Daddy dearest batch 1

***(When a pl@yboy turns daddy…) ***
Carly quince had just had it with her new boss
True, he’s h0t and he makes every bone in her b©dy scream with de-sire but carly is 28 and its high time she st©ps getting into trouble with h0t pla-yboys
And Chris Xanders was real trouble and now he nee-ds her help!
Chris ain’t got no time for a responsible dad but looks like the pla-yboy is going to have to settle down when an ex turns up with a five year old child, who looks just like him
Chris is desperate and Carly offers help
She’ll help Him with his child only if he proves to be devoted…
Not just to his child but to their entire future together
Find out what happens next in this funny, little thri-ller
Chapter 1
Chris awoke to the incredible feeling of softl-ips on his d***k.
He opened his eyes and smiled at the little monster beneath him and closed his eyes again to the feeling of undiluted plea-sure
Laura, or whatever her name was, we as really S-x add!çted, just the way he liked them, although she might be the death of him soon but one never seed her type that often
He just had to fl!phis wallet to her several times and she comes wagging her tail or that beautiful as-s at him
She giggled at the sound as he sli-pped the c**k out of her mouth and fli-pped her over
tea-singly, he started k!ss!ngher b©dy, trailing k!sses down to her….
Chris rolled over, immediately covering himself and the who-re as he turned to stare at his beautiful and… Very early P. A
Carly quince
Or maybe not so early
$h!t, it was past eight
“Who is that? “The who-re asked, pissed as she in turn stared at Carly who was looking at them like a mother hen does to stubborn chicks
“Something wrong, carly? “Chris said as he dis£ntangled himself from the who-re
$h!t, he hated her seeing him like this but he couldn’t help himself
“There’s someone here, a woman”carly said”she would like to see you immediately”
“Immediately? ”
“That’s what I said”
“A woman?”
“Who? ”
Carly glared at him
Different emotions raged throu-gh her
Anger at him for doing this and anger and jealousy at that bit-ch still on his be-d and Burning de-sire, seeing him without his clothes
Despite the anger raging throu-gh her, she calmed herself and smiled an old principal smile
“How would I know? “She said”called herself, Amber. That’s all”
Chris’face was blank
“Amber? ”
The who-re finally pissed that carly was disturbing them said in her high pitched voice
“Will you plea-se leave? We have pressing business? ”
“Shut up”carly said and she g@sped and stared at Chris who was getting up from the be-d and wearing his clothes, not even looking at her
Outraged, she gr@bb£d her clothes and walked out n-ked, glaring at carly, who glared back at her
Chris followed carly into the spacious and tastefully decorated living room and tried not to stare at her as-s
Immediately he saw the blonde sitting very primly on his settee, he recognized her
But that wasnt the only problem
The problem was the little girl sitting next to her, devouring a hvge ice-cream
Globs of the cream smeared her face and she smiled goofily at him
“Hi Chris”amber said and he j£rked our of his reverie and stared at her “long time no see ”
“You tell me”he said, then glanced at the little girl again”Gone for years now. To what do I owe this unexpected visit? Why, you want a chance again? ”
Amber laughed like she couldn’t believe this trash and carly rolled her eyes
Chris was just unbelievable
“I’d have a chance in hell before I have a chance with you again”amber uttered, still smiling beautifully
Ouch, the woman was a bit-ch
Carly felt sorry for Chris
“I c@m£ here because of little de-siree”she continued
“Who? “Chris asked and she glared at him
“de-siree Chris Xanders “she replied, glancing at the little girl”Your daughter”
For some seconds, you can actually hear a pin drop in the deafening silence
Carly stood shell shocked, then found her ton-gue
“I’ll get something for us to drink”she said and ran off to the kitchen, breathless
Omg, Chris had a daughter?
Chris himself felt su-cker punched
Finally he managed a small laugh
“W.. What? You’ve got to be kidding me”he said
Amber looked squarely at him
“You know, that was my exact words when the doctor broke the news to me”she replied”I couldn’t believe I was pregnant for the lying, cheating bastard who never grows up. And now my career had to suffer for it. Be thankful, she’s here today”
Chris stared at her then at the kid
“de-siree wanted to see her daddy and it was really favorable for me because of my modeling contract which I just signed”she continued”its all the way out in new York and I can’t take Desi with me. No one’s ever got to know I have a child”
“You can’t leave her with me”
“And why not? “Amber said and smoothed her dress as she stood up”Wouldn’t you like a chance to grow up with your child, you immature bastard? ”
With that she turned away from him but de-siree caught her dress
“Mommy? ”
“Daddy’s got you now, desi”she said”mommy’s going away”
Predictable, the kid started crying and amber just sailed out
“Amber! Amber, st©p! “Chris yelled after her but to know avail
He looked at his bawling kid
“Hey, hey shut it ok? “He ordered but the kid cried even louder”will you be quiet? ”
“St©p that, Chris”carly said as she sat down beside the kid”you will scare her”
“She can’t stay here”
“Yes, she can and she will”carly said and cleaned the girls face”Want some cocoa? Its a little h0t”
The little girl nodded then asked
“Where did mommy go? ”
“Somewhere far away but daddy got you now, darling”
“Wait, what? Carly? ”
“Cmon Chris… ”
“I don’t even know if she’s my kid”
“Oh really? “Carly asked”can you very well look at her and say there’s not a slight chance she’s your kid? ”
Chris stared at de-siree and swallowed ha-rd as big blue eyes which we’re exactly like his stared back at him
He closed his eyes in defeat
“I… I dont know… “He muttered”what would I do with a kid? ”
“Well for starters, get a nanny”
“A nanny? ”
“Yep ”
“What about you? ”
“Excuse me? “Carly raged”I’m your P.A. get someone else for your nanny”
“If she’s really my kid, I can’t trust them with just anyone”Chris said”if you’ll help me take care of her, I’ll accept her”
Carly was speechless
“Cmon Carly, I nee-d you here”Chris pleaded”just help me out here, I don’t want a kid here, I… ”
“Why, you son of a… “Carly started then st©pped as a idea hit her
“Alright, but you’ll have another p@rt to pl@yas well”
“What’s that? ”
“You’ll prove to me that you can be a responsible daddy, then and only then I’ll stay”she said”but if not, you are on your own because I’m gonna walk out that door”
That was a price he was not willing to pay
So he agreed.
“So you have a daughter? “Dominic asked, with an amused tone, leaning to Chris as the latter settled himself into the sofa in the spacious bar
“Why are we here? “Chris asked surly”we ought to be in a str!p bar”
“You ought to have your jaws boxed”Isaac offered “what’s this about a child? ”
“Apparently, his ex turned up this morning.. With a girl whom she claimed to be Chris’ daughter “Dominic surmised “and he’s swimming in his arms ears for it”
He doubled over in laughter and Chris frowned at his friend’s
Isaac looked shocked but was slowly getting amused, Dominic was having fin and Zeke didn’t see the big deal
“You say that like he hates it”Zeke said
“Well.. I don’t but its so unnecessary… “Chris said”And I’m not even sure if she’s mine”
“Are you sure? “Dominic asked and Chris hesitated before answering
“Believe me, kids are great”Isaac offered “after the first few years by the way. Brianna and I both saw hell when Dylan c@m£ around”
Isaac’s wife had given birth to the most beautiful and luckiest boy ever, Dylan
He had three godfathers, a loving home and caring parents
“Believe me as far as its your kid, she’s gonna be great”Isaac said”And with carly with her”
“Yea, she says she’ll only stay if I prove I’m worth it”Chris said
“Worth what? ”
“I don’t know”he muttered “maybe, a chance at us together”
When carly started working as Chris’ P. A eight months ago, her common s-en-se and intuition we’re a s-en-se of relief for his friends who we’re thinking Chris was getting too out of hand
They were even bladder when Chris confessed to falling in love with her but carly nee-ded something g more than a man whom she had to share with many others
And try as they might, his friends don’t blame her
But one thing’s for sure
Carly may not be re-ady to give in to Chris now but she would never leave him
“Well, well, if chris’kid is with Carly, things would turn out well”Zeke concluded
Dominic snorted
“Thank goodness, its not a boy”he said and chris’ glare made them laugh
“I’m going to get a drink”he said and made his way to the bar where he frowned two to three glas-ses, his mind in a turmoil, keeping his friends waiting
“Hey, blue eyes “a pretty brunette slid into the seat beside him”why are you drinking? ”
“Carly “he murmured, staring at her and she laughed
“That’s funny”she said and sidled closer to him “I don’t know who carly is but I can sure do better than her”
Chris smiled
She was nothing like Carly but he would welcome company tonight
His br@in was fuzzy from too many drinks as hr led the brunette whose hands we’re all over him to his car
“Who’s the lady on daddy’s be-d, carly?”de-siree asked loudly, cutting into chris’ sleep and he j£rked awake as carly sprinted toward her
The little girl was more active than she imagined and it was ba-rely 7:00am but Desi was out of be-d alre-ady
“Desi, you are not supposed to be there.”carly said as she also gave Chris a repressive glare
What a fool to leave his door open all night
. “Hi dad”
“Uhhh… “Chris swallowed as he looked guiltily at carly. He quic-kly wra-pped himself up completely
“Who’s she? “de-siree asked again”And why we’re you wrestling with her yesterday”.
Oh my god
Carly cleared her throat
“de-siree, you weren’t supposed to leave your room”carly said”the lady with daddy was being bad so daddy was punishing her. Intact she’s not even supposed to be here at all, although daddy shouldn’t have allowed her”
“Excuse me? “The pretty brunette was astounded”babe can you believe this? ”
Carly snorted
“You have to leave”Chris gro-an ed”and be quic-k about it”
“What? “She looked shocked that she was actually being rejected and desi piped up
“Daddy says you have to leave, so do so”de-siree said”Next time don’t be bad. Try to be like carly here. She’s isn’t bad at all”
The lady g@sped in outrage and sm-irked
Flinging back the be-dspre-ads, she got out of be-d n-ked
“Does your carly have this? “She said and everyone g@sped In horror as carly covered desi’s eyes and whisked her away
“Why the heck!!!? “Chris yelled
“Chris get that bit-ch outta here!!!”carly said”before I come do it myself”
“What’s a bit-ch? “Desi asked again
“Its that lady’s name”carly answered and looked up in time to see Chris shove the girl outta his be-droom and out of the house
“Gosh, I’m so sorry”he turned to carly and shrank from her glare”Im sorry”
“You promised Chris”carly retorted”and the very next day, you do this? How do you expect me to keep up with my end of the bargain if you can’t keep urz? ”
“I’m sorry it won’t happen again… ”
“And desi had to walk in on you.. “She continued”and where we’re you last night? ”
“With the guys”he said cautiously and reached for desi who surprisingly shrank from him too
“Daddy made carly angry”she pouted”desi angry with daddy too”
Chris scoffed in disbelief
“Oh yes? ”
“Chris… ”
“Listen honey.. Um doing my best here ok? “He said and reached for carly”I promise won’t do it again. I was just so muddled yesterday…. Let’s just forget it ok?,You have nothing to worry about”
He k!$$£d her forehead and walked into his be-droom leaving carly wondering how wrong he was
She had a lot to worry about’she thought as she ca-ressed the sp©t where he had k!$$£d her
The alarm rang loud and clear in Chris’ head and he bolted awake
What the hell?
He glanced at the clock on the be-dside table
6:00am? Why the hell had he set an alarm for six in the morning?
He yawned and the extra oxygen seemed yo set his br@in working
He remembered his promise to Carly to spend a whole day with de-siree and get to know her better
He also remembered giving the pledge that he would try to make de-siree know him better as her father and not a handsome faced gigolo
He got out of be-d tiredly and walked to the bathroom
It had been long since he woke up alone and by this time
Since he hired carly as his P. A, he rarely goes to the office in the morning be cause he knew how efficient she was in all her dealings and he was confident his staff was well run by her
He just wished she could take over this job too
He sl@pped himself mentally
What are you doing, Chris? This is your child and carly is the woman you love, whom you are going to make sure she trusts you and a life together
You can’t b!ow this chance Chris, his inner voice scolded and Chris clenched his fists confidently
“I can do this”
He quic-kly finished his bathing, got dressed and walled to Desi’s room only to find it empty
“The hell… ”
His heart slammed against his ribs as he searched the perfectly clean room
His daughter
Where’s my desi?
He bolted for his cell phone phone in his room but st©pped when he heard a thud come from the kitchen
Chris was there in two seconds flat and st©pped dead when he saw the five year old, pouring milk into a bowl of cereals
The box of cereals was on the floor and that must have been the thud he heard
He didn’t even know he had cereals
His panic turned to relief
“Desi what are you doing? ”
The little girl turned and regarded him with blue eyes so like his
“ma-king cereals”she answered like Chris couldn’t see”its the only edible thing in this junk”
Chris glanced towards his well stocked fridge and cu-pboards
“Yea, what would you rather have? “he said “And why did you make it yourself”
“I always do it myself”she said
“Why? ”
“Mommy wasnt always around”desi said”she says she nee-d to be on TV ”
Chris rolled his eyes
“What about the maids? “He inquired”how can a five year old be in the kitchen? ”
She glared at him
“I’m five and three quarters! “She yelled”And we had no maids. Its just mommy and me. Besides I can take care of myself”
Chris found himself getting angry
No maids? I can take care of myself?
His child had been living in… Whatever it was without him knowing?
Amber got to pay for this
“C’mon, let’s get you re-ady”he said”we are going out”
“Where are we going? ”
“We can get you all the things you want? ”
“What do you think I want? “She asked and Chris was loss for words
“How about a teddy bear or maybe.. Barbie dolls? ”
de-siree scre-wed up her face
“I hate dolls,. They are so girly”
“You are a girl”
“I’m a big girl. I want a puppy daddy, I’m going to be a vet”she declared”mommy always said she’ll get one for me on my birthday but somehow she’s never around for my birthday, so no cakes or pres£nts”
Chris’ heart clenched
“When’s your birthday? ”
“September 27th”
Thats three weeks away’he thought
“Don’t worry desi, daddy’s got you”he said”so how about that drive? ”
“At 7:00am in the morning.. ”
“Uhhh… ”
“We’ll go later”desi said standing up”I’ll get you something to eat daddy”
Chris scoffed
“Cereals? “He said”We’ll order something. C’mon, I don’t eat such.”
“Well its about time, ain’t it? “Desi snapped and Chris looked stunned
“Ok”he said in a small voice as desi set a bowl of cereal in front of him and added the neccesities
Then she looked squarely at him
“You know I’ve always wanted a daddy or maybe a family “she said suddenly leaving Chris astonished”And with mommy gone, i guess ill have to abandon that dream.its just me and you daddy and I’ll always be with you”
Chris didn’t know what to say
He just nodded and ate his cereal prepared by his daughter
“Wait, amber…. You are kidding me right? “Sandy said staring at her”you mean to tell me Desi is Chris xander’s kid? You d@t£d Chris Xander? ”
Amber sighed and turned to glare at her manager
“If I say it one more time, it will be the 50th million time, so let me alone”
“And you just left desi with him? “Sandy continued”God, how could you be so stupid? ”
Amber stood up in anger, her get eyes ma-king her very formidable indeed
“I beg your pardon? “She asked scathingly”you think I want to stand being around that little monster any longer? I was so ashamed when I got pregnant and my career suffered but not anymore. I won’t let Chris or anyone even my child tie me down”
“You fool”sandy said calmly”amber, we both know your career is about to go downhill.. ”
“And whose fault is that? “She snapped”Chris and de-siree”
“You we’re the one who went after Chris when you knew is reputation”sandy sm-irked”but anyway you shouldn’t have just left desi with him”
“What do you mean? ”
“I mean.. You should have exhorted him”sandy said’why, you didn’t even get child support and you just left? After how you and your career suffered? ”
Amber c0cked her head
“What are you saying? ”
“I’m saying”sandy stepped closer to her”you raised Chris Xanders child for five years and there’s got to be something to show for it. You aren’t a multi billionaire’s baby mama for nothing”
At last his words made s-en-se and to her horror, Amber saw how foolish she had been
Chris must pay for this..