Crazy nun Episode 1 & 2

🎀My b©dy is Holy 🎀
💆My mind is Dirty 💆
Written by ✍️
💘Angel Louis💘(Faith Louis Ebirim)
Miriam Mendez Oliver has lived almost all her life in the convent.
She’s a nun at the St Mathew’s Cathedral in Brooklyn city.
She’s twenty years of age. The youngest and prettiest of all.
Spending twelve years in the convent and been taken care of by the Rev’d sisters didn’t change the fact that she’s naive of the outside world.
She croons to experience this life outside the convent and she’ll definitely st©p at nothing to achieve this.
Patley, another sister from the convent is very familiar with the doctrines and Creeds of a nun. To be always pure and holy for the creator.
But her mind has a Creed of it’s own.
Her b©dy is Holy
Her MIND is Dirty.
Find out from this interesting story the crazy acts of sister Miriam.
And how her dirty Adventure landed her into a big mess😐.
🎀My b©dy is Holy 🎀
💆My mind is Dirty 💆
Written by 💞 Angel Louis 💞
💅 Episode 1💅
“I am not faking it! She used my cape to dry clean that stupid pet’ patley shouted in Anger.
“Is that true Miriam?” Sister Mag asked. Shooting her a Stern look.
“I…only… I just…” Miriam stuttered
“Is that true?” She asked again.
“Milky was drenched in water and I had to dry clean her…
“By using patley’s cape?”
“I didn’t realize it was hers”
“She’s lying! She even went as far to call me a sick-f°ck when I tried to correct her” Patley added.
“What? Miriam!” May called out in shock.
“Patley spang milky so ha-rd and she purred. She is heartless” Miriam defended.
“Still. That didn’t give you the right to call her a sick Fu…. Holy Mary!” Magdalene skrie-ked in horror. Unable to finish her statement. She brou-ght out her Rosary and triple crossed herself. Muttering what only she could hear.
“Mmmh” Miriam rolled her eyes seeing Mag’s act. “Holier than thou” she snorted.
“Miriam you know better than to use such unholy words in the house of our creator.
You know the Almighty hates dirty words and filthy takes that defile our ton-gues. It’s a sin and you must go for prayers”
Mag stated clearly.
“What?? No not again! How many times do I get to go for prayers?
Don’t you think I am bothering the creator? He’s got other prayers to attend to rather than to someone who simply called her fella a sick f°ck🙄”
Miriam consciously repeated the last p@rt just to Spike patley who seemed like she was gonna kill her any minute.
“Blessed Mary”…. Magdalene mumbled.
“Infact you get to serve a punishment before the prayer” she trailed out.
“Oh great” Miriam shrugged her shoulders.
“Community service this minute. And patley will see that you sweep clean the big garden close to Montana’s school. ”
“Why patley? Can’t you pick someone better?” Miriam asked causing patley to gr0@nha-rd .
“Patley is better. Besides no one would like to babysit you while you face another community service”
“Fine!” Miriam huffed and turned to leave.
“Sister Mag…she hasn’t apolgised yet” patley blurted out.
“Oh right! Miriam?” Mag called.
“Apologize to sister Patley”
“Seriously? Do I have to do that?” She asked irritably. But she got only a blazing glare from Sis Mag.
“Alright.” She sighed out in frustration and turned to patley who waited patiently for her apology.
“Am sorry”
Miriam hated to say the word *sorry* especially to someone who deserves it.
“You have your apology now Pat” Mag smiled and got up from her seat.
“Yeah…” Patley replied eyeing Miriam disgustfully.
Miriam frowned. This stupid still has the guys to eye her after saying the word sh hated most to her.
Well, it’s never too late to take it back.
*I am not sorry* she mouthed to patley.
Patley’s eyes wi-de-ned the moment Miriam did that.
“Sis Magdalene Miriam just ….
That’s it!
Miriam quic-kly ran out of the room in laughter.
“Crazy Miriam” Pat gr-unted.
“You are so in trouble” she added running after her.
Miriam sat on a Big Rocky stone looking so tired. She never knew the garden was this big and dirty. She wondered if they still had Gardner’s in the city.
She has tiredly and endlessly swept for the past three hours with patley lazily sitting and telling her what to do.
How much she loves getting on Pat’s worse side. Jeez she’s too grumpy. Patley is six years older than she is and they have never ever or ever will they agree on a single term.
“I nee-d water Pat” Miriam requested.
Patley was with a bottled water which she brou-ght Along from the convent .
“Drink your pee” patley replied nonchalantly.
Miriam expected that.
She knows patley would never spare a drop for her. Not in the next Life.
“Huh! You really are one big sick f°ck” Miriam bluntly stated out
“I’m still gonna tell on that” patley threatened.
“Be my guest” she sm-irked.
“Stupid!” Patley huffed. ” Hurry up with this. Am so fed up babysitting you” she added with a stretchy yawn.
“Am the one babysitting here. You are just a bench warmer” Miriam scoffed out
“Whatever 🙄” Pat rolled her eyes and turned her face the other way.
“I see you are back” sis Mag caught up with a tired Miriam on the hallway.
“Yes. We just arrived.” She retorted with a weared out voice.
“Okay. I hope the community service was a success amm”
“Yes🙄 . The best ever”
*Note the sarcasm*
“Sis Mag I nee-d to go freshen up now…”
“Alright but, before then, I have news for you” she smiled brightly.
“News? It’s been long I heard news. Hope this news will lit up my alre-ady spoilt day” Miriam asked getting interested.
“Miriam your Mama s£nt words today. She wants to see you”
“My Mom?” Miriam’s voice Fell instantly.
After so many years.. she has finally asked of her.
After dumping her in the care of sister Mag and the other Rev’d sisters.
“But why?” Her voice trailed off as tears clouded her eyes.
🎀my b©dy is holy🎀
💆my mind is dirty💆
Written by:💘Angel Louis (faith Louis Ebirim)💘
🎁 Episode 2🎁
💦 Miriam’s POV 💦
I didn’t know how to place sister Mag’s words. It took me unawares and I suddenly felt speechless.
I excused myself from her pres£nce and slowly walked into my room.
I coll@psed on the be-d as h0t tears slide down my face.
Why? After so many years?
She abandoned me! She forgot she ever had a child named Miriam. She forgot she ever had me.
My mom brou-ght me to this convent against my wish. I never wanted or expected any of this. I never intended to be a nun. It was never my dream.
I was just eight years old when she brou-ght me here and told me to stay with sister Mag for a while that she’ll be back in a jiffy.
She lied…
She handed me over to the sisters and never c@m£ back for me.
I waited .
Hours turned to days. Days to weeks. Weeks to months. Months to years. Till now. She never c@m£.
Sister Mag had no choice than to induct me in a nunnery school months later. From there I started my life as a nun.
At age seventeen, I was fully installed as a nun. A nun against my wish.
But I never complained. I have no choice. That’s the only way to show my gratitude for the care they gave me these past years.
But de-ep inside, I don’t want any of this.
No one knows how much I hate putting on these capes,Casock and damn Rosaries. I hate all of it.
I wish I have my way. I wish I can just run away from all of these and forget my life from as a nun.
I want a life better than this. Check all my records here. It’s filled with crazy pranks. My mind is always opposite and different from the sisters.
Isn’t that enough to tell am not cut out for this $h!t?.
I want to explore.
I want to experience things!. I want to explore beautiful things outside this convent. I want to know what goes on outside there. I want to know how this outside feels like.
A life outside this convent.
I want to make decisions for myself and not be scared about what the creator would do to me.
All this wouldn’t have been this difficult if my mom hadn’t left me here twelve years ago.
I wiped off my teary face with my back hand and st©pped crying.
My Mom doesn’t deserve such tears.
Since she wants to see me, I’ll go visit her. She nee-ds to see the lady I have grown into .
She has to testify with her own veryl-ips how well am doing without her.
👽 Patley’s POV 👽
I walked briskly into my room with my booth ma-king loud thud sounds.
“She’s such a pest!” I gr-unted and pushed open my door. Just to see Stephanie on the be-d going throu-gh some chaplets.
Steph’s my Roomie and we pair same be-d.
“Where have you been?” She asked drifting her pretty eyes to me.
” Montana’s garden” I replied and bent low to re-move my shoes.
“Montana’s garden? What were you doing there?” She asked sitting straight.
“Community service of course, with that Crazy Miriam. Sister Mag made me babysit her all throu-gh” I complained as I re-moved my ba-re feets from the shoes and gently placed it in a safe corner.
“Another Community service for her? What did she do this time around?” Stephanie squealed and I saw interest in her eyes as she expected a full gist from me.
“She used my cape to dry clean that dirty cat. She called me a sick fv¢k too” I whispered the last p@rt and Steph couldn’t help but g@sp.
“Holy Mary!” Where covered her mouth.
” The same reaction sis Mag gave” I rolled my eyes.
” Has she gone for prayers?” She asked as she re-moved her hands from her mouth.
”does it look like I care? I pray she forgets to. cause I want the creator to punish her for it.” I bluntly stated to Steph’s face.
” Patley! That’s not nice you know” she retorted feeling disappointed at my outbur-st.
Not my fault, I just hate that idiot. I don’t know why. Ever since her mom dumped her here, I’ve never liked her.
I vividly remembered her eight years old stupid face crying bitterly for her mom to come take her away. Then I was just fourteen.
I wish she never c@m£ here. I wish sister Mag had thrown her out in the streets the day her mom never showed up as she promised to.
This convent gives me sick bu-mps as long as she is here.
” Pat I know you don’t like Miriam but plea-se get to know her . She’s fun. ” Stephanie spoke out again.
Can’t this wench shut up alre-ady?
She’s almost like Miriam. She can’t just hide the fact for a moment how much she likes the stupid Miriam and cherish their friendsh!p.
Good thing she’s In my good book. I would have made this room a living hell for her.
Why didn’t Sis Mag consider Samantha before ma-king Steph my Roomie.
I prefer Samantha’s company to this idiot’s.
” Shut up and never speak of her to my face again !” I shouted at her and angrily left the room.
Slamming the so ha-rd .
Crazy Miriam!
Stupid Stephanie!