crazy lover batch 3





I stared at Jason’s mansion, it was hvge and beautiful

I remain mute until he showed me my room, it was beautiful and painted blue

“is this my room ” I muttered and he nodded

“it’s beautiful ” I said in my mind, I didn’t want him to see I admire it alre-ady

“do you like it” he asked

Of course you love it

My inner mind yelled at me

I just smiled and nodded

“get some rest, I will start training you for the institution tomorrow ” he said and I g@sped

Train me??

I thought he was only going to give me the money for the ticket

“I don’t want my ticket money to get lost, I want you into the institution and that’s why I’m going to train you” he said


“OK thanks ” I said

He left and I jumped into the be-d, just then my phone vibr@ted

The h0t couples Ralph and Lauren

It’s from instagram

“Arghhhhhhh ” I screamed and throw my phone away

“I’m coming for you Ralph ” I smile and used the duvet to cover my face
The ringing of my phone woke me from be-d

I checked the screen and it was my bestfriend

My eyes wi-de-ned

It’s been long I talked to her

“hey” I mumbled from the phone

“sky I’m mad at you, you never told your best friend that you are married ” she ra-pped

Now I’m done for it

“it c@m£ suddenly, babe I promise to tell you everything ” I said

“start talking ” she said and I rolled my eyes

“not on phone, I will come over and we will talk ” I replied

“better ” she answered and I smile

What a bestie

Today is training so I nee-d to get up from be-d, I went to the bathroom and showered

I c@m£ back to the room and worn my dress

My phone rang again but this time it was mum

I reluctantly picked the call

“good morning mum” I greeted

“Skylar I nee-d money right now and I’m sick” she said


She didn’t even answered my greetings

“but mum you know I don’t have money ” I said

“are you dumb, talk to Jason he has more than enough to give to you ” she said and I g@sped

There’s no way I’m doing that

Besides Jason has given her some money before we left and it’s more than enough for the treatment

“I can’t do that mum, I can’t stoop so low and ask Jason for money ” I said

“even if he is my fiance I can’t still ask him for money ” I said

“I don’t want him to feel as if I’m after his money” I added

“so you want your mother to die, why are you like this Skylar, why do you hate me ” she said crying by now

I ran my hand throu-gh my hair feeling frustrated

“mum I don’t hate you and you know that, it’s just that………. ”

“hes your fiance skylar and he will do anything for you, I’m your mother and I know what’s best for my child, it’s my health am talking about ” she said and I shut my eyes

“I know you are sick mum, just give me some few times to get a work and I will s£nd you money ” I said

“are you hearing yourself, you are going to be married to a billionaire and you want to work, who does that ” she said

“skylar I’m dying and only you can help, talk to Jason, it’s your mum health” she ra-pped

“fine mum I will try ” I said

“wow baby, I know I can count on you, mummy loves you OK ” she said and tears rolled down my face.

She never loves me, only dad does

But I’m just gonna do it for her health

“it’s OK mum, bye for now ” I said alre-ady in a haste to end the call

The call ended and I throw my phone on the be-d

“Your mum health is at stake here” my mind yelled at me and I gro-an ed

I stood up and headed to Jason room


I walked pas-s Skylar room and heard some noise

It’s like she was on call

“”I can’t do that mum, I can’t stoop so low and ask Jason for money “I heard her says

I drew closed to the door

“even if he is my fiance I can’t still ask him for money ” her voice c@m£ again

I found myself engrossed to the conversation

“I don’t want him to feel as if I’m after his money” she added


Lots of people will want to be with me for my money but skylar looked different

“I know you are sick mum, just give me some few times to get a work and I will s£nd you money ” she said and my eyes wi-de-ned

Her mom is sick, yet she doesn’t want to asked for money

She’s even planning to work
“fine mum I will try ” her statement brou-ght me back to reality and hearing her footsteps I hurried to my room

Maybe she’s coming to ask for the money

My mind says

I took some money and scattered it on the be-d

I made it look as if I didn’t count it

I really want to know if she can stoop so low to steal from me because of her mums health

I walked to the bathroom and locks myself


“Jason “I knocked gently on the door but no response

I slowly opened the door

My eyes pu-ll-ed from its socket as I saw lots of money scattered on the be-d and the floor


Chapter 6

Skylar Pov

I stared at the money, why will Jason be this careless about money

Is it because he has too much of it and yet many out there are looking for it

“jason” I called again but no response

I crouched and picked up the money that was on the floor and the once that was on the be-d

I arranged them and kept it in the drawer before leaving

Maybe I will ask for the money later

Mum can be so dramatic

I walked downstairs and the door bell rang, I walk to the door and opening it I saw that bit-ch claire

She looked at me shocked and I sm-irked opening the door wi-de for her

“what are you doing here ” she said not walking in
“I should be asking you that ” I replied

“what do you mean ” she answered and I huffed

I wasn’t expecting her to be dumb

I waved my f!ngersat her face

“you are engaged ” she asked and I smile

“it’s it obvious “I asked staring at her

“To Jason ” she asked and I nodded

“you are such a slut ” she mumbled

“At least I’m engaged on like someone trying to get attention from someone who doesn’t love her” I added placing my hands in akimbo

“enjoy it when it last” she said covering her angry face with a sm-irk

“definitely ” I asked

“if you are looking for Jason he isn’t at home, so do well and leave ” she said and without waiting for her response I slammed the door on her face

I heaved

I wasn’t been too harsh, that beast has embarras-sed me in front of everyb©dy and I can’t tolerate it


Chapter 7

Jason Pov

I c@m£ out of the bathroom, I checked my room and couldn’t see the money I have scattered

Did Skylar steal from me??

I thought

I hurried down stairs and saw her shutting the door

Looking at her, she looks so innocent

Will Skylar stoop so low to steal from me

I felt hurt because I trusted her alre-ady. She turned and saw me

She smiled but I frowned

“hey Jason , I thought you left, I c@m£ to your room but couldn’t find you” she said

“is that why you stole from me ” I asked placing my hands in my p@n-t pocket

“what do you mean ” she asked staring at me

What a good tactic

Her first test she alre-ady failed it

“I left some money in my room, I couldn’t find it ” I said and she smile

“you should have asked I………. ” she couldn’t complete her statement as I shut her up

“you stole it ” I answered and her eyes wi-de-ned

“what?? ” she asked

“are you accusing me of stealing ” she replied

“unbelievable “she mumbled

Before I could replied her, she held my hand and took me upstairs to my room
She pu-ll-ed out my drawer bringing out the hvge sum of money

“here is the money you claim I stole” she answered

“never in my life have someone accused me of stealing, just because I don’t have lots of money that wouldn’t make me stoop so low to steal from you ” she replied

“I c@m£ to your room just to ask you for something, I saw this hvge sum of money scattered all over the place, I arranged it and kept it safe on your drawer” she uttered

I felt hurt alre-ady

Maybe I was quic-k in ma-king my decision

“you can check it to make sure it’s correct ” she said and walked out on me

I stared at the money

Was I quic-k in concluding

Now she’s mad at me

Skylar never stole from me

I sat on the be-d as I ran my hand r0ûghly on my head

Should I apologize?? I thought

I waved at the thought, Jason never apologize and I wouldn’t be doing it

Skylar pov

I ran to my room and shutting the door behind I ran to the be-d

Jason just call me a thief

I used my hands to cover my face as i sobbe-d

Never have I been this humiliated

Jason just did that today and it hurts me alot

Even if I don’t have lots of money that wouldn’t make me steal from him

I can never do that

“Skylar ” I heard my name and I recognized the voice as Jason voice

“skylar” he called again knocking at the door

I don’t wanna talk to him

“c’mon open up Skylar, we still have practice today ” he uttered

So he’s here to apologize

“he’s so full of himself ” I mumbled using the pillows to cover my ears

“Skylar ” he called again and I gro-an ed

“just go away, I don’t wanna see or talk to you ” I answered

I could hear him chuckled
He’s so arrogant

“I don’t think so, you better open up ” he said

There’s no way I’m opening that door

I picked up my headset

I wore it and entered the bathroom

I make bubble and str!pped before entering the bathtub

Jason will regret calling me a thief


I swear Jason went to far