Crazy orphan episode 15 & 16

Crazy Orphan 🌺🙆
( His weakness)
Written by Aishat kemisola (Three star)
Don’t copy or repost ❎❎❎❎
Episode 15
Authoress p.o.v
“go in and freshing up my darling I will so deal with her for doing this to my precious daughter” Mrs Houston said.
“Mum there’s no nee-d for you to fight for me, I deserve anything she did to me. I was just frustrated and angry that’s why I kidnap her” Sandra said.
“Sandra I un-derstand you, but I still nee-d to teach that bit-ch a lesson” Mrs Houston said.
“mum you don’t know who Alora is, that girl is very very crazy, she can do and undo and I don’t want her to insult or do anything crazy to you” Sandra said.
“fine I will just go and warn her” Mrs Houston said.
“she doesn’t deserve your attention let her be” Sandra insist.
“see who we have here” Sandra elder sister grace said.
“who else if not the bald hair girl and her mother” Ross another of her sister said.
“I hope you guys haven’t forgotten that I trained you guys, just because your father loves you more than my daughter doesn’t give you the right to insult me and my daughter” Mrs Houston said.
“quit the pretend madam, you think we don’t know that you’re the one that killed our mother” grace said.
“killed your mother, who told you guys that I killed your mother. fine your mother is my husband mistress I warned and threaten her to leave my husband alone for me. but I have never planned to killed her. if I want her death I would have killed you guys a long time ago.
if not for your father that told you guys I am not your mother am sure you guys will believe I am your mother due to the way I treated you guys” Mrs Houston said.
“anyway we just st©p by to say hi to our step mother and her beautiful daughter that refuse to get married” grace said and Sandra ran inside Mrs Houston ran after her. “wait up baby they’re only pla-ying with you” Mrs Houston said.
“Honey what did me and my daughter did to you that makes you hate us like this” Mrs Houston asked her husband.
“Susan st©p pretending as if you don’t know what you did” Mr Houston replied.
“how many times did you want me to tell you I Know nothing about her death. am your wife Houston am very dissapointed that you don’t trust me” Mrs Houston said.
“woman! you can see am very busy I don’t have time for your cooked up stories” Mr Houston said.
“am sick and tired of this marriage, Sandra has done everything possible to makes you loves her but you don’t. you pushed her into kidnapping the innocent girl she kidnap.
she just wanna do anything that will makes you happy and loves her, but you’re not satisfied.
you know what I will soon leave you and your lovely daughters. I will go far away with my daughter” Mrs Houston said.
“you’re Free to go, I will be expecting your divorce letter” Mr Houston said.
“that’s after I see what am looking for” Mrs Houston said.
“you’re free to go anytime you’re re-ady the door is open” Mr Houston said.
Saturday morning
Xander, Andrew and Byran were pla-ying video game in the living room.
while Alora is re-ading a novel.
“This book is too boring why don’t you guys pl@ywhat we all like” Alora suggest.
“what we are like, like?” Andrew asked. “like spinning bottle” Alora replied.
“oh I really love truth and dare Andrew said and went inside his room to being empty bottle.
“so Xander are you in” Alora asked.
“As if I have a choice” Xander replied.
Andrew tool the bottle and spin it and it st©p at Xander front “oh $h!t why me?” he said.
“T or D” Andrew asked.
“T” Xander replied.
“Do you have a crush” Andrew asked Xander.
“yes I do” Xander replied.
“my brother have finally have a crush” Andrew said and does some dancing.
“Xander your turn” Alora said.
Xander took the bottle and spin it and it st©p at Bryan front.
” T or D” Xander asked.
“T” Bryan replied.
“who do you love most” Xander asked and Andrew scoff.
“dumb question” Andrew said.
“my sister. i love my sister and I wish to marry someone like her, she sacrifice Alot for me” Bryan said.
“oh oh sister boy” Andrew said.
Bryan spin the bottle and it st©p at Alora front.
“T or D” Bryan asked.
“T” Alora replied.
“who’s your crush” Bryan asked.
“I don’t have a crush” Alora replied.
“you mean you don’t have a crush not even me” Bryan said.
“your wish Alora said.
Alora spin the bottle and it st©p at Xander front.
“T or D” Alora asked.
“D” Xander replied.
“I dare you to li-ck the bo-ttomof your shoe” Alora said. “or” Xander asked.
“nothing” Andrew said and Byran and Alora bur-st into laughter.
“this is disgusting” Xander said and get up to get his shoe.
he li-ck the shoe and they all laughed him.
“you really tried” Andrew said.
“hypocrite, I hate you all” Xander said.
“we hate you too” they replied him.
Xander spin the bottle and it st©p at Andrew front.
“you’re so dead today” Xander said.
“excuse me sir, there’s no provisions and foods in the house again” the cook said.
“and why are you just telling me” Xander shout at her.
“relax man I told you not to yell on your workers again” Alora said.
“am sorry Xander muttered.
“we will continue this game when we come back, let go and buy the food stuffs” Alora said.
‘but she can go there herself” Xander said.
“I just felt like we should all go to the supermarket it will be fun” Alora said.
Xander and Andrew were packing the stuffs in the car booth while Sandra stand like a queen she’s.
shortly after, Sandra and her mother c@m£ out from the same supermarket.
“Hi” Sandra greet Alora.
“Hello” Alora replied.
“sandra come here we are running late Mrs Houston said.
“mum come and meet Alora I told you about” Sandra said.
Mrs Houston come closer and see Alora.
“what!!! my daughter” Mrs Houston said to Alora.
“mum who are you calling your daughter, this is the girl I told you about” Sandra said.
“Sandra I un-derstood you, is this not Alora George” Mrs Houston said.
“yes I am Alora George but I don’t know you” Alora said.
“were is your brother Bryan” Mrs Houston asked and Bryan come down from the car.
I have been searching for you guys” Mrs Houston said. “mum am lost” Sandra said
Episode 16
Authoress p.o.v
“I have been searching for you guys” Mrs Houston said.
“mum am lost” Sandra said.
“you shouldn’t be lost my darling I told you I was searching for my brother children isn’t it?”
“yeah you told me, how’s your brother children related to miss crazy and her brother” Sandra asked.
“you’re not that smart as I thought” Mrs Houston said.
“what’s going on here” Alora asked.
“Susan does that name ring a bell in your hear” Mrs Houston asked and Alora did some thinking.
“yeah I know of one Mrs Susan Houston, she’s our Aunt she always come to our house when we are kid” Alora said.
“can you know see I am not lieing when I said you’re my children” Mrs Houston said.
“how’s your father and mother I have been looking for them since I c@m£ back from America, the family didn’t even know where they’re.
I went to my brother house and his security man told me she didn’t know where my brother and his family were, he said he give him the house.
and told him that he has buy another house in another state he said someone was after him that’s why he left his house. he also said someone told him my brother and his wife were died” Mrs Houston what the security man told her. “so where is my brother and your mother” Mrs Houston asked.
“they’re no more” Alora said sadly.
“am really sorry dear” Mrs Houston said.
“Mrs how do you expect us to believe your story” Xander asked.
“I have prove Mrs Houston said and search her handbag to bring out something.
she brou-ght out an old picture of Alora parent, Alora and Bryan and herself. this is the picture we ha-rd together the last time I c@m£ to visit them” Mrs Houston said and show it to them.
“so you mean Alora
is my cousin” Sandra asked.
“yes” Mrs Houston said.
“so I now have a sister” Sandra said.
‘yes girl” Mrs Houston said.
“Alora am sorry for everything I did am really sorry,
I was only trying to impress my father and sisters so they would like me but I realized that I don’t nee-d to impress them to gain their attention” Sandra said holding Alora hand.
“have forgiven you a long time ago” Alora said. “I nee-d to go and do something let me have your contact I will pas-s a call to you so we can meet as soon as I am done” Mrs Houston said and exchange contact with Alora.
inside Mrs Houston car.
“mum why are you in a hurry you should have let us have some nice time together” Sandra said.
“I want to go and see my lawyer” Mrs Houston said.
“for what” Sandra asked.
“to file a divorce” Mrs Houston said.
“but why” Sandra asked.
“I can’t continue to be a marriage that I can’t feel love, my husband Doesn’t even trust me enough to believe me. I have been enduring this for the past 23years am Leaving this marriage for good and the only reason am still here is because of my brother children.
now that I have found them am going back to America with you guys” Mrs Houston said.
“and did you think Alora will come with you” Sandra said.
“but this is not the right thing to do mum” Sandra said.
“don’t try to convinced me my darling, because my mind is made up. Mrs Houston said.
“As you wish” Sandra replied.
“Hello good afternoon His Excellency” someone said from another end of the phone.
“Hello this is His Excellency P.A how may I help you” Mr Houston P.a said.
“can you plea-se give the phone to his Excellency, tell him inspector Charles wants to talk to him” the inspector said.
“alright hold on” Mr Houston P. A said and gave the phone to him.
“Hello Charles how are you doing “Mr Houston asked.
“am doing great sir just wanna inform you that we have gotten the criminal that killed Miss Felicia your mistress some years ago” the inspector said.
“oh that’s very nice, am very sure it my wife” Mr Houston said
“his Excellency where did you get that idea from. she’s not the one” the inspector said.
“you mean she’s not the one” Mr Houston asked.
“yes sir” the inspector replied.
“are you sure she’s not the one that s£nt them” Mr Houston asked.
“yes she’s not the one sir” the inspector said.
“fine bring him to my house right this moment” Mr Houston said.
‘how do I face Susan I really hurt her and her daughter” Mr Houston said.
Xander mansion. in the night.
“So let continue with the game” Xander said.
“when did you started having interest in a game” Andrew asked. and Xander signal him to shut up.
“fine am in Alora said and Xander smile to hiself.
“So where did we st©p” Xander asked.
“we are changing the game” “how” Alora and Andrew asked.
“if you can’t do the dare you are asked to do, you will have to drink a bottle of alcoholic wine” Xander said with a sm-irk.
“I don’t drink” Alora said.
“you’re trying to escape from the game” Xander said.
“fine am in” Alora said and Xander smile.
Xander spin the bottle and it st©p at Alora front. “T or D Xander asked.
“D” Alora replied. “I dare you to k!ssme” Xander said.
“nope I can’t k!ssyou, and were is the drink” Alora asked.
“why can’t you k!ssme” Xander asked.
“cause your mouth stink. Mr Stinky” Alora said.
“but that’s not true” Xander said.
“where’s the drink” Alora said and Xander gave her a bottle of alcoholic drink.
“they keep spinning and Xander keeps asking Alora question and Daring her to do the impossible till she get drun!k.
“where did you save my nûd£ on your phone” Xander asked the drun!kAlora.
“I have deleted the video a long time ago. you must be a fool for not knowing” Alora said drun!kenly.
“what’s your pas-sword I nee-d to check if you’re saying the truth” Xander said.
“Bryan, you must be a fool for not knowing my pas-sword” Alora said.
Xander searches Alora phone he smile to hiself when he didn’t see the pictures on her phone. he carried her to her room and change her cloth.