to me. This is going to be fun!” He said and climb up the stairs humming a song.

Deceitful Love ?
It was never felt?
Created by:
Humble Lee?

Chapter 31


“Don’t forget to submit these files to the accountant to review them,” I said to my PA and hand the file to him. He took it and left.
I was about to leave to my office when I heard a feminine voice call out my name and on turning to see who the person was, it turned out to be Sandra spreading her arms for a hu-g but I just stood there staring at her cause I can’t believe she’s here.

“Don’t be like that Ryan, a hu-g will do.” She said and got closer to me then emBr@ce me.

“When did you get back,” I asked amidst the hu-g and she pull off.

“Just last night, and I couldn’t wait to resume work. I’m so excited!!” She said hopping up and down.

“Who told you that you still have a job here?” I asked her and she got closer to me holding my arm.

“We should talk about this in your office.” She said and drag me to my office.

“So after all the damages she caused she still has the guts to show up here?” One of the VPH staff who saw Sandra said. They’ve gathered to gossip as usual.

“I don’t blame her, it’s VPH board members I blame for firing Eva, imagine if Eva is still around do you think she’ll walk in here with those left legs of hers?! That girl is pissing me off.” Another said.

“You guys are getting it all wrong. She left and wasn’t fired and now that she’s back am very sure that she’ll be accepted again. She’s good at her job.”

“Stop talking nonsense! Sandra shouldn’t have come back.”

“Well, whether she came back or not is none of my business as long as Ma’am Vivian doesn’t try choking us.” One said and they all laughed. While they were laughing, Vivian walked in having her serious gloomy face. The sight of her got them all confused as they scattered back to their position

“I thought as much.” She mumbled and push her hair back then proceeded to her office.

One of the staff picks up his phone to make a phone call.
Steven has been suspecting Eva to be up to something. He felt like she was planning something or is doing something that’ll hurt the family cause she has been acting strange.
It’s not like he is wishing his dad and aunt Vivian bad but he just felt like Eva was quick to have accepted them without having something roll down her sleeve. He didn’t confront her cause he wanted to be sure and he has not had this conversation with anyone except himself.

One afternoon he went to her room to see if he can find any evidence that’ll prove that he was right and then he’ll tell his dad about it. On getting to her door, he knocked hoping that she’ll be inside but there was no response so he snicked in and start searching for anything suspicious. He was quick to find a radio lying helplessly in her wardrobe and without a second thought he played the radio and he could hear his dad’s and Aunt Vivian’s voice recorded on the radio.

“What are you doing?” Eva who is just coming out from the bathroom said catching him off guard.

“Why?” He asked her calmly but she wanted to snatch it from him but he put it into his pocket.

“Who are you spying on your parents for?” He asked her again.

“What are you doing?!” I thought he was going to drop what he was holding but I guess he also came prepared.

After I accepted Mr. Stanley and ma’am Vivian as my parents just as Uncle Julius wanted, Mr. Stanley made me move in with him and Steve and uncle Julius thought it’ll be a good thing and that I’ll be able to spy on them both for him. I didn’t think it was a good idea cause I don’t want to have anything to do with those two but he made me un-derstand that his family is about to tear apart and all I wanted to do is pay him back for all the kind thing he has done for me. If not for him I wouldn’t have known that these two people are my parents cause they don’t even have any intention of telling me.

“Why?” There is anger on his face and then a puzzled look. I’m not surprised though. I tried to snatch the recorder from him but he put it in his pocket and I took a step backward.
“Who are you spying on your parents for?”
I scoff when he mentioned ‘parents’ it sounded like a new word to me cause I don’t regard those two as my parents.

“Those people are not my parents,” I said.

“Really? Cause it looks to me like these people you don’t see as your parents are extremely joyful to have finally seen you.” He said and I roll my eyes. What does he know?
He is not the one that was abandoned for years.
He is not the one that lived a fake life for years so I don’t blame him.

“Look, just give me the recorder and leave me alone!”

“Not until you tell me who sent you!”

“And how’s that your business?!”
He nod his head and took a step closer to me.

“I know something is wrong with you Eva and it’s fine if you don’t want to tell me.”
Here we go again with him trying to help you solve your problems without even wanting to know what the problem is. That alone is another problem.

“You have every right to be mad at them but wouldn’t it be nice to hear their side of the story first?”

“What side do I have to hear?! They abandoned me and leave me to survive on my own. What kind of parent will do a thing like that to their own child?!”
Oh no, why do I have to break down in front of him?
Why did I tell him?!
You just messed up Eva.

“I don’t know anything about that but I’ll give you a chance to talk to Dad and aunt Vivian about this but what I want to know is, who sent you to spy on them?”
As I was about to speak, my phone which was on the wardrobe started to ring and before I could pick it up, he did and saw the caller.
“So, he put you up to this?!” He asked but I just stood there, he stretch the phone to me to answer.

Vivian just finished talking to Eva on the phone when Julius barged in.

“Let’s go home.” He said immediately he got into her office.

“What home? I don’t have a home with you? She fired at him and he took some steps closer to her.

“Look, all this drama has to end. You’ve found your daughter so let it rest!” Looks like he’s very determined to take her home.

“No! I’m starting a new life with my daughter and you’re not involved.” She said and he scratch his head in total anger.

“So, you’re telling me now that it’s Stanley whom you chose? You can’t leave me, Vivian, I won’t let you do that!” He was getting closer to her when she threatened to call security on him so he had to leave with just one solution to his problem. He brou-ght out his phone and dialed Eva’s number.
It rang several times before she answered the call then he instruct her to find out where Stanley is going next and she as-sured to give him an update.

“I’ll be going to St. James for prayers, would you like to come?” Mr. Stanley asked me.

“No, thank you,” I said returning the smile.

“You should learn to call me Dad.” He said and then emBr@ce me.

As he was about to get in the car, Steve called him back and gave him a ti-ght emBr@ce, I wonder what that is for.

“I love you Dad.” He said and Mr. Stanley ki-ssed his forehead. Gross, I will never allow him to do this sh!t with me.

“Alright, I’ll see you guys in a bit.” He said and got in his car then drove off as Steven came to stand beside me.

“Don’t forget what we talked about.” He said and winked at me. I roll my eyes as I watch him walk away.

I took my phone and sent uncle Julius Mr. Stanley’s location. I’m going to make them regret ever abandoning me.

The moment Julius received Stanley’s location, he sent someone to go and ambush him and make sure that both he and the car didn’t survive.
He has to do anything just to make sure that Vivian comes back to him.

30 minutes later, he received a picture of Stanley’s car wrecked in the middle of nowhere and it’ll be impossible for anyone to survive such an accident.

He smiled when he heard Madam Esther screaming, the news must have gotten to her.

I guess Eva is happy now that she caused her father’s death.
Do you think Eva will ever forgive Julius for what just happened?
Anticipate the next chapter