crazy lover batch 2







“come in” I heard a hoarse voice

I entered the office and his green eyes stared at me

“I think I’m accepting the offer” I sm-irked and he grin

Ralph will pay for choosing that girl over me, I don’t think I want to go to the institution again

“I know you will come ” he replied getting up and walking towards me

“let’s make this official ” he said going on one knee as he brou-ght out a box, opening it it was a ring

“will you marry me ” he said

My heart started beating, this isn’t real right??

So why was he ma-king it real

Say yes alre-ady ” my mind yell

“yes I will marry you ” I replied as the tension we are was killing me

He wore the ring on my f!nger

“thanks sky for helping me ” he uttered and I rolled my eyes

No big deal, we both help each other

“since you are my fiancee you will be living with me in my mansion ” he said and my eyes wi-de-ned

What!! Why!!!

“why?? “I asked

“To convinced my mom, I want it to look real ” he uttered and I ru-bbe-d my temple

“I’m sorry if I’m rushing you but I nee-d to get someone out of the way, ” he said and I huffed

“fine, I nee-d to inform my parents first and besides get some of my stuff” I said

“And I will come over to pick you when you are done, deal?? ” he asked

“deal ” I sm-irked

Not only will Ralph go for it but my brother and mom will go for it

I got to our little house to see mom, dad and Jesse in the living room

“the sky cloud just arrived ” Jesse muttered un-der his breath

But of course I could hear him

But one advantage of this deal was I will be able to avoid his troubles

“dad” I went over to my father pe-cking his cheeks

“how was your interview, where you chos£n ” he asked but I nodded sadly

“that’s a good news, it has always been your dreams so why aren’t you happy ” he asked

“I was chos£n but I couldn’t afford the ticket, it cost lost of money ” I mumbled

My dad heaved bowing his head

“I told you Mai, that institution isn’t for you ” mum said and I rolled my eyes

Why can’t she just encourage me for once

“Always good at nothing ” she added

“Grace!! ” dad called

“it’s fine dad ” I replied

“I got a good news dad, I’m engaged” I screamed showing them my ring

“oops ” Jesse said

“Tell me you are lying ” mum said but I shook my head

“my child is engaged, isn’t that great??, I know you will bring me luck” mum said

“now she’s your child, you are so unbelievable grace” dad uttered

“you didn’t even bother to ask how and who got her engaged” dad said

“in as much he is rich, I will welcome him” mum said sarcastically

“I don’t know what have come over you but I’m not p@rt of this” he said and just then we heard a horn

Jesse ran to the window to see

I also went there and saw it was Jason

He c@m£ so early, I mean I haven’t pack my stuff

“is he your fiance ” Jesse asked shocked

“yes ” I replied

“Gosh skylar you never told me the famous Jason Armstrong is your fiance” he said bewildered

“we are going to be famous mum” he yelled

I folded my arms

Alot of drama

I sat with Jason mum

“don’t worry my child, feel free and be at home since Jason doesn’t want to act mature ” his mum said

“you are here to stay ” she added and I smile

All my life I have always wanted to be with Jason, I know he doesn’t love me but he don’t have a say since its mother has approved of me

“thanks mum, I really love your son” I said and she smile

“it’s no big deal, I know you will make a good wife” she added

(he’s a lady killer, she’s h0t)
(You don’t wanna mess with them)

Chapter 4

Skylar POV

Jason entered our little house and I showed him to mom

I guessed she like him alre-ady but not without collecting money from him

I don’t know why mother behave this way, always embarras-sing me in front of my guest

I don’t want Jason to think I’m after his money

Jason helped me in carrying some of my stuff

Dad wasn’t in support, I felt sad because I really nee-d his support now

Nevertheless I promise to tell him everything,

I waved mother and Jesse off

“don’t forget the money you promise to s£nd ” mum said and I g@sped

After receiving that hvge sum of money, she’s demanding more

“your daughter will soon be my wife and it’s not a big deal taking care of her mother ” he replied

Actually fake wife

“this is the perfect guy I want for my daughter ” mum smile and I rolled my eyes

When it comes to money she now like me

“let’s go alre-ady jason” I said alre-ady impatient to leave

I was only sad because dad is not happy but I promise to talk things out with him

“shall we ” Jason said bringing me out of my thoughts and wra-pping his arms around my w@!st

I nodded and together we walked into his car


I stole glances at her as I was driving

Actually I wasn’t doing this because of my mum but because I like her alre-ady

So it’s left for me to use this three months to make her fall for me

I ride into my mum mansion,

The mansion was too hvge for just one person

But I moved into my own mansion since when she started lecturing me about marriage

Skylar c@m£ down from the car and I couldn’t help but admire her, I’m sure mum will like her

She’s beautiful and that’s what drawn me to her

“are you feeling nervous ” I asked but she shook her head

“not as if someone is dying ” she mumbled and I smile

Let’s go ” I said and she nodded

I entered the mansion and headed straight to the living room

“mum” I called out

But before she could replied I alre-ady saw her in the city room with someone

“what’s she doing here” I gritted my teeth

“she’s gonna be your wife, I’m tired of waiting for you to bring a wife” she said and I smile

“There’s no nee-d for that mum because I brou-ght some one” I said and that’s when mum noticed skylar who was beside me

“she’s gonna be my wife ” I added and I saw the horror look on Lillian face

“what!! “she gave skylar a disgusting stare

“unbelievable son, you finally got a wife, a beautiful one” she said walking towards skylar and I blu-shed

I know mum will definitely like her

“come here child ” she said pu-lling Skylar in a hvg

“MA you can’t do this to me ” Lillian said alre-ady shedding crocodile tears

“I’m sorry Lillian but my son alre-ady make a choice and I respect his choice ” mum added

“unbelievable, I won’t allow you to do this to me , you will pay Mrs Armstrong, that I promise ” she spat out

Wait a minute

Was she threatening my mum

“go to hell Lillian ” I yelled

“I will go but I will be back soon” she grin and picked her bag she walked out

“don’t mind her mum” I uttered and mum smile

“so tell me child what’s your name ” she asked

“Mai Skylar ” skylar replied

“what a nice name you got, excuse us son we nee-d to catch up on lots of things ” mum mumbled

I gave her a suspicious look

I hope she isn’t up to something

I excuse them and walked away
“you are so good Skylar, this meal is indeed delicious ” mum mumbled and I smile

I must admit she’s a great cook

“thanks mum” she replied and I smile loving the sound of mum on her mouth

“is getting really late mum, we nee-d to head home” I said

“you can go all alone, I nee-d to spend much time with my daughter inlove” mum said

“c’mon mother, I’m the one marrying her not you” I sm-irked

“whatever ” she replied and I saw Skylar laughed

After packing dinner skylar hvgged mum and went back to the car

I was almost out when mum st©p me

“Are you sure she will fall for you ” mum asked

“I don’t know mum and I still have lots of time to do that, for the mean time let it be I’m doing it for the contract” I said

“if you nee-d me to help I’m always here, I love that girl alre-ady and I don’t wanna lose her” she replied

“you won’t mum trust your son” I said and she gave me those amazing smile

“take care of yourself ” I hvgged her and waved her off

Jason mother alre-ady know 😱😱😱😱

This is going to be h0t