Dear sunshine episode episode 37 – 39

As Jessica la-id down on her be-d trying to get some sleep,she couldn’t st©p thinking about Tyler. She could feel it,something is really wrong with him. But why is he hiding it from her? Is it bad??

She hvgged the Teddy Bear more ti-ghtly and then closed her eyes slowly going into her dream world,she can’t wait for tomorrow, at least she’s going to see him tomorrow, again.
” Your face look so bright,,hmm,,tell me what happened ” Mrs Claire win-ked and Jessica scoffed

” Seriously?? Mom ” She threw her hands in the air and sat down

” Come on,,you were looking all dull yesterday. But now,,,”

” I just feel good today, that’s all. And besides, we will be resuming in few days,I can’t wait to see my friends again ” Jessica said and took a sip from the water she was holding

” Okay, if you say so. But are you going somewhere?? Your dressing is quite cute ”

” Yeah,Tyler will be here soon. Her mom wanna see me,,she missed me ” Jessica replied

” Oh really?? Okay,,,” She nodded

” Oh,,I think he’s here. Bye mom ” Jessica said and ran out

” Hey Sunshine,, you look amazing ” Tyler complimented her as she joined him in the car

” Thanks ” She smiled

” A k!ss” He said and pe-cked herl-ips

” Just drive,come on ” She laughed

” Am sorry,,you’re just too pretty to ignore ” He win-ked.

” Thanks ” Jessica said and covered her flu-shed cheeks which was so red alre-ady

Tyler smiled proudly and then zoomed off.
” Oh my goodness!! It’s Jessica!! ” Miranda shouted running toward her as usual,,Jessica bent to her height and wra-pped her arms around her cutely

” Miranda,, wow I’ve missed you a lot ” Jessica said still hvgging her

” Same here,,where did you go to?? Why don’t you come here?? ” Miranda asked pretending to be angry

” Oh am sorry baby,,I deserve every punishment you’re giving me ” Jessica win-ked,Tyler scoffed watching the two

” Let’s have some ladies moment ” Miranda said with a smile

” What?? What’s that?? ” Tyler asked in confusion

” It’s about ladies not a boy ” Miranda snapped and Tyler laughed out

” Ladies?? Who are the ladies ??” Tyler asked

” Jessica and I of course ” Miranda replied

” Oh gosh this is crazy,,you’re a baby Miranda,, a baby!! And Jessica,, she’s not even a lady yet,she’s a girl who still watches barbie and Disneys,she’s a girl not a lady ” Tyler said and Jessica frowned

” I’m a lady okay?? Take it or not ” She snapped

” No,,why don’t we just say you’re a woman ??” Tyler asked

” Silly,am not a woman yet ”

” Just like you’re not a lady yet. You’re a girl,, what am I saying. Not even a girl,, you’re a baby too ” Tyler said

” Tyler!! ” Jessica screamed and they bur-st into laughter

” I wonder when the two of you will st©p all these arguments of yours ” Mrs James said as she walked downstairs

” Mom,,” Jessica immediately went to hvg her while Tyler watch them trying not to think about anything,, he should just make the best from the moment.

” I will be upstairs while you two talk ” Tyler said

” I will join you soon ” Jessica win-ked

” Don’t come or I do something you don’t expect ” Tyler sm-irked

” Eww ” Jessica said and faced Mrs James again

Tyler chuckled and went away.

” You look so beautiful Jessica,my son is lucky to have you ” Mrs James started

” Thanks mom ” Jessica smiled shyly wondering why she’s saying that

” While we talk,,why don’t we both prepare something to eat? ” She smiled

” I will love to do that with you ” Jessica said happily

” Don’t make a mistake mom!! Jessica can’t cook!!” Tyler shouted from the stairs and Jessica frowned

” I didn’t call you son,,just get your head into your room ” Mrs James snapped”

“Am your son not Jessica ” Tyler tea-sed

” Sorry I am chos£n ” Jessica laughed

” just ignore him,, let’s get to work. I have a lot of things to tell you ” Mrs James said and they both went into the kitchen.

” You don’t have to worry,,you can go ” She said to the maids

They bowed and walked out
” Hey Tyler am here ” Jessica said and fell beside him on the be-d

She g@sped

” Oh my God,, my phone was with you all these time?? Gosh I can’t believe this,how did you even get it from me ” Jessica asked and Tyler grinned

” Throu-gh one of my charms ” He win-ked

” Charms indeed,,so what are you doing on my phone? ”

” I was trying to watch something fun,,,but I was disappointed but not surprised to see cartoons there ” Tyler said

” Must you always talk about that?? It’s annoying ” Jessica rolled her eyes and hijacked the phone from him

” Yeah annoying because am saying the truth ”

” Good for you then ”

” So,what did you guys talk about?? ” Tyler asked curiously

” She said I should always beat you whenever you do something bad ” Jessica replied and Tyler laughed out

” Are you kidding me?? Beat who??” He asked

” You of course, don’t feel too big. I can beat you ” Jessica said

” Let me see you try right now ” He sm-irked

” No,,you should try doing something bad and see how am gonna punish you ”

Tyler smiled and pu-ll-ed her hair

” Ouch,, gosh that hurt. St©p ” She moved away

” Are you running? I thought it’s your duty to beat me ” Tyler tea-sed

” Oh yeah right,,, get up we are fighting, I nee-d to show you the stuff am made of ” Jessica said and fold her hair

Tyler laughed inwardly,she’s really re-ady. He also stood up,,

” Make sure you stand well,,you may pas-s out after this ” Jessica said and Tyler nodded almost laughing when she folded her fist.

She almost hit him but Tyler gr-ab her hand,,,

” Oh,,,what are you doing?? ” she asked

” What am I doing?? Am doing this because am stronger,, ” Tyler sm-irked and pu-ll-ed her to the be-d

” Don’t say a word ” He smiled and climb on her gently,,she swallowed into nothing and bite herl-ips

Tyler smiled and was about k!ss!ngher when she st©pped him

” Tyler wait ”

” What,,”

” The truth is,,,your mom actually s£nt me to call you,,,” She said

” Too late, ”

” She may,,” Tyler cut her off with hisl-ips,,he bite herl-ips softly and she opened up immediately ma-king him have access into her mouth.

They were still in that position when the door opened.



Jessica sighed as she stared at the seat beside her,,it was empty. Since about two weeks Tyler haven’t been coming to school,,,

His mother have been taken to hospital because she was getting weaker everyday,, his friends only attend clas-s whenever they feel like.

Jessica couldn’t miss school only because her parents wouldn’t allow that.

” Miss Claire,,, are you even listening?? !” The teacher shouted angrily and the whole clas-s turned to Jessica

” What’s your business if I listen or not?? You’re gonna get paid so just teach what you wanna teach and st©p Calling me ” Jessica snapped rudely and the clas-s g@sped

That will be the first time she ever insult a teacher,,

” What??” The teacher was surprised,,

” Am,,,am sorry ” Jessica said and walked out of the clas-s

She entered the clas-s again and took her bag,,, she couldn’t even concentrate, what is she doing in the clas-s??.
Jessica paid the cab man and went into the hospital,, she was hoping to see Tyler. It’s been two weeks alre-ady, no calls, no text,nothing. She missed him so much that it’s killing her.

” You are??” The receptionist asked

” Am Jessica,, here to see Mrs James. She’s my aunt ” Jessica said with a smile

” Oh,,okay. ” The receptionist replied and made a call.

Soon,a nurse took her to a room. She was asked to put on a covered clothe,hand gloves and a head cover. She almost screamed,,

” We are done,,you have just 1 hour to see her. Good luck ” The nurse smiled and showed her the ward

Jessica breath out and went in,,,Mrs James opened her eyes immediately she entered. There was no trace of Tyler,,,okay,,just good for her.

” Mom,,,” Jessica said and immediately hvgged her with traces of tears in her eyes

” You c@m£,,,I thought I wasn’t gonna see you before I leave,,,” Mrs James smiled sadly

” Am so sorry mother,,, am so sorry.” she said still hvgging her

” It’s okay Jessica,,, I un-derstand. But you’re here now,,so it’s fine. ”

Jessica sniffed in and nodded before sitting down

” You won’t ask for Tyler??” Mrs James smiled and Jessica sighed

” Give me your hand,,, ” She said and Jessica placed her hand on her palms

” My son,,,,is a mess right now. ” She started while Jessica listened

” Can you do something for me??”

” I will do anything for you mother ” Jessica said in tears

” plea-se,,,, don’t leave my son. No matter what,,,I can see,,he really love you a lot. And,,,he’s going to nee-d you more than ever,,,very soon. plea-se,,, don’t leave him. Can you do that for me??” Mrs James asked as tears rolled down her eyes

Jessica nodded unable to move herl-ips as the tears keep on coming.

” You don’t have to cry,,,,you should be strong if you’re going to stay with him. ” Mrs James said and tapped her hair

” You will be fine mother,, just believe,, you will be fine ” Jessica said

” I believe,,,, but there are certain things which can’t be done unless we give up. ” She replied

” Help me get up ” She said and Jessica immediately stood up and helped her.

Mrs James smiled,,

” You’re beautiful Jessica,, ” She saud and t©uçhed her cheek,,Jessica nodded and bur-st into more tears

Mrs James re-moved the n£¢klace around her n£¢k and gave it to her,,,

” This will bring you two,,together no matter how far you are from each other. Just,,,don’t give up on him,,,you are made for each other ” She said showing her the n£¢klace

Mrs James put it on her,,,

” Thank you mother ” Jessica said and hvgged her on the be-d.

After one hour,,Jessica bid her goodbye and promised to show up the next day. She was alre-ady out when she saw Tyler coming,, he wasn’t the same Tyler she knew. He look so moody.

” Tyler,,, ” She called and he st©pped

” What are you doing here?? You should be in school,,,”

Jessica ignored what he said and hvgged him ti-ghtly,,,

” I miss you,, ” She said still hvgging him

Tyler pu-ll-ed her off gently,,,

” You should not be here Jessica,,,leave ” He said and went in leaving Jessica in total shock.
Tyler entered and sat down without any expression,,

” I guess you saw Jessica,, she just left ” Mrs James said

” Can we not talk about her?? ” Tyler asked

” You can’t ignore her forever,, she have nothing to do with this ” Mrs James said

” I know,,, but I can’t fake a smile mom. I hate seeing her getting worried because of me.” Tyler replied.