Daddy’s girl Episode 48 to 50

Daddy’s Girl
( Getting Her Pregnant. )
Episode 48
(Three years ago)
Chloe’s POV
I ran to him and hvgged him. We were both happy to see each other again after a long holiday.
I had hoped and long for resumption so I can get to see my b©yfri£nd.
“I miss you Chloe.” He said with a shy smile as he placed his soft pinkl-ips on my cheek.
I blu-shed. “I’ve missed you too.”
“I nee-d to take you somewhere today, somewhere special.”
He nodded in reply. “As soon as you are done in school, give me a call so I can come and pick you.”
“Hum! I can’t wait.” I hvgged him for few more seconds after which I walked swiftly to my clas-s.
I have missed him so much. Ever since we vacated the previous term, I had travelled out of the country for an holiday and that has not make me set my eyes on my b©yfri£nd.

I stood beside one of the pillars of the school waiting for him to show up. I had called him and he had told me he’s on his way.
He arrived few minutes later and I hopped inside his car.
“You kept me waiting, I hope you know that?”
“I’m so sorry baby, I was trying not to let my brother know I was coming here. ” he replied.
“Oh! Talking about your brother, has he changed now?”
He scoffed. “Change? I doubt if he will ever change, ever since we were younger, all he does is to steal, fight and cause trouble. He had said a number of times that he is going to create a gang in the future and steal from rich men. I told you he dropped out of school.”
“Sure, I remembered. ” I sighed. “He’s really a character.” I said and he continued driving.
I’ve never set my eyes on his brother but he has told me a lot about him, how reckless he was living and how he didn’t want my b©yfri£ndto be with any lady. I wonder why?
It’s his life and he can choose what he wants, this is the reason why he had to sneak out of the house to get to me anytime we want to see.
After few minutes of driving, we arrived at a place that looked like an island, the view was beautiful and spectacular.
Before I could even step down to adore the place, I uttered words alre-ady; “this place looks so beautiful.”
My b©yfri£ndhelped me step down of the car and walked me up the Island to catch a better view of it.
“You like what you are seeing?”
“Yes, so beautiful. Thanks for bringing me here.” I said and we took more steps around.
He showed me plea-sant surroundings around the place after which we went to sit behind a mountain, there was no one in sight and I was glad it’s just us.
I feel comfortable too. I hope that one day, I will be able to introduce my b©yfri£ndto my dad.
After discussing randomly like a lover boy and loved girl that we were for few minutes, an image began to form from a distance and in no time, I was surprised at who I saw.
My b©yfri£ndstood up nervously while I stand to my feet too.
“He looks exactly like you, is that your brother?” I asked him.
“Yes, how in the world did he trace me here?” He asked not directing the question to anyone.
“You said he doesn’t like you being with any lady, is there any reason for that? Will he hurt us?” I asked Kaden; my b©yfri£ndas his twin brother approaches.
“I don’t know if he will hurt us, but.. ”
“Let’s run then.” I said nervously but it seems to late as his reckless look-alike brother stood before us.
“Kaden, why are you with a lady, I told you to stay away from ladies ” Kaden’s brother said.
“It’s my life, I have asked you several times why you don’t want me to be with ladies but you don’t give me answers. plea-se stay off.”
His brother chukled and sh0t me an annoying look. He brou-ght out a rounded harmer and hit me at my forehead.
I wasn’t expecting that, I fell flat to the floor, I was fast loosing conscioisness but I struggled to open my eyes slightly hoping he doesn’t hurt Kaden too.
“Kian! ” Kaden shouted in pain. “She’s just a girl, you have killed her.”
Kaden angrily looked around and saw a small rock , he went to pick it and hit his brother with it.
Kian fell to the floor while I l@yto the floor hoping that death takes its due course over me.
Kaden rushed to me and carried me, shouting my name as he walks…
It was the last thing I remembered.
—End of Flashback–
Jace’s POV
I let my head fell before the dinning table that I was. I was drun!kand sad.
“Jace! Jace! You are scaring me, this is not the you’ I know. What is wrong?” I heard Piper asked. She seems to be concerned.
I couldn’t even move my mouth, ever since I heard the rumour that Kian had proposed to Chloe and she said ‘yes’ , I have been unhappy and awful.
I feel miserable right now, so Kian will win all the money?…Chole would have thought Kian loves her and probably wants to have some kind of relationsh!pwith her not knowing he’s only pla-ying a bet on her.
Kian! Kian! Are you going to win all the money we have worked for, for years just like that?
Like seriously, you will be the one to in-sert your di-ck inside her ti-ght and probably v!rg!npu-ssy first. This is not fair Kian.
You are ma-king me look like a loser.
I heard a knock on my door and I raised my head up sullenly. All this while, Piper was just staring at me.
“Open that door.” I said like a drun!kman that I am. Piper obliged and a very handsome man c@m£ in.
“Hi, I’m br@ndon.” He strecthed his hand but I refuse to receive it.
“Yes Mr. How can I help?”
“Erm…I thought Chloe could be here, so I c@m£ to check her.” He said.
“And who are you to her.”
“Her b©yfri£nd.” He replied.
Chloe only told me she had an ex b©yfri£ndnot a b©yfri£nd.
“You mean an ex b©yfri£nd? ” I asked to be sure.
“May be, I nee-d to see her. ” He said.
I signalled for Piper to leave and she left. I let the man sit before me.
“You still love, Chloe?” I asked.
“Yes, very well. I regret not creating time for her, I nee-d her back in my life.” He explained.
A smile formed on myl-ips as an idea formed on my head.
“I can help you.” I said smiling.
“Really, I’ll be grateful. ”
“As I speak with you, there is a friend of mine with her, his name is Kian, she seems to love him and I heard rumour that she accepted his proposal, so we nee-d to act fast.”
I could see an expression of sadness and disappointment on br@ndon’s face.
“But Kian never loved her, Kian and I, alongside one of our friends placed a bet on her that the first person tofu-ck her receives all the money we have worked for all our lives.”
“What! You placed a bet on my girlfriend?” br@ndon asked skrie-king. He was getting furious.
“Point of correction, your ex girlfriend. ” I corrected sarcastically and he looked away angrily.
“I caused all this, I should not have been too busy not to have her time.”I heard him mutter to himself.
I grinned. ” calm down, will you? …have your sit.” He sat back after few seconds of hesitation.
I brou-ght out my phone and dialed Chloe’s mobile number.
“Tell Chloe yourself that Kian never loved her, that he placed a bet on her, also tell her that, Kian is the head of those that those have been terrorizing her father’s business. Ask her if ‘Sinners gang sounds’ familiar.”
Episode 49
Kaden’s POV
I was alone in my room, my head was buried in sadness as I thought about my past.
I was Chloe’s first love, we were younger and naive, we both loved each other with pas-sion before Kian spoilt our relationsh!p.
After he hit Chloe on the head that day, I rushed her to the hospital, all this while, her eyes were firmly closed and I was so scared and prayed that nothing bad will happen to her.
Chloe’s father was informed about the predic@m£nt of his daughter and he sped over in a matter of minutes.
“What happened to my daughter? What did you to her?” Those were his loud and clear questions that horrible day.
Without even listening to what happened, he ordered that I be arrested. He also threatened me that the next time he sees me with his daughter, he is going to personally kill me.
Saddening! How can I ever forget my first love?
I spent six months in cell for committing no crime, only that I love Adam Seth’s daughter.
By the time I was freed, I get to know that Chloe is now doing fine but..
She’s engaged with another man, get to find out later that the nan was br@ndon.
It hurts me so bad that I felt like committing suicide, this is someone that I had spent six months in cell for.
She doesn’t even care to search for me , she doesn’t even care to bail me. She just forgot me in cell and move on with her life.
Sad enough, she is beginning to d@t£ another man in just a space of six months.
Instead of hating her for what she did, I began to hate myself. I feel inferior and dejected always.
The one woman I had loved does not even care to find me. Maybe, ladies are that way.
Kian got healed throu-gh one way or the other, he never told me till d@t£. All I know is that, after I was re-leased from cell and went to our house.
He stood against me and angrily fought me, we fought each other and p@rted ways since then.
The next time of meeting with him was at Adam Seth’s p@rty where I carried on the work that Jace pleaded for me to do.
I felt like tearing myself up that day when I saw Chloe. At first, when Chloe looked at me where I sat, I was frightened and nervous that she may identify me.
Although my brother and I are identical, one could still notice some slight differences.
To my surprise, she never even acted like we had a past together. I get to know on that day that she’s got a chemistry going on with my own brother.
The Same Kian that hit her on her head and spoilt our relationsh!pis the same Kian now in some sort of relationsh!pwith her.
It hurts me so bad anytime I think about it but I always let it go.
I doubt it if I can ever forget my first Love. Maybe Chloe is ignoring me intentionally, who knows? But I never hurt her…no no! I didn’t.
It’s fine if my brother have her, after all, he donated his kidney to me when I was almost dying, that’s the least I could do for him.
Chloe may have forgotten me as her first love but I will always keep at her my heart till I die.
Episode 50
Chloe’s POV
Kian’s face looked so beautiful as usual, I can’t wait for his pinkl-ips to land on mine. I’m really nervous cause it’s my first time ma-king Love.
Kian pu-ll-ed off his clothes and I could see his ba-re che-st, they were a bit hairy and S-xy, his scent covered my nostrils and I sh0t him an alluring smile.
He helped me pu-ll off my t©p and I was left with my un-derwear. I feel safe and comfortable around him and I can’t wait for him to make love with me.
“Are you scared?” He asked as he la-id on me. I shook my head. At that point, even if I try to speak, I wouldn’t. I was engrossed. It was my first time and I feel so elated and emotionally volatile.
Just as his hand landed on my w@!st to pu-ll off my un-derwear, I felt odd. I felt strange. It was like I had been in this same position with him before.
It felt like we have made love before. Am I just hallucinating? I was feeling so disturbe-d.
I held him with his hand still on my w@!st, he was looking into my face trying to discern what was wrong with me.
“Thought you said you wanted us to make Love?” He asked softly like a gentleman. His alluring voice swept across my soul again and I just felt like shouting ; ‘go ahead…go ahead plea-se.’
Unfortunately, I can’t.
“Kian! …” I called and he just starred into my face. His face says it all that he’s responsive.
“Have we made love before?”
His face dropped and he took his hands off my w@!st, he sat beside me and darted his face away before setting it back on my face.
“Chloe! This is our first time…and we are yet to even commence anything.” He replied seemingly confused.
“We have sle-pt together, several times right?” I asked.
“Sure, Chloe, is anything the matter?”
“Did you try to make love with me when I was asleep? Maybe I actually sle-pt off and you made love with me?” I asked.
“Chloe!” He yelled and calmed. He breathed in and after few seconds, he spoke up. “No! Of course not, why would I do such a thing.”
“You are lying, I felt like I’ve made love with you before, I felt like you have climbe-d me and made love with me before.” I said and my head began to ache.
I sat upright and buried my head in my palm. What’s going on with me? What kind of feeling is this?
Am I even a vir-gin?
“Chloe!” Kian called but I refuse to raise my head.
“Chloe!” He called affectionately but I refused to raise my head still.
“Chloe!” His voice was comforting as he uttered my name the third time.
I raised my head up and looked up to him, tears had swollen up in my eyes and I just let it fell.
Kian hvgged me as I sobbe-d
“Kian, I did not un-derstand what is going on with me.”I said as I cried.
He sighed. ” I’m here with you baby, if you are not re-ady yet, it’s fine by me. I love you.” Kian said soothingly.
My phone began to ring but I didn’t have any verve to pick it, I was feeling odd. I simply la-id my head on Kian’s shoulder.
Jace’s POV
“She didn’t pick up.” br@ndon said.
“Oh! Try it again.” I said and br@ndon dialed Chloe’s mobile number again but she didn’t pick.
I ban-ged my wrist on the table and cussed un-derneath my breathe.
“You told me to ask Chloe if Sinners gang sounds familiar, what does that mean?” br@ndon asked.
“Forget it!” I said and stood. “Chloe is not here , you can leave now. ”
br@ndon exhaled lightly and stood. “If it is true that you guys placed a bet on my girlfriend, you will have yourself to blame.” He threatened and I scoffed.
If only he knows who we are.

I drove inside Adam Seth’s compound and went straight to see him.
“Mr Jace, it’s been a few days I set my eyes on you.” He said as he gestured for me to sit
“True sir, I’ve been waiting for Chloe to fully recu-perate so I can continue taking her , her lessons.”
“Oh! That’s wise of you.” He said.
“Is she back now?” I asked.
“Yes, but she ba-rely stays at home, I’m sure her b©dyguard will always keep her safe. I trust that man.” He said, referring to Kian.
What an irony of life, if only he knows what Kian had done to his business.
“I think both of them are into some sort of relationsh!p, sir. They might have even been ma-king love.” I said.
“What! I employed him to protect my daughter not to have se-x with her, what sort of disrespect is this…I’ll be firing him right away, but…getting a trusted b©dyguard for my daughter is the issue now. ”
“Don’t worry about that sir, I’m not just intelligent upstairs, I can also protect her…you won’t mind employing me as her new bodguard?”
“Oh! You looked so gentle…I hope you will be able to protect my daughter?”
“Trust me, sir.” I said and the man nodded.
“Consider it done, then.” Adam Seth said to my surprise. I wasn’t expecting it to be so smooth, I was thinking he would press further to ask how I knew, how he can confirm it and stuffs.
Wow! Me being the bodguard of Chloe will definitely give me more access to her. Either she likes it or not, I mustfu-ck her and make her pregnant so I can cart away all the money in the sinners gang.
Kian’s POV
I was at the bathroom sitting on the bathtub, my heart was heavy.
All this while, I have hated women, I didn’t want my brother to have anything to do with them neither.
I ruined the wonderful relationsh!pbetween Chloe and my brother. I regret that the same Chloe I hit on the head is thee one I’m getting attra-cted to.
I think I really love her, though I can’t tell what it means to fall in love yet. I’ve never fallen in love, I justfu-ck ladies and go about my everyday life.
I know Kaden will not tell on me, not after I donated my kidney to him.
But what if all hell breaks loose and Chloe gets to find out I’m the head of the sinners gang; a secrete organization that has been terrorizing rich people’s business and her father’s business in p@rticular?
How will Chloe feel when she finds out that I had once hurt her in the past and ruined her beautiful love life with my brother?
But I seem to be in de-ep love with Chloe, this has really never happened to me before but I fear for what may become of me if all these secretes get leaked.
I can’t imagine Chloe getting to know that I placed a bet on her and I was only trying to win the bet by haveeing se-x with her, will she even believe that I Love her that way!
Or should I just tell her the whole truth? How will she take it?
plea-se Advice our dear Kian in the comment section.