Damian episode 17 & 18


💗 Damian ( Admit you love me)💗


Authoress Sas-syjen

❎ Do not pirate my work and don’t copy without my permission ❎

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨A high school r0m@nç£& love💑

Episode 17


🧑 Nora 👄

While i followed him without be seen, i started having two minds, “Am I doing the right thing by following him, now he look so scary to me, I believe he has somethings that his hiding, what if his a killer or something”, I argued with my self.

My fear increa-sed when I know we just pas-sed the lane to a dangerous one,I almost called his name but I had to go back, everything in my mind was to know where his final destination was.

I got carried away when I hit foot on stone but I endured the pain, little distraction then I lost him.

” Where is he?”, I scanned the place with my eyes, am in the middle of nowhere.

Still searching for him then a hand gr-ab me to a corner,I started sweating and my heart skip a beat, seeing his eyes today, it was so cold that I fear he might harm me.


“What are you doing here Nora?”, he yelled at me.

I started shaking with fear,” Am sorry, I don’t really know why I choose to follow you, maybe I wanted to have a conversation with you outside school”, I didn’t even know what to say to him.

“You are crazy”, he yelled again.

” Now, you are getting the hell out of this place, don’t you dare follow me again, ever in your life, have called a taxi and his waiting for you, go in the taxi and leave here this instant.”, I almost cried, I hate when someone I like shout at me that way and even s£nding me a way.

I was about leaving when he said, ” And one more thing Nora, I helped you because it was the right thing earlier today, I don’t feel a thing for you,I can never love you”.

When he said these words, tears filled my eyes, I just had to control it,”Fine Damian, over step my boundary, good bye”.

I left.

I saw the taxi like he said earlier and the taxi took me home, I buried my face on the be-d,I kept on crying as I was hurting.

👨‍🦰 Damian 👨‍🦰

I was alre-ady walking to the place to meet up with guys, “Am not killing anyone with my hands,I prefer cracking some bones”.

” Mother plea-se be safe, I know the mission will be successful tonight and after which,I will get to meet you at home”

Still walking, I got a car but my earphones was fixed alre-ady in my ear, the green snake repres£ntative.

“Damian we have a little problem, you are been followed by someone, either you take them to the boys, to have fun with her then kill her”..

” Enough”, I interrupted him saying,”You can’t kill my clas-smate at school, she probably forgot something with me,I would handle this” I ended the car.

I look at the car side mirror and saw it was Nora, “What the hell is she doing her, does she wish to get herself killed”.

I took another route that doesn’t lead to the bad boys.

Immediately she hit her foot, I was out of sight, while she was searching for me, I had to put on the anger look before addressing her.

I gr-ab her to a path, asking her what she was doing here but she gave dumb answers.

I yelled at her,I saw tears in eyes when I finished talking to her,I knew I hurt her the more when I st©pped her to tell her I can never lover her.

When she was gone,I took the right route and met up with the boys, opening the file, the mission was re-ady to start.



We surrounded the place the hostage was kept, then I take the rivals one after the other, cracking or breaking their bones, using my dagger to give some terrible cut.

The other boys also used their skills on the rivals.

Getting close to where the hostage was, we heard gunsh0t.

” I should have know”

They opened fire at us and we took cover, then I gave them the signal to attack the rivals when they were out of bullets and reloading their guns.

It wasn’t easy but I found my way throu-gh the path the hostage was,I took off the bag they used in covering her face, a female, maybe the green boss girlfriend, she looks extremely beautiful.

Then she said,” Behind you”, I dodge the knife and twisted his arm and he screamed in pain.

“Come with me lets get you out of here”.

I said to her,I know that looks, all girls have that look.

I contacted green snake boss that we have saved her and we drove to the direction giving to us.

After everything,I was told my mom is at home waiting for me alre-ady.

” Hey handsome what’s your name”, the girl I just saved asked.

I turn around looking at her,” Sorry to disappoint you miss, my mission is just to save you and not to flir-ty , hope we never see again, good bye”. I said this with seriousness and left.

I thought about how Nora would be feeling.


When I got home,I saw mom, I rushed to hvg her.

“Now am having a second thought, my son is p@rtially cold”, mom said smiling.

I took her out to get dinner and to make her happy, she is the only family I have left.


Getting to school the next day, Nora walked towards us,I thought she wanted to talk to me then I maintain a ha-rd face and said, ” I thought I made it clear that,” she cuts me off.

“Yeah you made it clear, get your eagles down for am not here to see you, have moved on, I c@m£ to see Xavier, some one that can admit he truly care”, she said this and left.

” What exactly is going on and why did my heart skip”.



Episode 18

😢 Nora 🙁

At school the next day I talked with Ivy and Piper about what happened between Damian and me.

Piper calmed me down saying,” Just forget about him, he doesn’t wish to admit his feelings towards you, you know, or maybe he doesn’t like you, this is so complicated you know, he so not re-adable for someone to un-derstand him”.

“Why don’t you just be talking to Xavier as a means to get back at him, that if he gets jealous then you’d know he likes you but he doesn’t want to admit it”, Ivy added.

“I don’t think it will work, his eyes were so cold when he said he can’t love him, he s£nt me away you know, at first I thought he actually likes me but now I don’t think
So, let me just forget everything about him, including the blacklist and all”. I said in a sad tone.

” But you caused it by falling de-ep for him, how to wish you never blacklist him, he would not have pla-yed with your emotions this way,” Piper said.

“Is that what you have to tell me Piper”, I gaze at her.

” Am so sorry okay, just get a bit close to Xavier”.she said.

“What if Xavier get hurts at the process, what if he took the wrong code from you”, Ivy asked.

” Well none of my business you know, I just want to get back at Damian, too bad he bec@m£ the victim”.

We continued talking before the teacher c@m£ to the clas-s, while clas-s was going on, Damian and I kept on staring in clas-s, but whenever our eyes meet, he took them off.



After clas-s, I sighted Xavier behind Damian, I smiled and decided to start the payback today.

His face still cold, he actually thought I c@m£ here to see him, ” I thought I made it clear that,” I didn’t allow him to finish his statement.

“Yeah you made it clear, get your eagles down for am not here to see you have moved on, I c@m£ to see Xavier, someone that can admit he truly care”, I said this and left, meeting Xavier.

” Hi Xavier”

“Oh Nora, how is everything with you, you looked so beautiful this morning”.

” Awwww”, I made sure I reacted loudly for Damian to hear.

I and Xavier kept on talking but when it comes to the reaction I do it in excess for Damian to get noticed.

But what spoilt my mood was that Ellie girl who c@m£, meeting Damian, I couldn’t help but listen to their conversation.

She said,” Hi handsome, am going to the cafeteria to eat, seems your friend Xavier is busy with someone, its no harm for you to go with him”

“Oh really, she wants to make use of this opportunity hum”, I said to myself.

Damian actually left with her.

Xavier kept on talking to me but I got carried away with Damian.

” Nora, are you listening?”, he snapped me out of my thought.

“Oh am sorry, am really starving you know” I lied.

“Then let me get you lunch at the cafeteria”.

” Sure would love that”

I only agreed on going because of Damian.

At the cafeteria, Xavier suggested we sit with Damian and Ellie, I accepted.

Xavier and Ellie went to get the menu remaining just Damian and me.

We just kept looking at each other eyeball to eyeball.

Am so angry at him right now.

I was shocked when he broke the silence,” Nora sorry I shouted at you yesterday, it was nee-ded for some reasons you don’t know”.
“Just sorry he has to say, well I don’t blame him at all, I just want him to be jealous but he’s not showing it at all, guess I will nee-d to leave here soon cause I can’t possibly eat in the same table with Ellie.

🙁 Damian 😲

I got a bit disappointed when I saw her talking to Xavier, her reaction was something else that I grew angry about for no reason though I never showed it out.

Ellie c@m£ asking me to eat with her, well I just decided to so she won’t judge me wrong today after I told her words that hurt the other day.

I thought about what Xavier could be discussing with Nora that was when they c@m£ together to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

Ellie and Xavier went to get the menu, I kept on staring at him while she does same.

I also owe her an apology as well for shouting at her yesterday.

I apologize to her saying, “Nora sorry I shouted at you yesterday, it was nee-ded for some reasons you don’t know”.

But she just ignored me.



I got home today with anger on my face, mom tried asking what’s eating me up but I just told her nothing that is stressed.

This is so not right, well it’s none of my business if she talks to him.

🥺 Nora 🥺

At the super market, I c@m£ to get some stuff to take home from school, my new driver waited outside for me.

” Guess you must be Nora my child”, I turned around and saw a lady, damn beautiful, she is the meaning of beauty itself.

“Good day ma, seems you know me” I asked.

“Well not really,I only saw a video of you and my son in a ro-mantic position, the comments I saw your name Nora”.

” Am still lost mam”.

“I mean Damian my son”

“Holly moll, now I know why Damian is really cute, the mother has It in her DNA, but is she here to warn me or..” I got confused.

“Ma so good to meet you,I don’t really know how to express my self, you are beautiful ma”, I said.

” Wow thank you, lets have lunch together close by,I have some things to tell you and am so happy I ran into you today”.

“Should I agree to go or not?’




Now what is going to happen next?