Dangerous devil 2 episode 7 &8

👑😈 Dangerous
Devil 2👿👑
[ Rainbow Devils (Adventure)]
© Uche Lawrence.

Season 2 Episode 7: Demons.


Diamond’s pov

I saw the way Damon stared at her. So concerned about her. How he called her name like he really care about her.

I was surprised Elsa couldn’t remember anything. How she fell and all that.

I sprang up and saw some teachers coming. Trying to s£nd the students away.
“What happening here?” One of the teachers asked.

“Nothing actually, I fainted cause I forgot to eat breakfast this morning and am not feeling fine.” Elsa lied tou-ching her forehead.

“Oh! Are you okay now?” The teacher asked, feeling concerned.

“Yeah, am better now. Thank you” She replied and walked away.

The teachers went back too and we faced each other.
“She’s beginning to get weaker day by day.” Alaric spoke ru-bbing his nose.

“Yeah! Did I tell you guys that I encounter one of the demons yesterday? He’d told me to leave his victim Elsa alone. Not only me but you guys too” Damon pointed to each of us.

“The demon said that?” I asked my brother and he nodded his head.

What the fv¢k?!

“Did the demon threatened you?” Raul spoke.

“Not really. Let’s forget about this. If we work together, we might have victory over them.
We just nee-d cooperation” Damon clasped his hands together.

“And you don’t flir-t with her.” Raul added. Obviously, talking to Damon.

“Sure, am not. I can’t wait to see dad and mum’s face again.” Alaric sniffed.

“Same here!” We chorused and went back to our clas-s. The rest of the lessons were boring to me for no reason.

We closed for the day and our same driver can to pick us. We decided to ask the old mans who we are yet to know his name. We wanted to ask where Elsa is working.

We nee-d to carry out our actions fast.

We got home and met the old man at the dining with some papers in his hand. We greeted him and he’d responded.

“What’s your name?” I asked the man. He st©pped what he was doing and faced us fully.

“My name is Gray. Anything wrong with my name?”

“Hmm…nope Gray sir.” I shook my head.

“Good. Gather around…you’re seeing your parents.”

“What?! We are going back to our world?” Raul wi-de-ned his eyes.

“Nope. We aren’t. Just a seat everyone.” We gather around the man and he brou-ght out a mirror like out.

He spoke some words and it turned brown.
“Raul, you first” The mirror showed Raul’s parents.

“Mom! Dad!” Raul blinked his eyes.

It looks like they were holding something too. They stared smiling at Raul.
“Oh my son! How are you doing over there?” Celeste whined.

“Am doing good mom. Dad?” Facing his dad.

“How’s the mission? ha-rd ?” His dad answered softly.

“Not that bad. But I love it.”
“I hope you guys are doing well there ? Take care of yourselves and don’t fight. Daddy loves you.” With That, the mirror went back to normal.

“You all have four minutes to talk to your mom.” The man explained.

Alaric talked to his parents too. Asking them to keep his books safe in the shelf and shouldn’t allow any one of it to tear.

It was our turn. “Damon! Diamond! Is that you guys?” Mom eyes were dilated in shock.

Am sure they must be holding a mirror just like us.
“Mommy! We are doing fine.” Damon pushed his hair back and gave mom a grin.

“Where’s father?” I asked.

“He’s com……here he comes.”
“Damon? Diamond? What happened to your hair?” Dad ch!pped in.

“As disguise. How are our grandparents anyway?”

“They are doing pretty good. Next time, you’d talk to them. I wish you safe on the journey. Gray explained everything to us. Damon don’t fall in love with one of those girls there and don’t fv¢k.

If Diamond catches you and report you to me, sure, am gonna cut that thing.” Dad threatened.

“Okay dad. Am not gonna do that. Why do you really wanna cut my thing if I fv¢k. Don’t you want grandchildren?” Damon responded.

“Silly you! Not now. You’re till young to be father. It time. Good luck!” Mom threw a k!ssand the mirror went back to normal.

“You’re all satisfied now? Good. You’re meeting with the Demons today. This night. Go to the field and line up. You still have much to learn about your powers.” The man stated.

We are what? Demons? Today? This night?
Oh Gosh!

Season 2 Episode 8: Arrows and k!ss.

Elsa’s pov

The plates in the kitchen began to move and I wasn’t scared at all. This is not the first time something is gonna move on its own.

I knew someone is coming. That devil that do threaten me.

I don’t know why he’s always tormenting me. He’d possessed me with demons. I waited patiently for him to appear.

“Hey my beautiful possessed princess” I heard the sly laugh coming from the other side of room.

I ran to the living room and saw the shadow. He always come in form of a shadow. I haven’t seen his face before.

“You miss me? Your saviors are really working ha-rd to get you out of that darkness I kept you.” He snorted with laughter.

Damn him! I hate the fact that am always powerless whenever am with him. I can’t fv¢king use my power on him. It really eating me up.

“Who are my saviors?” I managed to ask.

“You can’t know them. But they are close to you. Let’s forget about that. Am here to pl@ywith my queen.” The shadow c@m£ forward and I was surprised to see the face then his whole b©dy.

He’s a little handsome but Damon was more handsome than him. Why am I even talking about that one?

“Now you’ve seen my real face. You know why I possessed you? I want to make you mine but your father is just too stupid to give you to me.

I told your father am gonna make you mine at all cost. Now you’re here with me. I planned everything.” He t©uçhed my cheeks, cu-pping them in his palm as he grinned ha-rd at me.

Argh! Those dishusting hands!

“What do you want from me? Why me? Why choose me? Am I the only girl?” I threw questions at him.

He scoffed and moved closer ma-king us an inch ap@rt from each other. He leaned in.

“I alre-ady told you. I want you! So badly. You can’t reject me. Am gonna make you mine by f0rç£.” He responded.

I moved away from him.
“I can’t be yours!” I fired.
“I don’t know you! I don’t love you! Why the hell are you doing this to me?!”

“Calm down. I don’t have time for your firing words. I nee-d to get prepared for tonight’s battle. Don’t be surprised later.” He took a step back and disappeared into thin air.

I never wanted this! I can’t even go back to my world again. The portal has been closed and also, no one will welcome me cause am possessed.

I hate the life am leaving now.

I sank into the couch and ru-bbe-d my forehead ha-rd . Who are my saviors? I can’t wait for them to let me out of this darkness am in.

Damon’s Pov

We lined outside waiting patiently for Mr Gray to come out.
He wore a complete white cloth and stood in front of us with a sm-irk.

“You all look like students standing on the as-sembly ground.” He tea-sed.

“So, this night…..”He paused.
“We are going to Elsa’s working place. Though, we aren’t having the battle inside the club but a little far from it.” Mr Gray explained.

“Why? I’d thought we are having the battle here?” Diamond skrie-ked.

“It’s not possible. They might haunt our house afterwards. And thats gonna cause trouble. We will be restless fighting them day by day.” Raul told Diamond.


We’d spent so many hours training, learning more on how to use our powers and it stressful but fun.

I and Diamond really do have multi powers.
“The leader is really a powerful demon. He’s an archer. Do not let his arrows t©uçh you. Do well to dodge his arrows.

They are dangerous and that can make you lose your powers temporary. I don’t know about the two of you yet.” He pointed to me and my sister, Diamond.

We ended the training and we went back inside.

Thinking of how the battle is gonna be this night. Tough? Easy?
It can’t be easy dummy! It can’t!
But am not backing out.

Why am I not backing? Why? Cause of her? I thought I was angry at mission stuff. But now, am really anxious to see what’s gonna end this.

Elsa, her images kept pla-ying in my head. She’s driving me crazy.. Bit by bit.


My Gray shared a mirror to us. “You can communicate with your parents throu-gh this. It just like the phone you’re holding.

They have the same mirror too and it gonna make a vibr@ting sound when it rings. I alre-ady told them all what they nee-d to know about the mirror. Now, drop it and get prepared.” He cl@pped his hands and we scattered.

We gathered around the dinning room to eat dinner without Mr Gray. We waited for him again to show up.

He c@m£ downstairs minutes later, “Don’t forget the instructions I told you. Am not going to show up. Don’t worry, I got you covered.”

We entered the car and someone drove us to our destination. I could see the so called club afar.

The car turned back and drove away. We looked around seeing no one. I walked a little and my left ear vibr@ted. A signal that something is coming.

“Down!” I yelled and they bent down.
A dagger pas-sed and hit a tree. Wow!

I sprang up and turned back seeing about thirty demons coming with swords and daggers.

No one was pas-sing. Just us and the demons. The only thing on my mind is to see their leader.

“They are many” Raul muttered. Cursing un-der his breath.

“The demons charged towards us shouting as they come near.

“Let’s began!” Diamond screamed and we were running towards them too.

We started fighting. With just our powers but they were using swords, daggers and their powers too.

The demons we killed were turning to ashes. We killed all the demons and saw a male standing and backing us.

“Good job! You really did well.” The male faced us holding a bow and arrows behind him.

“Why her?” I stepped forward.

“Cause I want her to be mine.” He fixed an arrow to the bow and pu-ll-ed the string.
Not out direction but to a tree.

“Would it be better if I kill her too? No I can’t! Or maybe take her to my kingdom to make her mine forever” He laughed evilly.

“You’re no match for me” He pointed to us.

“Leave her! Let her be. You’re gonna find your own p@rtner soon.” I said to him.

“Nope dear. You kinda have a love feeling for her isn’t it? You can’t make her mine. Only me can do.” Was his response.

I took Diamond’s hands amd held it ti-ght. Diamond knew what I meant. The light from our hands made thun-der struck. We stretched the grib hands to him and the thun-der struck him.

He stumbled and we couldn’t see him again. He can’t just disappear like that. He must be hiding.

“Guys? What….you’re….” That was…..Elsa’s voice.

How did she get here?

“Elsa, you should go now!” Trying to push her away.

“You’re a vampire?” She asked after sniffing my b©dy.
“My power goes and comes. May be that’s why am unable to smell you guys” She spoke with the sweetest voice ever.

My eyes caught four arrows speeding behind Elsa. $h!t!
I pu-ll-ed Elsa away, pinning her to a pole and two arrows hit me which made me come more close to her.

Our b©dy contacting.
“Damon!!!” Diamond yelled coming to me but I st©pped them from tou-ching me. I nee-d to enjoy being closed to Elsa.

“Damon? You’re wounded…cause of me.” Elsa cried.

“It just my mission. Our mission to save you. You’d get out……” Another arrow and I spouted out blood.

Damn that idiot!

I still smiled at her. Her eyes were filled with tears. I was caging her to the pole.
“Damon you can’t do this! Don’t leave!” She shook her head vigorously and caught an arrow that was trying to hit me.

Diamond was crying ha-rd . They couldn’t see the demon leader. He must have gone. And where’s Sir Gray?
Raul and Alaric tried to take me away from Elsa but I stood still. “Leave me with her!” I growled.
That moment I hate it when they tried to take me away from her. What am I feeling this time around?

“Elsa, just one thing.” I faced her weakly.
“A k!ss. I wanna k!ssyou with my bloodyl-ips.” I didn’t wait for an answer before slamming myl-ips on hers.

My eyes began to turn as I re-moved myl-ips from her and fell to the ground.

“Damon!!!!!!!!!!!” Was all I heard before my eyes closed.



😳😳😪😪Damon oo hope he’s not dead Sha bayii?🤔