Crazy beauty finale

( Will he still loves her if he knows her flaws)
Episode 29
Angelica p.o.v
I was very scared when joy said she said she has a gift for us I knew something good can’t come out from her. Thanks to my Wonder friends has for malica have forgiven him cause I can’t get mad at him for too long.
Malica p.o.v
I saw dad and Mr Adams laughing like a two lost friends Even my mom with Mr Adams I was surprised. Did they know each other. Good evening Mr and Adam’s
I greet them and also greet my parent. Son meet your second father dad said what are you talking about I asked. Oh did you remember my friend I told you about Adams. He asked. This is Adams wow what a coincidence.
Angelica p.o.v
It has been two weeks we graduated l. I will be starting work on Monday. I will be going for shopping after the d@t£ with malica. We haven’t heard anything with from joy since then let me go and dress up I don’t want to keep malica waiting.
Unknown P.o.v
Hope you guys are preparing I nee-d a clean job yes sir they replied. And I smile today is gonna be a long them.
Angelica p.o.v
I go down from my car waiting for malica at were he said we should meet but no trace of him. 3 guys c@m£ out of a car wearing a mask. Hi young lady move they said what did you guys mean what have I done I asked you don’t want us to harm you do you. And one of them show me a gun. But there’s something amazing about them. There voice sounds familiar but I can’t place were I heard that voice.
Episode 30
Final episode
Angelica p.o.v
Immediately we enter inside the car they blindfold me. About 30 minutes later, they st©p the car and hold my hands I don’t know were they take me to. They help me to sit down. Immediately the re-move the blindfold I g@sp the sight in front of me is amazing. Malica is on his knees hold a box of ring. Our family and friends are also there.
Angelica I don’t know much about love but I want you to know that since I set my eyes on you my life is not the same. I love you so much I wants to wake up beside you everyday. So Angelica Adams will you do me a favor of being my wife.
I was speechless. I was crying right now looking into the eyes of everyone. They are all telling me to say yes. Yes I said happily. She said yes malica exclaim like a five years old boy.
Five months later
My mother inlaw have been preparing for the marriage. She doesn’t let me do anything. We have been shopping for the past 5hours now and she’s not st©pping anytime soon am Dawn tired. mum aren’t we going to the designer place again ohh my dear have forgotten. Thanks for reminding me. We went to the cashier and pay for our goods. My mother inlaw is the best in the world..
The wedding
✍️✍️Writer p.o.v✍️✍️
The wedding was taking place in a very famous place in America. Standing near the priest is malica that his patiently waiting for his bride. Many people and celebrities like malica were there to Grace the occasion. And to see the lucky girl whose capture his heart. He looks really handsome but he was nervous. He couldn’t wait to see his bride. There was echoing g@sped from the crowd. And everyone has there faces bent backward
There she was. The beautiful bride malica have been waiting for, including the crowd. Her bridal train accompany her which include joy. Natasha is the chief bridesmaids. With her father by her side holding her hand. Finally Angelica was standing in front of malica with her veil on looking so beautiful. You looking beautiful malica said even without seeing her face. Thank you she replied shyly. The vows were maid and they exchange ring. You may now k!ssyour bride. The priest said.
Angelica p.o.v
We enter into our new home that malica dad bought for us. Happy married life to us hubby I said I can’t wait to have you malica Said them slide hisl-ips with mine.
Angelica p.o.v
Rated 🔞🔞🔞
He breaks the k!sswith a gro-an . His k!sses his way down to my che-st, he Capture my left br£@st in his mouth. su-cking it like a new born baby. And message the other one tenderly. My whole b©dy is on fire. I have never felt like this before.
He hold my n!pplewith his teeth and I m0@n his name softly, his is doing wonder to my b©dy. He left my br£@st and trace k!sses all over my over my b©dy to my honey pot. He st©pped and pl@ywith my cl!toris tea-singly. I closed my eyes and svçkin some air.this is heaven I m0@n . He shoved his ton-gue in my opening and I g@sped. I don’t know what c@m£ over me I gr-ab his head and pushed it in. I m0@n loudly.
He replaced his ton-gue with his f!nger slowly giving me too much plea-sure. His f!nger his moving fas-ter. My stomach is getting ti-ghter I felt like I wants to pee. Malica I want to pee I said. ¢v-m for me baby he said with a sm-irk I don’t know what he means. Something c@m£ out of my like a wave he li-cks his hand Clean and said you are so sweet baby. Disgusting.
Baby it will be painful but I will k!ssthe pain away he said. Before I know it he shoved his d!¢k in my opening ha I gave out a sharp m0@n . It Dawn painful, I felt my wall is tearing up, pain stro-ke me. A lone tear roared down my cheeks and he clean it with his hand I won’t allow you to t©uçh me again I said am sorry my love he said moving slowly. He started thrû-sting fas-ter than before. I felt pain in my v area.
✍️✍️ Writer p.o.v ✍️✍️
Joy parents were very dissapointed in her since you choose to disgrace us. We have decided to disown you they said. With so much persuasion her parents forgave her after explaining everything to them. And they ask her to ask of malica and Angelica forgiveness. Since she has realized they can’t f0rç£ love she decided to leave them and apologize. She apologized and they forgive her. Few weeks later she discover she’s pregnant. Even though she act bit-chy sometimes she knew who got her pregnant. For she is afraid to tell him but. Angelica persuade her she told David about it. He is happy cause he loves joy he accepted the pregnancy and engaged her.
Two years later
Angelica gave birth to a bouncing baby boy that looks more like his father. Joy and David ( short man) got married 4 month after, Angelica marriage. Natasha and Maxwell just got married recently. For the past 2 years Angelica have not heard from her sickness. It not a bad idea coming to my parents Angelica said happily. But I missed grandma she said. May her soul rest in peace malica console her.
The end😍