Dear sunshine episode 43 – 45

The silence was only for few seconds before Tyler spoke up,,

” I nee-d to go now,see you all tomorrow ” He said

” See us all tomorrow?? Are you even sure of that?? We didn’t even have the feeling that you are in school,,seriously Tyler you nee-d to just move on and start being your old self. Ignoring others wouldn’t help it,,” Frank said

” I know,,,I feel so bad for myself. Why did I turn this way?? I can’t control it,,am sorry ” He replied

” Let’s help you,, we are your best friends. Jessica is also hurt Tyler,,,spend time with her too. You are ma-king her feel like you don’t want her anymore ” Jeff said

Tyler was about talking when his phone rang out,,

” I nee-d to go,,,” he said and they nodded,, he managed to smile before zooming off

” He’s helpless ” Frank gro-an ed

” Really helpless ” They all agreed

” But am sure he will be okay if he st©p being cold,,,” Alex said

” Gosh I hate these,,, ” Andy st©pped when his phone rang

He excused himself to take the call,,few seconds later he returned to the boys

” I nee-d to go home,,it’s urgent ” Andy said

” What’s going on??”

” Miranda,,,, heard she pas-sed out ” Andy said and they all screamed

” What?? Is she sick or something?? But Tyler didn’t,,, ”

” Mom said she’s with them,, are you guys coming?? ” Andy asked

They all nodded and immediately got into their cars driving out of the school.
” Baby,,, are you okay now??” Mr James asked the little girl and she nodded

” Where is mom?? plea-se ” She said and Mr James sighed

” Miranda baby,,, will you come stay with me?? You can spend more time with your best friend ” Andy’s mother said with a wi-de smile

” Yes!!!! Where is Laura??!” Miranda shouted happily getting out of be-d

” Be careful ” Mr James said holding her

” You want to see her??” Andy’s mother asked

” Yes,,”

She faced Mr James and he nodded

” You don’t have to worry about her,,she will be fine ” She told him,,he only nodded gently

” Thank you so much ” He said gently
Tyler breath out loudly as he watch Miranda walking out with Laura,,the two kids are chatting so happily. A hand tapped him from the back and he turned,,,

” Are you sure you don’t want to come too?? We can share my room,,” Andy said

” I don’t want to be a burden to you,,don’t worry about me ” Tyler replied

” I just hope she will be fine,,she keep on asking for mom ” Tyler added referring to Miranda who is now in the car

” Mom will take care of her,,” Andy said

” I know,, am just worried ”

” What about Tatiana?? ” Andy asked

” She left alre-ady,, didn’t meet her home ” Tyler answered

” You nee-d to move on Tyler,,, you nee-d to live your normal life. I know how you feel,,but don’t feel like you’re alone. You have us,,,you have Jessica too. You just have to give us the chance to make you happy. Okay??”

” You don’t have to worry about me Andy,,I will be fine ” Tyler smiled

” I am worried Tyler,, am your best friend. If you still think me as one ,,”

” You’re my friend Andy,,” He replied

” Think about it,, you know Mr James is always a busy man. You can’t stay in this whole mansion alone. Or will you get married to Jessica so you two can live here??” Andy tea-sed

” Not a bad idea ” Tyler chuckled

” I miss your smile ” Andy said

” Now you’re talking like Jessica,, it doesn’t suit you ” Tyler laughed

” She’s worried too,,just try to pu-ll yourself together okay??”

” Andy!! Are you coming with us?? Or later??” His mom shouted from downstairs

” I can’t walk home,, see you in school tomorrow. Bye ” He tapped Tyler and went downstairs

” Bye Miranda ” Tyler waved at her

” You are coming too right?? ”

” Yeah I will join you,,,I have to do something ” Tyler said and she smiled

Tyler watched until they are out of sight,,,

He went into his room and decided to call Jessica,, he felt so guilty for yelling at her. She didn’t even do anything wrong,,

📞 Hey Sunshine

📞 My name is Jessica,,
She snapped

📞 Am sorry,,, I didn’t even mean to do that. Am sorry

She didn’t reply for a minute

📞 Are you there?
Tyler asked

📞 You’re pushing me away Tyler,, you are ma-king me feel like you don’t want me anymore. It hurts,,,

📞 Am,,,,,,

📞 Forget it,,are you okay?? Andy told me Miranda will be going over to their house,,will you be fine by yourself??

📞 I guess so,,,

📞 Do you want me to come over??

📞 What?? You can’t do that. You will get into trouble,,,

📞 Yeah,,,but I miss you.
She sighed

📞 Am so sorry,, am sorry for ma-king you sad.

📞 I will always be here for you Tyler,, I love you so much.

📞 I love you too. Bye,,

He hanged up when he heard a knock,,

” Who??” He asked

The maid opened the door,,

” Mr James is back ” She said

Tyler nodded and she immediately went out. He stood up and walked out of the room.

He opened the door to his father’s room ad went in,,,

” Dad,,” He called and Mr James faced him

” Tyler,,are you okay??” He asked

” Am fine ” he replied

” I know you may see me as a worthless father right now,,,and am sorry ” Mr James started

” Your mom,,,,was the best woman in the world. Now she’s gone,I can’t even take care of you all like a good father. I just hope you un-derstand me,,I nee-d to work,am doing everything for you all. I don’t want you to lack anything,,, ”

” I un-derstand you dad,, don’t worry we will be fine. ” Tyler said

” But you can’t take care of yourself,,, you are still a kid Tyler. That’s what you are ” Mr James said

” Am not a kid dad,,I un-derstand everything damn thing. ” Tyler said

” Are you sure you can stay here?? I don’t want you to be lonely ”

” It’s fine,,I can go stay with Andy. ” Tyler replied

” Come here ” Mr James spre-ad his arms and Tyler moved into the warm hvg.
Wow!! Tyler,,you’re such a lover boy ” Erika and Jane bur-st into laughter

” He wouldn’t want anyone else to k!sshis sunshine ” Alex laughed

” I don’t care,,Jessica will have to tell us who the winner is. Don’t mind if Tyler is your b©yfri£nd, tell us whose lines was the best ” Frank said

” Firstly Frank,,you’re out of it. What the hell is Tomatoes??” Jane laughed out

” Jessica we are waiting for your judgment ” Andy said

Tyler cleared his throat and sat down,,,Jessica chuckled and stood up

” Without being Bias,,,,,actually,,,,,,,,, Alex’s line got me ” Jessica said and Tyler raised his brow

” Wow!! So am getting the k!ss??” Alex asked and stood up immediately

” Calm down,,how can you rush to k!sssomeone else’s girlfriend?? ” Jeff pu-ll-ed him back

” I never said you won Alex,, I only said it got me. The only winner here is Tyler,,,” Jessica said and Tyler smiled

” That’s not true Jessica,,, ”

” For real,,Tyler won ” Jane said

” Even if I don’t,,, what do you expect?? ” Tyler said proudly

” k!ss!! k!ss!! k!ss!!” They started shouting

Jessica moved closer to Tyler and k!$$£d him,,he immediately pu-ll-ed her closer devouring herl-ips.

” Oh no,,,that’s enough. Am dying ” Jeff said and they all laughed

” Seriously,, that’s okay ” Andy separated them

” What the hell ??” Tyler gro-an ed

” How can you even k!ssher like that while we are here,,,” Jeff asked

” She’s mine,,,” Tyler said and Jessica blu-shed

” Alex let me k!ssyou ” Jane pouted

” Finally!! She’s asking openly ” Andy laughed and fell on the floor

” That’s funny ” Jessica said

” Alex go on,,we will close our eyes ” Tyler said

” Okay seriously,,, we shouldn’t be doing this. ” Frank spoke up

” No one is st©pping you Frank,,, ” Andy gro-an ed

” Am getting a girlfriend soon ” Frank said and Erica rolled her eyes

” We nee-d to go back to clas-s,,lunch is almost over. Let’s go ” Jeff said checking the time from his wristwatch

And almost immediately they all rushed out leaving Jessica and Tyler.

” Why are we still waiting?? ” Jessica asked and stood up

” I was waiting for you to get up first,,, ” Tyler chuckled and also got up. He held her hand as they both walked toward the door.

” Wait, ” Tyler said and she faced him

” What’s wrong?? ” she asked

” We nee-d to complete something ” Tyler smiled

” What did we start??” Jessica asked

Tyler ignored her question and k!$$£d her.

After few minutes he pu-ll-ed off and smiled,,,

” We can go now ” He said

” You’re so n@ûghty ” Jessica rolled her eyes

” Only n@ûghty for you ” He replied and hold her hand as they walked to the clas-s.

The teacher was alre-ady in when they got in,,,

” You two are late,,,where are you coming from??” The teacher asked

” We are sorry ” Jessica said

” It’s okay,, go have a sit ” The teacher said and the two couples walked to their seat while the whole clas-s keep on murmuring

” Silence!! ” the teacher shouted

” I think you should hide yourl-ips,, it’s red and tempting ” Tyler whispered to Jessica and she g@sped

” I think am gonna change seat,,” Jessica gro-an ed and Tyler chuckled

” Let’s concentrate,, I promise not to say a word again ” Tyler said and immediately looked away but Jessica couldn’t st©p staring at him.

” Miss Claire can you stand up and tell us what I said last??” The teacher said with a frown

Jessica stood up and was quiet for a second,,,

Tyler tapped her and moved his book to her gently,,

” You were talking about Oprah Winfrey ” Jessica answered

” So what was Oprah Winfrey’s best quote?? ” the teacher asked

” Think like a Queen,a queen is not afraid to fail,failure is another steppingstone to greatness ” Jessica said

The teacher raised her brow suspiciously

” That’s right,,, you can sit down ” She finally said

Jessica sat down and let out a loud sigh

” But can you plea-se reduce the stares?? Tyler is not running away,, ” The teacher said

” Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” The whole clas-s exclaimed and Jessica bite herl-ips

” Silence!!! ” The teacher shouted and began teaching again

The rest of the clas-s was silent,,
” You saved me,,, gosh I wasn’t even listening ” Jessica gro-an ed

” Shouldn’t you thank me for saving you??” Tyler smiled

” I just did ” she replied

” Wow,,,I was thinking of,,,”

” Don’t you dare,,,you are ma-king me add!çted. ” Jessica snapped and Tyler bur-st into laughter

” Is this even funny?? ”

” Okay,,am sorry. But how can I st©p this?? ” Tyler asked

” St©p being cute,,,plea-se!! ” Jessica shouted

” Finally admitting that am cute!!! I won!!” Tyler said running off

Jessica shook her head watching as he ran back to her,,

” Are you done?? ” she asked

” Not until I k!ssyou ” He said with a grin

” Sorry but no more k!ssfor you,,I have other things to do with myl-ips. ” Jessica replied

” Come on Sunshine,, am gonna die without it ” Tyler said with a puppy face

” that face can’t work on me Tyler,, ”

” Romeo and Juliet of our time,,” Frank said coming between them

” No,,Romeo and Juliet have their own story. They should be called Tyler and Jessica,, ” Jeff laughed

” But why is Jessica’sl-ips like that?? It’s too obvious, now am jealous ”

” Can you st©p talking about herl-ips plea-se?? It’s annoying ” Tyler rolled his eyes

” He’s not even trying to k!ssher,,your jealousy is out of the world ” Alex shook his head

” Thought Alex was gentle,,, but I was wrong ” Jessica said

” Ever since Jane stole his first k!ss,,his life was never the same ” Frank said and they all laughed

” She didn’t steal my first k!ss,,, I k!$$£d her myself ” Alex snapped

” Proud k!ss£r here ” Jeff said and raised Tyler’s hand up

” You’re crazy ” Tyler laughed and pushed him off

” I respect Tyler,,but plea-se don’t destroy herl-ips, ” Frank pleaded

” Tyler are you going home now or you are going with your sunshine?? ” Andy asked

” Sunshine,,, ”

” Goodnight Tyler ” Jessica said and ran off ma-king Tyler to laugh shortly

” Bye guys,,see you tomorrow ” Andy and Tyler said going into the car

” Thanks for taking care of this dude Andy,, ” Jeff said and Tyler scoffed

” Thanks,,am really trying ” Andy tea-sed

” Yeah we can see your handwork,, ” Alex said

“fu-ck you all ” Tyler said and they laughed

Andy started the car and drove off.
