Dark hour Episode 1 & 2

They were 7 and she sees them all including YOU!!
The school bell rang and everyone ran out of clas-s not waiting for permission, well everyb©dy except from them. During the whole lessons they were all in their own thoughts waiting for the teacher to walk out of the clas-s so they could have their meeting and fortunately the bell finally rang and everyone was dismissed. They stood up and formed a circle and brou-ght out the map. “This…” Stanley who seemed like their group leader started with pointing at the map. “This is our goal” He says and they all nod their head smiling greedily at their thoughts of becoming rich. “I thought Tyler is supposed to be here” Violet asks and Susan rolls her eyes..
“I told you that guys that Tyler can’t go with us, he’s a coward” Susan replied earning a hateful glare from Angel, Tyler’s bestfriend and Stanley’s girlfriend. Susan didn’t notice the glare so there wasn’t any reason to fight. Tyler walks in the clas-s looking worried. “Look guys I can’t do this, the stories am hearing about that mansion is enough to make me give up in the search for the gold and money” Tyler said and Susan lets out a mocking laugh then she mimics him ma-king Angel angry. She slams her hands on the table and stands up to face her bestfriend’s mocker.
“Say one more thing about him and I’ll shove a plank up your as-s” Angel threatened. Susan knows Angel to be very violent when angry so she shuts up.
“Hey calm down baby” Stanley says and k!sses Angel slowly on herl-ips while Susan watched jealously.
Gregory getting irritated at the child’s pl@ybetween Susan and Angel, stood up and brou-ght out his dad’s car keys.
“Are you all re-ady” He asks and they all nod except Tyler. “No nee-d to be scared guy, all that story you heard is just a myth” Franklin as-sured him and he nodded his head although his mind wasn’t nodding.
“So let’s go” Violet said excitedly and they all stood up to walk out of the clas-s. “You sure you can drive” Violet tea-sed Gregory, he smiled and replied.
“Of course I can’t” He said and Violet formed a shocked face. She puts her hand over his shoulder and they walk out to his dad’s van
The seven students were driving to their deaths but greediness won’t allow them see..
Everyone c@m£ out of the van with upset faces, firstly the mansion was very far from their town and secondly the van was having fault, thirdly it was getting dark alre-ad . “I thought you said you had it checked out yesterday” Stanley said to Gregory but Gregory was busy trying to figure out what was wrong with the van.
“Guys I nee-d to go wazz” Franklin said and walked out.
“Mehn this forest is danm thick” He said as he tried pushing the sticks and plants out of his way. He finds a clear place to do his thing so he starts. In the middle of it he hears someone whisper behind him, he looks back but doesn’t see anyone.
“The trees be talking” He says unconcerned and pu-lls up his trou-sers. Just as he’s about turning back, he notices two eyes looking at him. He walks to the direction but meets nob©dy there.
“fv¢k this place is damn creepy” He says and turns to leave but he feels hands on his legs that pu-lls him down the hill he was standing on. He screams for help but st©ps immediately when he realizes where he was.
“Guys, guys” He yelled excitedly and they all come down the hill.
“Good job Franklin, you found the mansion” Stanley complimented ma-king Franklin smile.
They all worked to the mansion
“Franklin wait” Violet called and bent down besides his legs. She takes out her rag and cleans his legs. “You bleeding” She said and gave him the rag.
“I nee-d a more expensive rag after we get the money” Angel said and Franklin nodded. He wasn’t scared and that was very odd.
Stanley held Angel hand in hand as they stood in front of the mansion, written on the door was ONLY ONE, which none of the students un-derstood. “plea-se let’s go now, I have a bad feeling about this” Tyler said as he looked at the words on the door. Susan fought the urge to laugh at him because of Angel so she could only roll her eyes at the coward guy. “It’s okay Tyler, nothing to be scared of” Angel said and opened the door.
The 7 of them entered and the door closed immediately ma-king Tyler skrie-k. “Just the wind” Angel as-sures him. “Franklin what’s wrong, why you looking around like that” Violet asks, he shakes his head and replies “Nothing”.
Franklin stands up in the forest after blacking out from the impact the fall caused. “Ouch my head hurts” He complained and looked around for his friends but they were not there, he climbe-d the hill and saw the van there but nob©dy was around.
“Where the fv¢k did they go to” He asked nob©dy in p@rticular. “Am just going to wait here for them” He says and sits down in the van.
“So first of all we have to get the secret key to the hidden room which is somewhere upstairs, so let’s go search upstairs” Stanley said and everyone walked the stairs. Tyler noticed something on the walls of the stairs. It re-ad DON’T LOOK BACK SHE’S THERE ALre-adY, Tyler could feel someone whispering at his back but he’s too scared to look back especially when he knows everyone was in the front.
“SHE SEES YOU” He heard a voice say silently like a whisper. He jumps in fright and realises his friends were way upstairs alre-ady while he was still downstairs, still on the first step of the stairs, so all this while he wasn’t even climbing any stairs.
Tyler looked around, he could hear voices but he wasn’t seeing anyone and then he heard footsteps, he screamed and ran upstairs. The steps were so long and weak because it was made of wood but he managed to reach his friends.
“Tyler!! , I didn’t notice you were no longer with us” Angel said shocked to see him running up. “Look guys we have to leave here now, you guys have to trust me when I say there’s something creepy about this house” He said to his friends but none of them looked like they were going to leave the money alone.
“Look Tyler If you want to go nob©dy’s holding you” Stanley said getting irritated at his cowardness. Angel couldn’t say anything, she just watched.
“Fine, am going ok” He said and turned back but Franklin pu-ll-ed him back with a f0rç£ that Tyler couldn’t explain, his hands were very cold but it still burnt him.
“Don’t go anywhere” Franklin said and flashed his de-ep red eyes at him unfortunately for Tyler, his friends were looking elsewhere. “Franklin let go of me” He said trying to re-lease his grip but it only hurt him more. “Franklin let go of him, he’ll definitely not be around when we are sharing the money” Gregory said. He lets go of him and he looks at his wrist, there was a burn on it which caused a mark, the mark looked like a p@rt of puzzle or diagram. He looked at Franklin and shooked in fear, he was leaving this house once and for all. He turned his backs at them but felt someone hold him again but this time the hands were soft and delicate. “plea-se don’t go” Violet said smiling at him. Now he knew he wasn’t going back again, this time not only a female was calling him back it was his crush but then what about Franklin whose hands felt like h0t iron on his delicate skin.
“Look guys, I found the be-droom key” Angel said raising the key up and smiling. Susan looked at her with another wave of jealousy. “Always getting the good stuff” She thought to her self and they all walked to the be-droom together but suddenly the light went off and everyone stood in fright. Stanley brou-ght out his cell phone but it wasn’t turning on. “Strange, I charged it full this evening” He said confused. Everyone brou-ght out their phones but it was the same issue with them. “Mehn this place is damn dark” Gregory commented and walked front a little bit bu-mping into Susan and both of them fell on the floor, Gregory lieing on Susan. The lights c@m£ up immediately and Susan screamed when she saw a strange scary looking being on her. She punched , kicked it away and stood up screaming.
“Hey Susan calm down, why did you hit Gregory so ha-rd like that, it was just a mistake, no lights ” Stanley asked. Susan looked at Gregory confused. “It was Gregory” She asked sweating alre-ady. “Yeah it was me…… bit-ch” Gregory said upset using his hands to clean the blood coming out of hisl-ips, somehow he felt it wasn’t Susan punching him. He knew her to be a female with soft bones unlike Angel but her hands to-re hisl-ips.
“Am sorry Greg, I thought it was a mon..” Angel cuts her off
“Monster??,” She laughs and continues. “So you are now scared, I thought you were insulting Tyler the other time” Angel mocked and it upsetted Susan real bad.
“Don’t you talk to me that way bit-ch” She said and clenched her fist re-ady for a fight but Stanley was quic-k to prevent that from happening. “Look guys no nee-d to argue, let’s just go to the be-droom and look for codes or anything to help us open the safe, take the cash and get out of here” He said and they all nodded.
“Wait where’s Franklin” Tyler asked and they all looked around. “In here” He answered suddenly ma-king all of them jump in fright. They looked at the direction of where he was. “How did you get in there, am still with the key” Angel asked. Franklin chuckled and replied. “It wasn’t locked” He said and everyone believed him except from Tyler. They all walked in the be-droom but Franklin pu-ll-ed Tyler back and whispered to him. “You have to get your friends out of here” He said in another voice, a dee-per and older voice. “Who are you” Tyler asked starting to regret he was still in the building.
“I was also greedy like you guys, I c@m£ here in the search for money but I didn’t survive, this house is evil, rather than search for clues to open the safe, rather search for clues to leave this house because she’s around, and no matter what you guys do. Never let her feel your fear, your fear is her strength, I would soon s£nd your last friend here because she has seen him alre-ady and no matter what happens, no matter where he is, she’ll still attack him but as long as you all are together she really can’t do much than scare, never be separated be with one person at least. Have given you one of the clues to get out of this house, use it wisely. No matter what don’t be scared cause she’ll see you” The man said and disappeared immediately. Who wouldn’t be damn scared if this happened, immediately the man (Fake Franklin ) disappeared, Tyler jumped in fear and he felt a strange f0rç£ throw him to the wall, he had his head hitting the wall causing him to bleed. He heard her laugh maniacally, then he remembered the man’s word, never be separated. He stood up although his head was bleeding and ran into the be-droom. He locked it and turned to face his friends.
“Dude what’s wrong” Franklin asked and he sighed to see him. Franklin couldn’t remember what happened, one minute he was in the van waiting for his friends and the next minute he was entering the room with his friends but as Franklin would always be, he never did care as long as money was involved.
Tyler knew if he told his friends what he experienced, they’ll laugh at him and call him a fool for framing stories so he decided to stay low and make sure they were all together. Never separated.
“You okay Guy, you bleeding” Stanley asked and t©uçhed his head. “It’s it’s nothing” Tyler replied and waved Stanley’s hand away.
“ONLY ONE” He heard a creepy voice say and mocking laughters followed it.
“St©p” He yelled and everyone looked at him confused. “Nothing guys” He chuckled and swallowed.
Violet brou-ght out a painting from a box and showed it to the guys.
“Look guys, its the painting of the family that lived here before” She said and focused on it but everyone ignored her looking for their own clues. She noticed at the darker edge of the painting, a lady was standing there in a ash colored go-wn. Violet stared at the picture ha-rder to see that the lady was holding a knife. “The lady looks creepy” She said and turned her back to see the creepy lady behind her. “Oh the creepy lady is at my back” She said and then realized the creepy lady was really at her back. She stood up in fear and noticed she was the only one in the now dark room.
“Guys guys where are you” She asked as the lady moved towards her, she also took a step backwards. She was getting scared now and her knees were turning to Jelly, the lady walked towards her slowly sm-irking evilly while Violet moved back until she her back t©uçhed the door. She starts screaming, crying and calling for her friends but no one’s answering.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name” She prayed and started calling the name of Jesus as if it was Jesus that brou-ght her here in the first place.