Dark love episode 9 -12



Jace 👹

I went back to Beth’s room.

She was sitting on the be-d with a sad look.

I went over to her and sat down in front of her.

She lifted her eyes to me and our eyes met.

“Hey” I cooed softly
“Hey”she said sounding depressed

“Beth I’m sorry, I put you in this whole mess. I am de-eply sorry”I said feeling guilty
“What! Noo your not at fault for all this. You have done everything possible to protect me, it’s not your fault bad things happen.”
“Yes it’s my fault. I brou-ght you here, I can’t even imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t gotten there on time”
“It was my choice to come back here. You didn’t f0rç£ me. You were right the human world is a terrible place. Non of my friends even noticed I was missing. No one looked for me. I have no one. What happened back there is just very little compared to the pain and hurt I feel when ever I remember that I have no one. I am just a miserable poor…”she said in tears
“Hey hey hey don’t say that about your self. You have some one, you have me. Don’t ever say that about your self. “I cut in, cleaning her tears and then hvgging her.

She cried more in my arms. I feel really bad.

No matter what I will never make her cry. I will treat her like an egg. My queen or not I will cherish her forever.


As I cried in jace’s arms I realized I was developing feelings for him. I have never poured out my heart to anyone before.

As we dis£ngaged from the hvg our eyes met.

I noticed he looked away.

“Do you wanna take a stroll to clear your mind and heart. It’s gonna make you feel better.”he said concerned no one has ever cared for me.

“Yah I would love that” I said getting up from the be-d I put my fl!pflops and Jace opened the door for me. As we got out side the bright light struck my eyes but I later got used to it.

Jace said allot of things that made me feel laugh.

We got to the pool area .

“Do you wanna swim”he said wanting to push me in

“Noo”I said running away Jace pursued me and easily caught me.

We laughed.

“Do you wanna have a walk around the house, I mean have a Stoll out side.”
“Yah he held my hand and led me outside.

As we walked, he put his hand my w@!st and surprisingly to me I didn’t want him to re-move his hand.

I know we just went throu-gh some hell a few hours ago but I felt relaxed.

We walked for some more time and then returned to the mansion.

We entered my room

“Jace”I called

“I really didn’t un-derstand what I felt but now it’s clear to me.

I… I… I…. love you Jace”I said nervous

Suddenly Jace hvgged me and lifted me off the ground. He was smiling so much.

“Beth I love you so much I have waited for long to hear you say that. I love you so much”he said k!ss!ngme on my head cheeks hands while I just giggled.

He was behaving like a child.

Then he crashed hisl-ips on mine. He k!$$£d me de-eply and I returned the k!ss. I love him so much then he withdrawed from the k!ssand went down on his knees
“Beth, will you make me the happiest being alive and be my queen, my wife, my soulmate, my treasure. I promise to love and care for you. plea-se Beth be my wife” he said on his knees holding my hands.

I felt tears drop from my eyes. My heart melted.



Chapter 10

Jace 👹

“Yes Jace yes I will be your queen”she said excitedly.

I stood up brou-ght out the ancestral bridal n£¢klace made of diamond and I put it on her n£¢k.

“Oh my gosh. Its so pretty”she said surprised.

I leaned towards her and k!$$£d her. Then we sat down her be-d with her leaning on me.
“Yeah”she giggled
“Y are you giggling”I said in a sm-irk
“Coz it feels nice and sweet to hear you call me baby”she said shyly.

“Hahaha your such a shy type”I laughed
I looked at her and she was blu-shing so ha-rd .

“Baby I gotta go now, I will be in my room if you feel bored or you nee-d some company just come over, my room is next door”I said and win-ked at her she just blu-shed.

I pe-cked her forehead and headed back to my room.

How the heck did jace find out that someone in the palace had opened the portal for the vampire bloods to enter.

“Sir what are we going to do”my accomplis thats a palace guard.

“Just shut up let me think” I said annoyed
“Yess I know what to do. Jace nee-ds a distraction. And I know what will distract him.
Beth is the distraction. ”
“But sir how will Beth distract him”
“Simple . I have seen how much he loves and cares for her. All I have to do is to make her paralysed and then all his attention will be on taking care of Beth and not on finding the traitor”I said sm-irking
“Ok sir I think that would be a nice idea”

Jace 👹
I entered my room and opened my magic kit.

I managed to get a sample of the magic that opened the portal.

I started on working on figuring out whom the magic belonged to.


I yelled as I did the test. The result of the test will take weeks probably month.

I was still thinking when I heard a knock on the door.

“Come in”

The door opened and Beth entered

“Hey”she said smiling
“Hey babe.”
“Well you said if I was bored and nee-ded company I should come over. So I c@m£”she said smiling shyly. My queen to be is an incredibly shy person.

I just smiled tea-singly at her.

“Y are you looking at me like that”
“Nothing”I said still smiling

“Seriously plea-se tell me y your smiling like that”
I pu-ll her towards me and sat her on my l@ps.

“You wanna know y am smiling right”she nodded her head.
“Am smiling coz my soon to be queen and bride is very beautiful and can be really shy”I said tea-singly

“St©p it “she said hitting my che-st pla-yfully said blu-shing so much.

“I will be right back “I said and headed to the bathroom.


As Jace went into the bathroom I felt thirsty.

I called a maid and ordered for orange jui-ce.

“Come in”the maid c@m£ in and dropped the jui-ce as I was about to drink the jui-ce it flew out of my hand and the glas-s shattered on the ground.

I turned and saw Jace standing by the door.


Chapter 11&12

Jace 👹
I was done using the bathroom and was washing my hands when I had a vision of Beth. She was on lying on the floor lifeless. She was all blue, she was paralysed and surprisingly she was in my room.

I quic-kly got out of the bathroom. I opened the door and saw Beth about to drink a glas-s of jui-ce. My s-en-ses rekindled and I s-en-sed poison in it.
I quic-kly used my powers to push the jui-ce out of her hands. She turned and looked at me shocked and confused.

“Did you have any taste of it?”I asked scared that I got there late.
“No I haven’t tasted it what happened. Jace your scaring me”she asked looking worried.
“Guards maids”I screamed really loud
“Jace what is going on?”Beth asked confused
“Sir”the maids and guards answered trembling.
“Who served jui-ce to beth?”I asked but everywhere was quiet
“I will ask for the last time who served jui-ce to Beth?”I asked again
“It…w..as…Mee..sir”a maid answered
“Who asked you to poison the jui-ce?”
“Ehh…s..ir… I do..n’t know.. what you are talking about”she said shaking
“Don’t get me more annoyed than I’m alre-ady. Who asked you to poison the jui-ce?”I asked again.
“Sir I didn’t poison the jui-ce.”
“Guards take her to the dungeon and lock her up”I said and the guard dragged her as she begged.
“Jace what happened?”Beth asked confused
“The maid poisoned your jui-ce”
”how are you so sure?”
“I s-en-sed it”I replied and took her her hand leading her to my table.
You must be wondering how I knew she was asked to poison the jui-ce..
I know that the person that opened the portal for the vampire bloods is the same person that poisoned the jui-ce and that person couldn’t be the maid coz the person that opened the portal has strong magical powers that no ordinary maid could have.

Unknown 😎

That stupid girl. Why did she give the jui-ce to Beth in jace’s room. Doesn’t she knows that jace could s-en-se danger.
Now my plan is ruined.

I hope that fool doesn’t expo-se me to Jace. I will have to kill her before she does.

Jace 👹
I and Beth were on my be-d. Her head was leaning on my shoulder while she was pla-ying with her hands.

“Yh”she answered smiling
“I wanna throw a p@rty”
“What for?”
“To introduce everyone to their future queen”I answered pla-ying with her hair
“When do you wanna throw it?”
“Tomorrow evening”
“But the preparations haven’t even started?”
“Don’t worry I will Alberto will handle everything”
“Okay”she said and cu-mddled me.
I smiled to my self inwardly remembering how she was scared of me before.
“Beth?”I called but there was no response
I looked at her and Saw she was asleep.
I covered her properly and got out of the be-d headed for Alberto.
I saw him with some potion probably testing them. He was in his workshop.
“Hey bro” he said casually
“Hey. I proposed to Beth today”
“Are you kidding me right now?”he asked shocked
“No I’m not joking. She accepted”
“$h!t dude I’m so happy for you. Your becoming a man”
“I’ve always been a man”I said defensively
“Ehhh I’m not so sure about that”he said and laughed and so did I
“I want to throw a p@rty tomorrow to introduce my future queen to Tezia”
“Don’t worry I got you I will make the preparations”
“Thanks dude”I said and we hvgged
I returned back to my room and carried Beth to her room.
Very soon we will share the same room.

**************The next morning**************


I woke up on my be-d although I was sure I sle-pt in jace’s be-d.
I heard a knock on the door and I saw Jace with a tray filled with food
“Hey sunshine”he said smiling
“Good morning”I said returning the smile
“I brou-ght breakfast for us”
He dropped the tray on the table in front of me and k!$$£d my for head and I blu-shed.

He brou-ght out the pancakes and fed me.

I feel so lucky.
After eating a maid c@m£ in and collected the dishes.

“You look beautiful”he said and I blu-shed
He leaned towards me and k!$$£d me

We were interrupted by a voice
We turned and saw Alberto and another Lady I haven’t seen before
“Sorry to interrupt your r0m@nç£. We got some preparations to do”the lady said and I blu-shed.
“I have to steal him for a while”Alberto said and took Jace away

“Hello I’m Linda, Alberto’s girlfriend. I’m here to prepare you for the p@rty taking place later tonight” common let’s get started.

She said and called some maids into the room. They undressed me and led me to the bathroom. They soa-ked me in tub filled with warm soapy water.
Some scru-bbe-d my legs some washed my skin some washed my hair.

After they wra-pped me in a towel layed me on the be-d and they began mas-saging me after they applied some masked on my they brou-ght out a very beautiful go-wn. It was gold in colour. It glittered and smelt royalty. The brou-ght out a very beautiful heel shoe.
They wore me a dressing robe and they began doing my makeup.

When they were done I couldn’t recognize myself. I looked so beautiful.

Then they wore me the go-wn and the shoe.

