Dark hour finale

Chapter 9
Standing in front of Tyler was the creepy lady’s statue and there it was, the padlock key was in her hands just as it was written in the note. Holding Violet’s with one hand, he uses his second hand to reach for the key and as soon as he takes it the woman’s statue disappears and Violet regains consciousness. “Tyler” She called sleepily and the shaggy footsteps of the creepy woman coming to them was heard. “Shhhh” He shut her up, putting his f!ngerson her softl-ips. He pu-lls her behind the curtain and they hide there away from the creepy lady who was alre-ady in the be-droom. “YOU WANT TO Pl@yHIDE AND SEEK, COME OUT COME OUT WHEREVER YOU ARE” The creepy lady said and stood in front of the curtain where they were both hiding. Tyler pu-lls violet closer ma-king her hands land on his rocky che-st, and she lets out a O at the sudden action . He puts his f!ngerson hisl-ips to signal her not to make any noise and she nods in approval. They watch from the curtain as the lady searched around the be-droom with a knife in her hand. Violet heard was beating so loud that even Tyler couldn’t help but hear it. She was damn scared. The lady left the room soon and Tyler lowers her head down on his che-st and her heartbeat bec@m£ normal. “BOO GAT YOU” The lady said surprisingly and Violet yelped. Tyler pushed Violet behind and the lady got enraged because Violet was her next victim and Tyler was protecting him. Her eyes flashed red and she gr@bb£d his hands furiously but left it immediately. “YOU HAVE THE MARK, HOW DARE YOU” She said angrily and vanished. “Let’s go” Tyler said and pu-ll-ed Violet down by the stairs. He inser-ted the key in the padlock and it unlocked. New words were written on the wall.
“It’s me it’s definitely me” Violet said devasted. “Hey I won’t let anything happen to you” Tyler as-sured her. “But what about you, I don’t want anything bad happening to you too, I don’t want you getting hurt also especially for my sake” Violet said worriedly..
“I can’t let Tyler die because of me, he’s helped me a lot throu-ghout and I was the one who persuaded him here, if anyb©dy is dieing it’s going to be” Violet thought to herself and ti-ptoed to the kitchen but Tyler was smart enough to hear her footsteps. “Violet??” He called and She turned back hiding the knife behind her. “Hmmm” She replied. “What are you doing there, we shouldn’t be separated remember” Tyler said. She nodded and walked out of the kitchen. Tyler turned and looked at the door contemplating on what to do. “Tyler am sorry but this is the only solution” Violet said raising up the knife. “Violet what are you doing, wait there’s another solution” He said moving closer to her. “This is only what we can do for the security code Tyler” She said and attem-pted stabbing herself but Tyler was quic-k to st©p her. He tried collecting the knife but she refuses to let go of it. Suddenly there’s the sound of someone being stabbe-d and blood dripping from the floor. The bloody knife drops on the floor and the door finally opens..
“TYLER!!” Violet screams as he falls on the floor with a thud. “Violet leave, leave now” Tyler said holding his bleeding che-st spurting blood out of his mouth. “Tyler plea-se don’t do this to me” She begged but he was gone alre-ady. The lady stood in front of Violet laughing maniacally but violet ignored her crying on Tyler’s dead b©dy. She stands up and limps out slowly, she stood at the entrance and the sun rays entered her eyes. It felt like forever, she turned back to look at Tyler but he wasn’t there anymore. She walked out of the building regretful, she lost 6 of her friends and that was very painful.
Getting tired, dizzy and having several aches all over her b©dy. Violet breaks down slowly in the forest, she’ll tries standing up but her legs bec@m£ jelly. Slowly, weakly she closes her eyes and pas-s out.
Violet blinks her eyes slowly and looks at the blurry images in front of her, the b©dy pain she was going throu-gh was unexplainable, she couldn’t remember anything but one thing was sure, she was in a hospital. The smell and white walls was enough proof. The blurry images start to become clear
“Mom??” She called questioningly. “Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus” Her mother said crying. “What am I doing here mom” Violet said getting uncomfortable. “You don’t remember violet, you and your friends were involved in an accident when going on your fake school vacation which you are going to get in trouble with but later, luckily for all your friends they c@m£ out unhurt but you were badly hurt and you’ve been unconscious for two days now, am so grateful to Tyler who risked his life for saving you, he c@m£ out with just a scratch” Violet mom replied.
“Hey violet” Tyler said immediately he entered the ward, Angel, Stanley, Gregory and Franklin followed him. Violet smiled warmly at Tyler, she never knew why.
He c@m£ to her be-d and held her hands warmly returning the smile to her.
Violet couldn’t remember anything but she was happy she survived the accident at least.
Everyone left her to have some rest before she’s fully discharged. Tyler insists on staying with her so everyone leaves both of them together. Violet closes her eyes slowly while Tyler watches her sleep. He was so concentrated on her that he didn’t notice the creepy lady standing at the door smiling wickedly…
Tyler looked at the door and showed her the mark on his hand and she vanished, he knew everything that happened, he had seen everything that happened if they actually went to that house, he knew he couldn’t persuade them from not going so he spoilt the br@kes of the car and was able to cause the accident.
He risked everyone’s life but that was more better than they dieing in the creepy house because of their greediness