Crazy orphan episode 33 & 34

Crazy Orphan 🙆🌺
( His weakness)
Written by Aishat kemisola (Three star)
Don’t copy or repost ❎❎❎❎
Episode 33
Authoress p.o.v
“yes sir I escaped cause I nee-d to tell you something” martins said. ‘something about what?’ Mr Cole asked. ‘about my boss Mr George’ Collins replied.
‘your boss you mean George?’ Mr cole asked. ‘go ahead am listening’ Mr cole replied.
‘my boss isn’t the thief here it your friend Mr Collins, Mr Collins ambush us and killed the whole boys, he didn’t killed me cause he wanna used me for his selfish interest.
the goods is with mr Collins. he took my phone from him and gave it to one of his guards to call Mr George. the goods is with Mr Collins’ martins said.
‘martins are you sure about what you just said?’ Mr cole asked. ‘yes am very sure Mr George is innocent’ Collins said.
‘why don’t you tell me earlier. today is the day we planned to killed him’ Mr Cole said Angrily.
he took one of his phone and input new simcard inside it, he s£nt Mr George a message.
✉️’if you still value your life and that of your family run far away from that house immediately’ Mr Cole said. ‘i pray he sees it’ Mr Cole said.
you take him to the boys quarter and you guys shouldn’t tell anyone that he is here Mr Cole said to his boys.”
‘Mr George was in his house with his family when he saw a message from a strange number,’✉️if you still value your life and that of your family run away from that house’ Mr George re-ad aloud.
‘darling can you plea-se repeat that message’ Mrs George said and collect the phone from his husband.
‘but who could be after me and family?’ Mr George asked. ‘darling their is no time for questioning and none of us know the reason the best thing is that we should leave this house right away’ Mrs George said.
‘go and get the children immediately’Mr George said. Mrs George rush inside the room to get the children. ‘where are we going all to?’ little Alora asked.
‘dear let go Mr George said and they all rushed outside and enter one of the car.
the security man saw the way they rushed outside and went to meet them. ‘boss what happened?’ he asked. ‘am leaving this house you take care, everything here is yours now’
why boss?’ James the security man asked. ‘we are relocating, I bought a house in another place make sure you leave this house also you should come back in a week times.
“go and opened the gate’ Mrs George shouted. the security man rushed to open the gate and they drove up with speed.
Few hours later Mr Collins drive into Mr George house with Mr Cole sitting by his side. they were surprised or should I say Mr Collins was surprised to see the door open. ‘what’s happening here? why is the door open’ Mr cole asked mr George pretending to be surprised. ‘let check inside they might be inside the house who knows’ Mr Collins said. they went inside the house they search and search all to know avail. ‘i think George have ran away and I knew who told him to run’ Mr Collins said. and Mr Cole heart skip ‘who did you you suspect’ Mr Cole asked with a shaking voice. ‘who else if not for that bastard. martins. he escape from where I locked him’ Mr Collins said and Mr Cole breathe out in relief. ‘how could you and your boys be so foolish to allow him ran away you have spoilt my plan now’ Mr Cole said pretending to be angry. ‘dont worry I will find another way trust me we will kill him before the end of this year’ Mr Collins said. ‘are you sure?’ Mr Cole asked. ‘very sure Mr Collins replied.
some months later
‘Cole it has been months now, that we have been looking for George so can Kill him and share the property’ Mr Collins said.
‘ we nee-d to continue searching till we find him’ mr Cole said.
‘fool you will never come across him till you die’ Mr Cole thought. ‘good evening brother’ Mr cole younger brother Dennis greet. ‘Dennis it has been long I saw you didn’t tell me you are coming?’ Mr Cole asked.
‘am sorry brother I c@m£ to do some important things and before I forget I saw your friend Mr George some days ago’ Dennis said.
‘you mean George where did you see?’ Mr Collins asked.
Mr Cole try to signal Dennis not to say anything but he didn’t look at him and continue talking.
‘God which kind of brother is this and why did he come by this time when Collins is around I nee-d to do something Mr Cole thought.
‘Dennis what did you come to do? you nee-d to gist me cause I have missed you alot’ Mr Cole asked to distract him but he didn’t answered him and continue talking.
‘this boys is unbelievable’ Mr Cole thought.
some days later
Mr Collins collect mr George house contact from Dennis Mr Cole younger brother. he went to there house and temper with there car tire.
unfortunately for mr George and his wife they didn’t check the car before they take it out.
‘Cole I made it, I killed them both, I killed George and his wife by disconnecting the battery wire and connect it on the wrong wire’ Mr Collins said happily. ‘so it time to share the property’ Mr Collins added.
‘whattt!!!!!’ Mr cole shouted. ‘why are you shouting aren’t you going I have killed our worst enemy the only thing remaining is to share his properties’ Mr collins said.
‘i never knew you are this heartless I was afraid to confront you before not anymore.
George have been nothing but a good friends to us, or did you think I don’t know you’re the one that stole the goods your secret have been expo-sed.
I won’t give you one thing out of George properties cause it’s not ours. am going to return the properties to his children’ Mr Cole said.
‘you must be joking, if you don’t bring out the file with you right I will kill you and still take the properties with me’ Mr Collins said. ‘you aren’t talking anything away from this place cause am also re-ady for you’ Mr cole said.
‘cole you’re daring me’ Mr Collins said and bring out gun from his baby pocket.
he was about to sh0t the gun but Mr Cole outsmart him and hit a stood in his head Mr cole bounce on him and struggle him to death. Xander enter the house at that moment and scream.
‘Dad what have you done’ Xander shouted and ran to his room. Mrs Cole was also surprised to see her husband in that way. Mrs Cole and there security rushed Mr Collins to the hospital
Mrs Cole waited for an hour pacing to and fro in the hospital before the doctor come outside and announce the death of Mr Collins.
the doctors told Mrs Cole to go home that he has called his family members to come and Carry his corpse.
end of flashback
‘The only thing I regret is i believed Collins and I never regretted killing Collins. and as for the properties.
your properties are with me I didn’t t©uçhed it I only help you guys to look after it am very sorry plea-se forgive me’ Mr Cole said
Episode 34
Authoress p.o.v
*your properties are with me I didn’t t©uçhed it I only help you guys to look after it am very sorry plea-se forgive me’ Mr Cole said.
“why don’t you tell me all this before now?” Mrs Cole asked her husband.
“am sorry am just ashamed of my self cause I was a fool to believe Collins then” Mr cole said.
“you should have told me you killed him for self defense before now” Xander said and Mr Cole scoffed.
“did you even listen to me you don’t want to give me a listening ear then” Mr Cole said.
“Am very sorry dad” Xander said.
“Alora you have no choice than to forgive him, he is not at fault. Collins is the greedy and wicked one here” Mrs Houston said.
“I won’t watch you insult my father” Tonia said. “look here Tonia I will revenge my parents dead, your father killed my parents what if I kill you too” Alora said smiling.
“you dare not Tonia said and ran out. “Am very sorry dear” Mr Cole plead.
“you don’t nee-d to be sorry sir you’re a good friend. I don’t know why you said you killed him when you didn’t kill him” Alora said.
“I killed him cause I and Collins once planned against him” Mr cole said. “you did what many human being will do” I have forgiven you” Alora said and hvg Mr cole.
“thank you my daughter” Mr cole said patting Alora back. “Dad that back is mine not yours” Xander said and Alora scoff.
“so he is now your father” Mrs Cole said. “yeah that’s let by gone be by gone” Xander said.
“I can’t let bygone be bygone I nee-d to punish you for disrespecting my husband then” Mrs Cole said and nod Xander on his head.
“ouch” Xander wince in pain. “mum did you want to killed my love for me?” Alora asked.
“Alora let me teach him a lesson for disrespecting my husband” Mrs Cole said.
Mr Houston clear his throat and they all keep quiet. “oh is the president” Andrew shouted.
Mr Cole and Mrs cole look closely and realize is the president sitting with them. “your Excellency sir” Mr cole greeted with a bow.
“we are very sorry sir we never knew you are here” Mrs Cole said.
“what’s he doing here and who’s he to you” Mrs Cole whisper to Alora. “he is my uncle” Alora replied.
“oh” Mrs Cole muttered. “we are very sorry sir” Andrew said.
“no problem thank God you have solved the problem and I hope you have learnt your lessons, you shouldn’t trust your friends” Mr Houston said.
“I don’t even have friends again. thank you is Excellency” Mr Cole replied.
“Alora we will be on our way are you coming with us?” Mr Houston asked.
“no sir she’s not coming with you” Xander said and Mr Houston smile.
“anyway take good care of her if anything happens to her, am sure you know what am capable of doing” Mr Houston said.
“Sandra baby let go” Mr Houston said. Andrew signal Sandra not to go and she smiled.
“Dad am not re-ady to go I will come to the house later” Sandra said and Mrs Houston gave her a knowing look.
“honey her b©yfri£ndis here” Mrs Houston whisper to her husband. “really where is he?” Mr Houston asked and Mrs Houston point to Andrew.
Andrew ran and hide at the back of his mother. “hey what happen get out of my back” Mrs Cole said.
“mum stay still plea-se” Andrew beg. Sandra went and drag him out. “are you ashamed of me?” Sandra asked.
“No never am just afraid I don’t know what your father have in stall for me” Andrew said.
“you’re my favorite musician, so I can’t do anything to you” Mr Houston said and spre-ad his arm Open.
Andrew went and hvg him. “take care of my daughter. and you Mr cole tell your son’s to take care of my daughters” Mr Houston said and went out.
Andrew breathe out in relief. “lazy as-s” Xander said.
“hey watch your ton-gue before I bite it” Andrew said. “says who?” Alora asked.
“I don’t un-derstand what’s going on here can someone plea-se explain to me” Mrs Cole said and put her hands on her w@!st.
“mum this is Andrew girlfriend” Xander said. “finally I thought you will die a vir-gin” Mrs Cole said and they all bur-st into laughter.
“mum you’re embarras-sing me” Andrew said and cover his face with his hands.
“ERM aunt did you like me?” Sandra asked. “why not” Mrs cole said. I mean did you remember me?” Sandra asked.
“very well as far as you guys love each other and okay with that” Mrs Cole said.
“I told you” Andrew said.
“Hey boys nothing most happen to this beautiful girls his Excellency gave you, most especially you Xander, I don’t trust you” Mr Cole said.
“you gat to trust me man cause I am now a change person” Xander said.
“you don’t nee-d to warn him I am capable of him” Alora said.
“Am thinking we should go on another d@t£ since you ruin the first one” Xander said.
“no we can go on a d@t£ later, we nee-d to go home Everett haven’t eaten and I didn’t trust Tonia with the boy” Alora said.
“alright let me go and sign the discharge papers so we can go home with father” Xander said.
They went back to Xander mansion and was surprised to see Tonia sitting down with a bowl of popcorn on her head.
“I thought you ran away what are you still doing here?” Alora asked.
“Am not re-ady to leave, if am going am going with my son” Tonia said. you dare not, which son did you wanna go with, you don’t have any right on that boy cause you don’t deserve to be called a mother” Alora said.
Everett heard Alora voice and he come out of the room happily.
“aunt welcome, am hungry” Everett whisper to Alora.
“can you imagine you are here with a bowl of popcorn and this little boy haven’t eaten” Alora said and collect the popcorn from and she empty it on Tonia head.