Dear sunshine 57 – 60

Tatiana sp©tted her brother immediately she entered into the cafeteria with her friends,,she smiled and walked over to them. Tyler was sitting down with Justin. They have been friends after the incident that happened few days ago

The students seemed to be surprised to see them getting close,Justin is not only a nerd but a very bad introvert,he ha-rd ly look into people’s eyes.

Being Tyler’s friend c@m£ as a shock,most of the guys in school wanted to be his friend but he decided to choose a nerd over them? So annoying

” hey brother” Tatiana greeted with a grin

” Now you remember you have a brother here?? ” Tyler scoffed

” Am sorry,,I love you” Tatiana said and k!$$£d his cheek

She win-ked and walked away,her friends also followed but not without Jenifer waving at Tyler who also waved back in return.

Tyler shook his head and Faced Justin but his gaze was lost,,Tyler traced his gaze and it fell directly on his sister.

” Why are you staring at her like that??” Tyler asked bringing him back to reality

Justin immediately looked down to his food

” I wasn’t staring,” Justin replied nervously

” Dont tell me you like her” Tyler raised his brow

” I never said that” Justin snapped

” It’s not bad to like her,,who wouldn’t. But,,,,Justin you should give up if you like her,,you’re absolutely not her type” Tyler scoffed

” What do you mean ??” Justin asked

” As you can see,,she’s not gentle and she doesn’t like gentle guys either. You’re dumb,,she can’t like you back,she can’t even notice you” Tyler said

There was total silence until Justin broke the silence

” Can you teach me how to become her type?” Justin asked and Tyler almost choked

” What?” Tyler g@sped

Justin looked down and bite hisl-ips,Tyler sm-irked

” You really like her that much that you want to change for her? That’s crazy” Tyler said

” Are you going to mock me or help me?” Justin snapped

” Am not helping you,,you don’t have to change to get my sister.” Tyler scoffed

” Why? You just said she prefer bad boys to guys like me” Justin muttered

” You’re crazy,,how can you change right now? Just be yourself,love yourself okay? You will meet someone who will love you for who you are ” Tyler said

” Who said I love who I am??” Justin mumbled

” Wow,,you don’t love yourself? ” Tyler asked

” I don’t,,I want to change too. I wish I can,,most people love the bad boys,I wish am one” Justin said picking on his food

” First time hearing this” Tyler said and sighed

” Just help me,,,plea-se. ” Justin said

” How can I help you when am gentle boy too??” Tyler asked

” Liar!!” Justin half yelled and Tyler chuckled

” Okay,,,let’s start from this now. ” Tyler sm-irked

” From what?” Justin asked

” Look back,,” Tyler win-ked and Justin turned

It’s the bad boys who always bully him walking toward them

” What should I do?” Justin asked

” When they talk,don’t shake,just give them what they deserve,,if you pas-s this,we can continue” Tyler smiled and continue eating

” You’re wicked dude,,these boys will kill me ” Justin said

” Then forget about Tatiana” Tyler scoffed

” you’re Crazy,,am doing this” Justin snapped and Tyler chuckled

” Hey Nerd” One of the boys sm-irked as they finally got to them

As usual the whole students alre-ady focused on them

Justin ignored them and keep on eating so also as Tyler,

” Nerd!!” They yelled

Tyler win-ked at Justin,.
” I have a name,,” Justin said and

The students all g@sped

” what?? Now you have the gut to reply?” Another one said

Justin scoffed and looked up

” Exactly what I was thinking just now,,why haven’t I taught you some lessons beforehand??” Justin said and the students g@sped again

The boys all turned to each other with a confused look and then back to Justin and Tyler

” Wow,I guess you’ve suddenly grew wings,,from your new friend,what if we decide to practice on you??” One of them said and Justin almost froze but Tyler shook his head so he spoke up again

” Try to t©uçh me and see” Justin said

The boys almost make a move but Tyler spoke up

” Are you going to disgrace yourself again?? You should know better ” Tyler said gently

” Hey new guy,,this is none of your business!!”

” How do you mean?? You guys are four and you’re going to fight just one boy? Aren’t you ashamed? Why don’t you just make one of you fight him while the rest watch??” Tyler asked with a sm-irk

” Are you crazy? I can’t fight” Justin whispered and Tyler scoffed

” Really?? You think this nerd can even t©uçh the sleeve of my shi-t??”

” Am not thinking,,,just feel like watching how its gonna be like” Tyler smiled

” Okay fine,,,guys stay away am doing this” One of them said and the other three smiled,,it’s obvious he’s the strongest.

” Am gonna die,,,are you really a friend or enemy??” Justin whispers to Tyler and he almost laughed

” Beat him with every vein in you, they are all weak,more than you think,trust me” Tyler whispers back

” What are you two waiting for? The students want to watch” Tyler spoke up

” Hey,,get up nerd” The guy pu-ll-ed Justin up with a f!nger and the whole students bur-st into laughter with the way Justin was Handled

Justin was dying inwardly without anyone knowing,but the moment his gaze fell on Tatiana who was also watching with keen interest,he didn’t know where his power c@m£ from

He wouldn’t want to disappoint her,,,

In no time the other guy was on the floor alre-ady receiving the most heavy punch in his whole life

🚺Am Ifu-cking dreaming?!!🚺
🚺 Justin is gonna kill him🚺

They were both separated almost immediately as the other guy’s face was destroyed

The guys only watched with astonishment as they walked out of the cafeteria with their wounded friend.

🚺 wow,,that was some move🚺
🚺 Never knew he was strong as that🚺
🚺 Thought he’s weak🚺

” How did I even do that??” Justin asked Tyler and he chuckled..

” Now am scared of you,,,” Tyler tea-sed and Justin smiled

They both hit their fists together,,,once again Justin’s gaze fell on Tatiana who returned the gaze with a wi-nk and his heart almost pumped out of his che-st.


” I wonder how many years it’s gonna take Jessica to dress up,,it’s just a prom for goodness sake not a wedding!!” Erica yelled

” I can’t take this anymore,,let’s go get her” Jane suggested

The two friends went upstairs,,they opened the door and Jessica immediately turned her face away .

” Why is she hiding her face? Is her makeup bad or something??” Jane joked but suddenly they heard her sniff

” Wait,is she crying??” Erica asked and they rushed to her

She was in tears

” Jessica? Are you okay?” Jane asked but she couldn’t reply,all she could do was to cry

Erica pu-ll-ed her into a hvg and pat her hair gently

” What’s wrong??” She asked

” I miss him,,,I miss him so much. He should be here with me tonight,,,but hell no. I miss him too much to take ” Jessica said crying on Erica’s shoulder and the two friends sighed

” Come on Jessica,,you don’t have to do this. You should be happy tonight,it’s our last day in high school. plea-se” Jane said

” I know,,,I just couldn’t control the tears. It keep on coming” Jessica replied trying to wipe her tears

” It’s okay Jessica,,I un-derstand you. But just for tonight okay? You can’t go there with your eyes like this” Erica sighed

” Am going to help you with your makeup,,you look ugly alre-ady with all those tears of yours” Jane tea-sed and they sat her down

Okay let’s say it’s another four months again and it’s no other night than the long awaiting Prom. Surely every final year students have been waiting for the night,who wouldn’t??

After they are done with her hair and makeup,they all walked out of the room and went downstairs.

” Wow,,Baby you look amazing” Mrs Claire commented

” Thanks mom ” Jessica replied

” Come here ” Mrs Claire spre-ad her arms and immediately Jessica hvgged her

” Am so proud of you,,have fun tonight” She said

” I will mom,,”

” You all should be careful,,okay?”

” Yes mam” They chorused and left the house


Most of the students of STANDFORD HIGH were pres£nt alre-ady waiting for the p@rty to start,tonight,everything is gonna end.

Many friends will dep@rt,even lovers aren’t left out,some will be separated from each other.

Tonight,,all the journey of high school is gonna end for the finals

Students could be seen in different h0t dresses,hanging out,chatting,laughing and doing all things. You can be a witness if you’ve experienced this,,this is a kind of night where enemies talk and laugh together,why? Because it may really be the end for them,,meaning,,they may have no other reason to see each other or meet again. Only if it’s a fate.

The kind of night where every student put on their best just to stand out among others,a lot of competitions. Well of course,teenagers life are mainly on competitions and more competitions.

All those crazy high school life is coming to an end,,just in a night like this.

(🤧,my nose is watery) .

The boys arrived in school,,well as expected they are the h0ttest among the guys. They have no competitors,maybe they were really selective when ma-king their friendsh!pbecause the four of them couldn’t be un-derated as they all look best.

As they walked into the hall where the p@rty is going to take place,different eyes followed them,mostly girls but trust me the guys aren’t left out this time,they look so extraordinary amazing that the stars even shone directly on them like the star glory.

They find somewhere to sit,,

” Okay now am going crazy,,I keep on seeing Tyler ,am I getting blind alre-ady??” Frank asked

” You miss him,you’re not seeing him” Jeff replied

” I miss him alot,am scared he forgot us alre-ady” Alex said and they sighed

” Are you even sure we are ever going to meet again?? Am loosing hope” Andy scoffed

” Make a wish tonight,,am gonna wish to see Tyler again” Frank said

” Talking like some emotional person alre-ady” Jeff scoffed

” Am damn serious,I really miss him a lot” Frank smiled

They started hearing murmurs and they looked up,,,their mouth opened in awe immediately their eyes met with the four divas coming in,,Jane,Erica,Jessica and Andy’s girlfriend,Kelsey

They look so h0t,,especially Jessica. The boys couldn’t take their eyes from her

” Did Kelsey inform you she will be here?” Jeff asked Andy but got no reply as he was busy staring at no one but Jessica

” Dude,,the stares are annoying. Check your girlfriend out not Jessica” Jeff snapped

” She’s pretty” Andy muttered

” Kelsey is pretty too” Alex scoffed

” She told me she wouldn’t make it,now am surprised to see her” Andy said referring to Kelsey

The girls seems to have saw them from away because they all walked to their table and joined them

” Jessica,,,are you okay?” Jeff asked silently into her ear

She nodded and managed to smile but Jeff knew she was lying

” Okay Justin,,this may be your last chance in life. Go talk to her now or never” Tyler said as they both watched Tatiana grinning head to head with her d@t£

It’s their prom too,and it’s been amazing,,but it’s like the fun is just getting started

” Are you crazy? She’s got a d@t£” Justin said

” You still have a lot to learn,,” Tyler shook his head

” So what should I do now??” Justin asked

” make her dump her d@t£,,she’s for you. I don’t even know that di-ckhead trust me ” Tyler scoffed and Justin laughed

” Okay,,will you be watching me?” Justin asked

” No,,its up to you.” Tyler replied and walked away the moment Justin moved

Justin bite hisl-ips as he got to where Tatiana is

‘Be confident’ he said ro himself inwardly

” Hi” He said to Tatiana with a smile and she gave him her cute smile in return,that smile which melt his heart every time

” Hi Justin,” She replied

” Can I talk to you for a moment??” Justin asked

” Are you blind? She’s with me alre-ady” her d@t£ yelled

” Shush,,,you’re just my d@t£,st©p acting like you’re my b©yfri£nd. Let’s go Justin” Tatiana said and walked out

Justin win-ked at the guy before going after Tatiana.
Tyler on the other hand was all alone at one quiet place far from the background music going on,,,he doesn’t even have a d@t£. Not like he have no one,but he doesn’t want to. He has even turned dosn evert damn girl down.

He wasn’t himself and he knew that,,,

As he watch different couples walking around,,all he could think was Jessica. He suddenly began to wonder how she’s doing at that very moment,,his heart was beating so fast that it hurts. He had to hold his che-st so ti-ght,,,,and the tears in his eyes wouldn’t st©p coming.

‘Is she hurt? Why am I feeling so weak??’ He thought and breathe out sadly

” Hey Tyler ,,you’re here, I’ve been searching for you. Let’s go have fun” Jenifer said with a smile

” Am not in the mood,,am sorry” Tyler said and she frowned.

” Are you okay?” She asked

” Am fine,,,Tell Tatiana I left alre-ady. Justin can bring her home” Tyler said and stood up..

” You’re leaving alre-ady??” Jennifer asked

” My mind is somewhere else,,I don’t have any reason to be here” Tyler replied and walked away
