Daniella finale

🌠 Final episode & EPILOGUE🌠



Beep! Beep! Beep!

I opened my eyes slowly and saw a man in white coat towering beside me. He looked so unfamiliar. I j£rked up quic-kly and I winced as my head ached.

“Ow, my head.”

“Easy. Just l@yyour head down and rest.” The man in white said. It was then I realised that I was actually lying in an hospital be-d and that the man in white was a doctor.

“Why am I here?” I asked with a hoarse voice.

“You were almost knocked down by a car and so you fainted as a result of your fright. The man who almost hit you with his car brou-ght you down here immediately for treatment.” The doctor said and then I remembered the whole incident.

I twisted my nose as the antiseptic smell of the hospital hit me. It was nauseating. I roamed my eyes around the ward and I noticed that we weren’t alone. There was another patient lying in the be-d beside mine. It was an old woman and she had her eyes closed. It was either she was slee-ping or she was unconscious. I kept looking around and I noticed everything in the room was white: the walls, the be-ds, the ceiling, the fluorescent, everything. I hadn’t been to an hospital before but it wasn’t a far cry from what I had imagined and what I had seen in movies.

“I want to see the person that brou-ght me here.” I requested. My throat was so dry.

“Oh alright, I would go bring him here now.” The doctor said and left.

I looked at the old woman again and I couldn’t help but wonder why she was in the same ward with me.
Before long, the doctor walked in with a matured looking man. He looked so familiar, but I couldn’t quite recall where I had seen his face before.

The man smiled at me. “How are you feeling?”

“Have we met before?” My brows marred in a frown as I asked.
“You look so familiar.”

“Yes, we have. The man that tried to console you on the street when you were crying remember?”

“I’d just leave you two to talk.” The doctor said and walked out.

“Oh it’s you. I remember now. Thank you sir.”


“For bringing me here and not leaving my unconscious b©dy on the road.”

“I did something any human with a conscience would do, so don’t thank me for it.” He said, with a smile on his face. “But I must say, you standing on the main road wasn’t an accident. It was intentional. It looked like you wanted the car to hit you.”
“Yes I did.”
“Why?” He asked, curiously.
I heaved a sigh and didn’t say anything. I just looked away from him.
“Why did you want to kill yourself?” The man asked again, moving closer to me.
“Because I’m tired.” I simply said, not looking his way.
“Tired of what? Of life?”
“Yes tired of life. I just wanted to end my life and bring an end to my suffering.” It looked like tears was alre-ady beginning to well my eyes.
There was a momentary pause before he spoke up.

“How exactly are you suffering?”

“Sir, life hasn’t been fair to me. I grew up an orphan in the village, not knowing my parents at all. My grandparents were the ones that brou-ght me up. I was happy at the time, living a simple life with my grandparents, until my aunt c@m£ to the village and took me to the city with her. That’s where my life turned upside down. To think I was excited to move to a greener pasture with her! She and her family made my life a living hell…”

“Was that how you got the bruise on your arm?”
“Yes. My aunt… I can’t even call her my aunt, she’s too evil to be one. That evil woman pressed a heated iron on my arm.”
“Really! She did that?” He g@sped.
“Yes she did.”
“That’s child abuse!”
“Just because she caught her husband in my room on the same be-d with me.”
“You were slee-ping with her husband?” He asked in amazement.
“He was going to r@p£ me.”
“What! Despicable!”
“That wasn’t even the first time he tried to abuse me. He had been trying, but he never succeeded and we never got caught.”
“Why didn’t you tell your aunt about it since, before she eventually caught you both together?”
“First off, she’s not my aunt. plea-se don’t ever call her my aunt again.” I said bitterly.

“Okay my bad. So what then should I call her?”

“Evil woman.”

“Okay, why didn’t you tell the evil woman about it?” He said, chuckling.

I kept my face stoic, not smiling one bit. “I didn’t tell her because there was no way she was going to believe me. That was just another opportunity for her to flog and punish me. She literally hated me with a pas-sion! Every slight mistake I made, she didn’t waste time to punish me. I was even worse than a slave in her house.”

“May God have mercy! How could people be that heartless as to take young children from their home in the village to the city only to start maltreating them?”
“I don’t know, but I want that evil woman and her husband arrested and I want the news to circulate on the media, just to serve as a warning to all those that still abuse children up until now.”
“Dear calm down,” He sat on the edge of the be-d I was lying on. “I can see that you res£nt them for how badly they treated you. But how about if you just forgive them and—”
“Forgive who?” I snapped. “Forgive those heartless people? Never! They must be punished for everything they did to me.”
He chuckled. “You know, after He was persecuted, Jesus Christ still prayed that God forgave his persecutors for they do—”
“I’m not Jesus Christ for crying out loud!” I cut him off angrily. He was beginning to annoy me. “Jesus didn’t go throu-gh the same pain I’ve been throu-gh.”

“Believe me, he went throu-gh worse. Can I ask you a question?”
“I don’t know.” I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

“I’d take that as a yes. How would you feel if you love someone so much and the person acts like he or she doesn’t love you back and he or she is always avoiding you like you’re some disease whenever you try so ha-rd to bring this person close to you?”

I found the question weird and I wondered why he was asking. “Um, I would feel dejected and angry with that person. But I don’t get where this que—”

“But that’s the same thing you’re doing to someone else.”

“Sir you’re confusing me. I don’t un-derstand what you’re saying.”
“But do you know what, despite you keep rejecting Him, He isn’t angry with you.”

“I honestly don’t know what you’re saying.” I shrugged, shaking my head.
“I’m talking about Jesus dear.”

“Here we go again!” I rolled my eyes. “Can we not talk about Him for today?”

“But he really loves you and he wants you to put all your hope and trust in Him.”

“If indeed He loves me, why don’t I feel it. I don’t feel His love. I don’t even feel Him.”

“You don’t have to feel his love. You just have to know that he loves you. Wait, do you believe in Him? I mean Jesus.”
Do I?

“I don’t know anymore.”

“Maybe that’s why you don’t feel him.”

“Do I have to believe in him to feel him?”

“What’s a relationsh!pwithout trust. You have to trust Him completely before he can work effectively in your life.”
“Was it because I didn’t trust him completely that he abandoned me?”

“He didn’t abandon you. If he did, you wouldn’t have met me.”
There was a brief pause. I was trying to process what he just said. “I don’t get. So are you saying you’re some angel he s£nt to bring me out of my misery?”
He laughed. “You can consider me one. But what I’m really saying is our meeting wasn’t a coincidence. It was obviously predestined. I believe God made our path cross not just once, but twice to bring you closer to Him.”

“I’m not sure I un-derstand what you just said, but I don’t even think I want to un-derstand. I just want those evil people that abused me to be arrested. plea-se can you help me with that?”
“Ever heard don’t repay evil with evil? What differentiates you from them that did the evil to you when all you want to do is get back at them with the same evil? You’re just like them, you know? Why don’t you just sleep over it and move on to a better life which I’m re-ady to help you live. I want to take care of you. My wife and I have been trusting God for a child to take care of and I believe you’re that child we’ve been seeking for. Why don’t you forget your past and move into our house and make us your new family?”

I was finding it so ha-rd to take all of these in. I was confused. After all that I had been throu-gh, trusting people wasn’t something I could do easily anymore.
“Sir, how am I sure you’re not one of those people that would abuse me when I move into your house?”

“By their fruit, you shall know them.” He simply said and I really didn’t un-derstand exactly what that meant but I wasn’t going to probe further on that. For the few minutes I had been with him, he c@m£ across to me as a nice man. He didn’t even look like one who’d hurt a fly, but then it doesn’t show on the face. One could look like an angel, but on the inside was a demon. I doubt this one was a demon though.
“So sir, are you saying I should forgive my evil aunt and her family for all the hurts they’ve caused me and move on with you to start a new life?”

“Life’s too short to be in the prison of your res£ntment. Let all that bitterness and unforgiveness out and breath in God’s love. I can help you to do that. Just move into my house and start afresh.” He shrugged his shoulders.

His last words echoed in my head for a while. As easy as that sounded, it was ha-rd to do. So ha-rd . How could I forgive them that caused me so much pain just like that?

As if he re-ad my mind, he said, “Forgiveness is easier than holding a grudge, trust me.” He ru-bbe-d my hand reas-suringly. “So um, you haven’t told me your name. I’m Godwin by the way.”
It was then I realised that I had been talking to a man who I hadn’t even told my name to.

“Daniella.” I answered with a giggle.

I still wasn’t happy, despite the warm reception I had gotten in Mr. Godwin’s house. His wife was really a sweet woman and she had been treating me nicely. In their big ap@rtment, they gave me a comfortable room to sleep in. Never for once was I hungry, I always had complete three square meals a day. I wore good clothes. I was showered with so much love and affection. I had virtually everything I wanted at my disposal, yet I was still unhappy.

I felt so lonely, like there was something missing-or maybe someone. But I couldn’t quite place my hand on what exactly it was. For days, I was so sad and down that I knew depression was settling in, but I didn’t let Mr. Godwin and his wife know about it. I pretended to be happy whenever I was around them, when in actual fact, I felt lost. I had lost everything-my friends, the love of my life, and even myself.

Suicidal thoughts kept creeping into my mind, a darkness I couldn’t quite fathom luring me and telling me everything would be better if I was dead. I tried to st©p the thoughts. I tried so ha-rd to banish the darkness dwelling in my heart and whispering evil words to my soul, but I couldn’t and I found myself holding a knife to my heart at some point. But each time I tried to kill myself, there was always something, like a strong f0rç£, always st©pping me.
But not today.

I was going to end everything here and now and nothing could st©p me!

Mr. Godwin and his wife had gone out for a church program. They had earlier on requested that I followed them, but I declined un-der the pretext that I wasn’t feeling well. So pres£ntly, I was home alone.

Different ideas floated throu-gh my mind, evill whispers of ways that I could kill myself without feeling much pain fleeting throu-gh like a movie on fast forward.
Hanging? Where would I find rope to execute that action? I discarded the option immediately.
Drug over dosage? Where would I even find pills in this house? Maybe stabbing myself with a knife was just what I was going to do.

I made my way towards the kitchen on foamy legs. My mind felt detached from reality-like my mind was filled with fog-and the only thing that made s-en-se was the darkness telling me want to do. I entered the kitchen and my eyes landed on the utensil rack, sp©tting the biggest knife immediately like it knew it would be there beforehand. I walked towards it like a robot, legs moving stiffly-almost like they were dead.

Before I knew it, my hands were wra-pping around the cold handle of the kitchen knife, bringing it down to the exact point in the che-st where my heart beat ra-pidly. As I moved soullessly, some voice in my head kept telling me not to do it, but I blocked it out and dragged the knife over my che-st slowly, careful to not cut anything yet. I wanted it to be quic-k and there definitely was no going back this time around.

I brou-ght the knife up, re-ady to bring it back down and end it all in one swift stab…but tears suddenly clouded my vision, streaming down my cheeks as my silent sobs echoed off the walls in the empty house. My shoulders shook, the painful feeling of heartbreak filling my che-st again as a movie of the previous events that had happened ever since I c@m£ to Lagos pla-yed in slow motion in my head. Travelling down to Lagos on my own, the maltreatment from Aunt Caro, the hatred her family had shown me, grandma’s death, Peter’s breakup letter, Gbemi and Adam’s betrayal, Uncle Henry’s r@p£ attempt. It was all just too much.
“God, I’m so sorry that I’m about to take my life…but you know how unhappy I am. I’m doing this because I’m tired of living. I hope you forgive and receive me in your bosom.” I said, my voice shaky as I hoped someone really was listening. My arms had started to hurt from holding the knife up for so long and I ti-ght£ñed my grip around it, my eyes snapping shut ti-ghtly as I prepared to bring it down.


A pair of hands suddenly wra-pped around mine just in time as I brou-ght the knife down and my eyes snapped open-in shock or relief?-as they took the knife away from me.

“What are you doing?!” Mr. Godwin yelled. “You still want to kill yourself Daniella, after everything?”

I broke down in tears, unable to st©p the well of emotions that had finally met loose. “I’m tired of living dad.” Dad was what I called Mr. Godwin. He had told me to refer to him as that. “I’ve lost everything.”
Mr. Godwin wra-pped his arms around my shoulders and made me rest on him in a comforting way. “You haven’t lost everything dear. You have me, your new mum and God now.”
I kept crying on his shoulder. “H-he left me.”

“They all betrayed me.” I cried even more.

“Who are this they you’re talking about Daniella?” Mr. Godwin asked curiously but I didn’t respond. I just kept crying.
He took me to the living room, his arm still wra-pped around me, and we both sat on the sofa. “Daniella, st©p crying and talk to me. What’s really going on? What is ma-king you so unhappy?”
Mr. Godwin wiped my tears and I sniffed as I lifted my head to look at him. “Although I had been maltreated in my evil aunt house, still I was happy. I was happy because I had two best friends and a b©yfri£ndwho made me feel loved in this hateful world. But I was betrayed by them. My b©yfri£ndbetrayed me by going back on his words. He told me he was always going to be there for me. I believed him. I trusted him with everything, but he broke up with me cause of a slight misun-derstanding. Something I could have explained to him and we would have been fine by now, but he refused to listen to me. He refused to listen to me Dad!” I said those last words res£ntfully.
“What was the misun-derstanding you both had?”
I recounted and explained everything that happened that day to Mr. Godwin and he occasionally shook his head-in, I don’t know if it was in sadness or pity-as he listened ra-ptly.
“You’ve indeed been around the wrong people. That’s why you must always choose your friends wisely.” Mr. Godwin said once I was done narrating my ordeal.
“But how was I to know they were jealous of me? We grew a bond so strong that I thought nothing whatsoever could come between us.”

“Your best friend can eventually turn out to be your worse enemy. It’s not new. Even Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus.” Mr. Godwin shrugged. “That’s why you should never trust humans completely. They can fail at anytime. In fact, there’s no such thing as that human that would never fail us, never disappoint us or never hurt us in any way! Such person doesn’t exist in planet earth! But the truth is, God never ever fails. Always trust Him and He’d lead you to the right people and even help you s-en-se when the supposed right people are no longer healthy for you.”

“See dad, I’m really never going to trust humans anymore.”
“Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you shouldn’t trust humans anymore. I mean, you can’t survive without relationsh!ps, and relationsh!ps are built on trust. So don’t get bitter when people disappoint you and say you wouldn’t trust anyb©dy again. God will definitely get you better friends. But let Jesus be your best friend is all I’m saying.”
I sighed. “Hmm, but Peter my ex, I still love him and I don’t want to lose him.”
“Lemme ask, why do you love this so called Peter?” He air quoted when he mentioned Peter’s name.

“He is cute, always there for me…he was literally everything.”
Mr Godwin looked unsatisfied with my response. “But he broke up with you?” He shrugged.

“That’s the reason I’m sad and disappointed and pisssd.”
Mr. Godwin paused briefly before he spoke again. “Look Daniella, you both are still too young to be in a ro-mantic relationsh!p, that’s why Peter handled the whole situation immaturely and he broke up with you. You might have done the same if you were in his shoes. The thing about teenage relationsh!pis that it never lasts, cause both individuals are not mature enough to handle it. As for now, what you should be more concerned about is discovering yourself, finding your purpose, knowing who you are and why you’re on earth. That’s what comes first before thinking of any ro-mantic relationsh!p.”

“I actually thought my purpose was to live happily ever after with Peter, but I don’t know anymore.”

Mr. Godwin bur-st into laughter and I couldn’t help but smile. It was a sheepish smile.

“No woman’s purpose on earth is to be any man’s wife. Women were created to be much more than that. You were created for much more than just being Peter’s wife. See why ro-mantic relationsh!pis not advisable for teenagers! It blinds your eyes from seeing the real you, from discovering your true purpose. It’s really a big distraction. Getting happily married to the love of your life is good, but that’s secondary. You have to know and discover yourself before you can move on to be someone’s wife or you’d just end up real frustrated and depressed. Now that you’re single, this should be your main focus—finding yourself. You nee-d to find your voice and know who you really are. When you have and you’ve accomplished a lot for yourself, you’d see even your ex would be begging to be in a relationsh!pwith you.”
I smiled, imagining that. “But I wanna ask, how do I find my purpose because I’m really lost right now? I don’t even know myself anymore.”

“You can’t know the purpose for which something was made unless you ask the maker. In your case, God is your maker. Ask Him and he’d tell you.”
I smiled and gave Mr. Godwin a warm hvg. “Thank you so much for everything. You’ve helped me a lot. You’re really an angel.”

“You’re welcome my dear.”

We both pu-ll-ed out of the hvg and then I noticed that I hadn’t seen Mr. Godwin’s wife—my new mum.

“Dad where’s mum?” I asked, c0cking a brow.

“I left her in church.”


“Something nudged me to come back home. I wonder if I hadn’t, what would have been the case by now?”
I would have been dead. I began to realize all that Mr. Godwin had told me. Of a truth, God really loved me, and every event that had led to this day was just for me to come to the realization of His love. I was so overwhelmed by God’s love that I forgave my aunt and her family at that moment. I also forgave Adam and Gbemi for what they did. There was no point harboring bitterness against them. It was time to let go.

“Now I really believe that God exists and that He loves me so much.” I said.

“Glory!” Mr. Godwin rejoiced. “I’m glad you’ve come to the realization of that fact.”


I was in the Ice cream shop, buying myself two Ice cream cones when I heard a familiar voice from behind me.


I turned around and I was thri-lled to bit to see him standing in front of me. The two Ice cream cones I had just bought fell from my hands. He flashed me a heart melting smile and my knees went weak instantly. He was still as beautiful as I remembered.
“I missed you Daniella.” He said.
I was at a loss for words. I didn’t know what to say. I really wanted to speak but my mouth couldn’t formulate any word. I was literally dumbstruck.

“I’m sorry for leaving. I c@m£ back to make things right. I meant it when I said I would always be there for you and I’m here to fulfil that promise.”

Really? Peter was back for me. My heart leapt for joy.

“I know you’re upset with me,” Peter continued when I didn’t say anything. “But I’m sorry. Can we start all over again?”
It was then that I woke up from my slumber. Peter hadn’t come back for me. It was all just a dream. Though I wish it could have been real, but it wasn’t and that was fine. I wasn’t going to linger on my past anymore. I was re-ady to break free from it and be happy.

I just hope above all things that Peter was happy wherever he was.

😘 _______________THE £ND____________ 💗





“We’d be going live in two minutes.” The director, a dark short man, announced.

I had been to several press conferences, on numerous media rounds and even been invited as a guest for talk shows time after time, but I still got the adrenaline rush when the announcement was made.

“Are you re-ady Daniella?” Nancy, the TV pres£nter, asked me. We were both seated opposite each other in the studio with the media team before us. Nancy and I were acquaintances, so before now, we had been chatting about… well ladies stuff.
I feigned a confidence demeanor and wore a smile on my face. “This isn’t my first time doing something like this. So yeah, I’m re-ady.”

“That’s the spirit!” She flashed me a radiant smile.

“Are you set Nancy?” The director asked.

“Wait,” She took a glas-s of water from the table placed between us, gulped a little and set the glas-s down on the table. She sat upright with a re-ady demeanor. “Let’s do this!”

“We’re live in one, two, three, action!”

“-We’d all like to know, what happened to Peter and Daniella? Did their path ever cross?”

“Well like I said before, it’s a story based on my reality and by implication, Daniella is me and Peter is a real person I had feelings for back then in secondary school and ever since he left for Dublin, we haven’t even communicated, let alone cross path. I would love to see him again though. I’ve really missed him.”
“Aww. I mean, what looked like a relationsh!pthat was going to end happily, ended in a- well not so good way. How did that affect you emotionally? ’cause it seemed like Daniella in the book was head over heels in love with Peter.”

“Um, to be very honest, I felt really devastated and heartbroken. Though I had forgiven him, I couldn’t easily erase the whole Peter situation from my mind for some time. Once in a while, I’d cry whenever I thought about him. He was the reason I promised myself never to be in a ro-mantic relationsh!pwith any guy until I become an adult. It was that serious. But on the bright side, that whole experience thought me a lot of lessons, which is why I wrote the story to share with the world, so they can learn a thing or two from it. Most people, especially teenage girls, re-ad r0m@nç£novels and it’s happily ever after fairytale ending and then expect the same for their young relationsh!p. But the question is, is there anything like a happily ever after?”
There was brief pause. Nancy squinted her eyes a bit, like she was trying to get the s-en-se in what I was saying.

“The answered is no. There’s no such thing. As some point in any relationsh!p, there would be sad moments, banters and friction amongst the two p@rtners and that really isn’t my definition of happily ever after. The point is, every relationsh!phas its ups and downs. Even marriages from matured lovers have a lot of misun-derstandings, not to talk of a relationsh!pfrom two young teenagers, which is bound to be toxic and most often lead to a break up. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that teenage relationsh!ps can’t lead to marriage. It can. But most times it never does. So instead of wasting your time trying to experiment on different boys and girls which of course is a distraction, I want all teens and young adults out there to focus on self discovery and personal development for now. Getting in a serious relationsh!pcan come after you’ve found a niche for yourself and you’re successful.” I said my last statements, facing the c@m£ra.

“Hmm, amazing stuff.” Nancy commended. “So shifting away from Peter and Daniella, let’s talk about other characters in your novel. What happened to Adam, Gbemi, Charles and Prudence? I mean, who would have ever thought Adam and Gbemi would ever betray Daniella like that. Talk of the real frenemies!”

“You can say that again. I was beyond shocked as well. Um, well I didn’t get to see any of them again except Adam who attended the same university as I. Just for the record, I didn’t continue my secondary education in Pacific college. I attended another school. Anyways, so Adam and I crossed paths in the university and he apologized and told me he regretted doing what he did to me because his conscience had been pricking him until the day we met again. He said they did that because they were jealous of the fact that they were single and I was the only one in a ro-mantic relationsh!p. He also said he had visited my house, but my cousins had told him that I had left for the village and so he gave up looking for me, but he couldn’t get over the guilt. I couldn’t help but pity him so I told him I had forgiven him and we bec@m£ friends again in the University. But not close friends. In fact, I ba-rely saw him ’cause he was in a different faculty. As for Gbemi, Adam told me she was expelled from the school with another girl because they were both caught in the school toilet doing the nas-ty.”

“Wait, what?”

I shrugged, and she got the gist immediately.
“Wow!” Nancy rounded herl-ips in surprise.

“I was shocked also.” I said, nodding my head.

“A lot has really happened.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t just feel the nee-d to write all of those happenings because that isn’t the point of my story.”
“Oh I see. So any news about Prudence and Charles?”
“Based on what I was told, Prudence bec@m£ less sas-sy probably because Peter, the one she had a crush on, and Daniella, her rival, were no longer in the school. For Charles, he d@t£d another girl and continued with his life.”

Nancy chuckled. “The way you said he continued with his life though. Anyways, are those their real names?”
“No. None of the character’s name in the novel bears any semblance with the real people. I have to protect their image.”

“I’d love to know Peter’s real name though.”

“Nice try Nancy, nice try.” We both laughed.

“Anyways, there’s no way we’d talk about Daniella and not talk about the family that maltreated her. I’m sure everyone would like to know, what happened to aunt Caro, Uncle Henry and the twins?”
I let out a heavy sigh. “The story isn’t even plea-sant.”

“Whoa, tell us!”

“Okay, so I met Amanda, one of the twins, sometime ago and she told me everything that happened soon after I left the house. She said aunt Caro and uncle Henry had a serious argument because aunt Caro had found out her husband tried to sleep with me. The argument led to a separation between the both of them. It was very ha-rd for Amanda and Annabelle because both of them were asked by their separated parents to choose who they wanted to stay with. After much contemplation, they eventually chose their mum and that made uncle Henry furious. He beat up all of them and left the house for them. Since then, they had not even seen him again and things bec@m£ extremely ha-rd for them as it was uncle Henry that used to fend for the whole family. As a result, they started to beg food and money from neighbors and friends, but when that wasn’t really helping, aunt Caro sold out all her jewelry and expensive clothes to raise money to start up a hairdressing business. Amanda and Annabelle also started learning a vocational skill- I think Amanda mentioned tailoring- can’t really remember, but that’s how they were able to make ends meet for themselves. I hope they’re okay now though.”

“Karma is really not friendly.” Nancy said.

“Oh well…” I shrugged.

“So did Daniella grandfather know about her whereabout?”
“Yeah, he had to know. Daniella took her new parents to her grandpa and told him everything she had been throu-gh in the city from day one. He was really disappointed in his daughter Caro, but much more in himself for not noticing everything all along. Well that’s by the way. The good news is, papa embr@ced my new parents like they were family and they offered to take Papa to the city, but he declined. He likes the village a lot. City is just a whole lot of stress for him.”

“He’s still alive?” Nancy asked.

“Yeah, he is. He is a very strong and agile man. I’m glad he’s still alive to see his baby princess grow into a successful queen. All I ever wanted was for both of my grandparents to eat the fruit of their labour for me, but sadly, my grandma died. I know wherever she is, she would be proud of me.”
“Of course, she would be. I mean, you’re happily married with two kids and you have an admirable career, so why wouldn’t she be?”

I smiled.

“So with all the questions about your book Daniella being answered, do you have any final words for the people out there watching?”

“Yeah I do. I just wanna say that, it doesn’t matter what you’re going throu-gh right now. It’s all just a phase and it’ll pas-s. See this trying moments as a learning process to become a better person and not a bitter person. So don’t even dare to give up on yourself. Trust God and accept His love for you and all will be fine eventually. This is all p@rt of your success story.”
“Wow, amazing stuff.”

“Thank you.”

“Thanks for being on the show today. Did you have fun?”

“Yes, I did.”

“I’m glad you did. And I don’t know if I’ve told you, but your book Daniella is amazing.”

“Aw, thank you very much.”

“You’re welcome. So that’s it on the show today.” Nancy said, facing the c@m£ra. “I hope you had fun with me and my guest and I hope you were able to learn a thing or two from her, because I sure did. Don’t forget to tune in same time, same station to watch interviews from your favourite celebrity. Until I see your pretty faces again, don’t forget that I love you, but God loves you more. Bye!”



💞💞The End💞💞💞

Waoo guess u enjoyed re-ading the novel Daniella & picked one or two lessons from it..🌠🌠

🙌Wanna really appreciate Daniel Adedayo for this Fantastic work..God. Bless🙌

😘 To my lovely re-aders :You are one in a Million🌠🌠

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