Cruel billionaire episode 12 & 13




Episode 12


Aidan’s POV


We entered the car and drove into the street with my eyes ransacking everywhere.

Thank God I found an open shop after a drive about 3 miles away from the h0tel we lodged in .

” You should stay here and I will go get it for you” she nodded as I c@m£ down from the car heading into the shop , I just pray there have the exact ice cream she requested for ..

” Vanilla ice cream with j£rky bits plea-se” I said to the sale girl, she nodded her head and c@m£ with it.

I made sure I supplied more than enough in case she will crave for it again ..

” Here take ” I handed it to her as I entered into the car .

” I love you Aidan ” she said and j£rked the bag from me while I shook my head in amazement. In no time she was almost throu-gh with the second one when I’m just starting the car .

” Won’t you join me ?” She asked l!çk!ng the bowl of ice cream.

” No thanks ” I replied, I remember yesterday that she gave me her shrimps to eat but began crying minutes later telling me I should provide it for her instantly. Jeez! I almost cried . I had to go into the kitchen to make another one for her which she ended up saying she lost appetite for it alre-ady that I should go back to the kitchen to prepare pancake for her .

If not for the fact that I love her I will Just run and leave till she delivers . Lawd ! Remind not to give birth again , it’s just as if I’m the one pregnant .

” St©p the car ” one of the cops shouted . There are really gonna take our time now .

” What the hell did you want?” I questioned.

” With due respect sir what are you doing outside by this time of the night ?” He asked .

” Well what I’m doing outside is that my wife is damn pregnant and she’s having cravings you get that ?” I fumed , I don’t know why all this cops are so annoying! Can’t there just let us pas-s without ma-king fuse ?

” You have to follow us to the station sir”

“For what ?” Aza flared .

I brou-ght out by ID and showed them , maybe there can’t see clearly.

One of them collected it and stared at it with wi-de eyes .

” We are really sorry to have st©pped you sir ” he said apologetically. Well, perks of being a billionaire and a celebrity, I can make him loose his job this minutes.

” Be extra careful next time” I glared at him and drove off.

Oh my God! I can’t believe Aza could finish 5bowls of ice cream at a sp©t .

The car is alre-ady a mess as she was fast asleep with all the bowls and spoons littered everywhere in the front sit.

I took her inside and la-id her on the be-d as she sleeps peacefully. I couldn’t sleep anymore, I have loads of emails to respond to so I brou-ght out my l@pt©p and began working..

Two weeks later …

I can’t really say I have been enjoying this honeymoon so far because of Aza’s pregnancy, she has becomes verrrrrrry lazy. The only thing she says is

“I nee-d this and that ” .

I can’t wait to return back to California, I will tell her to go stay with her parents till she delivers after all it’s p@rt of our custom that a wife delivers at her parent’s thou I’m going to s£nd her early at 5months instead of 8months . You won’t blame me, her cravings is something else .

” Ouch ” I heard her wince from the kitchen. Yeah we left the h0tel to my house here in California, I do have houses in most of the countries in case of any meeting with the problem of where I do stay .

I rushed to Aza who trying to put the pot on the g@s .

” Didn’t I warn you not to enter the kitchen in the name of preparing any food?” I half yelled . $h!t ! I think I’m alre-ady regretting it , she bec@m£ sober immediately. How many times do I forget not to yell at her ?

I ran my hands throu-gh my hair r0ûghly and frustratedly.

” Look Aza I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell at you, just that I don’t want to you to hurt your self” I explained instead, she bur-st into fresh tears ..

” I know you hate me now because I’m pregnant and I’m all swollen , I was just trying to make lunch for my husband but it’s okay if you don’t want me to , I’m going back to California alre-ady and back to my parents ” she said and walked out of the kitchen

This girl is really funny ! How do she get back to California without any ticket ? Oops ! I nee-d to do this for fun , I’m gonna watch her pack her things maybe she will fly back home .





Episode 13


Aza’s POV


I began crying and started packing my things , Aidan don’t love me anymore I will go and leave him to enjoy the honeymoon alone .

I dragged my bag to the living room to see Aidan sitting comfortably watching the TV . He gave me a look and started laughing , am I that ugly now ? Tears find it’s way to my eyes , this pregnancy hor-mones is something else .

” I’m sorry Aza don’t go plea-se” he said in between laugh as my sob increase, I took my bag and left the house leaving Aidan to run after me ..

” Aza wait ” he said while I st©pped abruptly.

” What did you want, you want to laugh at me again? I’m going alre-ady, you can have the honeymoon to yourself” I roared

” Okay wifey you will go but how do you intend to do that without any ticket?” That was when it down on me I began laughing uncomfortable at myself. Why didn’t I think of that huh? Is this how stupid I can be ? Goodness lawd

” You see you can’t go , I’m very sorry for yelling and laughing at you baby forgive your unreasonable husband” he said dramatically

” I’m just two months gone and you are tired of me alre-ady, what happens to the rest months huh?” I said sniffing..

” And who told you that I will ever get tired of you , never wifey I love you ” he said .

” You still do?” I asked

” Forever and ever , now baby let’s go I wanna take you somewhere” he said and collected my box

” Okay ” …


” Wow ! This place is so beautiful ” I exclaimed immediately we got to the ” Wow ! This place is so beautiful ” I exclaimed immediately we got to the beach..

” You love it? ”

” Yes I love it , how did you know about this place?” I asked

” Well, I discovered here 2years ago when I c@m£ to San Francisco for a business meeting, something c@m£ up and I nee-ded a place to cool off my head and I found here ”

” It’s really cool here”

” Okay now wifey let’s go to the Sea side ” he said . Have I ever told you that I’m very much afraid of seas ? Only the magnificent size of it creep me out.

” You said sea ? I’m sorry I can’t go Aidan” I said and withdrew my hand from his with fear

” C’mon Aza, I’m right here with you so don’t be scared we aren’t going to it” he held my wrist and walked to the edge of the sea . He sat down and made me sit beside him , it’s so big !

I felt myself drowning into the sea , my clothes soa-ked and my head de-ep inside the water. Is this how I’m gonna die? I couldn’t breathe any longer.

” Aidan helpppp! Someb©dy hellppp” I shouted so loudly but I guess no one will hear me ..

” Aza will you st©p shouting and open your eyes?” Aidan said ..

” Am I dead alre-ady? ”

” Yes you are in the land of the dead , open your eyes” he instructed. Jeez! I was just imagining but it looks so real . I slowly opened my eyes clutching Aidan so ti-ghtly

” Don’t bring me here next time ” I warned while he chuckled.

” Chill wifey , nothing is gonna happen now put your legs in the water like I did ” he said

” It’s so cold, did you want me to freeze?”

” Naa! You won’t just try it , I’m sure you will love it ” I gently put my legs into the water as a cold ran throu-gh my b©dy but I later began enjoying it splashing the water up with my legs, it isn’t that bad as I thought..

” So, let’s know more about ourselves, you know how the marriage c@m£ we didn’t get to know each other ” he said. He’s right thou.

” Okay that’s fine by me , it’s a perfect time to know each other better ”

” I guess I know you more than you know me ” he br@gged

” That’s a lie , I will sure beat you to it ”

” Okay , your favorite food is stir fried noodles, you prefer tea to coffee , you are so much in love with black, you are add!çted to shrimp and you so much despise smashed potatoes but not after you suddenly picked interest in it” he said as I stared at him in awe , how the what did he know all that ?

” Oh my God! How did you know that?”

” Don’t doubt me wifey , I have my source ” he said and win-ked while I blink my eyes in disbelief.. sincerely I don’t know anything about him .

” Your turn to tell me what you know about me and failure to do that, you owe me a k!ss” he said while I rolled my eyes..

” Not happening” I stood up and took to my heels to where our car was parked but Aidan caught up with me on time

” You can’t run away from me wifey ” he began k!ss!ngme while I stood there unable to move . Oops I didn’t prepare for this , I purposely refused to k!sshim back and he was trying to get entrance to my ton-gue but I didn’t allow that , yeah that should be his punishment . But the table turned around when he pressed my bo-ob s so ha-rd which make a g@sp escape my mouth ma-king him have full entrance. I guess he won .

I k!$$£d him back with love and pas-sion, I badly don’t want this to end .

We break from the k!ssas we both catch our breathes ..

” Let go wifey I’m famished ” he said while I nodded .





” Aza come down alre-ady” Aidan said.

” 5sec plea-se” I replied and applied a l!pgloss and yeah , we are back to California after three months. Can you believe this three months tends to be my best months ? All thanks to Aidan , he is really a loving husband. He did make up for the months he tortured me but that’s in the past now.

” Let’s go ” I said to him as I c@m£ down .

The pilot was alre-ady waiting for us so we entered the plane and in no time , it took off to the sky

And I’m almost five months gone now , my belly is becoming big including myself. Each time I look at the mirror , I feel like giving birth alre-ady to back to my normal self . The way I have expand during this few months is surprising and scary! Am I still going to get more fatter than this before I finally delivers ? Oh God! What if my parents doesn’t like how I now look? A lone teas escape my eyes .

” Oh my God! What happened wifey why are you crying? Did you nee-d anything? I can tell the chef to bring it for you ” Aidan said worriedly.

” I’m getting fat, what if you and my family don’t like me anymore?” I said and cried ha-rder

” Oh Aza ! You are getting fat but you still look as beautiful as ever infact I love the new you and don’t worry about your parents, there will even love you more now , you just look so breathtaking with your new shape wifey” he said and wra-pped his arms around me

” Now st©p