Crazy dancer Episode 33 & 34

(She’s too Perfect)
Episode 33
By: Faith Lucky.
Maxine’s Pov:
I looked at him in shock. Is he joking or what?
fuc-k me to death?
He cli-cked the gun and I shivered.
“Don’t pl@ydumb with me, Maxine and start talking” he said icily.
Oh my God!
What do I say?
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about” I stammered and unexpectedly, he landed a heavy sl@p on my cheek which made me fall to the be-d.
I g@sped and held my cheek in shock. Thank goodness my towel was still on.
“You really wanna take this the ha-rd way, huh?” He asked as he c@m£ closer to me and I crawled backwards into the be-d.
“You really wanna mess with me?”
“No, plea-se” I shook my head.
“Don’t hurt me, plea-se”.
He chuckled and pointed the gun at me again.
“If you want me to st©p, all you have to do is tell me what I want. What’s your relationsh!pwith Noah and the bar man?”
“Nothing – I swear” I whimpered and he brou-ght down the gun and sl@pped me again.
Oh my God!
A cut appeared on myl-ips.
What’s he doing?
“Does it look like I’m here for jokes, Maxine? Huh? Does it??” He half-yelled and I shook my head tearfully.
“I’m sorry, plea-se” I whimpered and he pu-ll-ed me by the legs, almost ma-king the towel lose from my b©dy.
“plea-se, st©p it”
I yelped and held it firmly to my che-st and immediately, ran un-der the duvet cover.
That way, I felt more protected from it than the towel.
He chuckled and climbe-d the be-d.
“Do you really think you can escape this?” He asked tea-singly.
“Your precious Noah isn’t here to save you – I’ve made sure of that”.
My eyes dimmed immediately. What does he mean by that?
He c@m£ closer and tried taking the duvet down, but I didn’t let him.
“plea-se don’t”,I winced, a tear strolling down my cheek.
“I’ll…I’ll tell you the truth”.
He paused and looked at me and a smile t©uçhed hisl-ips.
“Go on…” He stated calmly.
Oh God!
plea-se, save me.
“I…Noah…there’s nothing going on between us – I swear! He just took pity on me because of how bad my family treated me and decided to help me.
“That…that night, during dinner, he over heard them discussing your proposal of ma-king me your personal maid and as a result, he got really angry. And…and that’s the reason he decided to help me and brou-ght me in here to stay with him.
“plea-se, believe me. I’m telling the truth” I said pathetically.
He stayed muted for a while, just staring into my face like he was cogitating.
“And the bartender?” He asked.
“There’s…there’s nothing going on between us, plea-se. He’s just an old friend and has been as-sisting me in his little ways. He…He only got to know from the bar – and that’s the only connection they have.
“When Noah had seen me dancing in the bar, he admired me and asked Pablo some questions about me. That’s the only connection they have – I swear” I replied nervously, unavoidably shaking.
“Maxine” he called after a while and t©uçhed my legs.
“Do you know the consequences of lying to me?”
I twitched at that.
“Do you know what I’ll do to you if I ever get to know you lied to me? huh?”
I shook my head tearfully.
“I’ll kill you, Maxine. I’ll make sure you regret it bitterly. So, if you know you’re lying to me, I’d suggest you make amends before its too late”.
His words s£nt shivers down my spine and I panicked.
Oh God! plea-se, just make him believe.
“Do you have anything else to say?” He asked and I shook my head negatively.
Then he smiled and moved his hand on my legs.
“You know…I can actually have my way with you right now if I want to, right?” He sm-irked.
“You’re so vulnerable to me. I can justfu-ck you and go with no one coming to your aid”.
More tears dr!pp£dfrom my eyes as conniption gr!pp£dme. His words alone made me cry.
“What’s so special about it anyway? Has Noah been down there?’ He asked and I shook my head slowly.
How can he ask such gross question?
“So…should I?” He asked and tried pu-lling the duvet down but I held it ti-ght.
“No! plea-se” I cried and he laughed.
He laughed dryly and finally got off the be-d.
“This is a taste of what it means to disobey me, Maxine. So, I hope you chose your next step wisely.
“And if Noah gets to know about this…”
He chuckled and didn’t complete the statement.
Then, he muttered a *bye* and finally left the room.
Oh, my God! He left!
I left the be-d immediately and ran to lock the door. And as soon as it was locked, I sat on the be-d and busted into tears.
Noah’s Pov:
I opened my eyes and found myself on the floor beside my car.
Damn it! I can’t believe I pas-sed out.
I gro-an ed in pains and struggled to stand up. My entire joints were hurting like hell. I can’t believe those hoodlums ganged up on me.
Who’re they anyway? And what were their reasons for attacking me?
I tried to stand but had great difficulties doing so. Everywhere was burning h0t. And the road was so dry and deserted.
Finally, I gathered up enough strength and stood on my feet.
“Urgh” I re-leased a light gr0@nas the pains niggled at me…
Damn…it was painful.
I opened the car and went in. Thank goodness they didn’t take my ride.
I tried turning it on but suddenly recalled.
Oh!fu-ck! I was having a flat tyre!!
I leaned my head on the sterling and held my ribs. What do I do? What do I do?
They took my phone away!
Suddenly, a cab pu-ll-ed over and the driver c@m£ out.
“Is everything alright?” The short man asked and I lifted my head from the sterling to look at him.
He g@sped immediately.
‘Mr…Mr Noah?” He called in shock, his eyes dilating.
“Are you alright?”
Thank goodness!
“No. I was attacked. Take me home” I replied feebly and he quic-kly as-sisted me out of the car into his.
“B…But sir, you look really bad. I’ll just take you to a hospital instead” he said as he got into the driver’s seat and started the car and I couldn’t argue with him.
Maxine’s Pov:
I walked restlessly in the sitting room, peeping at the windows the entire time. I was so worried.
Where the hell is Noah? Why’s he yet to return? He told me he wasn’t gonna take long. And he also promised to take me shopping.
This is evening alre-ady, and he was yet to return.
I couldn’t tell why, but I felt cranky towards him.
How did he know the exact time Noah wasn’t at home? And what did he mean by “Noah won’t be around to save you. I made sure of that?”
Gosh! What’s happening? Why’s everything so complicated?
God! plea-se.
I placed my hands at akimbo and continued pacing around and finally, I heard the gates opening.
I quic-kly rushed to the window to have a look and…I saw a strange coming in
That wasn’t the car Noah left with.
I stood and watched as it parked and Noah stepped out, being as-sisted by someone.
He…he had covered bruises all over.
I rushed out of the house immediately to meet them, my whole nervous systems at alert.
‘N…Noah?” I called in surprise when I got to where he was.
“Hey”, he chuckled softly bur obviously, he was in pains.
“Wh…What happened to him?” I asked, referring to the man beside him.
“He was found by a cab-driver the roadside – attacked and beaten up. But he’s fine now. A doctor’s worked on him alre-ady” the man replied and took him into the house while I followed.
Oh my God! What the hell happened to him?
He was taken to his room and made to lie on the be-d.
“Thank you, Rollins” Noah said to the strange man.
“You can leave now. I’ll take care of myself”.
“Um…okay boss. Just remember what the doctor said. Enough rest” the Rollins-guy said and Noah just nodded.
Damn! He looked weak.
“Okay; then. Bye” he added and left the room.
I turned and looked at Noah.
“Are…Are you okay? Do you nee-d something? I’m so sorry”,I fumbled, not knowing exactly what to say.
He didn’t say a word immediately and I figured I should get him something.
But just when I made to leave, he held me back by the wrist.
“Maxine” he called feebly.
“Can you spend the night with me, plea-se?”
My eyes wi-de-ned in shock.
(She’s too Perfect)
Episode 34
By: Faith Lucky.
Maxine’s Pov:
I looked at him surprised.
Is he serious? I should spend the night with him?
B…But why?
I stared at him for a short time and withdrew my hand from his.
“Um…I’ll just get you something to drink” I told him and hurried out of the room.
I got into the kitchen and took out a bottle of water from the fridge and with an addition of a glas-s cu-p, I left and returned to the room.
He was still on the be-d and I poured in the water from the bottle into the glas-s and proffered it to him.
“plea-se sir, you should take some water” I said a bit nervous as I held it out to him.
He sluggishly sat up and collected it from me, gulping it down afterwards.
I wonder what really happened to him. Who attacked him and for what reason?
Gosh! It was unbelievable.
“Thanks”, he mumbled as he handed the glas-s back to me.
“You’re welcome…um…is there something you nee-d?” I replied and asked.
“Yes. You can help with some fruits” he replied and I nodded and left the room.
I rushed into the kitchen and opened the second fridge which was stuck with as-sorted fruits.
Hm. I took a tray and selected some apples, oranges and bananas. Then, returned to the room afterwards.
He was still sitting up and I gladly helped him with the fruits.
“I’m…I’m really sorry for what happened, Noah” I told him as he squee-zed the orange into his mouth.
“But…why did they attack you?” I asked and he shrugged.
“Got no idea. Suddenly had a flat tyre on my way home and they just showed up from a car and attacked me” he replied and I bent my head to think for a while.
Hold on; flat tyre…
On his way back.
And Rex arrived as soon as he left.
His words:
“I’ve made sure of that”.
Could it be possible…
Rex would never do such a thing. He’d never go to the extent of s£nding hoodlums to beat up his own brother. He wouldn’t, right?
Oh God! I’m just confused.
I looked at Noah and he was done l!çk!ng the oranges and reached for the apples.
He just took a few bites from the first one and dumped it.
“Thanks. I think I’m okay for now” he said as he pushed the tray away and made to lie on the be-d.
I nodded and took the tray, returning it to the kitchen and afterwards, I bec@m£ a bit confused.
Was I to return to his room and keep him company throu-gh the night like he requested?
Or should I just go to my room instead?
I stood, muddled for a a long time and after a while, I decided to check up on him.
I returned to his room and met him alre-ady fast asleep.
Hm. Thank goodness. I just hope he’s a whole lot better by that time he wakes up.
I counted my steps to the be-d and went to sit beside him – close to where his head la-id.
I lifted my hand, not knowing exactly what to do – if I should t©uçh him, cudd-lehim or something.
Geez! Maybe, I should just go to my room.
But…on a second thought, I think I see his reasons for asking me to spend the night with him.
Probably…it’s because something happen and he might nee-d some help later in the night.
Yes! That should be his reason.
So, I nee-d to stay with him.
I took in a de-ep breath and relaxed my back on the wall.
Well, I couldn’t think of laying on the be-d beside him. So, I just decided to sit up. Just that… I wonder how I’ll be able to cope throu-gh the night.
Rex’s Pov:
☎Yes, that was a great job” I smiled into the phone as I stood at the balcony.
☎It was awesome. I’ll s£nd the balance to you shortly.
☎Okay. Stay tuned and I’ll alert you for the next course of action”
And I dropped the phone.
I took in a de-ep breath and smiled into thin air.
Gradually, I’m having my payback.
I just nee-ded Noah to feel a little pain for all he’s caused me and its working out pretty fine.
Now, getting that crazy dancer is gonna be my next course of action.
“Rex?” I heard my name and turned to see mum.
Huh? For how long has she been standing there?
“M…Mum?” I called, feeling a bit surprised.
“Um…good evening”, I added.
“Yeah – evening. Is there a problem? I overheard you on phone talking about a job and action. Is there something wrong?” She asked and I itched my nape.
Damn it!
Why the hell was she eaves dropping?
“Uh…it’s nothing, mum. Really. Its just…forget it; it’s nothing” I tried waving it aside, but she didn’t seem convinced.
“Mum!” I called and rolled my eyes.
“I’ve told you, right? Its nothing, really. Just forget about it. plea-se”.
She placed her hand at akimbo and sighed
“Anyway, just c@m£ to check up on you” she stated and walked back in and I exhaled de-eply.
I just hope she doesn’t suspect a thing.
Maxine’s Pov:
I woke up hours later due to the uneasiness i felt and found myself still sitting beside Noah who was still fast asleep.
Gosh! The room was damn h0t and my entire b©dy was sweaty.
I guess its because the AC was turned off as a result of Noah’s condition.
Holy Molly! I was sweating all throu-gh and didn’t think I’d be able to sleep comfortably.
‘Maybe I should take a shower’, I thought.
‘Yes, a quic-k one’.
I stood up and decided to make use of Noah’s bathroom since it was just a brief shower and besides, he was still fast asleep.
I got in and was amazed at the beauty.
It was far prettier than mine.
The walls were tied in blue color. And the floors were HD wallpaper of a waterfall.
Wow! Incredible.
I looked around like an alien.
Then after a while, I took off my clothes and turned on the shower.
Noah’s Pov:
I woke up to the sound of running water from the bathroom and flin-ched at it.
I itched my eyes and sat up.
Who could it be? I didn’t leave the shower on, did I? Or could it be damaged or something?
Sh*t! What if it floods the room?
I struggled to leave the be-d.
Hold on; where’s Maxine? If only she were here, she’d have helped me out instead.
Well, I guess she wasn’t comfortable spending the night with me and decided to sleep in her room.
I finally left the be-d and approached the bathroom to check it out.

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