dear sunshine episode 35 & 36


[ Tyler and Jessica 💕 ]

📖 CHAPTER 35 📖

” Is he awake??” A nurse asked as Tyler moved his hand,,they all turned their faces to him. He opened his eyes and turned,,,

He immediately sat up,,

” Are you okay??” A nurse asked trying to check his temperature,, he hold her hand

” Don’t t©uçh me ” He snapped and got down from the be-d and walked out of the ward. He met the Doctor on his way,,the Doctor breath out in relief

” Finally,,I was worried ” She said

” I nee-d to confirm something Doctor,,, for blood cancer,,the patient can,,,,get some blood transfusion or something right??”

” I know what you are saying,,, but it can’t work on her. Like I said,she’s in the cancer last stage,,I don’t know why she decided to keep it for that long. If it had been discovered earlier,,we would have ,,,,” She didn’t complete her statement when Tyler ran out of the hospital.

He entered the car and drove home,,,his eyes were so red and he was trying to prevent the tears forming in his eyes alre-ady.

He got home and get down from the car closing the door so ha-rd ly,,he ran inside. He went upstairs and luckily his mother is in her room,,

” Tyler,,you don’t look good. Are you okay?’ She immediately stood up checking him

Tyler snapped her hand off angrily,,,

” What,,happened??”

Tyler brou-ght out the drug and she g@sped before gr-abbing it from him,,

” what,,,what,,where did you get that?? ” she asked almost shaking

” Mom,,,,you kept such thing from me,,,for so long. Until it got to the last stage where you can’t survive it?? Why??” Tyler asked and finally broke into tears

” Why mother,, why,,how could you,, ”

” I don’t know what you are talking about ” She said and Tyler gr@bb£d her closely

” Are you still going to lie????? You are still f”*king lying!!! The Doctor confirmed it,,you have just few months to live!!!! How could you even think of keeping this damn thing to yourself!!! ” he shouted angrily with tears rolling down his eyes

” Tyler st©p,,you’re hurting me ” She said calmly and Tyler left her

” I see,,,you are not moved. You really want to die,,I see you’re looking forward to die so fast ” Tyler said and she sl@pped him on the face. She g@sped like she didn’t mean to do that,

Tyler held his cheek and faced her,,,

” You,,,,,,just,,” He st©pped

” Am,,,I didn’t mean to,, am sorry baby,,” She broke into tears

Tyler stormed out of the room immediately,,, he met his father coming upstairs and they both st©pped on seeing each other.

” You,,found out ” Mr James said looking at Tyler’s red eyes

” So,,you knew all along and left her to die?!!!!” Tyler yelled

” And you think I would have kept quiet of I knew??!! I found out just this morning,, that was why we fought ” He said

Tyler nodded with a ha-rd glare and walked out on him

” Don’t try anything stupid !!” Mr James shouted after him,,

Mr James entered his wife’s room and met her in tears,,

” Did Tyler leave the house?? ” she asked

” Yeah,,and if he do anything stupid to himself then it’s your fault for keeping such a deadly thing to yourself,, how can you be so selfish not to think about our children?? ” Mr James said gently

” What?? Selfish?? You think I kept it to myself because am selfish?? I never knew I had it until last month,, I’ve been weak and sick but I never knew it was something like this. I always thought it was stress or something,, but I decided to go for a test,the doctor told me it’s the last stage alre-ady. It can’t be treated,am going to die,,so what if I’ve told you,,what would you have done?? Huh?? What??? Now you think am selfish,,, I love my children so much that I couldn’t even bring myself to tell them,how will I say it?? Their lovely mother have just few months to live??” She bur-st into more tears

Mr James pu-ll-ed her into a hvg,,

” Am sorry,, am such a bad husband. I should have noticed you wasn’t even yourself. It’s all my fault,,am a bad husband am so sorry ” He said in tears while she hvgged him more ti-ghtly.

” Tell one of the guards to go after Tyler, I don’t want him hurting himself ” She said.


” What happened? You look so restless” Erika said as she sipped from the wine in her hand.

The three girls are having a sleepover at Jane’s house.

” Tyler,, ” Jessica muttered lowly

” What,, he haven’t replied yet?? Why don’t you call him?? ” Jane asked

” He’s not picking up,, am worried ” Jessica said with a sigh

” Do you think he’s ignoring your calls and messages?? ” Erika asked

” No,,Tyler can’t do that. I think something is wrong. Wait,,I will call Andy and ask if they are together ” Jessica said

” Just have fun,,Tyler is fine” Jane gro-an ed

” At least he didn’t tell Jessica it was a mistake when he k!$$£d her ” Erika said and Jane frowned

” I hate you, and you know that right?” She snapped

” Anyhow,, Jessica how far??” Erika turned back to her

” I think am going to Tyler’s house right now ” Jessica said

” What?!!! Are you crazy!!” The two friends shouted at the same time

” It’sfu-cking late alre-ady, just calm down !!” Jane shouted

” But I feel like he’s not okay,,” Jessica murmured

” Then you can go tomorrow, not now. Gosh you’ve spoiled my mood alre-ady. Jane,,,let’s watch a movie ” Erika said and the two girls ignored her

” Oh Tyler ” Jessica breath out and fell on the be-d

” I think she’s going crazy because of Tyler ” Erika said shaking her head while Jane keep on giggling.


” Young master,,, plea-se you can’t take more of this,,you’re drun!kalre-ady. I will take you home ” The guard said

” Just leave me alone,,, ” Tyler snapped throwing his hand off

” plea-se come with me ” The guard tried holding him again

” Do you want to loose your job?!!! Don’t t©uçh me!! ” Tyler yelled

The guard sighed and went out,,,,

” Wow,,oh my God,, look at that guy. He’s so cute ” Some group of girls sitting down at the end of the bar said

” I saw him first,,don’t dare ” One of them snapped

” That’s crazy,,I saw him first ” Another one said

The two girls stood up and walked toward Tyler,,

” Hey h0ttie ” The first one said and t©uçhed his hair

Tyler smiled drun!kenly

” Oh my God,,his smile is so cute ” she said and sat down on his l@ps and k!$$£d him,Tyler reciprocated immediately devouring herl-ips like his life depended on it.


” Jeff?? Where are you going at this time of the night??” His mother asked

” I think Tyler is in trouble,I will be fine ” Jeff said

” Okay,,be careful ”

Jeff nodded and ran out of the house,he got into the car and zoomed out. The call c@m£ again,,it’s one of the James guard who called him that Tyler is drun!kand isn’t in his right state of mind.

” Hello,,am on my way. Is he doing something crazy??” Jeff asked on the phone

” Yeah,something really crazy. You nee-d to be fast ”

Jeff sighed and hanged up

” What the hell is wrong with him this time around ” He asked himself and added more speed.

He got to the place and ran out of the car,,,he entered and begin to eye search for Tyler. He g@sped the moment he saw him,,

” What the hell??” He said and immediately ran toward them.

” You girls should back off,,aren’t you shameless to f0rç£ yourself on a guy who doesn’t know what he’s doing?? ” Jeff snapped at the girls who keep on drooling over Tyler

” Gosh who is he right now??”

” I don’t have to be surprised, you all are bit-ches ” He said and tapped Tyler

The girls hissed and walked away

” Tyler are you okay??” ” He asked but got to response

” Damn,,,why did he drink so much?? ”

He immediately carried him on his back and walked out of the wine bar ,,,he dropped him in the car and drove off.

” Oh my,,what is wrong with him??” Jeff’s mother asked the moment he entered with Tyler on his back

” I have no idea,but he’s deadly drun!k” Jeff replied

” Take him to your room,,,let me bring some warm water ” she said

Jeff nodded and went upstairs.


Tyler opened his eyes and was surprised to see himself in a strange room,,,he looked all around.

” Jeff’s room?? How did I get here??” He asked himself and ru-b his hair r0ûghly

Just then Jeff c@m£ in,,

” Are you okay??” He asked

” How did I get here?” Tyler asked

” I c@m£ to take your drun!kself from the bar last night,, why did you drink so much like Someone who’s about to die??”

” Did I,,like,,do something I shouldn’t have done??” Tyler asked

” Yeah,,something really bad ”

” Really?? What?? ” Tyler asked curiously and Jeff shook his head

” Can’t believe I met you in be-d with two girls last night ” Jeff said and Tyler’s eyes wi-de-ned immediately

” You are joking right? ”

” Yes I am joking but I really met you k!ss!ngsome girls,,,what is wrong with you?? ” Jeff asked

” I nee-d to go home ” Tyler said getting out of the be-d

” You won’t tell me??”

” I don’t want to talk about it,,,, ” Tyler replied

” Your phone is filled with calls and messages from Jessica,,,, she think you’re ignoring her ” Jeff said and Tyler sighed
” I,,I just discovered that,, mom had cancer.” Tyler broke the shell

” What???!!!!” Jeff screamed and Tyler bur-st into tears

” She’s going to leave me,,soon. She’s going to leave us,,,what am I going to do?? What??”

” Oh my God,,,,, ” Jeff was so shocked he couldn’t say anything else.

He hvgged Tyler,,