Confused b©yfri£ndEpisode 7 & 8

CONFUSED b©yfri£nd🤦‍♂🤷‍♂
(He’s in love with two girls)
Chapter 7
Paulina’s POV
“Thank you very much dear” I said to him when the car c@m£ to an halt in front of my house and Frank c@m£ out of it first to open the door for me.
“My humble plea-sure” He said.
“Do you wanna come in? ” I asked him.
“ but next time” He replied almost stammering.
“Ok then, so we’ll call it a night now right? ”
“Hmm yeah. See you in school tomorrow” He said and waved at me then he turned to go.
Oh no! He shouldn’t be such a boring boy.
“Frank” I called his name softly and when he turned to me, I hvgged him. I’ve been longing for this, I’ve been yearning to t©uçh a guy this perfect. I heard his heart beating too fast or is there anyone beating a drum nearby?
After a while, I dis£ngaged from him and he smiled awkwardly. I waved at him as I watched him walked to his car and soon it drove away.
Aw! He made my first day at school today.I smiled continuously as I walked into the house.
📱 “She’s fine. Thanks”
My aunt hung up her call.
“Paulina! ” She beckoned to me.
“Aunt Bella! ” I exclaimed and embr@ced her so closely and ti-ghtly.
“Did a guy drop you now and I think I saw the both of you hvgging” My aunt said when when we dis£ngaged.
“Yes, it feels so good and I felt so ont©p of the world aunt” I said..almost crying. She pu-ll-ed me closer to herself again and patted me on my back.
“I told you it was the best option, didn’t I? ”
“Yes, you did” I responded and as I let the tears flowly down my cheeks.
“Come on, you don’t have to cry” My aunt said and wiped off the tears, I smiled as she did so.
“When you weren’t around, your mom called to ask of your welfare.I’m sure she’ll be very happy when she finds out that things didn’t remain the same” My aunt said.
“I’ll try to put a call to her before I sleep off” I said.
“Ok good.Now come and have dinner. It’s the little celebr@tion we can have now” Aunt Bella said and I nodded happily.
After having dinner, I went to my room to pu-ll off my uniform and have a shower before changing into night wears then re-ad some novels overnight, the novels Frank gave to me.
I layed on my be-d horizontally and brou-ght the books out of my bag.., Just then my phone rang.
Unknown number? How could it be? I alre-ady deleted most people’s phone numbers b’cos I was beginning a new life.
📱 “Hello” I said into it, after picking it up.
“Hello paulina” 📱 The caller said, it was a male and the voice was kinda familiar.
📱 “Yeah, hello. Who am I into? ” I asked.
“You deleted my number? ” 📱 He asked.
Oh now! I think I know who it is..
“Freddie” 📱 He said.
📱 “Okay” I responded sheepishly.
“I visited your home but your mom told me you travelled somewhere really far.. ” 📱
📱 “Yeah”
“You couldn’t even tell me Paulina, you should have told me you would be leaving Dream High School” 📱 He said.
📱 “Why do I nee-d to? ”
“So you still don’t care about me Paulina?” 📱
📱 “Never have i” I replied, rolling my eyes as if he could see me.
“Where do you stay now and how is your new school over there? ” 📱 He asked.
📱 “Oh Freddie, these questions you are asking me, you actually don’t nee-d answers to them” I said.
“You’re still hurting me” 📱 he said.
📱 “You are hurting yourself Freddie” I said alre-ady fed up of the boring dialogue.
“I’m the only one who likes you, are you supposed to pay me back this way for liking you this much? ” 📱He said.
📱 “And for your information; here in my school and where I stay now, guys are almost dying to see me. . I don’t even nee-d a love alarm to tell me the number of guys that likes me. So good night Freddie, I have something very important to do now. Bye” I concluded and hung up the call.
I huffed…
“So I’ll be starting with Paradise on earth ” I said to myself as I searched out the book.
My phone rang again, I noticed it was the same number that’s just called now, Freddie! I then silenced it. He should plea-se for goodness sake, Free me.
He called Again- Oh my God, I switched the phone off.
My secret, my little big secret.
I had a plastic surgery, I had to.
I wasn’t still ugly five days ago (I had a successful plastic surgery five days ago).
So.. I left Dream high school for good. Do you expect me to stay there and continue to be mocked?
No one wanted to be my friend, not to talk of having a b©yfri£nd. The guys turned me into their mocking – toy, the second lalorona..well except for Freddie; he was different, he never mocked me, he usually say these words ‘Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder’and some other beautiful quote which I’m sure were two keep me alright but I wasn’t. Among more than a thousand guys, he was the only one that finds me beautiful. Does that even make s-en-se?
Dream High school has been hell for me, I spend most of my time in the school libr@ry because less students were there to make me feel bad – I wasn’t actually the school Liberian.
I couldn’t continue to live that ugly way, Aunt Bella, my mom’s favourite sister brou-ght up the plastic surgery suggestion although I had thought of it often too. My mom agreed without hesitating, I mean whose mother would want to see her grown up daughter have no b©yfri£ndat an adult age of eighteen?
So.. I had the surgery and moved on to live with my aunt because she stays far away from my mom’s place, far away from were I’ve been seen by people. If I didn’t go, people would know recongize and know that I did plastic surgeries. I don’t even want the walls to know about it, it’s my little big secret
Chapter 8
Frank’s POV
I greeted my parents perfunctorily and ate dinner with them kinda hastily, I couldn’t wait to get to my room and have good thoughts and imaginations about Paulina in my head. I was alre-ady having them now but they weren’t as good as I want it.
Paulina hvgged me today? It means one day, I’ll be k!ss!ngan angel. I smiled to myself but my parents noticed it.
“And what is it? ” My mom asked me.
“Uh, nothing ” I quic-kly said and drank water.
“So you just smiled without a reason” Dad said.
“Well… I recalled something that happened in school today and it made me smile, I didn’t even know that I did” I said and Dad chuckled.
“How is Angela? ” My mom asked.
Oh Angela, I have almost forgotten about her. Wait a minute, I didn’t even see her before leaving the school.
“She.. She is fine” I said.
“When next will she come here for a sleep over or only to pay a visit? ” Mom asked.
“My birthday” I suddenly said.
“Your birthday? Till then? ” Mom exclaimed.
“Yeah.. I.. I think she has her reasons” I stammered, Good, I was alre-ady done with my meal.
“Talking about you and your twin birthday, you nee-d to put a call to Freddie, he doesn’t want the p@rty the way you want it. Go ahead and have an inti-mate conversation with him and I’ll be expecting a conclusion” Dad spoke.
“Alright Dad” I said
“I’m done, so I’m leaving ” I stood up and went to my room.
📱 “Hello baby Freddie” I said into the phone when it got connected.
“See who is calling me a baby? ” 📱Freddie said.
📱 “Aren’t you? Three minutes means alot” I said.
“Okay Grandpa” 📱 He said and I laughed.
📱 “Oh no no, three minutes is nothing” I quic-kly said or else Freddie won’t st©p calling me a grandpa if I don’t.
He didn’t even say anything. The twin brother I know would have started blabbing.
📱 “Freddie, are you there? ” I asked.
“Oh yeah” 📱 He responded.
📱 ” You sound so unusual, are you ill? ” I asked him.
“No, I’m good ” 📱 He said.
📱 “Oh.. Okay. So Dad told me you want our birthday in another entire way”
“Yeah, I’ll tell you about it when I come home tomorrow” 📱
📱 “Tomorrow? ”
“Yeah, tomorrow. Didn’t Dad tell you? ” 📱
📱 “Didn’t you say next week? ” I asked.
“I had a change of mind. School is boring these days” 📱 He said and I laughed again.
📱 “Ok, see you tomorrow then” I said.
“Yeah, bye Frank. My regards to Mom and Dad” He said then disconnected the call.
He still sounded somehow. Well, whatever the problem is, he is not too young to handle it.
Back to what I want, a bell jingled in my head – Paulina, Paulina.
She is an epitome of complete beauty. I don’t know how it happened but I’m so into her. Did I fall for her at first sight or I fell for her beauty? Whichever one.
Aside, what am I talking about? I have a girlfriend, someone I really love and everyone is expecting the D-day (Our wedding day).
Angela, how could I have almost forgotten about her? Did I use the word ‘Almost’?
I have absolutely forgotten about her but how could I have?
OMG, she would be so mad at me.
I picked up my phone and called her.
📱 “Hello Darling”
“My heartbeat” 📱 she exclaimed.
Wow, she doesn’t even sound upset.
“I’m sorry I didn’t…”
“No problem dear, someone saw you leaving in an hurry. Is anything wrong?” 📱 She asked with her sweetest voice. I’ve missed her.
📱 “Yeah, no.. I mean no” I’m such a big j£rk for leaving my girlfriend for another girl.
“Anyways, it’s good to hear your voice before I’ll sleep off. Now I can have a sweet night rest” 📱 She giggled.
📱 “Yeah me too” I said.
“Sweet dreams baby” 📱 She said about to disconnect the call.
📱 “Angela” I called her name before she could do..
“What? ” 📱 She asked.
📱 “I… I miss you” I said. These words escaped from my mouth because I really and truly do. I didn’t even spend much time with her today.
“Aw! So soon and that much? ” 📱 She exclaimed.
📱 “Yeah, I love you very much” I said.
“I love you too Frank” 📱 She said.
📱 ” So..bye dear, sweet dreams” I said.
“I’m sure gonna dream of our wedding day” 📱 she said.
📱 ” Oh really” I laughed and she was laughing too .
📱 “Bye” Bye” 📱
I disconnected the call. I did the right thing? I’ll make sure I make it up to her and spend less time with Paulina. I have a girlfriend for goodness sake!
As usual, my driver drove me to school – we pas-sed by Paulina’s house. A p@rt of me told me to st©p by and pick her up. The urge to do so was so uncontrollable to an extent that I had to tell my driver to st©p in front of her house -He did.
Wait? What am I doing? Didn’t I say I was gonna spend less time with her b’cos I have a girlfriend?
I have and I really love Angela. Let it sink into my br@in.
“Just drive ” I ordered my Driver and he did so.
I got to school early- as always. None of my two girlfriends were around, Darn it! I mean neither Angela nor Paulina is around.
Wait.. Wait, did I just refer Paulina to as my girlfriend? Oh no no!
I began to memorise these words in my head like a verse or an anthem.
‘I have a girlfriend, Angela is my girlfriend..
My one and only, so i shouldn’t be a cheat… ”
“Frankie” I heard an angelic voice called me when I was about to enter the clas-s.
It was Angela, she was coming from the other way.
I smiled at her and wanted to meet her when another Angelic voice called me by the other side. I turned, To see Paulina.
I looked at the both of them at both sides,
Angela coming from my right side and Paulina, by my left side.
Paulina, looking forever beautiful and Angela, pretty as usual.
“Frank” They called my name at the same time.
Holy molly! What should I do?
I watched them as they got closer and soon, I called her name too “Paulina” Then I ran towards her.
She is so beautiful to be resisted.
Confused b©yfri£nd