Crazy dancer 2 Episode 25 & 26

(Her Revenge)
Episode 25
By: Faith Lucky.
Maxine’s Pov;
When I was done dressing up, I put on my veil and left the room, going to meet Noah.
I met him in the sitting room, seeming to be lost in thoughts. He didn’t even notice my pres£nce, not until I’d gotten very close and the sound of my heels awoken him.
“Oh!” He mouthed on seeing me.
“You’re done”.
“Yeah…” I muttered and he stood up and started towards the door while I followed him behind.
We got to the garage and made use of the de-sired car and in a giffy, we were on our way.
ru-by’s Pov:
Tammy and I ate sat on the dining, facing each other as we devoured our meals.
Tammy’s own was worst as she ate so hungrily like a lion that’s been starved for years.
She munched and li-cked her f!ngersat intervals, looking like she was in heaven.
“Gosh! I’ve nearly forgotten what it felt to eat good food,ru-by” she said with her eyes closed and I smiled.
Well, all thanks to Oscar.
He’d brou-ght us here to this big mansion filled with so many rou-gh – looking boys .
Although, we’re yet to talk and know what happened to him, but he’s as-sured us everything would be fine.
After a while, he walked in and Tammy stood up and embr@ced him.
“You’re the best, big brother” she squealed in his arms and he smiled and stro-ke her hair.
“Come on; hurry up and eat” he cooed and she returned to her seat and continued eating.
“Wat’s up, ru-by?” He asked, holding my chair.
“Yeah…I’m fine. Thanks a lot for coming for us” I replied.
“Yeah…it’s nothing. You’re my blood and responsibilities”.
“But where have you been all these while, brother? We thought someb©dy had happened to you” Tammy asked.
“Yeah…I’m sorry. I…just had to fix myself and other things”.
“Have you been able to visit mom and dad at the station?” I asked.
“No, I can’t. Because the police are on the lookout for me. But you don’t have to worry about a thing, okay? I’ll be getting them out of there soon enough” he replied with a reas-suring smile.
Maxine’s Pov:
I walked sullenly to the stage, having a muzzy sight.
The crowd were cheering at me, but unlike before, I couldn’t even smile – not to mention wave at them.
I just stood like a statue and awaited the song to come up – the calm one I’d chos£n.
The crowd kept cheering, but as soon as the bright lights went off, leaving a soft glow on me, they bec@m£ calm and awaited the show.
*I actually want you to meet Ella – my daughter. Our daughter* her voice resounded in my head.
They have a child together – a bond. And here I am – thinking he’d get married to me.
I sniffed and the music c@m£ up – a slow calm song – one by Enya.
The damn tear c@m£ rolling down my cheek as I tried all I could to dance perfectly.
Gosh! I couldn’t believe I’d hoped on Noah this much
Well, you wouldn’t blame me.
The day he’d proposed to me, I felt so happy – so much happiness like I’d never felt in years.
I started imagining a future with him – with the World Best dancer.
Everything was seeming so perfect. Not until his girlfriend showed up, claiming to have a child for him.
She’s more beautiful than me, right? More clas-sy.
Why would Noah leave her for someone like me?
Thankfully, the lights were low
The crowd were cheering at me, but unlike before, I couldn’t even smile – not to mention wave at them.
I just stood like a statue and awaited the song to come up – the calm one I’d chos£n.
The crowd kept cheering, but as soon as the bright lights went off, leaving a soft glow on me, they bec@m£ calm and awaited the show.
*I actually want you to meet Ella – my daughter. Our daughter* her voice resounded in my head.
They have a child together – a bond. And here I am – thinking he’d get married to me.
I sniffed and the music c@m£ up – a slow calm song – one by Enya.
The damn tear c@m£ rolling down my cheek as I tried all I could to dance perfectly.
Gosh! I couldn’t believe I’d hoped on Noah this much
Well, you wouldn’t blame me.
The day he’d proposed to me, I felt so happy – so much happiness like I’d never felt in years.
I started imagining a future with him – with the World Best dancer.
Everything was seeming so perfect. Not until his girlfriend showed up, claiming to have a child for him.
She’s more beautiful than me, right? More clas-sy.
Why would Noah leave her for someone like me?
Thankfully, the lights were low and the people would probably not notice the tears.
I danced for a long time and wished the song would come to an end soon.
Noah’s Pov:
I watched her performance from my l@pt©p while I sat in the car – quietly.
It was obvious, wasn’t it? There was something about her mood tonight. Yes, I could clearly re-ad it from her expression – even from her dancing steps
I’d noticed it right from the house – before we left for the contest.
She’d been acting cold and quiet and something was definitely wrong.
Yes – it was.
But she’d been okay a while ago – when we returned from Pablo’s bar. She’d been dancing and laughing all around. So, what could possibly be wrong now?
I suddenly felt scared for her, having a crazy feeling she might mess up on the stage or something.
But she seemed to blend her dancing steps with her mood.
Indeed, she was perfect.
Rex’s Pov:
I waited in the car for her to come out – the Crazy dancer.
Today, nothing will st©p me from knowing who she is.
After a long while, I saw her car driving out.
I smiled and ignited my engines, going after her.
I really wanted to know the mystery behind the amazing crazy dancer.
I trailed behind her car, ma-king sure she I was far off enough to avoid suspicions.
Finally, the car st©pped moving and I did same.
I watched keenly, wondering why she’d st©pped in such a deserted area.
The door opened and the lady stepped out, holding her veil in her hand.
I looked at her face properly as that familiar look hit at me.
(Her Revenge)
Episode 26
By: Faith Lucky.
Rex’s Pov:
“Maxine??” I called in shock.
What the….
I scoffed and itched my eyes to be sure I wasn’t dreaming or imagining things.
Why the hell is Maxine coming out of the car???
I don’t seem to un-derstand.
Could she….
Could she be the veiled dancer????
No; no; this is not possible.
I watched in confusion as she walked into the second car and the driver took off afterwards.
Definitely, I’m gonna see the end of this.
I started my own car and started trailing after them, still trying as much as possible to maintain the distance.
I followed them for a long time and the car arrived at Noah’s mansion.
What the…..
Holy Christ!!!
It was Noah’s house?!
Then, that only means it is indeed Maxine!!
Maxine is staying with Noah! She’s the veiled dancer.
I s£nt my f!ngersinto my hair and ruffled it.
Now, I un-derstand. Now, everything has become clear to me.
She’s the veiled dancer.
And that’s her connection with Noah.
No wonder Noah had suddenly picked interest and taken her away from her family
No wonder he stood up for her when actually, she shouldn’t mean a thing to him.
No wonder he’s getting married to her!!
He isn’t just getting married to Maxine, but the crazy Dancer!!
The popular Crazy dancer!
Maxine’s Pov:
I returned home with Noah after the long ride and all I could think about was taking a shower and going to be-d.
“Would you like something to eat?” He asked as we walked into the sitting room and I simply shook my head.
I was about walking away when he suddenly pu-ll-ed me back by the arm.
“Maxine…what’s wrong?” He asked calmly, giving me a cold stare.
For a moment, I was speechless.
“I’m…I’m fine. Its nothing” I replied with a ha-rd gulp, but he didn’t let me go.
“No, you’re not. Is something bothering you? plea-se, feel free to tell me about it”.
I lowered my gaze and gulped down my sniffles.
“Your…” I paused and sniffed again.
“Your ex was here this evening, right?
“I…I heard everything. She has a child for you”.
His eyes deemed immediately and I smiled ruefully.
“It’s just that….I’m happy for you two” I added and finally walked away,going into my room.
I whacked the door close as soon as I got in and went to sit on the be-d.
I buried my face in my palms and wept.
Oh! Maxine, I shouldn’t have spilled it out.
I shouldn’t had told him about it. Why did I have to do such, huh?
I wept into my palms but lifted my face when I heard the door opening. plea-se, don’t tell me he’s the one.
I looked and discovered he was the one and I sprang on my feet.
“Maxine” he called and c@m£ closer but I moved back.
“plea-se, we nee-d to….”
“No, no, its fine. I…I perfectly un-derstand. I un-derstand if you prefer her. I mean…she’s your…”
“What’re you talking about?” He cut me off with a sm-irk and that was when I realized i was actually gibbering.
Oh! God, I wasn’t thinking straight. But its the truth.
“Maxine” he called warmly and held my hand.
“I’m sorry, okay? I…I didn’t mean to hurt you. I mean, I had no idea you had eaves dropped on our conversation.
“Audrey’s my ex and no matter what, she’s just my past. It doesn’t mean anything’s gonna change between us.
“Yes – she might be having a child for me, but it doesn’t mean I’ll be going back to her because of it. There are other ways I can handle it, okay? So, don’t get it twisted” he enthused, ma-king me dumbstruck. .
Is he serious?
I stared into his eyes, surprised and he lifted his hand to my face and wiped off my tears.
“I’m sorry” he cooed and I whimpered and hvgged him.
He held me close in the hvg and after a while, we unlocked.
Should I be convinced?
“I’m…I’m sorry for overreacting. Its just that…”
Before I could finish up my statement, he locked hisl-ips on mine, ma-king my eyes dilate in shock.
I g@sped and pushed him away, unable to contend the shock.
I know that wasn’t the first time but, I just didn’t expect it.
“I’m…I’m sorry” I mumbled, apologizing for pushing him away in that manner.
He didn’t say a word but just smiled and reached for myl-ips again.
He k!$$£d me so r0ûghly and tempestuously that I found it difficult getting a grip of my breath.
I felt like I was drowning.
Drowning in the k!ss.
“Noah” I said in a muffled breath when he finally gave me a little break.
I p@n-ted heavily as he leaned his head on my shoulder, his hand on my w@!st.
“Maxine” he called in a whisper, but I was still speechless.
He pierced his f!ngersa little dee-per into my w@!st and next, I found him taking me to the be-d.
I’ll try to post the next episode tonight🙇🙇🙇

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