Crazy dancer Episode 21 & 22

(She’s too Perfect)
Episode 20
By: Faith Lucky.
Noah’s Pov:
I felt my heart pounding as I tried to comprehend what he said. Was he for real? Was there really someone that knows the crazy dancer?
Different cars started honking at me and I quic-kly moved away from the road.
☎Noah?”, my manager called as a result of my silence.
☎Tell me about it, Seth. Where’s she? I mean, who did she say the veiled lady is?” I asked impatiently.
☎I’m sorry Noah, but she wouldn’t say a word. She’s requesting to meet you in person and be sure the reward you stated is real” .
☎Fine! Where’s she? Where can I meet her?”
☎You can come to the office. I alre-ady asked her to come over and she’s prolly on her way here alre-ady.
☎Okay. I’ll be there. Thanks”
And I dropped the call.
Oh, plea-se! Just tell me this is it.
That lady – I’ve never seen anyone like her – anyone with such extraordinary talent.
For the first time in my life, I found someone who satisfied my dancing urge. She was beyond perfect.
I ignited my car and took off immediately.
Rex’s Pov:
I slammed the door ha-rd as I walked into the room but it opened right immediately with mum storming in.
“Rex! What is wrong with you??” She half yelled and I turned in a flash to face her.
“There’s nothing wrong with me, mum. You should go ahead and ask your beloved son!” I replied with so much anger.
“What the hell are you saying, Rex! Noah isn’t the only son I have. So, why are you ma-king it look like…”
“Well, what else do you want me to think huh? You give him all the love, time, attention, the company…”
“Rex!” She called in what seemed like a scream and I paused.
“Have you been possessed or what? How could you possibly think I’m being p@rtial towards my love for you and your brother? What have I ever done that makes you think I love him more than you? What exactly???
“And talking about the company – you alre-ady own a p@rt of it, Rex! What more do you want?”
“So, I’m not fit enough to control the company, huh? I guess I’m much of a coward to do that”
“Noah is the eldest and you know that! No matter what, there can’t be two presidents in a country – there’ll always be a head. So, why the hell are you trying to make things difficult, Rex?”
“Really? I’m the one ma-king things difficult? You know what? Its fine! I don’t even wanna have this conversation anymore cause I’m fed up”.
And with that, I stormed out of the room, feeling so angry.
Charlene’s Pov:
I paced tho and fro in the room, awaiting Marcus to come in. I couldn’t believe he abducted me and had me locked up.
Shortly, the door opened and I turned to see him coming in.
“Shut up, Charlene and sit” he said coldly and I scoffed.
“I’m not sitting, Marcus. Let me out of here! Now!”. I demanded angrily and he pushed me to sit on the be-d.
“Don’t make me lose my patience with you, Charlene” he stated angrily and stretched out the bag he held.
“Here – you Can change this. The boys will bring dinner to you later”.
“I’m not eating” I said as I took the bag from him and threw it on the floor.
The next thing that followed was a thun-derous sl@p.
“Have you lost it?” He held my chin r0ûghly.
“How dare you talk back at me? Huh? How dare you??
“What has gotten into you? You werefu-cking p@rt of this crew and now, you wanna expo-se her?”
“I didn’t sign up for this, Marcus. I know I was a p@rt of the crew, but from the onset, I warned you about this mission. I told you not to do it because I couldn’t stand by and watch a lady suffer in her own parents’ wealth. Those people killed her parents forfu-ck sake! Then, manipulated the will to their own favor and you really expect me to keep quiet? You know my story, Marcus. So, it shouldn’t be a surprise to you if I can’t be in support of this”.
Immediately, another sl@pped followed and I grinned.
“Well, listen to me, Charlene; you have no connection with that lady whatsoever and you’re not gonna do a thing about her family, is that un-derstood??
“If you try anything stupid, trust me – I’ll kill you myself”. He said angrily and left the room.
Noah’s Pov:
I drove into the building and parked in the garage and without hesitation, rushed into the office to meet Seth. I just couldn’t wait to set my eyes on him.
Shortly, I got into the office and met him talking with a lady and their eyes turned on me instantly.
“Noah…” He called and moved away from the lady who was alre-ady on her feet.
“Is she the one?” I asked, wanting to go straight to the point.
“Oh! Yes”.
And I went closer to her.
“Good evening sir” she greeted with a little bow, obviously blu-shing.
“Good evening. What’s your name?” I replied and asked.
“Bonnie, sir”.
“Okay, Bonnie. So, what do you know about the veiled lady?” I asked and noticed she looked hesitant.
Then, I recalled what Seth had told me
“As long as your information is helpful, I’ll make sure you’re never poor in life” I told her and her eyes beamed.
“Um…thank you so much, sir. The thing is, I was among the make up artistes that had primped her up for the p@rty. And I saw her face.
“Although, I don’t actually know her in person, but I’m sure the owner of the bar knows her very well and he can definitely provide you with her identity”.
“What bar are you talking about?” I asked curiously.
“It’s…Pablo’s Clas-sic bar” she replied and my brows arched.
Pablo’s Clas-sic Bar?
I know him; I’ve been there.
That’s the same bar I met Maxine dancing for the first time.
(She’s too Perfect)
Episode 21
By: Faith Lucky.
Noah’s Pov:
I turned and looked at the lady.
“Pablo’s clas-sic bar?” I repeated and she nodded.
“I’m pretty sure he knows her very well because…they seemed really close at the bar. And he was in charge of the make up and organization. So definitely, he knows her” she replied and I cogitated a little more.
“Okay, thanks. As soon as the information is confirmed,you’ll get your payment” I told her and hurried out of the office.
I nee-ded to get to the bar. I nee-ded to see him.
I rushed into my car and ignited the engines, taking off immediately.
ru-by’s Pov:
I paced restlessly around the room, feeling so confused.
Mum and dad kept watching silently.
The whole thing wasfu-cked up! Every thing!!
I couldn’t get to Noah, instead, the dinner ended up in a fight between the two brothers.
“This is also Maxine’s fault” I cursed un-der my breath.
“She ruined it! Everything!Why the hell was she in the room with Noah? What were they doing together in the first place, huh?” I gritted my teeth.
“That lady’s completely hapless”, Tammy also said
“I think its high time someone taught her a lesson”.
And immediately, I walked away, headed for the room where she was locked up.
Maxine’s Pov:
I sat tiredly on the floor, feeling so weak and thinking about my life. I knew my aunt. And she was damn serious when she said she was gonna lock me up for 24 hours
But the competition – what will I do?
Suddenly, the door opened and I turned to see ru-by coming in, looking like a tiger.
“You animal!” She half yelled and pu-ll-ed my hair r0ûghly, ma-king me skrie-k.
“How dare you? What were you doing with Noah? Huh? Tell me! Did you really think you stand a chance with him?”
“ru-by, let me go! plea-se!”,I cried and struggled to free my hair from her, but she ended up sl@pping me.
“You’re nothing, Maxine! Nothing! Don’t ever forget that. And don’t ever try getting in my way ever again!” She snapped and pushed me to the floor.
h0t tears rushed down my eyes as I stared at her and she turned around and left the room.
Oh, God! What have I done to deserve this life?
Noah’s Pov:
I parked in front of the bar and stepped out of the car. The bar seemed busy and hopefully, I was gonna meet him in.
I walked towards the bar and opened the glas-s door, going in and as expected, all eyes turned on me. But I didn’t care.
I looked around and sp©tted him at the counter and my eyes glittered. Were my stars really shining on me today?
I fastened my footsteps and went closer to meet him and as soon as he noticed me, he freaked out a bit.
“S…Sir Noah?” He called, abacked.
I sighed and allowed a few seconds of silence.
“plea-se, we nee-d to talk” I said calmly and he furrowed his brows in surprise.
Rex’s Pov:
I felt so angry at everything and everyone!
Mum and dad wouldn’t let me have some privacy at home and I decided to chill out and drink in a bar.
So, I went to a the place I had gone few days back. I mean, the bar was kinda cool to me – Pablo’s clas-sic bar.
I parked in front of the building and was about coming out of my car when I saw Noah going in.
Huh? What’s he doing here?
Noah’s Pov:
He took me to a pri-vate room with lesser noise from the music and I could tell he was damn nervous.
“plea-se Noah, have a seat” he said and I nodded and sat, facing him.
“Um…I must say I’m really confused and…surprised seeing you here. I…hope there isn’t a problem?” He asked, unavoidably stuttering.
“There isn’t a problem – I just nee-d a little favor from you.
“All I want is the identity of the veiled dancer. Who’s she?” I asked and his jaws dropped.
“Huh?” He exclaimed.
“S…Sir, wh…what’re you talking about?” He scoffed
“I mean, I don’t un-derstand you. What veiled dancer? The one at the p@rty? I don’t know her. How am I…”
“I know you were the one behind her dancing at the p@rty. She dressed up here before going to the p@rty. I know, so there’s no point denying it”.
I paused and leaned closer.
“plea-se, I just nee-d to know her. I’ve been looking for someone who’s as perfect as she is and now…I just want to know her. I promise – I don’t mean any harm. And I’ll never do anything to hurt her. plea-se, I have no bad intentions”. I pleaded.
For the first time in years, I pleaded for something.
He moved his eyes to the floor and didn’t say a word for a while.
“I’m…I’m really sorry, sir. But I can’t help you with that information. I don’t know who she is” he replied and tried standing up.
“I’ll give you $10,000” I ch!pped in and his eyes beamed.
He didn’t move again.
“What?” I could hear him say in his mind.
“plea-se, all I nee-d is just the name” I told him and he li-cked hisl-ips and swallowed ha-rd .
The price must be ringing in his head
“I…I can’t. I mean, I promised to keep her identity a secret. Her family – they’re gonna kill her If they ever get to know she’s the one” he rushed his words, hisl-ips watering.
I bec@m£ a little confused.
“I…I promise to keep her identity a secret as well. Just tell me her name and it’ll be safe with me”,I told him and he looked at me.
He didn’t say a word for a long while.
“plea-se, just the name” I cooed and he exhaled de-eply.
“Maxine” he said, not looking at me
“Her name is Maxine – the same lady you met dancing at the bar few days ago”.
Oh my God!
What? .

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