Damian episode 39 & 40


? Damian ( Admit you love me)?


Authoress Sas-syjen

❎ Do not pirate my work and don’t copy without my permission ❎

?‍❤️‍?‍?A high school r0m@nç£& love?

Episode 39

( Semi Finale)


Getting set for school as usual when I noticed mom hasn’t stepped out of her room yet.

I decided to check on her, she got covered with the blanket and was shaking.

“Mom what’s happening to you?”, I said asking her.

” I woke up feeling feverish but I know I will be fine okay, you go ahead to school my son”, she said in a breaking voice.

“Mom no way, am not leaving you in this state, I would rather go late to school”, I said.

“Should we go to the clinic to run some test on you so you know what exactly is wrong?”, she refuses, all she kept saying was that she will be fine.

I excuse myself out of the room.

I can’t just give her medication without a doctor’s description so I decided to call her friend, the nurse at the hospital.

She told me I can go to school, that she will come over to the house to see mom, I felt relieved because my mom will be in safe hands before I come back from school.

I let mom know about that before I left for school.

I miss Nora so much, I just can’t wait to see her today in school, I can’t bear not seeing her just a day.

After high school, I hope we make it throu-gh college still together, I just can’t wait to get establish and asking her to marry me.

I will be the happiest man on earth if she bears my kids for me.

I decided to get a gift for her this time around, at the jewelry sto-re, I saw a beautiful earring that will look so good on Nora so I decided to pay for it, I know she will love this.

After which, I was alre-ady close to the school premises.

I brou-ght out the gift I bought for her and admired it again picturing how good it will be on her.

I decided to call her on the phone so she can wait for me outside the clas-s we are having today, I know I owe her an apology but I will explain the reason I c@m£ late to her after which I will pres£nt the gift.

I was about to dial the number when I noticed a black van driving at speed, I wondered who would be driving like that.

Then to my greatest shock, the van got opened and someone on mask pointed the gun at me and opened fire, the first bullet hit me and my phone fell off and he sh0t me again before leaving.

I was on the ground unable to scream for help, then my phone started ringing, it was Nora, all I could say before I blank out was, ” I love you, Nora”.


I was having a dream about Damian when I opened my eyes that’s when I remembered I pas-sed out seeing my love in that state.

“Piper, Ivy how is Damian, will he survive it?”, I started crying out loud, my friends tried calming me down.

” It’s okay plea-se, I know he’s going to make it, luckily one of the special doctors alre-ady here but the others are not”, Piper said.

“I hope the bullet wasn’t too de-ep, I know he’s going to make it l, be strong for him plea-se”, Ivy added.

” But who could have done this to my love, what on earth did he do to deserve such evil”, I said still crying.

One of the nurses c@m£ out and I rushed to her,” plea-se how is Damian nurse?”, I asked.

“Am sorry but he still in a bad shape, the special doctors are taking out the bullets alre-ady and it’s just a few chances that he might survive it or not”, she said before leaving.

I felt my world coll@psing alre-ady, this should just be a dream, I don’t want this to be real, nothing will happen to my Damian.

I called my father and told him what was happening, he was frightened on phone and told me he will invite another special doctor to attend to him also because the case is really serious.

Am a Christian, I believe truly God exists, he c@m£ to save us all, plea-se God hear my cry, safe Damian soul from the hands of death.

I was crying while I prayed to God because he’s the only one I can turn to, my mother always talks about God to me and my late twin brother when she was alive.


I finished arranging my last box of clothes, I think am re-ady to leave the country.

The boss of green snakes which is my father walked in and said,” Are you sure you want to go back to the states, I can fix you in the best high school here”.

“Am okay father and plea-se let Damian be dad, don’t f0rç£ him to join the green snakes okay”, I said.

” Am I missing something here?” he asked and I started laughing.

“Nothing much, I had dinner with Damian off recent, we talked about many things, his full of wisdom and made me realize so much, even if we f0rç£ love, we will be the ones in pains, enduring cause no happiness in f0rç£ love except we have luck for feelings to show, he said lots of things to me dad, am beautiful, so pretty, the right person will come soon okay”, I said with a smile…

” Come here little one and hvg your dad”, he said.

“I love you my child and am re-ady to do everything for you okay, if that’s your wish, then it’s done”, he said

” I love you to dad, thanks a lot”.

” I know I won’t miss you for long, I will always visit”, he said.

“Sure sad, I can’t wait to leave high school next year and attend the college in New York City”.

” Granted”, I hvgged him again.

One of the boys c@m£ saying, “Damian mom wishes to see you sir” he said.

“Give me some minutes will take you to the airport myself”, Dad said to me.

Damian Mom

The school principal called me on phone delivering the news to me about what happened to my son Damian.

After the call, I felt a cold breeze of sadness and tears dropping from my eyes.

” No, I can’t lose my only son, he’s all I have, why will the green snakes do this?.”

I got all set and re-ady to leave the house after my friend left.

I headed to the green snake’s home, he better kills me first.



Episode 40

( Finale)

Damian mom

“Whats brings you here”, the green snake leader asked me.

” Why my son, why him, why don’t you just take me instead”, I started crying.

“I still don’t un-derstand what you are saying, you wanted to see me, you know I got no patience so speak”, he said rudely.

” Why did you s£nd your boys to kill my son Damian, now he’s fighting for his life, what did he do to deserve such, is it because he did not join you, or what”I yelled.

“I feel there is a mix-up somewhere, I have no intention of hurting, moreover I don’t intend to f0rç£ him to join, so not us”, he replied.

I bec@m£ so confused not knowing what to do or say at the moment, ” If you are not the one then who?”, I asked.

“What happened to Damian”, his daughter said with a worried face.

” He got sh0t close to the school premises and he’s fighting with his life now”, I replied.

“This can’t happen, no way, dad plea-se use all your connection and power to find the killer, we can’t let this slide, he saved me remember and we owe him one”, she said

He as-sured me of finding the killer soon enough, I was happy but my heart was bleeding, my only son can’t die.

I left after everything and boarded a taxi to the school clinic.

Then I saw Nora with her eyes all red and face swollen, she truly loves my son.


I was informed that the operation was successful and they have taken out the bullets alre-ady.

Damian’s mom was with me, she was sad but I had to comfort her too.

I couldn’t eat or do anything, I miss him so much.

He’s still in the state of comma and I hope he wakes up soon.

My dad c@m£ also and talked with Damian’s mom saying,” The police are investigating the matter alre-ady, we must find the killer”, he said.

“Once I get any clue, will inform you sir”, she said to him.

Piper and Ivy brou-ght me fruit to eat,” You nee-d to st©p doing this to yourself you know”, Ivy said.

“Damian won’t be happy seeing you losing so much weight, he’s going to be fine okay”, Piper added.

” I just can’t see myself eating, besides, who do you think might do this?”, I asked.

“I kind of suspect someone but I doubt if he can go to that extent of killing”, Ivy replied.

” Just try and be fine, eat okay”, Piper added.


I heard the news upd@t£s at school, this isn’t right, I went to Xavier’s place shaking alre-ady.

“Xavier I told you those guys are dumb, killing wasn’t p@rt of it now Damian is almost dying, what are we going to do?”, I asked.

“We do nothing, maybe he was destined to die that way”, he said.

” What are you saying, your best friend remember?”, I reminded him.

“We lost our friendsh!pwhen he decided to take the woman I love from me”, he said.

” Oh Xavier, wait for a second, am the only one feeling unease here, did you know anything about this, the change of mission.”, I asked.

He turned from his drink and sip from it and facing the window of his room.

“Don’t tell me you..”, I almost cried.

” What was I suppose to do Ellie”, he yelled holding me.

“I was used, my emotions were toiled with, I bec@m£ so angry that I couldn’t control my emotions, I just ordered them to just kill him”, I got surprised and I sl@p him in the face.

“Have you lost your humanity hum?”, I said to him angrily.

” Guess what, am guilty Ellie, am so guilty, I got consumed by my range, yes you are right, he’s still my friend but I decided out of my state of been angry”, he said with his eyes red.

I brou-ght out my cigarettes and said, “Better pray he comes out alive for us to be free”.



We were about to leave his house when some detectives st©pped us and said, “You both are un-der arrest for the attem-pted murder of Damian Owen”, I felt cold alre-ady and I started regretting everything, Xavier went too far and am going down with him.

They placed the handcuff on our hands and we left.


Damian’s mom got a clue about the killer from her source and she gave it to the police.

I was shocked when I find out it was Xavier and Ellie.

I almost to-re them ap@rt at the station but my friends st©pped me.

“You both are heartless”, I screamed out.

Ellie was pleading but I refuse to listen, if I should sit around one more time, I will just commit murder now so I had to leave and go sit in the car.

My dad c@m£ and calm me to just let it go and what we should be praying for now is for Damian to survive.

He got disappointed in Ellie and Xavier because both of their parents have a good heart, it was less expected from them.

Damian’s mom rushed to us crying and said,” We nee-d to go to the hospital now, the nurse just called that we are losing Damian any minute from now”.

We had to start the car instantly, my heart was beating fast as I kept praying.

“We are losing Damian soon”, kept ringing in my head.

At the hospital we saw the nurse and doctor shocking his b©dy to wake up then I saw the machine line number dropping which means his dying soon.

” Damian don’t leave me plea-se” The machine was beeping loud and then it started re-adIng
